Haskell: Functor instance for newtype - haskell

To level set, here's a simple functor:
data Box a = Box a deriving (Show)
instance Functor Box where
fmap f (Box x) = Box (f x)
This allows us to operate "inside the box":
> fmap succ (Box 1)
Box 2
How do I achieve this same syntactic convenience with a newtype? Let's say I have the following:
newtype Width = Width { unWidth :: Int } deriving (Show)
newtype Height = Height { unHeight :: Int } deriving (Show)
This is a bit clunky:
> Width $ succ $ unWidth (Width 100)
Width {unWidth = 101}
This would be nice:
> fmap succ (Width 100) -- impossible?
Width {unWidth = 101}
Of course, I can't make Width or Height an instance of a Functor since neither has kind * -> *. Although, syntactically they feel no different than Box, and so it seems like it should be possible to operate on the underlying value without all of the manual wrapping and unwrapping.
Also, it isn't satisfying to create n functions like this because of the repetition with every new newtype:
fmapWidth :: (Int -> Int) -> Width -> Width
fmapHeight :: (Int -> Int) -> Height -> Height
How do I lift a function on Ints to be a function on Widths?

First note that newtype is no hurdle here – you can parameterise these just as well as data, and then you have an ordinary functor. Like
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
newtype WidthF a = Width { unWidth :: a } deriving (Show, Functor)
type Width = WidthF Int
I wouldn't consider that a good idea, though. Width shouldn't be a functor; it doesn't make sense to store non-number types in it.
One option as user2407038 suggests is to make it a “monomorphic functor”
import Data.MonoTraversable (MonoFunctor(..))
newtype Width = Width { unWidth :: Int } deriving (Show)
instance MonoFunctor Width where
omap f (Width w) = Width $ f w
That too doesn't seem sensible to me – if you map number operations thus in one generic way, then you might just as well give Width instances for Num etc. and use these directly. But then you hardly have better type-system guarantees than a simple
type Width = Int
which can easily be modified without any help, the flip side being that it can easily be mishandled without any type system safeguards.
Instead, I think what you want is probably this:
import Control.Lens
data Box = Box {
width, height :: Int }
widthInPx, heightInPx :: Lens' Box Int
widthInPx f (Box w h) = (`Box`h) <$> f w
heightInPx f (Box w h) = (Box w) <$> f h
Then you can do
> Box 3 4 & widthInPx %~ (*2)
Box 6 4
> Box 4 2 & heightInPx %~ succ
Box 4 3


