Generic Inquiry time format - acumatica

In a Generic Inquiry, I'm trying to format the time part of a DateTime field in the results. I don't currently see any way to do this without parsing the date as a string, but I must be missing something. Using the Format() function, running the query tells me "The method or operation is not implemented". Using the Minute() function gets the minutes part, but using the Hour() function says "Unsupported formula operator Hour".

Add CRCase table in your tables and don't join with any tables under Relations tab, and in result grid, under Schema field use CRCase.CreatedDateTime, with this you will get the result in DateTime format.
let me know if this is my wrong assumption to your question.


Not able to change datatype of Additional Column in Copy Activity - Azure Data Factory

I am facing very simple problem of not able to change the datatype of additional column in copy activity in ADF pipeline from String to Datetime
I am trying to change source datatype for additional column in mapping using JSON but still it doesn't work with polybase cmd
When I run my pipeline it gives same error
Is it not possible to change datatype of additional column, by default it takes string only
Dynamic columns return string.
Try to put the value [Ex. utcnow()] in the dynamic content of query and cast it to the required target datatype.
Otherwise you can use data-flow-derived-column :
Since your source is a query, you can choose to bring current date in source SQL query itself in the desired format rather than adding it in the additional column.
Try to use formatDateTime as shown below and define the desired Date format:
Here since format given is ‘yyyy-dd-MM’, the result will look as below:
Note: The output here will be of string format only as in Copy activity we could not cast data type as of the date.
We could either create current date in the Source sql query or use above way so that the data would load into the sink in expected format.

Azure Logic App - GetEntities (Azure Table) connector filter returning wrong result

In my logic app one step takes some filtered entities from Azure Table Storage. Filter consist of two conditions:
One field has to be equal to some constant value
Other field (datetime) has be to less or equal than current time minus 10min
It worked ok until last month when it started to return wrong results as seen in the screen below:
And the connector in Edit Mode:
I cannot work out what is happening. If I edit the row in the Azure Table (just click Update without changing anything) it starts to work properly. I thought that maybe the field was set with wrong type, but everything seems ok:
Maybe your error is caused by the wrong type of CreatedDate, you can refer to this post.
Simply put, you insert a time-formatted String into Azure Table data formatted as DateTime. This is shown in the portal as type DateTime, but it is actually a String.
1. If you want to insert data of type DateTime, you can specify odata.type, please refer to the following example:
"Address":"Mountain View",
2. Define CreatedDate as String type, but this is not a very good solution, it is better to insert the correct DateTime data.

What does Google Big Query expects in date column?

I'm sending a JSON with some data to Google Big Query, all string and numeric columns are accepting my data just fine, however, whenever I try to send a data to the Date column it returns a error saying:
location: 'creationdate',
debugInfo: '',
message: "Invalid date: '2020-10-05T00:00:00.000Z'"
I'm using Node.js to work with the data and sending it to Google Big Query through the insertAll route, following the format told by them on their docs:
If I send the data as Null it works fine, I've also tried to send it as a string and as an integer, but it returns the same error.
To confirm is the data type on the BigQuery schema Date or Datetime?
You may need to truncate to fit the date format or switch to using datetime.
For some reason the Date format in Big Query only accepts YYYY-MM-DD, without hours or timezone, I had to create another column in my table so I would be able to store the hours and timezone.

Dynamic Query Item Used for Sorting

I'm using Cognos Framework Manager and I'm creating a Data Item for a dynamic sort. I'm creating the Data Item using a CASE WHEN, here's my sample code:
CASE #prompt('SortOrder', 'string')#
WHEN 'Date' THEN <Date Column>
WHEN 'ID' THEN <String Column>
I'm getting this error QE-DEF-0405 Incompatible data types in case statement. Although I can cast the date column into a string wouldn't that make sort go wrong for the 'date' option? Should I cast the date column in a different way, cast the whole case, or am I barking at the wrong tree? In line with my question, should there be a general rule when creating dynamic columns via CASE with multiple column data types?
Column in Framework Manager should have datatype. Only one datatype.
So you need to cast your date column to correctly sortable string.
E.g. 'yyyy-mm-dd' format.
You are using the two different types of data format, so in prompt function use token instead of string (#prompt('sortorder','token')#)

How can I get the Current Date in a Cognos query expression?

I have a query expression in Cognos where I need to compare a past date to the current date. I don't see one in the functions list and I'm otherwise unsure how to put the query date inside a query object.
How can I use the current date in a query?
Depending on your Database software, the object will be either be current_date (SQL Server) or SYSDATE{} (Oracle). If you don't know which you have, just make an expression of just the function and press the Validate button; if you get an error, you used the wrong function for your database.
You can then use this object like any other Date query object, so you can add/compare it to dates in your query or display it somewhere on the page.
The best way is to use current_date. This method is data source agnostic and will be converted to the appropriate data source equivalent at run-time.
You can use something like this with your query:
FIELD2 = current_date
Asumming that FIELD2 has a date format
