designing models in django-viewflow - django-viewflow

I am new to django-viewflow and still going through the viewflow related documents including cook-book examples.
In the project that I am working on, I have below models.
class FirstModel(models.Model):
prod_ref_num = models.IntegerField()
prod_part_num = models.IntegerField()
The above model FirstModel is being updated by external process
class SecondModel(models.Model):
prod_type = models.CharField(max_length=30)
prod_category = models.CharField(max_length=30)
approved = models.BooleanField(default=False)
The above model SecondModel is part of the work flow which is mentioned as below).
During start of the flow, it should allow to take inputs for prod_type and prod_category and it should execute SQL query (for external data source) using data entered for prod_type and prod_category. The query result should be presented for the user using django_tables2). Based on the query result, user can proceed or cancel the flow.
If proceed, it transitions to approval flow.
If cancel, data shouldnt get inserted into model Product2.
Can you please provide insights on how the models can be designed in django-viewflow ?
Also how the work flow process can be implemented especially executing SQL and diplaying query results using django_tables2.

Viewflow provides the workflow layer on top of django views, extracts flow logic, and allows to keep view code independent from the flow.
You can design your django views and models, as usual, just implement them as independent steps, use #flow_view decorator to initialize request.actiovation and call activation.done() as soon as a task complete.
You can keep your models separated from the viewflow process model, just put a foreign key in a process model to your model.
You can check the shipment demo, for the sample.


When building forms in Django, is it good practice to use one 'fat' model to contain all my fields for multiple forms?

I am building a car dealership app and have multiple forms to create such as:
A basic contact requesting a name, email, phone and comments.
A service form requesting the above along with the users make, model and mileage
A sales form, requesting all the above again along with a few other similarly relevant questions.
Problem: So I'm trying to find out is it best practice to have one 'fat' model containing all these fields and then create multiple forms from them or to create a model per form?
I know that I should stick to the DRY practices but I would really benefit from a stronger understanding.

In DDD/CQRS, should ReadModel act as ViewModel, if not then where belongs responsibility for mapping?