Deriving Eq and Show for an ADT that contains fields that can't have Eq or Show

I'd like to be able to derive Eq and Show for an ADT that contains multiple fields. One of them is a function field. When doing Show, I'd like it to display something bogus, like e.g. "<function>"; when doing Eq, I'd like it to ignore that field. How can I best do this without hand-writing a full instance for Show and Eq?
I don't want to wrap the function field inside a newtype and write my own Eq and Show for that - it would be too bothersome to use like that.
One way you can get proper Eq and Show instances is to, instead of hard-coding that function field, make it a type parameter and provide a function that just “erases” that field. I.e., if you have
data Foo = Foo
{ fooI :: Int
, fooF :: Int -> Int }
you change it to
data Foo' f = Foo
{ _fooI :: Int
, _fooF :: f }
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Foo = Foo' (Int -> Int)
eraseFn :: Foo -> Foo' ()
eraseFn foo = foo{ fooF = () }
Then, Foo will still not be Eq- or Showable (which after all it shouldn't be), but to make a Foo value showable you can just wrap it in eraseFn.
Typically what I do in this circumstance is exactly what you say you don’t want to do, namely, wrap the function in a newtype and provide a Show for that:
data T1
{ f :: X -> Y
, xs :: [String]
, ys :: [Bool]
data T2
{ f :: OpaqueFunction X Y
, xs :: [String]
, ys :: [Bool]
deriving (Show)
newtype OpaqueFunction a b = OpaqueFunction (a -> b)
instance Show (OpaqueFunction a b) where
show = const "<function>"
If you don’t want to do that, you can instead make the function a type parameter, and substitute it out when Showing the type:
data T3' a
{ f :: a
, xs :: [String]
, ys :: [Bool]
deriving (Functor, Show)
newtype T3 = T3 (T3' (X -> Y))
data Opaque = Opaque
instance Show Opaque where
show = const "..."
instance Show T3 where
show (T3 t) = show (Opaque <$ t)
Or I’ll refactor my data type to derive Show only for the parts I want to be Showable by default, and override the other parts:
data T4 = T4
{ f :: X -> Y
, xys :: T4' -- Move the other fields into another type.
instance Show T4 where
show (T4 f xys) = "T4 <function> " <> show xys
data T4' = T4'
{ xs :: [String]
, ys :: [Bool]
deriving (Show) -- Derive ‘Show’ for the showable fields.
Or if my type is small, I’ll use a newtype instead of data, and derive Show via something like OpaqueFunction:
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
newtype T5 = T5 (X -> Y, [String], [Bool])
deriving (Show) via (OpaqueFunction X Y, [String], [Bool])
You can use the iso-deriving package to do this for data types using lenses if you care about keeping the field names / record accessors.
As for Eq (or Ord), it’s not a good idea to have an instance that equates values that can be observably distinguished in some way, since some code will treat them as identical and other code will not, and now you’re forced to care about stability: in some circumstance where I have a == b, should I pick a or b? This is why substitutability is a law for Eq: forall x y f. (x == y) ==> (f x == f y) if f is a “public” function that upholds the invariants of the type of x and y (although floating-point also violates this). A better choice is something like T4 above, having equality only for the parts of a type that can satisfy the laws, or explicitly using comparison modulo some function at use sites, e.g., comparing someField.
The module Text.Show.Functions in base provides a show instance for functions that displays <function>. To use it, just:
import Text.Show.Functions
It just defines an instance something like:
instance Show (a -> b) where
show _ = "<function>"
Similarly, you can define your own Eq instance:
import Text.Show.Functions
instance Eq (a -> b) where
-- all functions are equal...
-- ...though some are more equal than others
_ == _ = True
data Foo = Foo Int Double (Int -> Int) deriving (Show, Eq)
main = do
print $ Foo 1 2.0 (+1)
print $ Foo 1 2.0 (+1) == Foo 1 2.0 (+2) -- is True
This will be an orphan instance, so you'll get a warning with -Wall.
Obviously, these instances will apply to all functions. You can write instances for a more specialized function type (e.g., only for Int -> String, if that's the type of the function field in your data type), but there is no way to simultaneously (1) use the built-in Eq and Show deriving mechanisms to derive instances for your datatype, (2) not introduce a newtype wrapper for the function field (or some other type polymorphism as mentioned in the other answers), and (3) only have the function instances apply to the function field of your data type and not other function values of the same type.
If you really want to limit applicability of the custom function instances without a newtype wrapper, you'd probably need to build your own generics-based solution, which wouldn't make much sense unless you wanted to do this for a lot of data types. If you go this route, then the Generics.Deriving.Show and Generics.Deriving.Eq modules in generic-deriving provide templates for these instances which could be modified to treat functions specially, allowing you to derive per-datatype instances using some stub instances something like:
instance Show Foo where showsPrec = myGenericShowsPrec
instance Eq Foo where (==) = myGenericEquality
I proposed an idea for adding annotations to fields via fields, that allows operating on behaviour of individual fields.
data A = A
{ a :: Int
, b :: Int
, c :: Int -> Int via Ignore (Int->Int)
stock GHC.Generic
deriving (Eq, Show)
via Generically A -- assuming Eq (Generically A)
-- Show (Generically A)
But this is already possible with the "microsurgery" library, but you might have to write some boilerplate to get it going. Another solution is to write separate behaviour in "sums-of-products style"
data A = A Int Int (Int->Int)
stock GHC.Generic
anyclass SOP.Generic
deriving (Eq, Show)
via A <-𝈖-> '[ '[ Int, Int, Ignore (Int->Int) ] ]

In Haskell how can I override the (==) and (/=) operators for a type class?

