How to change retention duration for Azure Application Insights? - azure

At the moment most of the data retained for 90 days by default. I was wondering if there way to change this setting to 30-40 days. I know that I can export them to keep the data longer but what I'm looking for is mainly keep the data for shorter duration for the upcoming regulations.

The default retention for Application Insights resources is 90 days. Different retention periods can be selected for each Application Insights resource. The full set of available retention periods is 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 270, 365, 550 or 730 days.
Note: If you need to keep data longer than 730 days, you can use Continuous Export to copy it to a storage account during data ingestion.
To change the retention, from your Application Insights resource, go to the Usage and Estimated Costs page and select the Data Retention option:

Sometimes the only answer is a no. In this case, you can't. From the docs:
Raw data points (that is, items that you can query in Analytics and inspect in Search) are kept for up to 90 days. If you need to keep data longer than that, you can use continuous export to copy it to a storage account.
Aggregated data (that is, counts, averages and other statistical data that you see in Metric Explorer) are retained at a grain of 1 minute for 90 days.
I remember that a long time ago the pricing tier dictated the maximum retention period but it is now fixed to 90 days for all plans.
You can try give your feedback / ask for this feature here.

It is now available as an option in the Azure portal. If not, you need to get in touch with Azure support to get it activated.


Azure cost analysis for a particular subscription using Python SDK

So I'm trying to automate fetching the current cost and cost forecast (Like it is shown under cost analysis for a particular subscription) for a particular subscription using python SDK but I haven't been able to find a single API that does this yet.
I've tried using UsageAggregate and Rate card but I haven't really figured out a way to find the cost for the current month to date. If there is an API that I'm missing or if I need to calculate monthly costs myself, I'd appreciate any code snippets or help.
If you already have the usage and the ratecard data, then you must combine them.
Take the meterId of the usage data and get the related ratecard data.
The ratecard data contains the MeterRates and the IncludedQuantity which you must take.
There are probably multiple meter rates and the included quantity because there are probably different costs per usage (e.g. first 10 calls for free, 3 GB for free, ...).
The consumption starts/is reseted at the 14th of the month. That's the reason why you have to read the data from the whole billing period (begins with 14th of each month), because that's the only way how you get the correct consumption.
So, if you are using e.g. Azure Functions and you have a usage of 100.000 units per day and you want the costs from 20th - 30th, then the calculation works as follows:
read data from 14th - 30th. These are 17 days and therefore it used 1.700.000 units. The first 400.000 are for free = IncludedQuantity (so in this sample the first 4 days).
From the 400.001 unit on, you have to take the meter rate (0,0000134928 €) and calculate the costs. 1.300.000 * 0,0000134928 = ~17,54€.
Fortunately, the azure functions have only one rate. If the rate changes e.g. after 5.000.000 units, then you also have to take this into account. If you have the whole costs, then you can filter on your date which is 20.-30. and you will get the result.
Its calculation implemented in C# and published it as a NuGet package here. It also contains a sample console which you could use to export the data.
I know I am bit late to the party, but after struggling with the same problem, I managed to create the code for getting the cost of a resource group using
Link to cost management API
Code sample is in my answer here

How do I identify the source of Cosmos DB RU consumption?

I have an Azure Function which executes daily, it is change tracking a pricing feed with the results stored in a Cosmos DB. Each time it runs it compares the latest price from the feed, against the most recent values in the DB collection and writes a new item if there is a difference. It is scheduled to run at 23:55 each day. The overall setup is tiny, with 10 items in the DB, and changes seen usually once a week. My consumption is 3.84 RUs for the daily execution when the price hasn't changed.
In addition to the expected activity at 23:55 each day, there is additional activity appearing almost every 3 hrs 45 mins. This unexpected activity consumes 4 RUs each time (around 24 RUs per day). How can I identify the source of the additional activity?
Other info
I noticed that the backups were scheduled to 4 hours, so I changed that to daily. That didn't help.
Since noticing the additional usage I have added diagnostic settings to save all logs into a Log Analytics workspace. I can see that the RUs are Read operations, Type = AzureDiagnostics, requestResourceType = Collection, Source IP =, 1 of the 4 is a read against the __Cosmos/colls/__Query collection. This suggests to me that it's the diagnostics causing the cost. I disabled the diagnostic settings to see if that reduced my RU consumption, but it does not.
Is it just a case that diagnostics are run by Microsoft and that is simply part of having a cosmos db?
And that usually it's a smaller proportion of the overall cost, therefore not an issue?

