LINE BOT - Private reply to a comment - bots

I'm replicating a messenger bot on the LINE platform. I need to respond to a comment privately, like on Facebook ( Is this possible on the Line platform? How?
(I did not find it in Line's documentation and that's why I turn it over here.)

It's seems you want to send private message depend what message you get from user ?
You can get user identifier from webhook response and you can send direct message by using it


How to create a bot in lex/azure that respond in slack threads?

I have created 2 chatbots using AWS lex and Azure bot framework each. I have integrated them with slack and they respond to the mentions in channels.
Currently, the bot responds as a new message however I want it to respond in the slack thread of the original message posted by the user. I tried to look for articles in various places but could not find anything helpful. Does anyone have any idea on how to achieve this or a reference to a GitHub repo for a sample?
Since you are able to post replies, I am assuming that you are using chat.postMessage API.
To send the reply as a thread, all you need to do is that add thread_ts argument in the api call.
(Provide original message's ts (timestamp) value to make this message a reply.)

How to notice that a message sent to dialogflow is longer than 256 characters?

I made a facebook chatbot with dialogflow. My problem is that some users write messages to my bot that are longer than 256 characters.
Dialogflow just throws an error that the character size exceeded. As the result, the user has no answer.
I don't expect dialogflow to process the input. I just want to get this information in my backend, so I can send the user to the live chat.
Please, say me it is possible (and how ;) ).
By following this you will be able to set the custom webhook => Webhook setup
Make this server live with Ngrok with temporary later on you can migrate to your server
Now you will get event in which you will find your message sent from facebook messenger.
you can write simple JS function to send only 256 character to Dialogflow Functions
and send it to detectIntent in dialogflow function.

sending direct messages from nodejs script to telegram

Is it possible to send a message from a node.js server to someone's mobile number or telegram Id directly?
is it possible without using a telegram bot?
I need an API like below:
function sendMessage(senderTelegramId, receiverTelegramId, messageText)
In short: No, without a bot no way for now.
Detailed explanation:
In order for you to send users messages on telegram you would need to create your own telegram bot. They have a well documented API which you can read and play around with.
There are 2 things you should know about sending messages to users using telegram bot:
You can't just send random people messages on telegram even if you know their phone number, to send them messages you need to have their chat_id. See how in the docs
To get the chat_id the user must first click the start button that comes up when they open your bot for the first time. Telegram will send you the chat id of that user and you save it for later when you would want to send messages to that user.
There are tons of libraries that makes working telegram bots very easy, it wouldn't take you more than an hour to get started.
I hope this answers the question, feel free to ask further questions, I have made some bots and you can also play around with them to see how it works.
Cheers )
There is actually one more easiest way to send a message to chat
just fetch the URL[BOT_API_KEY]/sendMessage?chat_id=[MY_CHANNEL_NAME]&text=[MY_MESSAGE_TEXT]
you can find more details here

i cant visit the message that i sent with getupdates in telegram bot

I can't visit the message that I sent with getupdates in telegram bot
how can I visit the messages that I sent with my telegram bot?
I want to show the messages that send with a bot with sendmessage method but I couldn't find it
I can find my the message_id between sent messages but I can't visit the message that bot sent
From your question I couldn't extract in which language you are coding your telegram bot.
In node.js for example, using this package, every message you sent is automatically written to the console. If you only want to review your message that should already do the trick. If you need to store it permanently you'd need to either try to find where the console.log happens and apply your own code or save the console output to a file (like mentioned here). Later on you could for example apply a regex to filter the needed messages.
Note: If you are not using any programming language yet (and are just sending to the telegram API URLs) you have no easy possibility of reviewing your sent messages apart from intercepting the HTTP packets.

How to detect bot message/user message?

My FB-NodeJS-API prototype is not working correctly because my webhook is receiving the bot respond which is then sent to API.AI.
I need to set a condition where only a user's message should be received on the webhook request or only user's message should be sent to API.AI.
Can anyone advise me on this?
Can you explain the problem better? Please add the relevant code.
The bot response should go the user, not the webhook. The user input will come to the webhook.
I would suggest getting the bot to work without API.AI first and then adding support. My bot is in node.js so you may just want to jump to the source code.
For more information on setting up a bot see my article Facebook Bots for Fun and Profit
The example bot is DMS Software Bot
The source code is Github fb-robot
