How to pipe to function in node.js? - node.js

I want to read from file to stream, pipe the output to a function that will upperCase the content and then write to file. This is my attempt. What am I doing wrong?
const fs = require('fs')
const fred = q => {
return q.toUpperCase()
Currently the error is:
dest.on is not a function

Based on answer from Marco but tidied up:
const fs = require('fs')
const {Transform} = require('stream')
const upperCaseTransform = new Transform({
transform: (chunk, encoding, done) => {
const result = chunk.toString().toUpperCase()
done(null, result)

You have to use Transform if you want to "transform" streams. I recommend you to read:
const fs = require('fs')
const Transform = require('stream').Transform;
/// Create the transform stream:
var uppercase = new Transform({
decodeStrings: false
uppercase._transform = function(chunk, encoding, done) {
done(null, chunk.toString().toUpperCase());
EDIT: You need to call .toString() in chunk because it's a buffer! :)

Using async iteration is the cleaner new way to transform streams:
const fs = require('fs');
(async () => {
const out = fs.createWriteStream('output.txt');
for await (const chunk of fs.createReadStream('input.txt', 'utf8')) {
As you can see, this way is a lot more terse and readable if you already are working in an async function context.


Add transform before write stream

I have a function e.g.
function writeToStream(writeStream) {
How can I make this apply a transform before writing to the final destination? Note: I don't have control over the writeToStream function, I just want to apply a transformation to what it is writing out
const fs = require("fs");
const { Transform } = require("stream");
const upperCaseTr = new Transform({
transform(chunk, encoding, callback) {
//this is never called???
callback(null, chunk.toString().toUpperCase());
function writeToStream(writeStream) {
const r = fs.createWriteStream("test.txt");
With the above code, my custom Transform upperCaseTr is never called
This answer was very helpful in solving this
Specifically, upperCaseTr.pipe(r) just returns r, so upperCaseTr is never called.
Here is an answer that uses through2, similar to the linked answer
const fs = require("fs");
const through2 = require("through2");
function writeToStream(writeStream) {
writeStream.write("test test test test test\n");
const stream = through2.obj((chunk, enc, callback) => {
callback(null, chunk.toString().toUpperCase());
const out = fs.createWriteStream("test.txt");
Here is one using a Transform more similar to my original question
const fs = require("fs");
const { Transform } = require("stream");
function writeToStream(writeStream) {
writeStream.write("test test test test test\n");
const upperCaseTr = new Transform({
transform(chunk, encoding, callback) {
callback(null, chunk.toString().toUpperCase());
const out = fs.createWriteStream("test.txt");

nodeJS async function parse csv return data to other file

I'm creating a small tool for internal user with puppeteer.
Basically I got a csv file with some data i "read" and fill form with.
As I try to cleanup my project to be reusable i'm struggle a little bit:
I create a file name parsecsv.js
const config = require('../config.json');
const parse = require('csv-parse');
const fs = require('fs');
const processFile = async () => {
records = []
const parser = fs
// CSV options
from_line: 1,
delimiter: ";",
let i =1;
for await (const record of parser) {
return records
const processFileData = async () => {
const records = await processFile();
return records
module.exports ={
processFile, processFileData
in an other Js file i made
const parseCSV = require('./src/ParseCsv');
const records = parseCSV.processFileData();
const data = parseCSV.processFile();
console.log(typeof records);
console.log(typeof data);
But I never get my data only an empty oject.
How I can get my data to be able to "share" it with other function ?
as your functions are async ones and they return a promises, you can do something like
const parseCSV = require('./src/ParseCsv');
(async () => {
const records = await parseCSV.processFileData();
const data = await parseCSV.processFile();
console.log(typeof records);
console.log(typeof data);

Node.js copy a stream into a file without consuming

Given a function parses incoming streams:
async onData(stream, callback) {
const parsed = await simpleParser(stream)
// Code handling parsed stream here
// ...
return callback()
I'm looking for a simple and safe way to 'clone' that stream, so I can save it to a file for debugging purposes, without affecting the code. Is this possible?
Same question in fake code: I'm trying to do something like this. Obviously, this is a made up example and doesn't work.
const fs = require('fs')
const wstream = fs.createWriteStream('debug.log')
async onData(stream, callback) {
const debugStream = stream.clone(stream) // Fake code
const parsed = await simpleParser(stream)
// Code handling parsed stream here
// ...
return callback()
No you can't clone a readable stream without consuming. However, you can pipe it twice, one for creating file and the other for 'clone'.
Code is below:
let Readable = require('stream').Readable;
var stream = require('stream')
var s = new Readable()
var stream1 = s.pipe(new stream.PassThrough())
var stream2 = s.pipe(new stream.PassThrough())
// here use stream1 for creating file, and use stream2 just like s' clone stream
// I just print them out for a quick show
I've tried to implement the solution provided by #jiajianrong but was struggling to get it work with a createReadStream, because the Readable throws an error when I try to push the createReadStream directly. Like:
To solve this issue I have used a helper function to transform the stream into a buffer.
function streamToBuffer (stream: any) {
const chunks: Buffer[] = []
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
stream.on('data', (chunk: any) => chunks.push(Buffer.from(chunk)))
stream.on('error', (err: any) => reject(err))
stream.on('end', () => resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks)))
Below the solution I have found using one pipe to generate a hash of the stream and the other pipe to upload the stream to a cloud storage.
import stream from 'stream'
const Readable = require('stream').Readable
const s = new Readable()
s.push(await streamToBuffer(createReadStream()))
const fileStreamForHash = s.pipe(new stream.PassThrough())
const fileStreamForUpload = s.pipe(new stream.PassThrough())
// Generating file hash
const fileHash = await getHashFromStream(fileStreamForHash)
// Uploading stream to cloud storage
await BlobStorage.upload(fileName, fileStreamForUpload)
My answer is mostly based on the answer of jiajianrong.