Ongoing time frame in Azure Application Insights

This line is in my Azure Application Insights Kusto query:
| where timestamp between(datetime("2020-03-06T00:00:00.000Z")..datetime("2020-06-06T00:00:00.000Z"))
Each time I run it, I manually replace the datetime values with current date and the current date minus ~90 days. Is there a way to write the query in a way that no matter what day I run it, it uses that day minus 90 days by default?
The reason for 90 is I believe Azure Application Insights allows a maximum of the most recent 90 days to exported. In other queries I might choose to use minus 30 days or minus 7 days, if it's possible.
If this is easily spotted in Microsoft documentation and I have missed it in my exploration, I apologize.
Thank you for any insight anyone may have.
IIUC, you're interested in running something like this:
| where timestamp between(startofday(ago(90d)) .. startofday(now()))
(depending on your requirement, you can omit the startofday()s, or use endofday(), or perform any other datetime-manipulation/arithmetics)
It should be easy to use ago operator. The query is as below:
| where timestamp >ago(90d) //d means days here.
And for this The reason for 90 is I believe Azure Application Insights allows a maximum of the most recent 90 days to exported. You can take a look at Continuous Export feature, it's different from export via query. And you can choose the better one between them as per your requirement.

SharePoint list update item takes more than 5 seconds

We have the Sharepoint 2016 hosted on prem with a minimum set of services running on the server. The resource utilization is very low and the user base is around 100. There are no workflows or any other resource consuming service running.
We use list to store and update information for certain users with the help of a form for the end user. Of recent, the time consumed for the update has increased to over 6 seconds for a list data update.
This list has about 15 items, mostly numbers and single line text or number or DateTime.
The indexing is set to automatic.
As part of the review, we conducted a few checks and DB indexing on our cluster, however there is no improvement.
Looking forward to any help / suggestions. Thank you.

Azure : Resource usage API issue

I tried to pull the Azure resource usage data for billing metrics. I followed the steps as mentioned in the blog to get Usage data of resources.
Even If I set "start and endtime" parameter in the URL, its not take effect. It returns entire output [ from resource created/added time ].
For example :"
As per the above URL, it should return the data between "2017-03-03 to 2017-03-04". But It shows the data from 2nd March [ 2017-03-02]. don't know why this return entire output and time filter section is not working.
Note : Endtime parameter value takes effect, mean it shows the output upto what mentioned in the endtime. But it doesn't consider the start time.
Anyone have a suggestion on this.
So there are a few things to consider:
There is usage date/time and then there is reported date/time.
Former tells you the date/time when the resources were used while the
latter tells you the date/time when this information was received by
the billing sub-system. There will be some delay in when the
resources used versus when they are reported. From this link:
Set {dateTimeOffset-value} for reportedStartTime and reportedEndTime
to valid dateTime values. Please note that this dateTimeOffset value
represents the timestamp at which the resource usage was recorded
within the Azure billing system. As Azure is a distributed system,
spanning across 19 datacenters around the world, there is bound to be
a delay between the resource usage time (when the resource was
actually consumed) and the resource usage reported time (when the
usage event reached the billing system) and callers need a predictable
way to get all usage events for a subscription for a given time
The query only lets you search for reported date/time and there is no provision for usage date/time. However the data returned back to you contains usage date/time and not the reported date/time.
Long story short, because of the delay in propagating the usage information to the billing sub-system, the behavior you're seeing is correct. In my experience, it takes about 24 hours for all the usage information to show up in the billing sub-system.
The way we handle this scenario in our application is we fetch the data for a longer duration and then pick up only the data we're interested in seeing. So for example, if I need to see the data for 1st of March then we query the data for reported date/time from 1st March to say 4th March (i.e. today's date) and then discard any data where usage date is not 1st of March.
If we don't find any data (which is quite possible and is happening in your case as well), we simply tell the users that usage information is not yet available.
