nodejs POST not working - node.js

I need to use for sending a value to a server.
The url is:
Value to send as plain text: 2000
Until now I've tried something like this, but it's not working:
a button in the app that should POST the temperature value:
HEAT17 : { states: [{ label:'Heat:17°', action:'', icon:'fa-fire',
var targetNow=0, modeNow='';
var thejson = '2000';
var param = 'thermostat_manualsetpoint';
exports.tstatRequest(param, thejson, node._id);
The function exports.tstatRequest is:
exports.tstatRequest = function(param, thejson, nodeId) {
//console.log('tstatRequest:' + JSON.stringify(thejson));
db.findOne({ _id : nodeId }, function (err, dbNode) {
var thermostatIP = dbNode.settings && dbNode.settings.ip ? dbNode.settings.ip : (exports.motes[dbNode.type].settings.ip || settings.radiothermostat.ip.value);
//console.log('URL: ' + 'http://'+thermostatIP+'/control/thermostat.cgi?param=' + param);{ url: 'http://'+thermostatIP+'/control/thermostat.cgi?param=thermostat_manualsetpoint', body:'2000'},
console.log('BODY: ' + JSON.stringify(response));
if (error) console.log('ERROR in tstatRequest(): ' + JSON.stringify(thejson) + ' nodeId:' + nodeId + ' - ' + error);
else exports.tstatPoll(nodeId); //now ask for a refresh of status from thermostat (HTTP GET)
I've tried in Advanced REST Client and the post query works like this:
Test query


Canva publish extension API : Endpoint never get call

I try to make a Canva App with a publish extension.
I just follow the Quick start ( with Glitch and it work well on it.
But when I try to put in on my own public host name, with a other port (like Canva NEVER call my endpoint. I just write a log file of every action on my app post and I never get a update on it, and when I try the app on it just show me a error message.
//Copy from the Quick Start'/publish/resources/upload', async (request, response) => {
writeLog("Uploading file");
await fs.ensureDir(path.join(__dirname, 'export'));
// Get the first asset from the "assets" array
const [asset] = request.body.assets;
// Download the asset
const image = await;
const filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'export',;
await image.writeAsync(filePath);
// Respond with the URL of the published design
type: 'SUCCESS',
url: url.format({
protocol: request.protocol,
host: request.get('host'),
} catch (err) {
writeLog("ERROR ('/publish/resources/upload'): " + err);
//Just log on the log file
function writeLog(log){
// fs.appendFile(path.join(__dirname, '/log/' + `${month}/${date}/${year}` +'log.txt'), dateDisplay + "|" + log + "\n", (err) => {
// if (err) throw err;
// });
var today = new Date();
var time = today.getHours() + ":" + today.getMinutes() + ":" + today.getSeconds();
var date = today.getFullYear() + '-' + (today.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + today.getDate();
var dateTime = date + ' ' + time;
natifFS.appendFile('log.txt', dateTime + '| '+ log + "\n", (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
Last thing, when I try to call a post request on the same endpoint as Canva (/publish/resources/upload) with Postman, I get a update on my log.txt file
If anyone has idea, thank you.