Assume read model ProductCatalogueItem is built from aggregates/write-models, stored separately from write-models, and contains each product available for selling, and has following properties:
basics: product_code, name, price, number_of_available_stock,
documentation: short_description, description,...
product characteristics: weight, length, depth, width, color,...
And, there are two views:
product list containing list/table/grid of available product offers, and the view needs only following basic properties: product_code, name, price, number_of_available_stock,
product details showing all the properties - basics, documentation, product characteristics.
Naturally, there come two ViewModels in mind:
ProductCatalogueListItem containing only basic properties,
ProductCatalogueItemDetails containing all the properties.
Now,.. there two options (I can see).
ViewModels are 1:1 representation of ReadModels
Therefore the are two read models, not one, ProductCatalogueListItem and ProductCatalogueItemDetails. And, the read service will have two methods:
List<ProductCatalogueListItem> searchProducts(FilteringOptions),
ProductCatalogueItemDetails getProductDetails(product_code).
And, controllers return these models directly (or, mapped to dto for transport layer).
The issue here is filtering,.. should read service perform search query on a different read model, than is returned from the method call? Because, ProductCatalogueListItem doesn't have enough information to perform filtering.
ViewModels are another project of ReadModels
The read service will have two methods:
List<ProductCatalogueItem> searchProducts(FilteringOptions),
ProductCatalogueItem getProduct(product_code).
And, the mapping from ReadModels to ViewModels is done by upper layer (probably controller).
There is no issue with filtering,... But, there is another issue, that more data leave domain layer, than is actually needed. And, controllers would grow with more logic. As there might be different controllers for different transport technologies, then mapping code would probably get duplicated in those controllers.
Which approach to organize responsibilities is correct according to DDD/CQRS, or completely something else?
The point is:
should I build two read models, and search using one, then return other?
should I build single read model, which is used, and then mapped to limited view to contain only base information for view?
First of all, you do a wrong assertion: model ProductCatalogueItem is built from aggregates/write-models...
Read model doesn't know of aggregates or anything about write model, you build the read model directly from the database, returning the data needed by the UI.
So, the view model is the read model, and it doesn't touch the write model. That's the reason why CQRS exists: for having a different model, the read model, to optimize the queries for returning the data needed by the client.
I will try to explain myself better:
CQRS is simply splitting one object into two, based on the method types. There are two method types: command (any method that mutates state) and query (any method that returns a value). That's all.
When you apply this pattern to the service boundary of an application, you have a write service and a read service, and so you can scale differently the command and query handling, and you can have also two models.
But CQRS is not having two databases, is not messaging, is not eventual consistency, is not updating read model from write model, is not event sourcing. You can do CQRS wihtout them. I say this because I've seen some misconceptions in your assertions.
That said, the design of the read model is done according to what information the user wants to see in the UI, i.e., the read model is the view model, you have no mapping between them, they both are the same model. You can read about it in the references (3) and (6) bellow. I think this answer to your whole question. What I don't understand is the filtering issue.
Some good references
(3) "Implementing Domain Driven Design" book, by Vaughn Vernon. Chapter 4: Architecture, "Command-Query Responsibility Segregation, or CQRS" section
As you already built your read model using data which arrived from one or more services, your problem is now in another space(perhaps MVC) rather in CQRS.
Now assume your read model is a db object and ProductCatalogueListItem and ProductCatalogueItemDetails are 2 view models. When you have a request to serve list of products you will make a query in your read db from read model (ProductCatalog table). May be you make queries for additional filters using additional where clauses. Now where do you put your mapping activities in your code after fetching db objects? Its a personal choice. You don't have to do it on uupper llayer aat aall. When I use dapper I fetch db objects using view models inside generic. So I can directly return result from my service method whose return type would be IEnumerable.
For a detail view I would use the same db object. I know CQRS suggests to have different read models for different views. But question yourself - do you really need another db object for detail view? You will need only an id to get all columns where in the first case you needed some selected columns. So I would design your case with a mixture of your 2 above mentioned methods - have 2 service methods returning 2 different objects but instead of having a 1:1 read model to view model have a single read db object and build 2 different view models from it.

How can we pass on objects between tasks without declaring it in models?

Is there any other way to pass on variables between tasks beside using
process.var_name= value
and then accessing it like,
limitation with this approach is I have to declare a var_name member in model. I want to escape from declaring new members in model.
So any approach for passing variables between tasks without using models.
Viewflow is a thin workflow layer on top of django. So your question could be reformulated as "how to pass an object b/w views in django"
Except if your case is about one task executed immediately after another during single HTTP request processing. In that case, you should use just python functions and pass an object as a parameter as usual. On the viewflow layer - it would be a single task. So no inter-task communication would happen.
One of the goals of BPMN workflow automation is to provide an ability to build performance reports based on the workflow data. So, to report friendly saving workflow data in a process mode is mandatory.
In a very few cases, you can consider use redis or memcached to keep workflow data in it. But it's highly unrecommended.
Another rare case is to combine View and Gateway task in a single custom task node. So you can take a view data and pass it to activation.done to make a branching decision without data saving.

