Can't setup webhook - webhooks

I want to setup webhook to the server.
I am guided by this instruction (and several other):
Every time I get the same error: Access denied for the scope urn:adsk.wipprod:fs.folder:co.cT9kz1IxRZy5rgSCupQ3vg that you are trying to create hook on
Please check the call:
curl -X 'POST' -v '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'authorization: Bearer '$1 -d '{
"callbackUrl": "***",
"scope": {
"folder": "urn:adsk.wipprod:fs.folder:co.cT9kz1IxRZy5rgSCupQ3vg"
"hookAttribute": {
"projectId": "***"
*** - was hidden.
Call structure is similar to example in documentation.
Folder exist. I will be glad receive any ideas.

From the description, I believe this can be one of 2 possible issues:
the 3-legged token you're using don't have access to this folder. Note the Webhook is created and stored per user per app, so the user (Autodesk Account that is logged in) need to have access to this folder.
the access token is missing the data:read data:write scopes required for webhooks.
Can you check this and share the results? Maybe add more details on your 3-legged and make sure the user can see the folder (e.g. list files on it with the access token).


How do access my newly created REST API endpoints with curl?

Using REST builder I created some API endpoints. I am trying to access them using curl.
$ curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/o/headless-xxx/v1.0/profile/12345" -H "accept: application/json" -H "x-csrf-token: xxx"
I retrieved the token from the browser after logged in with Liferay.authToken.
I get this error message.
"message" : "Access denied to"
I replaced actual names with xxx, ClassName and methodName. They all look correct.
Is there a setting I am missing? Am I authenticating incorrectly?
I was expecting to see the output of the api but I only get the error.
The message Access denied to might also result from a missing Service Access Policy. Please check it in the:
Control Panel -> Configuration -> Service Access Policy
If you have an oauth2 authentication, you could add

How to allow any user to access/control only particular application?

Is there any way to allow user to get access of stream URLs and embed code of only one application and restrict access to other applications?
Yes, you can restrict your specific user. You just need to create a user according to below CURL command or Ant Media Server Dashboard Users section in Settings tab.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"email": "test", "password": "testtest", "scope": "system", "userType": "ADMIN"}' "https://{YOUR_SERVER_ADDRESS}:5443/rest/v2/users"
Note: scope parameter can be system or specific application name such as LiveApp. If you use LiveApp, user will have permission only for LiveApp. system can access each application scope.
userType parameter can be ADMIN, USER or READ-ONLY.
Check this guide for more detail.

Docusign integration with production failing

I'm using the python SDK for Docusign API. I created an integration in the sandbox and successfully promoted the integrator key to a production account.
I retrieved the integrator key, API Acccount ID and API Username from Admin > API and Keys on for the production account. I successfully obtained consent and successfully get a token via configure_jwt_authorization_flow().
However, when I try to make an API call with the token I get: USER_DOES_NOT_BELONG_TO_SPECIFIED_ACCOUNT.
If I use /oauth/userinfo with my token, I get same Username and Account ID that I retrieved above from the Docusign web page.
I haven't posted any code because the code works with my Sandbox account. I just don't understand why the information from the API and Keys page on the website isn't working.
The crazy thing is that I'm logging in as the user in Docusign to obtain the account information. Why doesn't the API think the user is part of that account?
Any help will be much appreciated.
Answering my own question in case it helps someone else...
I was using the wrong "Base URL" in production (i.e. You need to determine your custom endpoint based on your account. Like this:
curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H 'X-DocuSign-Authentication:{"Username": "","Password": "yourOwnPassword", "IntegratorKey": "yourOwnIntegratorKey"}' -X GET
The result will be something like:
{ "loginAccounts": [ { "name": "John Dough", "accountId": "12345",
"baseUrl": "",
"isDefault": "true", "userName": "John Dough", "userId":
"02e6fc42-0c2e-4e8e-ade1-8ed6f140daee", "email": "",
"siteDescription": "" } ] }
Use the returned value of baseUrl for your integration.(

ErrorAccessDenied when requesting Microsoft Graph calendar resources via client credentials OAuth flow