Lambda function taking >3 seconds to run + 5-10 secs warmup each time

I have a simple node.js function with 2 REST API calls and a socket connection output hosted in an AWS lambda. It takes 5-10 secs warmup time and >3+ secs execution time.
When the code is run locally it executes both requests, socket connection and completes in about ~1300ms. Why is AWS more then double the execution time? I have set-timeout to 120seconds and memory at 128mb (default).
I appreciate the code is not very tidy; I am working on cleaning it but needed something going for the time being.
The project simply gets info from ServiceM8 via API when called by a webhook subscription, then formats the info into ZPL strings and forwards them to a tcp server for printing via thermal printer.
My questions are:
Is it my code bottle necking?
Can it be optimized to run faster?
Do i simply need to employ a warming plugin for my function to allow hot starting?
My function:
'use strict';
//Require libraries
var request = require("request");
var net = require('net');
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
if (event.eventName != 'webhook_subscription') {
callback(null, {});
//Global Variables
var strAssetUUID;
var strAssetURL;
var strFormUUID;
var strTestDate;
var strRetestDate;
var appliancePass = true;
var strAccessToken;
var strResponseUUID;
//Printer Access
const tcpUrl = '';
const tcpPort = 12345;
var client = new net.Socket();
//UUID of Appliance Test Form.
const strTestFormUUID = 'UUID_of_form';
//Begin function
* Inspect the `eventArgs.entry` argument to get details of the change that caused the webhook
* to fire.
strResponseUUID = event.eventArgs.entry[0].uuid;
strAccessToken = event.auth.accessToken;
console.log('Response UUID: ' + strResponseUUID);
console.log('Access Token: ' + strAccessToken);
//URL Options for FormResponse UUID query
const urlFormResponse = {
url: '' + strResponseUUID,
headers: {
// Use the temporary Access Token that was issued for this event
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + strAccessToken
//Query form Response UUID to get information required.
request.get(urlFormResponse, function(err, res, body) {
//Check response code from API query
if (res.statusCode != 200) {
// Unable to query form response records
callback(null, {err: "Unable to query form response records, received HTTP " + res.statusCode + "\n\n" + body});
//If we do recieve a 200 status code, begin
var arrRecords = JSON.parse(body);
//Store the UUID of the form used for the form response.
strFormUUID = arrRecords[0].form_uuid;
console.log('Form UUID: ' + strFormUUID);
//Store the UUID of the asset the form response relates to.
strAssetUUID = arrRecords[0].asset_uuid;
console.log('Asset UUID: ' + strAssetUUID);
if (strFormUUID == strTestFormUUID){
//Get the edited date and parse it into a JSON date object.
var strEditDate = new Date(arrRecords[0].edit_date);
//Reassemble JSON date to dd-mm-yyyy.
strTestDate = strEditDate.getDate() + '/' + (strEditDate.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + strEditDate.getFullYear();
//Extract the response for retest period.
var strRetestAnswer = JSON.parse(arrRecords[0].field_data);
strRetestAnswer = strRetestAnswer[0].Response;
//Appropriate function based on retest response.
switch(strRetestAnswer) {
case '3 Months':
//Add x months to current test date object
strEditDate.setMonth(strEditDate.getMonth() + 3);
strRetestDate = strEditDate.getDate() + '/' + (strEditDate.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + strEditDate.getFullYear();
case '6 Months':
strEditDate.setMonth(strEditDate.getMonth() + 6);
strRetestDate = strEditDate.getDate() + '/' + (strEditDate.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + strEditDate.getFullYear();
case '12 Months':
strEditDate.setMonth(strEditDate.getMonth() + 12);
strRetestDate = strEditDate.getDate() + '/' + (strEditDate.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + strEditDate.getFullYear();
case '2 Years':
strEditDate.setMonth(strEditDate.getMonth() + 24);
strRetestDate = strEditDate.getDate() + '/' + (strEditDate.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + strEditDate.getFullYear();
case '5 Years':
strEditDate.setMonth(strEditDate.getMonth() + 60);
strRetestDate = strEditDate.getDate() + '/' + (strEditDate.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + strEditDate.getFullYear();
strRetestDate = "FAIL";
appliancePass = false;
console.log('Appliance Pass: ' + appliancePass);
console.log('Test Date: ' + strTestDate);
console.log('Retest Period: ' + strRetestAnswer);
console.log('Retest Date: ' + strRetestDate);
//URL Options for Asset UUID query
const urlAssetResponse = {
url: '' + strAssetUUID + '.json',
headers: {
// Use the temporary Access Token that was issued for this event
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + strAccessToken
//Query the api for the asset URL of the provided asset UUID.
request.get(urlAssetResponse, function(err, res, body) {
//Check response code from API query
if (res.statusCode != 200) {
// Unable to query asset records
callback(null, {err: "Unable to query asset records, received HTTP " + res.statusCode + "\n\n" + body});
//If we do recieve a 200 status code, begin
var strAssetResponse = JSON.parse(body);
//Store the asset URL
strAssetURL = '' + strAssetResponse.asset_code;
console.log('Asset URL: ' + strAssetURL);
//generate tag and send to printer
var strZPLPass = ('^XA....^XZ\n');
var strZPLFail = ('^XA....^XZ\n');
//Now that we have our ZPL generated from our dates and URLs
//Send the correct ZPL to the printer.
client.connect(tcpPort, tcpUrl, function() {
//Send Appropriate ZPL
if (appliancePass) {
}else {
console.log('Tag Successfully Printed!');
//As the tcp server receiving the string does not return any communication
//there is no way to know when the data has been succesfully received in full.
//So we simply timeout the connection after 750ms which is generally long enough
//to ensure complete transmission.
setTimeout(function () {
console.log('Timeout, connection closing...');
}, 750);
First of all, I would suggest you stop using the request module and switch to native. Everything can be done without a tons of lines these days. request is a module with 48 total dependencies; if you do the math, that's thousands of lines for a simple GET request.
You should always minimize the complexity of your dependencies. I use a Lambda to check the health of my sites, grabbing the whole request and checking the HTML on completely different servers. VPS is located in Frankfurt, AWS in Ireland. My ms/request is ranging between 100~150 ms.
Here's a simple promise request I'm using:
function request(obj, timeout) {
return new Promise(function(res, rej) {
if (typeof obj !== "object") {
rej("Argument must be a valid http request options object")
obj.timeout = timeout;
obj.rejectUnauthorized = false;
let request = http.get(obj, (response) => {
if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
rej("Connection error");
var body = '';
response.on('data', (chunk) => {
body += chunk;
response.on('end', () => {
response.on('error', (error) => {
request.on('error', (error) => {
request.on('timeout', () => {
const reqOpts = {
hostname: '',
port: 443,
path: '/hello',
method: 'GET',
headers: {
handshake: "eXTNxFMxQL4pRrj6JfzQycn3obHL",
remoteIpAddress: event.sourceIp || "lambda"
try {
httpTestCall = await request(reqOpts, 250);
catch (e) {
Now based on that change switch your handler to async using exports.handler = async(event, context, callback) => {} and use console to measure the execution time of every request using console.time() and console.timeEnd() for your request or anything. From there you could see what's stepping down your code using Cloudwatch logs. Here's another example based on your code:
let reqOpts = {
hostname: '',
port: 443,
path: '/api_1.0/formresponse.json?%24filter=uuid%20eq%20' + strResponseUUID,
method: 'GET',
headers: {
// Use the temporary Access Token that was issued for this event
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + strAccessToken
let error = null;
await request(reqOpts, 5555).catch((e)=>{
error = e;
if (error){
callback(null, {err: "Unable to query form response records, received HTTP" + error}); /* or anything similar */
aws lambdas are not fast by nature (as of writing this answer). The startup time is not guaranteed, and it is known to be high.
If you need performance - you will not get it this way.