Say I have something like this
class Circle c where
x :: c -> Float
y :: c -> Float
radius :: c -> Float
data Location = Location { locationX :: Float
, locationY :: Float
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Blob = Location { blobX :: Float
, blobY :: Float
, blobRadius :: Float,
, blobRating :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Circle Location where
x = locationX
y = locationY
radius = pure 0
instance Circle Blob where
x = blobX
y = blobY
radius = blobRadius
Say for example I want Circle types to be equal if their x and y points are equal. How can I compare instances of the type class with the (==) and (/=) operators. I know I can do something like this, but is it possible to overload the operators?
equal :: Circle a => Circle b => a -> b -> Bool
equal a b = (x a == x b && y a == y b)
I want to be able to compare with
(Location 5.0 5.0) == (Blob 5.0 5.0 ... ) should give me True
Zeroth, some standard imports:
import Data.Function (on)
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
First, this is not a good idea. a==b should only be true if a and b are (for all purposes relevant to the user) interchangeable – that's clearly not the case for two circles which merely happen to share the same center point!
Second, it's probably not a good idea to make Circle a typeclass in the first place. A typeclass only makes sense when you want to abstract over something that can't directly be expressed with just a parameter. But if you just want to attach different “payloads” to points in space, a more sensible approach might be to define something like
data Located a = Located {x,y :: ℝ, payload :: a}
If, as seems to be the case, you actually want to allow different instances of Circle to coexist and be comparable at runtime, then a typeclass is entirely the wrong choice. That would be an OO class. Haskell doesn't have any built-in notion of those, but you could just use
data Blob = Blob
{ x,y :: ℝ
, radius :: ℝ
, rating :: Maybe Int }
and no other types.
Third, the instance that you asked for can, theoretically speaking, be defined as
instance (Circle a) => Eq a where
(==) = (==)`on`(x &&& y)
But this would be a truely horrible idea. It would be a catch-all instance: whenever you compare anything, the compiler would check “is it of the form a?” (literally anything is of that form) “oh great, then said instance tells me how to compare this.” Only later would it look at the Circle requirement.
The correct solution is to not define any such Eq instance at all. Your types already have Eq instances individually, that should generally be the right thing to use – no need to express it through the Circle class at all, just give any function which needs to do such comparisons the constraint (Circle a, Eq a) => ....
Of course, these instances would then not just compare the location but the entire data, which, as I said, is a good thing. If you actually want to compare only part of the structure, well, make that explicit! Use not == itself, but extract the relevant parts and compare those. A useful helper for this could be
location :: Circle a => a -> Location
location c = Location (x c) (y c)
...then you can, for any Circle type, simply write (==)`on`location instead of (==), to disregard any other information except the location. Or write out (==)`on`(x &&& y) directly, which can easily be tweaked to other situations.
Two circles that share a common center aren't necessarily equal, but they are concentric; that's what you should write a function to check.
concentric :: (Circle a, Circle b) => a -> b -> Bool
concentric c1 c2 = x c1 == x c2 && y c1 == y c2