I needed to access resource room's events via the Microsoft Graph API in a server-to-server environment so I followed this guide a few months ago. I created the application, set the calendar-related Application Permissions required and used an admin account to consent to the permissions successfully. Everything has been working for a good 3-4 months now without issues.
However, after not changing anything, today I am getting this response back from the /v1.0/users/{resource room email}/events endpoint:
"error": {
"code": "ErrorAccessDenied",
"message": "Access is denied. Check credentials and try again.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "952955b5-562e-4fa6-8b0f-e381c8294fcd",
"date": "2017-09-06T03:09:49"
This appears to be a permissions issue as the /v1.0/users/{resource room email}/messages endpoint returns the resource room's messages just fine (assuming permissions are set).
If I follow the previously linked guide using CURL I can replicate the issue.
Get a token:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
'{my tennant URL}/oauth2/v2.0/token'
Try and get the events:
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}" '{resource room email}/events'
And I receive the same error as above.
Has something changed that I am unaware of that would break this functionality?
Thanks for your help.

What's my GitHub appliance's REST API endpoint?

I want to use Groovy, HttpBuilder and REST API to access our company's onsidte GitHub appliance.
The GitHub developer's site:, shows this URL: So if my company's GitHub URL is:, what is my REST API endpoint URL? e.g. if I want to list all users, what's the correct URL?
When I access this URL:, it gives me an error: refused to connect.
According to "API Enterprise 2.5":
All API endpoints—except Management Console API endpoints—are prefixed with the following URL:
But you need to authenticate:
Your Enterprise installation's API endpoints accept the same authentication methods as the API. Specifically, you can authenticate yourself with OAuth tokens (which can be created using the Authorizations API) or basic authentication.
Every Enterprise API endpoint is only accessible to GitHub Enterprise site administrators, with the exception of the Management Console API, which is only accessible via the Management Console password.
TLTR; These are the endpoints
| | Enterprise | GitHub |
| v3 | https://[YOUR_HOST]/api/v3 | |
| v4 | https://[YOUR_HOST]/api/graphql | |
Here you have some examples in case you want to try them. You'll need to create an ACCESS_TOKEN
curl -H "Authorization: bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]" https://[YOUR_HOST]/api/v3/organizations
curl -H "authorization: bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]" https://[YOUR_HOST]/api/graphql -d "{\"query\": \"query { viewer { login } }\"}"
curl -H "Authorization: bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]"
curl -H "authorization: bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]" -d "{\"query\": \"query { viewer { login } }\"}"
If you are not using https, it's "".
You're getting that message because the request is not authenticated.
First you have to figure out what kind of auth your server accepts and then incorporate that into the header or the (query string) of your request.
For example, this is how I get a list (using the header approach) of organizations I can access:
`url -k -H "Authorization: token" \`
Note that is a place holder for a personal access token I created with read-only access to my repos. The docs refer to this as OAUTH_TOKEN. You can opt for inserting the token as a query string. In neither case do you have to enter a user name because the server figures that out from the token.
if you need it would be
more info at
"current_user_url": "",
"authorizations_url": "",
"code_search_url": "{query}{&page,per_page,sort,order}",
"commit_search_url": "{query}{&page,per_page,sort,order}",
"emails_url": "",
"emojis_url": "",
"events_url": "",
"feeds_url": "",
"followers_url": "",
"following_url": "{/target}",
"gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
"hub_url": "",
"issue_search_url": "{query}{&page,per_page,sort,order}",
"issues_url": "",
"keys_url": "",
"label_search_url": "{query}&repository_id={repository_id}{&page,per_page}",
"notifications_url": "",
"organization_url": "{org}",
"organization_repositories_url": "{org}/repos{?type,page,per_page,sort}",
"organization_teams_url": "{org}/teams",
"public_gists_url": "",
"rate_limit_url": "",
"repository_url": "{owner}/{repo}",
"repository_search_url": "{query}{&page,per_page,sort,order}",
"current_user_repositories_url": "{?type,page,per_page,sort}",
"starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
"starred_gists_url": "",
"topic_search_url": "{query}{&page,per_page}",
"user_url": "{user}",
"user_organizations_url": "",
"user_repositories_url": "{user}/repos{?type,page,per_page,sort}",
"user_search_url": "{query}{&page,per_page,sort,order}"