Reading a csv file async - NodeJS

I am trying to create a function where I can pass file path and the read the file in async way. What I found out was that it supports streams()
const fs = require('fs');
var parse = require('csv-parse');
var async = require('async');
readCSVData = async (filePath): Promise<any> => {
let csvString = '';
var parser = parse({delimiter: ','}, function (err, data) {
async.eachSeries(data, function (line, callback) {
csvString = csvString + line.join(',')+'\n';
console.log(csvString) // I can see this value getting populated
I got this code from here. but I am new to node js so I am not getting how to use await to get the data once all lines are parsed.
const csvData = await this.util.readCSVData(path)
My best workaround for this task is:
const csv = require('csvtojson')
const csvFilePath = 'data.csv'
const array = await csv().fromFile(csvFilePath);
This answer provides legacy code that uses async library. Promise-based control flow with async doesn't need this library. Asynchronous processing with async.eachSeries doesn't serve a good purpose inside csv-parse callback because a callback waits for data to be filled with all collected data.
If reading all data into memory is not an issue, CSV stream can be converted to a promise:
const fs = require('fs');
const getStream = require('get-stream');
const parse = require('csv-parse');
readCSVData = async (filePath): Promise<any> => {
const parseStream = parse({delimiter: ','});
const data = await getStream.array(fs.createReadStream(filePath).pipe(parseStream));
return => line.join(',')).join('\n');

What is the "reactive" way to read file line-by-line

I'm learning reactive programming using RxJS and encounter a case when I need to read a file line-by-line. Actually I solved it using a solution likes:
It works, but I need to use some normal JS code to transform the stream of Buffers to stream of lines. (use "readline" module in example above)
I wonder if there are other ways to transform an Observable of Buffer to Observable of line, using RxJS operators, likes example below.
var Rx = require('rx');
var fs = require('fs');
var lines = Rx.Observable
.fromEvent(rl, 'data') // emits buffers overtime
// some transforms ...
(line) => console.log(line), // emit string line by line
err => console.log("Error: %s", err),
() => console.log("Completed")
You can probably achieve something pretty close to what you want with scan and concatMap.
Something like:
.concat(Rx.Observable.of("\n")) // parens was missing // to make sure we don't miss the last line!
.scan(({ buffer }, b) => {
const splitted = buffer.concat(b).split("\n");
const rest = splitted.pop();
return { buffer: rest, items: splitted };
}, { buffer: "", items: [] })
// Each item here is a pair { buffer: string, items: string[] }
// such that buffer contains the remaining input text that has no newline
// and items contains the lines that have been produced by the last buffer
.concatMap(({ items }) => items)
// we flatten this into a sequence of items (strings)
item => console.log(item),
err => console.log(err),
() => console.log("Done with this buffer source"),
You can use following class
'use strict'
const lineReader = require('line-reader');
const Rx = require('rxjs');
const RxOp = require('rxjs/operators');
class CSVReader {
constructor(filepath {
this.filepath = filepath;
const source = new Rx.Subject();, (err, reader)=> {
RxOp.expand(val => {
reader.nextLine((err2, line) =>;
return Rx.of(1 + val);
RxOp.takeWhile(_=> {
let has = reader.hasNextLine();
if(!has) source.complete();
return has;
return source;
module.exports = CSVReader
and use it as follows
const { bufferCount } = require('rxjs/operators');
let reader = new CSVReader('path/to/file');
.pipe(bufferCount(2)) // chunk size
.subscribe(chunk=> {
I would say like this:
const readline = require('readline');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const {fromEvent, race, Observable} = require('rxjs');
const {tap, takeUntil, take, map} = require('rxjs/operators');
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream(path.resolve('./', 'myfile'))
let obs = new Observable(observer=>{
rl.on('line', val =>,
rl.on('error', err => observer.error(err)),
rl.on('close', complete => observer.complete(complete))
.pipe(tap(line=>console.log(`line: ${line}`)))
(e)=>console.log(`Error reading file: ${e}`),
()=>console.log("Read complete"))
An alternative for creating the observable could be:
let obs = fromEvent(rl, 'line')
fromEvent(rl, 'close').pipe(take(1)) ,
fromEvent(rl, 'error').pipe(map((err)=>{throw err}))
Ideally, rxjs could have provided an operator like: fromEvent(emitter, nextEvent, errorEvent, completeEvent ) to help keep the above code even simpler.
I tried a bunch of the above answers and built my own ugly version. Then, I poked around the code on GitHub and found that RxJS handles stream like objects - there's no point in mucking around with events. Just pass a ReadStream to from and it tests it for ReadableStreamLike and then turns it into an AsyncGenerator.
import * as readline from 'node:readline';
import { from } from 'rxjs';
const file = fs.createReadStream(fileName);
const line = readline.createInterface({ input: file });
const line$ = from(line).subscribe({
next: (dat) => { ... },
error: (err) => { ... },
complete: () => { ... }
