Implementing webhook from a sub app in node.js - node.js

I have to implement a platform using Node.js where a file should be obtained from some other site using the webhook. But I could not find a site with the required features. So, I have to create another app to run in the background which have to send files at a regular interval. Those files should reach the platform by using the webhook. I don't know how to implement this scenario. Any suggestions?


Nodejs send metrics of how many people are using my app

So i'm designing a new application with Nodejs and packaging into an executable then putting a release in github, I want to be able to monitor how many people are using my executable?
I was thinking about creating an api server and my application just make a call to that API service but I thought there might be something already out there any help?
The easiest way is to connect third party services that do that. The most famous one is Google Analytics
You just need to create your developer account and embed a few lines of tracking code. After that you can see full info about your visitors including their location.

How to embed Google Assistant in web application?

Is it possible to include the google assistant into my local web application so that everyone can use it? I've got a JSF-Application that runs on a local tomcat 7 server. My goal is to change the views by voice. I want to do it with the google assistant sdk.
There is the service sdk (python, all functions) and the library sdk(gPRC (java), general function). I tried the java-client, but the hotword detection only works for the service sdk. I need the hotword detection.
Can I run the service python google assistant and my jsf-app on one tomcat server? I can't get my head around it and need your help.
This is only the first step to my goal. Have you any suggestions?
Hotword detection would be non-trivial to implement. A web application contains two parts: a client, which would be the web browser, and the server, which is your local tomcat server.
Web apps basically work with multiple clients communicating to one server through HTTP requests, primarily through Javascript. Your server then processes this, and the cool thing is that the server can be any language you want.
However, the client cannot directly interact with server-side code. This means that locally running feature like hotword detection on the server cannot be directly controlled by the client. You'd need to use a client-side hotword detection library, which would presumably need to be written in Javascript.

Connect Bot built with Microsoft Bot Framework to other connectors/Channels too

I have built a bot using Microsoft bot framework. Now I want to connect it to channels which are not supported by the Microsoft bot connector. However, I need to build an interface (or a substitute for bot connector) to connect to those channels. But as I am using Bot framework SDK (NodeJs), I need the best approach to expose the endpoint of my bot engine to other connectors/channels.
The Bot Framework has a mechanism specifically for this scenario, called Direct Line. Essentially, you build the UI interface yourself, but use the Direct Line API to forward events to/from the Bot Connector. You can use the Direct Line REST API, or find an npm package where someone has taken care of the underlying plumbing for you, as in the botframework-directline.js package. Microsoft has some node.js BotBuilder-Samples on their GitHub site too.
Note: The typical way to get the best help on SO is to post code of
what you've tried and that gives people a better idea of how to help.
I understand you don't know where to start, so that doesn't help much,
but maybe it will explain why you're getting Close flags.

Web long polling using

My problem is that I am building a app using parse ( and also a website to support it but didn't find a solution to add the "instant messaging" feature to web (Like facebook messaging)
The app (IOS) has a messaging feature that uses push notifications and works just fine.
What can I use for the web part to emulate that? Is it possible to use long polling somehow? What options are available?
I have tried using cloud code but was unsuccessful

Google feed api in a nodejs application?

I have a php application that uses the google feed api to get the feeds I want and display them. I was wondering how can I call the google feed api from a nodejs application ?
Use node's http.request() (or the shortcut version http.get()) functionality; that's conceptually the same thing you must be currently doing in PHP.
You might find that installing and using Mikeal's request module would make things even simpler.