how to extract data from spotify npm package? I keep getting undefine

===================This is my code below=========================
function spotifyThisSong() {
var spotify = new Spotify({
id: 'myid',
secret: 'mysecret'
var songName = process.argv[3];
songName = "What's my age again";
var params = songName;{ type: 'track', query: params }, function(err, data) {
if ( err ) {
console.log('Error occurred: ' + err);
return; //from spotify npm docs
===================END OF CODE=========================
keeps giving me undefine. I need to extract the song name, year, album and its url. Thanks in advance.
//So this is what I found. This actually involves a few things.
//FIRST, capture user-input,
//SECOND, npm install spotify, and use the template as suggested in the DOCS.
//THIRD, parse through the JSON correctly as done below.
//HOPE this helps someone. (dont forget your keys from spotify)
var songName = process.argv[3]; //capture userInput and query it below
params = songName;{ type: 'track', query: params }, function(err, data) {
if ( err ) {
console.log('Error occurred: ' + err);
output = space + "================= DATA HERE ==================" +
space + "Song Name: " + "'" +songName.toUpperCase()+ "'" +
space + "Album Name: " + data.tracks.items[0] +
space + "Artist Name: " + data.tracks.items[0].album.artists[0].name +
space + "URL: " + data.tracks.items[0].album.external_urls.spotify + "\n\n\n";