How to handle Persistence with Rich Domain Model

I am redesigning my NodeJS application because I want to use the Rich Domain Model concept. Currently I am using Anemic Domain Model and this is not scaling well, I just see 'ifs' everywhere.
I have read a bunch of blog posts and DDD related blogs, but there is something that I simply cannot understand... How do we handle Persistence properly.
To start, I would like to describe the layers that I have defined and their purpose:
Persistence Model
Defines the Table Models. Defines the Table name, Columns, Keys and Relations
I am using Sequelize as ORM, so the Models defined with Sequelize are considered my Persistence Model
Domain Model
Entities and Behaviors. Objects that correspond to the abstractions created as part of the Business Domain
I have created several classes and the best thing here is that I can benefit from hierarchy to solve all problems (without loads of ifs yay).
Data Access Object (DAO)
Responsible for the Data management and conversion of entries of the Persistence Model to entities of the Domain Model. All persistence related activities belong to this layer
In my case DAOs work on top of the Sequelize models created on the Persistence Model, however, I am serializing the records returned on Database Interactions in different objects based on their properties. Eg.: If I have a Table with a column called 'UserType' that contains two values [ADMIN,USER], when I select entries on this table, I would serialize the return according to the User Type, so a User with Type: ADMIN would be an instance of the AdminUser class where a User with type: USER would simply be a DefaultUser...
Service Layer
Responsible for all Generic Business Logic, such as Utilities and other Services that are not part of the behavior of any of the Domain Objects
Client Layer
Any Consumer class that plays around with the Objects and is responsible in triggering the Persistence
Now the confusion starts when I implement the Client Layer...
Let's say I am implementing a new REST API:
POST: .../api/CreateOrderForUser/
items: [{
productId: 1,
quantity: 4
productId: 3,
quantity: 2
On my handler function I would have something like:
var oRequestBody = oReq.body;
var oCurrentUser = oReq.user; //This is already a Domain Object
var aOrderItems ={
return new OrderItem(mOrderData); //Constructor sets the properties internally
var oOrder = new Order({
items: aOrderItems
// So far so good... But how do I persist whatever
// happened above? Should I call each DAO for each entity
// created? Like, first create the Order, then create the
// Items, then update the User?
One way I found to make it work is to merge the Persistence Model and the Domain Model, which means that oCurrentUser.addOrder(...) would execute the business logic required and would call the OrderDAO to persist the Order along with the Items in the end. The bad thing about this is that now the addOrder also have to handle transactions, because I don't want to add the order without the items, or update the User without the Order.
So, what I am missing here?
This is the missing piece on the story.
In your example, there would likely not be a separate table for the order items (and no relations, no foreign keys...). Items here seem to be values (describing an entity, ie: "45 USD"), and not entities (things that change in time and we track, ie: A bank account). So you would not directly persist OrderItems but instead, persist only the Order (with the items in it).
The piece of code I would expect to find in place of your comment could look like;. Additionally, I would expect the user to be a weak reference (by id only) in the order, and not orders contained in a user as your oCurrentUser.addOrder(oOrder); code suggests.
Moreover, the layers you describe make sense, but in your example you mix delivery concerns (concepts like request, response...) with domain concepts (adding items to a new order), I would suggest that you take a look at established patterns to keep these concerns decoupled, such as Hexagonal Architecture. This is especially important for unit testing, as your "client code" will likely be the test instead of the handler function. The retrieve/create - do something - save code would normally be a function in an Application Service describing your use case.
Vaughn Vernon's "Implementing Domain-Driven Design" is a good book on DDD that would definitely shed more light on the topic.

Implementing Udi's Fetching Strategy - How do I search?

