I was trying to find the URI for revoking the access token for Ciscospark. But, revoke URI is not present in any of the cisco spark documents.
Can anyone provide me the URI or tell me how to do that.
This is discussed here:
From the customer view in https://admin.ciscospark.com, go to
Users and select a person.
Click Roles and Security and click Reset Access. The Cisco Spark app
automatically signs them out, this can take up to 6 hours. You can
delete a user to remove their access immediately.
I am trying the Azure ADB2C based on articles and videos. Followed the steps and I have configured the properties for user flows as well. When I click on the Run user flow, it opens up the sign up sign dialog, I add a user with the details. Once the user is added, it goes to my reply url https://jwt.ms.
Based on the url in the browser, I felt it should have worked. But for some reason, the boxes are shown empty.
The url that I see is...
Could some one help me understand why the token is not being shown in the browser?
Please Note: The user is created with No issues. its just the reply of token that I see as issue.
Found the cause of the issue.
I had to enable the Implicit grant for both Access tokens and ID Tokens for the app I created.
I have been trying to implement JWT Auth grant for our back end application which will be creating URLs for signing operations for our end users.
What I want to active is that there will be no login/granting consent operations while sending the envelopes and creating signing URL. I want to dedicate one user for creating envelopes and sending them for signature.
Firstly, I've created a demo account and an organization. I also created an integration key and a RSA key. I needed to choose Implicit Grant or Authorization Code Grant while creating the integration key and I chose Implicit Grant. Lastly, I gave signature impersonation permissions to the integration key.
I have checked and made experiments with jwt example project after configuring with the required info of the user that I want to dedicate. It asked for the consent. After I gave consent, it worked finely. Then I configured the back end with the same integration key and the guid of the user, again it was working with our back end application that I was able to send automated envelopes.
I created another demo account in DS and this time I directly put it to our back end, I am getting consent_required error which I understand that I couldn't give the admin consent properly and it was just working with previous demo account because I gave the consent to that.
I want to know that how long that consent would last. or Is it the correct way to achieve what I want? because I think, ideally, I need to give admin consent to this dedicated user to have it able to send automated envelopes.
Thank you a lot in advance.
I see two questions:
How long consent would last? - forever. Or if you go and explicitly remove it.
Is it the correct way to achieve what I want? I don't know what you want, but the title says "Sending envelopes from one dedicated user" so, in theory that is correct. However, keep in mind that that user will be different when you move to production ("go live") when your application is ready for real usage.
I would like to create a script to be scheduled in a .bat file that automatically links to google contacts and creates contacts read in a Mysql Database.
I would like a system that does not require any user action.
I know that service-account exist but I have no idea how to create the program. Do you know how to do it?
I hope you can give me a hand.
For the moment, I wish you a good day.
This can be done in three steps if the user is not part of G Suite.
Authenticate the user using OAuth with access_type = offline.
Save the generated Refresh Token.
Use the Refresh Token to generate a new Access Token and then update the account's contacts. The Access Token will be valid (default) for 3,600 seconds.
If the user is part of G Suite, then enable Domain Wide Delegation on a service account and impersonate the user.
I am trying to access Instagram feeds for my user and hence I have created a Access Token as per documentation
I am able to access my feeds by passing access token over
However, I would like to fetch other user's feed (read only). So I want to make user as configurable and when I change user, I get respective user's feeds.
Could you please let me know if I have to use different end points?
I have tried
But it is not working and resulting in page not found.
Any help is appreciated.
Suyash Bhalekar
If you don't plan to have more than 10 users you can use Sandbox mode. Access token is connected for given Instagram account, not to your entire app. So other users needs to "log in" to your app and approve access to their personal data. Once they do that you receive access token for their Instagram user and you can use /self/media/recent endpoint.
However if you plan to have more than 10 users you need to submit your app for review.
I have little problem. In my application users are auth via Azure AD and his user profil is in DocumentDB.
When Administrator delete user profile I need to force log out the deleted user.
How to do it? Delete action deleting ad and documentdb entry.
Based on the description, you want to sign-out the users after the administrator delete the users profile from documentDB.
If I understood correctly, it is more likely building a real time application that nofify the specific client when the delete action is performed. I am trying to explain it using a figure below:
And for building the real time application, we can use the SignalR. And you can refer more detail about it from links here.
And another solution for prevent the deleted users to access the proteced resrouces, you can check it before the users access the resources.