Convert cURL command to post request to send notification to kaa server

I want to send a notification to kaa server. The below cURL command is working fine but I want to send POST request from my node.js server. Kindly help me in converting to post request.
curl -v -S -u devuser:devuser123 -F'notification=
type=application/json' -F file=#notification.json "http://localhost:8080/kaaAdmin/rest/api/sendNotification" | python -mjson.tool
I tried like this:
var notificationValue= {"applicationId":"32769","schemaId":"32778","topicId":"32770","type":"USER"};
var file = 'notification.json';
var opts = {
url: 'http://localhost:8080/kaaAdmin/rest/api/sendNotification',
method: 'POST',
auth: { user: 'devuser', password: 'devuser123' },
json: true,
formData: {
notification: JSON.stringify(notificationValue),
file : fs.readFileSync(file)
request(opts, function(err, resp, body) {
I am getting: Error 400 Required request part 'notification' is not present.
Here is a solution.
First import next modules.
var fs = require('fs');
var request = require('request');
var crypto = require('crypto');
We need two utility functions to generate boundary for multipart content type and the other to build raw POST request body.
var CRLF = "\r\n";
var md5 = crypto.createHash('md5');
function multipartRequestBodyBuilder(fields, boundary) {
var requestBody = '';
for(var name in fields) {
var field = fields[name];
var data =;
var fileName = field.fileName ? '; filename="' + field.fileName + '"' : '';
var type = field.type ? 'Content-Type:' + field.type + CRLF : '';
requestBody += "--" + boundary + CRLF +
"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + name + "\"" + fileName + CRLF +
type + CRLF +
data + CRLF;
requestBody += '--' + boundary + '--' + CRLF
return requestBody;
function getBoundary() {
md5.update(new Date() + getRandomArbitrary(1, 65536));
return md5.digest('hex');
function getRandomArbitrary(min, max) {
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
Then we form our data and generate the boundary.
var notificationValue = {
var postData = {
notification : {
data : JSON.stringify(notificationValue),
type : "application/json"
file : {
data : fs.readFileSync("message.json"),
fileName : 'notification.json',
type : 'application/octet-stream'
var boundary = getBoundary();
After that compose a request and send to Kaa Server.
var opts = {
url: 'http://localhost:8080/kaaAdmin/rest/api/sendNotification',
method: 'POST',
auth: { user: 'devuser', password: 'devuser123' },
headers: {
'content-type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + boundary
body : multipartRequestBodyBuilder(postData, boundary)
request(opts, function(err, resp, body) {
if(err) {
console.log("Error: " + err);
} else {
console.log("Satus code: " + resp.statusCode + "\n");
console.log("Result: " + body);
After all, you will see the confirmation response with status code 200.
Status code: 200
Result: {
"id" : "57e42623c3fabb0799bb3279",
"applicationId" : "2",
"schemaId" : "12",
"topicId" : "1",
"nfVersion" : 2,
"lastTimeModify" : 1474569763797,
"type" : "USER",
"body" : "CkhlbGxvAA==",
"expiredAt" : 1475174563793,
"secNum" : 17
I attach the file with whole code that I tested on Notification Demo from Kaa sandbox: send notification.