Udi Dahan suggests a fetching strategy as a useful pattern to use for data access. I agree.
The concept is to make roles explicit. For example I have an Aggregate Root - Customer. I want customer in several parts of my application - a list of customers to select from, a view of the customer's details, and I want a button to deactivate a customer.
It seems Udi would suggest an interface for each of these roles. So I have ICustomerInList with very basic details, ICustomerDetail which includes the latest 10 products purchased, and IDeactivateCustomer which has a method to deactivate the customer. Each interface exposes just enough of my Customer Aggregate Root to get the job done in each situation. My Customer Aggregate Root implements all these interfaces.
Now I want to implement a fetching strategy for each of these roles. Each strategy can load a different amount of data into my Aggregate Root because it will be behind an interface exposing only the bits of information needed.
The general method to implement this part is to ask a Service Locator or some other style of dependency injection. This code will take the interface you are wanting, for example ICustomerInList, and find a fetching strategy to load it (IStrategyForFetching<ICustomerInList>). This strategy is implemented by a class that knows to only load a Customer with the bits of information needed for the ICustomerInList interface.
So far so good.
What you pass to the Service Locator, or the IStrategyForFetching<ICustomerInList>. All of the examples I see are only selecting one object by a known id. This case is easy, the calling code passes this id through and will get back the specific interface.
What if I want to search? Or I want page 2 of the list of customers? Now I want to pass in more terms that the Fetching Strategy needs.
Possible solutions
Some of the examples I've seen use a predicate - an expression that returns true or false if a particular Aggregate Root should be part of the result set. This works fine for conditions but what about getting back the first n customers and no more? Or getting page 2 of the search results? Or how the results are sorted?
My first reaction is to start adding generic parameters to my IStrategyForFetching<ICustomerInList> It now becomes IStrategyForFetching<TAggregateRoot, TStrategyForSelecting, TStrategyForOrdering>. This quickly becomes complex and ugly. It's further complicated by different repositories. Some repositories only supply data when using a particular strategy for selecting, some only certain types of ordering. I would like to have the flexibility to implement general repositories that can take sorting functions along with specialised repositories that only return Aggregate Roots sorted in a particular fashion.
It sounds like I should apply the same pattern used at the start - How do I make roles explicit? Should I implement a strategy for fetching X (Aggregate Root) using the payload Y (search / ordering parameters)?
Edit (2012-03-05)
This is all still valid if I'm not returning the Aggregate Root each time. If each interface is implemented by a different DTO I can still use IStrategyForFetching. This is why this pattern is powerful - what does the fetching and what is returned doesn't have to map in any way to the aggregate root.
I've ended up using IStrategyForFetching<TEntity, TSpecification>. TEntity is the thing I want to get, TSpecification is how I want to get it.
Have you come across CQRS? Udi is a big proponent of it, and its purpose is to solve this exact issue.
The concept in its most basic form is to separate the domain model from querying. This means that the domain model only comes into play when you want to execute a command / commit a transaction. You don't use data from your aggregates & entities to display information on the screen. Instead, you create a separate data access service (or bunch of them) that contain methods that provide the exact data required for each screen. These methods can accept criteria objects as parameters and therefore do searching with whatever criteria you desire.
A quick sequence of how this works:
A screen shows a list of customers that have made orders in the last week.
The UI calls the CustomerQueryService passing a date as criteria.
The CustomerQueryService executes a query that returns only the fields required for this screen, including the aggregate id of each customer.
The user chooses a customer in the list, and chooses perform the 'Make Important Customer' action /command.
The UI sends a MakeImportantCommand to the Command Service (or Application Service in DDD terms) containing the ID of the customer.
The command service fetches the Customer aggregate from the repository using the ID passed in the command, calls the necessary methods and updates the database.
Building your app using the CQRS architecture opens you up to lot of possibilities regarding performance and scalability. You can take this simple example further by creating separate query databases that contain denormalised tables for every view, eventual consistency & event sourcing. There is a lot of videos/examples/blogs about CQRS that I think would really interest you.
I know your question was regarding 'fetching strategy' but I notice that he wrote this article in 2007, and it's likely that he considers CQRS its sucessor.
To summarise my answer:
Don't try and project cut down DTO's from your domain aggregates. Instead, just create separate query services that give you a tailored query for your needs.
Read up on CQRS (if you haven't already).
To add to the response by David Masters, I think all the fetching strategy interfaces are adding needless complexity. Having the Customer AR implement the various interfaces which are modeled after a UI is a needless constraint on the AR class and you will spend far to much effort trying to enforce it. Moreover, it is a brittle solution. What if a view requires data that while related to Customer, does not belong on the customer class? Does one then coerce the customer class and the corresponding ORM mappings to contain that data? Why not just have a separate set of classes for query purposes and be done with it? This allows you to deal with fetching strategies at the place where they belong - in the repository. Furthermore, what value does the fetching strategy interface abstraction really add? It may be an appropriate model of what is happening in the application, it doesn't help in implementing it.
