using special character in OS X terminal script - linux

I'm trying to run sudo with command with provided user password in one line
echo abc$*#def | sudo -S -u user_account ./script_name
echo abc\$*#def | sudo -S -u user_account ./script_name
echo 'abc$*#def' | sudo -S -u user_account ./script_name
echo 'abc\$*#def' | sudo -S -u user_account ./script_name
all of these commands keep getting wrong password please try again error
I also tried changing user password to 'm' and it worked
echo 'm' | sudo -S -u user_account ./script_name
so that means something is wrong with special char in password
note: I'm using OS X 10.13.3, this is a command run by me only, and I want a one-click solution so I don't have to enter pwd on many machines. and yes security for this pwd is not a concern here
im open to other one-click method too if it's done through scripting
can anyone please help?

You could use heredoc, give a try to:
sudo -S <<< "password from stdin" -u user_account ./script_name


How to check if user has sudo privileges inside the bash script?

I would like to check if the user has sudo privileges. This is an approximate example of what I am trying to do. I am trying to get this to work across the following os: centos, ubuntu, arch.
if userIsSudo; then
chsh -s $(which zsh)
Try with this:
$ sudo -v &> /dev/null && echo "Sudoer" || echo "Not sudoer"
Also, IDK how secure will be searching for his membership in the sudo group, i.e:
$ groups "$(id -un)" \
| grep -q ' sudo ' \
&& echo In sudo group \
|| echo Not in sudo group
$ getent group sudo \
| grep -qE "(:|,)$(id -un)(,|$)" \
&& echo in sudo group \
|| echo not in sudo group
sudo -l will display the commands that the user can run with sudo privileges. If there are no commands that can be run, sudo -l will return an error code and so you could try:
sudo -l && chsh -s $(which zsh)
Usually when you run an script you want to know if end it well or you got an error or what kind of error you got if there was any.
This is a more elaborated snippet,
## Define error code
E_NOTROOT=87 # Non-root exit error.
## check if is sudoer
if ! $(sudo -l &> /dev/null); then
echo 'Error: root privileges are needed to run this script'
## do something else you
## means it was successfully executed
exit 0
Now you can reuse your script, pipe it or concatenate with other commands && ls
## in a script
if $(; then
echo 'success'
## capture error
stderr=$(./ 2>&1 >/dev/null)
echo $stderr
As a function:
is_sudoer() {
## Define error code
E_NOTROOT=87 # Non-root exit error.
## check if is sudoer
if ! $(sudo -l &> /dev/null); then
echo 'Error: root privileges are needed to run this script'
return $E_NOTROOT
return 0
if is_sudoer; then
echo "Sudoer"
echo "Not sudoer"

Provide password for running a script inside another script as different user

Imagine you run script as user A: sudo -u A ./
Inside that we have a line that calls another script with a different user B: sudo -u B ./ Now I get prompted to enter a password for user B. Is there any way to provide that password uppon call?
P.S. I know all the security breaches it can create. Please do not mention me that.
Yes you have option for that. But that password you have to provide at the time of executing the script or hard coded it in the script itself. Try with the below example:-
echo 'passwordofB' | sudo -u B -S ./
Also you can do it like:-
sudo -u A ./ passwordofB #as a command line parameter
now inside
echo $1 | sudo -u B -S ./
You are executing another script sudo -u B ./ from script ./ right? So change that line with echo $1 | sudo -u B -S ./ and run your first script as sudo -u A ./ passwordofB where passwordofB is the password for user 'B'

How can I automatically respond to a password prompt via the command line?

I'm looking to respond to a password prompt in the linux terminal. I know how to do this with echo and a non-password prompt. For example, let's say prompted me for a string with my name after being ran, but didn't allow my name to be passed as an argument in the inital command. I would do the following:
echo -e "dan" | ./
However, if I ran a command that asked me for a password after being ran, the following does not work:
echo -e "supersecurepassword" | sudo apt-get update
I'm guessing this has something to do with the fact that the characters are hidden while a password is being input in the command line. How would I respond to a password prompt within the inital command?
You're looking for sudo -S
Explaining -S - man sudo
-S, --stdin
Write the prompt to the standard error and read the password from the standard input instead of
using the terminal device. The password must be followed by a newline character.
echo "notsecure" | sudo -S apt-get update
echo $pass | sudo -S apt-get update
Lets still type it,
read -s -p "[sudo] sudo password for $(whoami): " pass
echo $pass | sudo -S apt-get update
Explaining -s and -p - help read
-r do not allow backslashes to escape any characters
-s do not echo input coming from a terminal
Handy if you make a script that logs into multiple servers to view route -n for example.

Multiple commands in sudo over ssh in shell script

My script is as below.
version = 1.1
echo "Enter username"
read UserName
ssh -t $UserName#server bash -c " '
echo "Entering Sudo"
sudo -s -u user1 -c "cd random; ./randomscrip xx-$version-yy"
But this is not working.
Basically i want to do a ssh to a account. And then runSomeScript
Then do a sudo with user as user1 and then run commands cd random and ./randomscrip (with xx-Version-yy as argument) as the sudo user only.
But the commands inside sudo are not working.
Your quoting is a little careless. You're using double-quotes for the first and third levels of quoting, and the shell can't tell one from the other. Do something like this instead:
sudoScript="cd random; ./randomscrip xx-${version}-yy"
echo "Entering Sudo"
sudo -s -u user1 bash -c '"'${sudoScript}'"'
ssh -t ${UserName}#server "${sshScript}"
But beware that if you embed any single-quotes, it will still go wrong unless you add a layer of shell-quoting.
Finally, remove the spaces around = when you assign to version.

change user in linux script

User x run a script. Now I want to change the user in the script to User y.
echo password | su y
But I get this:
su: must be run from a terminal
Thanks for your help.
This is working for me inside a bash script:
sudo su $user << BASH
Su cannot be ran in a Bash script. You can use sudo -u <user> <command> && however.
you can do:
su - $USER -l -m -c $CMD
-l provide an environment similar to the login env
-m preserves the current environment
-c runs the command
e.g. I use this to run nohup commands also
su - $USER -l -m -c "nohup $RUN_CMD > "$LOG" 2>&1 >> /dev/null&"