Automate login + posting to forum using nodejs + phantomjs

I am trying to automate login to a forum ( yet another forum , test forum available here: ) using node-phantom.
This is my code:
* Yet Another Forum Object
var yaf = function() {}; //
module.exports = new yaf();
var phantom = require('node-phantom');
//var sleep = require('sleep');
var configTestForum = {
loginUrl: "",
loginFormDetail: {
usernameBox: 'forum_ctl03_Login1_UserName', // dom element ID
passwordBox: 'forum_ctl03_Login1_Password',
submitButton: 'forum_ctl03_Login1_LoginButton'
loginInfo: {
username: 'testbot',
password: 'testbot123'
var config = configTestForum;
// program logic
yaf.prototype.login = function(username, password, cb) {
var steps = [];
var testindex = 0;
var loadInProgress = false; //This is set to true when a page is still loading
phantom.create(function(error, ph) {
ph.createPage(function(err, page) {
page.set('settings', {
userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0",
javascriptEnabled: true,
loadImages: false,
phantom.cookiesEnabled = true;
phantom.javascriptEnabled = true;
/*********SETTINGS END*****************/
console.log('All settings loaded, start with execution');
/**********DEFINE STEPS THAT FANTOM SHOULD DO***********************/
steps = [
//Step 1 - Open Amazon home page
function() {
console.log('Step 1 - Open Login Page');, function(status) {
function() {
console.log('Step 2 - Populate and submit the login form');
var submitForm = function(config) {
console.log('Form Submit 1 ( putting login )');
document.getElementById(config.loginFormDetail.usernameBox).value = config.loginInfo.username;
console.log('Form Submit 2 ( putting pass )');
//jQuery('#' + config.loginFormDetail.passwordBox).val(config.loginInfo.password);
//jQuery('#' + config.loginFormDetail.usernameBox).val(config.loginInfo.password);
document.getElementById(config.loginFormDetail.passwordBox).value = config.loginInfo.password;
console.log('Form Submit 3 ( clicking button ) ');
//var clickElement = function (el) {
// var ev = document.createEvent("MouseEvent");
// ev.initMouseEvent(
// "click",
// true /* bubble */, true /* cancelable */,
// window, null,
// 0, 0, 0, 0, /* coordinates */
// false, false, false, false, /* modifier keys */
// 0 /*left*/, null
// );
// el.dispatchEvent(ev);
// console.log('dispatched!');
//var form = document.getElementById('form1');
////var list = function(object) {
//// for(var key in object) {
//// console.log(key);
//// }
//// jQuery('#form1').submit();
console.log('Form Has Been Submitted <-----------------');
var subittedForm = function(err, retVal) {
console.log('Form Submit error : ' + err);
console.log('Form Submit returned : ' + retVal);
page.evaluate(submitForm, subittedForm, config);
//Step 3 - wait for submit form to finish loading..
function() {
console.log("Step 3 - wait for submit form to finish loading..");
page.get('cookies', function(err, cookies) {
// console.log(cookies);
page.evaluate(function() {
function() {
/**********END STEPS THAT FANTOM SHOULD DO***********************/
//Execute steps one by one
interval = setInterval(executeRequestsStepByStep, 500);
function executeRequestsStepByStep() {
if (loadInProgress == false && typeof steps[testindex] == "function") {
//console.log("step " + (testindex + 1));
if (typeof steps[testindex] != "function") {
console.log("test complete!");
// cb(ph);
page.onLoadStarted = function() {
loadInProgress = true;
console.log('Loading started');
page.onLoadFinished = function() {
loadInProgress = false;
console.log('Loading finished');
page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) {
page.onError = function(msg, trace) {
var msgStack = ['ERROR: ' + msg];
if (trace && trace.length) {
trace.forEach(function(t) {
msgStack.push(' -> ' + t.file + ': ' + t.line + (t.function ? ' (in function "' + t.function+'")' : ''));
console.error('\n' + msgStack.join('\n'));
page.onResourceError = function(resourceError) {
console.error('Unable to load resource (#' + + ' URL:' + resourceError.url + ')');
console.error('Error code: ' + resourceError.errorCode + '. Description: ' + resourceError.errorString);
page.onResourceTimeout = function(msg) {
console.error('onResourceTimeout!!>' + msg);
page.onAlert = function(msg) {
console.error('onAlert!!> ' + msg);
// var page = webPage.create();
Output of the code is :
Step 1 - Open Login Page
Loading started
Loading finished
Step 2 - Populate and submit the login form
Form Submit 1(putting login)
Form Submit 2(putting pass)
Form Submit 3(clicking button)
Form Has Been Submitted < -----------------
Form Submit error: null
Form Submit returned: null
Unable to load resource(#14 URL: login &= )
Error code: 5.Description: Operation canceled
ERROR: TypeError: 'undefined'
is not an object(evaluating 'Sys.WebForms.Res.PRM_TimeoutError'), [object Object], [object Object], [object Object], [object Object], [object Object], [object Object], [object Object]
Step 3 - wait
for submit form to finish loading..
http: //
test complete!
Option client store expiration is not valid.Please refer to the README.
Process finished with exit code 0
What it attempts to do is :
Open login page :
Try to login using login name / password and then clicking the button.
Take a screenshot and Retrieve the cookies ( containing the auth data )
Currently it is getting stuck in step 2. It can populate the login and password box, but no kind of clicking or submitting the form is working.Basically it is stuck as shown:
(as you can see the login / password are filled correctly ).
By looking at step 2 ( Step 2 - Populate and submit the login form ) in my code, do you notice anything obvious? or am I doing something wrong in the page settings?