Using show on a custom type

I'm having trouble printing contents of a custom matrix type I made. When I try to do it tells me
Ambiguous occurrence `show'
It could refer to either `MatrixShow.show',
defined at Matrices.hs:6:9
or `Prelude.show',
imported from `Prelude' at Matrices.hs:1:8-17
Here is the module I'm importing:
module Matrix (Matrix(..), fillWith, fromRule, numRows, numColumns, at, mtranspose, mmap) where
newtype Matrix a = Mat ((Int,Int), (Int,Int) -> a)
fillWith :: (Int,Int) -> a -> (Matrix a)
fillWith (n,m) k = Mat ((n,m), (\(_,_) -> k))
fromRule :: (Int,Int) -> ((Int,Int) -> a) -> (Matrix a)
fromRule (n,m) f = Mat ((n,m), f)
numRows :: (Matrix a) -> Int
numRows (Mat ((n,_),_)) = n
numColumns :: (Matrix a) -> Int
numColumns (Mat ((_,m),_)) = m
at :: (Matrix a) -> (Int, Int) -> a
at (Mat ((n,m), f)) (i,j)| (i > 0) && (j > 0) || (i <= n) && (j <= m) = f (i,j)
mtranspose :: (Matrix a) -> (Matrix a)
mtranspose (Mat ((n,m),f)) = (Mat ((m,n),\(j,i) -> f (i,j)))
mmap :: (a -> b) -> (Matrix a) -> (Matrix b)
mmap h (Mat ((n,m),f)) = (Mat ((n,m), h.f))
This is my module:
module MatrixShow where
import Matrix
instance (Show a) => Show (Matrix a) where
show (Mat ((x,y),f)) = show f
Also is there some place where I can figure this out on my own, some link with instructions or some tutorial or something to learn how to do this.
The problem is with your indentation. The definition of show needs to be indented relative to the instance show a => Show (Matrix a). As it is, it appears that you are trying to define a new function called show, unrelated to the Show class, which you can't do.
#dfeuer, whose name I continue to have trouble spelling, has given you the direct answer - Haskell is sensitive to layout - but I'm going to try to help you with the underlying question that you've alluded to in the comments, without giving you the full answer.
You mentioned that you were confused about how matrices are represented. Read the source, Luke:
newtype Matrix a = Mat ((Int,Int), (Int,Int) -> a)
This newtype declaration tells you that a Matrix is formed from a pair ((Int,Int), (Int,Int) -> a). If you split up the tuple, that's an (Int, Int) pair and a function of type (Int, Int) -> a (a function with two integer arguments which returns something of arbitrary type a). This suggests to me that the first part of the tuple represents the size of the matrix, and the second part is a function mapping coordinates onto elements. This hypothesis seems to be confirmed by some of the example code your professor has given you - have a look at at or mtranspose, for example.
So, the question is - given the width and height of the matrix, and a function which will give you the element at a given coordinate, how do we give a string showing the items in the matrix?
The first thing we need to do is enumerate all the possible coordinates for the given width and height of the matrix. Haskell provides some useful syntactic constructs for this sort of operation - we can write [x .. y] to enumerate all the values between x and y, and use a list comprehension to unpack those enumerations in a nested loop.
coords :: (Int, Int) -- (width, height)
-> [(Int, Int)] -- (x, y) pairs
coords (w, h) = [(x, y) | x <- [0 .. w], y <- [0 .. h]]
For example:
ghci> coords (2, 4)
Now that we've worked out how to list all the possible coordinates in a matrix, how do we turn coordinates into elements of type a? Well, the Mat constructor contains a function (Int, Int) -> a which gives you the element associated with a single coordinate. We need to apply that function to each of the coordinates in the list which we just enumerated. This is what map does.
elems :: Matrix a -> [a]
elems (Mat (size, f)) = map f $ coords size
So, there's the code to enumerate the elements of a matrix. Can you figure out how to modify this code so that a) it shows the elements as a string and b) it shows them in a row-by-row fashion? You'll probably need to adjust both of these functions.
I suppose the broader point I'd like to make is that even though it feels like your professor has thrown you into the deep end, it's always possible to do a little detective work and figure out for yourself what something means. Many - most? - of the people answering questions on this site are self-taught programmers, myself included. We persevered!
After all, it's just code. If a computer's going to understand it then it must be written down on the page, and that means that you can understand it, too.

