JHipster Social Login - make email a mandatory field - jhipster

I just setup the basic JHipster application and set in the FB client ID and secret. However, when I try to login by not sharing the email - I see that it gets redirected to my app with a success. I can handle the no email exception on application.
Instead , I wanted FB to make sure that my email was a mandatory field. How do I do that?

You can't force Facebook to return an email address for a user. It may also be null on their end (if the user signed up with a phone number). You will have to handle it in your application. This is the same case with Twitter - they simply don't provide the user's email.
Note, even if you request the email permission it is not guaranteed you will get an email address. For example, if someone signed up for Facebook with a phone number instead of an email address, the email field may be empty.
Like you mentioned, you need to handle it in your application. You could catch the fact the email is null and prompt the user to enter an email.


How to Send Email Verification to a Personal Email Using Firebase Android Studio

I am making a system with Email Verification but i want to send the Registered email to a personal Email
(so he/she can only verify the user for security) address instead sending to the user. is there any way to do that in java android studio? i am using a firebase database.
I'm a little confused about what you mean when you say "the registered email to a personal email", but with FirebaseAuth, when a user is signed in with FirebaseAuth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password), you should be able to take the FirebaseUser that it returns and call FirebaseUser.sendEmailVerification()
You can then use FirebaseUser.isEmailVerified() to check if the user has verified their email, and allow or deny certain functions in your app based on that.

How can I implement exclusive/invite-only user registration?

I'm creating a site with user auth, and I plan to limit access using either invites or some other method.
The site is built on Node, Express, and MongoDB. I plan to use Passport JS, mainly because it's the only method I've learned (this is my first personal project).
The only idea I have is a "secret code" on the registration page. Thus only those I've told the code can register. I have a feeling there are more elegant or secure ways to handle this, and would love any recommendations!
I think your idea is correct in principle - it's the same method used for registration/beta keys for games. You generate a unique 'key' for each user you invite to register. They register with that key and it is marked 'used' in your database; this prevents other users from discovering that key and re-using it.
You could also use email addresses in essentially the same way. The email address that is used to register must be on your 'invite list'. And when you 'confirm' an address by sending a 'click this link to confirm' email you will have to generate another key for authenticity.
Therefore, upon registration with an invited email, you could generate a key as follows:
require('crypto').randomBytes(48, function(err, buffer) {
var key = buffer.toString('base64');
// then save the key with the new user in the database
Then send an email with a confirm link containing the key, for example:
This link would call a 'confirm_email' action on your server, look up the specified key, and enable the account it is associated with.
You might want to add an expiry along with each key creation for a bit added security. Maybe only 24 hours to confirm the email.
You don't need any secret codes if it's with invitations :
When someone invites someone else, you store the email invited somewhere. You simply need to check that a new user is "on your guest list" when he tries to register.
Of course, to be "secure" this approach assumes you actually checks that an email address properly belongs to the user that registers, for instance with a verification email, as done usually. The point is that you don't need an additional token.
One solution I can think of just generates the token using the senders token (use jsonwebtoken signed with expiry time and sender's token). Now when the user who is invited will receive the link, let say: http://localhost:5000/invite/${token} and the link is clicked then a GET request will be sent to the server so catch that request and then in that request in the backend decode that token and check your user database if that user exists i.e sender and token is not expired then it's valid invitation so now directly redirect the invitation receiver to the register page else send the message that invitation is not valid.
Hope this help.
Let me know your views.

How to integrate Google or Facebook login with my database?

I want to understand how to integrate auth of Google or Facebook with my database.
I have a login system with email and password, users table and messages table for that represent messages of users.
When someone registers, a new user with userID is created.
When a user login to the system with email and password he gets an auth token,
and for each action the user makes, like POST or GET requests for fetching or creating a new message, he sends the token he got and the system finds the userID by this token, and then finds his own messages.
Now I want to add Google and Facebook login, how should I do it now?
I can get from each of them a token. but the user isn't actually exists in my user table, so when I search the user by his token, I won't get anything, because he is not exists in the user table, and when I want to insert him to this table, I need to fill the password field there but I can't get it from google.
What should be the approach to do thing like this?
Thank you.
When they first login, you can request their email from Facebook or google, the user will give your application access to see their email address.
At this point you could create a new user with that email and add a flag to say they came from facebook/google.
The rest works as normal, they would get a token from your application and so on.
In case they come back and login again, you don't need to register them as they are already in your database.
In case you need extra info from them, (more then just the info you can request from facebook/google) you could redirect them to a special form, for their first login.

what is the best practice for forgot password process?

I am currently developing a c# web application that allows users to login with a password. A feature that I need to include is a forgot password function.
What is the recommended process for forgot password?
I was considering this:
User clicks forgot password, enter email address
Email sent
Click on link in email (link only valid once and within time period)
Taken to the site and asked to enter new password (should they also give answer to security question?)
Password changed, email sent to user of such
User now can log in with new password
Your idea looks solid, but I would add some other considerations:
Be sure that the token you are generating in the email using is using a the .Net Framework crypto classes designed for randomization, not something that seems random but is not designed for that purpose.
Take no action on the account from the sending of the reset email (otherwise people will be able to lock other people's accounts if they know their email)
Add a rate limiter on how many resets per hour can be generated for a given email. Otherwise somebody could DOS a user by: (a) using x bad passwords to lock the account and then (b) generating reset emails for them faster than the email system can deliver.
Where possible defer to other systems such as OpenID. It's easy to get things wrong when you roll your own.
We have two ways to retrieve the forgot password:
1. Through registered email id
2. Through registered mobile number
Registered Email id:
a. Ask the user to provide the registered email id
b. The system checks the provided email id is available in the DB or not
c. If Email ID is there in the DB then system send the Email to reset the password but if Email id is not there in the DB then system show the alert messaged.
d. The user must provide strong password while resetting the forgot password.
e. Password reset successfully and is also change in the DB with respect to the Email ID.
Registered Mobile number:
The process is almost same as the email but in this case, OTP will be sent over the registered mobile number.
We need to integrate the 3rd part SDK for this or we can use the imessage in IOS.

How to respond to duplicate e-mail address during registration

I have a registration form in my website. I don't want to give away information about the existence of an e-mail address for security reasons. How should we, security wise, handle the "e-mail already exist" scenario without giving this information away?
Theoretically, its impossible, think about the email as the user name, you will inform the user that the user name is already reserved or taken, the same applies for the email address.
You can let the user enter his email twice by typing to ensure that he didn't enter other email by mistake, how ever, if the user entered his email wrongly twice, then, its his problem!
On the other hand, you won't send the confirmation email for already confirmed users, also for emails that are not stored at your side, you need to put this message in your confirmation emails:
If you are not {First Name + Last Name} then please ignore this email or something similar.
I hope this will help.
You could make it so the user can create an account / sign in with openid/google/facebook/yahoo. That way those sites hand the auth and if they can log in successfully through those you can collect any additional information you need.
You could alternatively have them create an account by first only providing an email. You would email the user with a link where they could continue the registration process if they don't already have an account. If an account is already created you can send an email saying something like: a request was made to create an account using this email address, but an account already exists. If this wasn't you then....