Instance of Show Haskell

I am doing my homework and I have a problem doing an instance of Show and I can't solve it, I tried a lot of things. I copy you the error and my code below.
My code:
type Height = Float
type Width = Float
type Radius = Float
data Rectangle = Rectangle Height Width
data Circle = Circle Radius
class Shape a where
area :: a -> Float
perimeter :: a -> Float
instance Shape Rectangle where
area (Rectangle h w) = h * w
perimeter (Rectangle b a) = (2*b) + (2*a)
instance Shape Circle where
area (Circle r) = pi * r**2
perimeter (Circle r) = 2*r*pi
type Volume = Float
volumePrism :: (Shape a) => a -> Height -> Volume
volumePrism base height = (area base) * height
surfacePrism ancho largo alto = (2*ancho*largo) + (2*largo*alto) + (2*ancho*alto)
instance Show a => Show (Shape a) where
show (Rectangle h w) = "Rectángulo de base " ++ w ++ "y altura " ++ h
And what the error says:
The first argument of 'Show' should have kind '*'
What you want to do is not possible. Shape is a typeclass, not a data type, so it has no constructors you can pattern match on. You could do something like
instance (Shape a) => Show a where
show shape = "Area: " ++ show (area shape) ++ " Perimeter: " ++ show (perimeter shape)
But this does not seem to be what you want. Instead, you should just define Show for each type individually:
instance Show Rectangle where
show (Rectangle h w) = "Rectangle with base " ++ show w ++ " and height " ++ show h
instance Show Circle where
show (Circle r) = "Circle with radius " ++ show r
The error about the "kind" can be quite cryptic for beginners (and sometimes experienced haskellers!), but in this case it's fairly straightforward. This does involve a new concept, though. In Haskell, you have values which have a type, such as functions, constants, even monadic actions. You can also talk about the "type of a type", what is known as the kind. There are a couple that you should know about and be comfortable using: * and Constraint. Most types you'll see only involve * and arrows between them. All "fully applied" data types should have kind *, it basically just means that it doesn't take any type parameters, so
> :kind Int
Int :: *
> :kind String
String :: *
> :kind IO ()
IO () :: *
> :kind Maybe Int
Maybe Int :: *
> :kind Either String Int
Either String Int :: *
However, you can have higher-kinded types as well:
> :kind IO -- Note lack of ()
IO :: * -> *
> :kind Maybe
Maybe :: * -> *
> :kind Either
Either :: * -> * -> *
Each * just represents another fully applied type. That last detail is important, it means you can't have Either IO Maybe, because that would be a nonsensical type. These can be higher order as well:
> import Control.Monad.State
> :kind StateT
StateT :: * -> (* -> *) -> * -> *
It's the same syntax as with function types, just without kind variables.
The other one you really need to know about is Constraint. This one is specially for typeclasses:
> :kind Show
Show :: * -> Constraint
> :kind Num
Num :: * -> Constraint
> :kind MonadState
MonadState :: * -> (* -> *) -> Constraint
And when fully applied they return a typeclass, rather than a datatype.
In case you're curious, there are GHC extensions that let you work with more complicated kinds, even allowing you to specify the kinds for a type or typeclass. There are some interesting tricks you can do with it, but these are generally considered more advanced features of the type system.
Shape is a typeclass, and you can’t make a typeclass an instance of another typeclass. (You can make all types that are an instance of a typeclass an instance of a different typeclass as well, but that doesn’t appear to be what you’re trying to do here.)
Rather, you appear to want to implement Show on Rectangle. So say that explicitly:
instance Show Rectangle where
show (Rectangle h w) = "Rectángulo de base " ++ w ++ "y altura " ++ h
Your instance declaration is not meaningful. Translated to English it would read as something like "for every a that is an instance of Show, a being an instance of Shape is an instance of Show" or something incomprehensible like that.
Just make Rectangle and Circle instances of Show and leave Shape out of it, unless you want to require that every instance of Shape must be an instance of Show, which is something that you need to put into the declaration of Shape.

Map identity functor over record

I have a record type like this one:
data VehicleState f = VehicleState
orientation :: f (Quaternion Double),
orientationRate :: f (Quaternion Double),
acceleration :: f (V3 (Acceleration Double)),
velocity :: f (V3 (Velocity Double)),
location :: f (Coordinate),
elapsedTime :: f (Time Double)
deriving (Show)
This is cool, because I can have a VehicleState Signal where I have all sorts of metadata, I can have a VehicleState (Wire s e m ()) where I have the netwire semantics of each signal, or I can have a VehicleState Identity where I have actual values observed at a certain time.
Is there a good way to map back and forth between VehicleState Identity and VehicleState', defined by mapping runIdentity over each field?
data VehicleState' = VehicleState'
orientation :: Quaternion Double,
orientationRate :: Quaternion Double,
acceleration :: V3 (Acceleration Double),
velocity :: V3 (Velocity Double),
location :: Coordinate,
elapsedTime :: Time Double
deriving (Show)
Obviously it's trivial to write one, but I actually have several types like this in my real application and I keep adding or removing fields, so it is tedious.
I am writing some Template Haskell that does it, just wondering if I am reinventing the wheel.
If you're not opposed to type families and don't need too much type inference, you can actually get away with using a single datatype:
import Data.Singletons.Prelude
data Record f = Record
{ x :: Apply f Int
, y :: Apply f Bool
, z :: Apply f String
type Record' = Record IdSym0
test1 :: Record (TyCon1 Maybe)
test1 = Record (Just 3) Nothing (Just "foo")
test2 :: Record'
test2 = Record 2 False "bar"
The Apply type family is defined in the singletons package. It can be applied to
various type functions also defined in that package (and of course, you can define your
own). The IdSym0 has the property that Apply IdSym0 x reduces to plain x. And
TyCon1 has the property that Apply (TyCon1 f) x reduces to f x.
As demonstrated by
test1 and test2, this allows both versions of your datatype. However, you need
type annotations for most records now.
