Native UI Components - Refresh when Android views update - android-layout

We're trying to implement a Native UI Component that wraps an Android components that fetches data and displays it using our existing rendering framework (using an AdapterView). We don't know what the data will be in advance, so the height and contents of this component are completely arbitrary. This mostly works fine, except for the case where the rendered components request something else asynchronously (e.g. images). In that case, the image is retrieved, the ImageView is "displayed", but the UI ends up showing nothing (literally seems to be a transparent view of the appropriate size).
We know that these views work just fine in normal Android, but we seem to be missing something that tells RN/Yoga that it should re-render when images are loaded from the server so that they are properly displayed.
Here's more or less what this looks like:
public class ReactServerListComponent extends SimpleViewManager<LinearLayoutExtension> {
private static final String REACT_CLASS = "TAReactServerListComponent";
public String getName() {
#ReactProp(name = "link")
public void setLink(final LinearLayoutExtension view, String theNewLink){
//async loader logic invokes this on success
In this case LinearLayoutExtension contains all the views produced by the Adapter, which in turn will contain the asynchronously loading image views.
We've tried a few things, like returning a ShadowNode with a measure function, or keeping a reference of the ShadowNode and calling dirty(), etc on it.
What is the correct way to do this? Unfortunately, we have not found documentation or examples that deal with really complex components outside of "check the repo"...

You could try view.invalidate() on the group.
You could also remove the placeholder imageview and add a newer view with the correct image.
However if it is only refreshing the image view, you could also use something like volley, Picasso, Glide etc... to take care of the imageview itself.


faces-redirect=true not working while creating and rendering view

I am currently working on a JSF 2.2 application. As per requirements, I have created custom view handler (using ViewHandlerWrapper) for my application. All the methods are just passing to default view handler except renderView which I am overriding as follows -
private viewHandler viewHandlerWrapped = null;
renderView(FacesContext facesContext, UIViewRoot viewToRender) {
String viewId = viewToRender.getViewId();
if (viewId == some condition) {
/* Do calculation to derive viewId */
UIViewRoot viewRoot = viewHandlerWrapped.createView(facesContext,viewId+"?faces-redirect=true");
//now let system render the view
The above is working fine and rendering & navigation is happening as expected. The only issue is faces-redirect=true is not working. The URL seems to be always one behind.
I have gone through many answers given in stackoverflow or internet. But nowhere I am able to find how to solve this.
I think I am doing something wrong e.g. ?faces-redirect=true might not be the correct way while creating view. But I am not sure what can be done to correct this.
Can someone please help me out with this?
After struggling with this for more than 4 weeks, I finally found a way to get the correct URL (instead of previous one). I am updating my answer here in case any one else falls into same problem -
"It looks like we can not use the faces-redirect=true the way I was using while creating and rendering the pages. It should be suffixed with form action. So I have changed my code as follows -
1) actions are returned on click of a button e.g.
public string doAction {
return "action?faces-redirect=true";
2) Code is updated to use implicit navigation wherever possible. With this, I didn't need to build my custom viewhandler as navigation is happening implicitly. So, I have scrapped the viewhandler.
With above two simple steps, the correct URL is being displayed on the browser now.

How to display data from a model from a Yii 1.1 layout file?

I'd like to have the layout reflect some data from a model. However, the render method from the CController class passes the structured data only to the view file, while the layout file only gets the rendered view passed.
So, how to best have the layout display data from a model?
Two possibilities come to mind:
Make Yii's layout file a no-op, mimicking layout logic manually from the view.
Override CController's render method in its subclass.
I'm not so happy with either variant, so maybe someone has a cleaner idea on how to do it?
Another way is to define a public variable in your controller class, something like:
class MyController extends Controller {
public $test = 'foo';
That value can then be accessed within a layout:
echo $this->test;
And manipulated in an action:
public function actionMyaction(){
$this->test = "bar";
Obviously it's not ideal if you have many variables that you need to use in a layout. One solution is to use an array of parameters. Alternatively you could look at making your layout more minimal and using CWidget to create reusable components for use inside your views.
For example, you obviously wouldn't want to have the code for your main navigation duplicated inside every view, so the obvious solution is to have in the layout, but if it becomes inconvenient to handle the data you could have an instance of a widget that renders out the navigation inside each view (and you can pass data to the CWidget class) something like:

Warn the user that he is about to loose his change in Edit view when leaving to view to another in GWT

I want to prevent the user that he will loose his changes in an EditView when changing the view to another.
I use MVP4G in my project and the project is divided as mvp's structure (one package for the template another one for views ..) is there any solution to detect the EditView in the eventBus. or detect the current View shown to user
Thanks in advance
Thanks to the Navigation Event feature in mvp4g, the presenter will get control before the view changes. At this point the presenter can decide if the navigation will be done or not. This is the correct place in a mvp4g application to save your data.
First zu have to mark all events in the eventbus that will change your view with:
#Event(..., navigationEvent = true)
void goToPage1();
Next your presenters have to implement the NavigationConfirmationInterface and the requires confirm-method:
public class Presenter extends ... implements NavigationConfirmationInterface {
public void confirm(NavigationEventCommand event) {
//pseudo method to verify if the view has changed
if (isViewModified(){
//Window shouldn't be used inside a presenter
//this is just to give a simple example
if (Window.confirm("Are you sure you want to leave?")){
} else {
And the last thing to do, is to set the presenter of the current view to the confirmation presenter by calling:
This is usually done when the presenter gets control.
You will find the documentation here:
Thanks to MVP4G's team including El Hoss who gives me a hint to check the MVP4G's blog.. I've solved my problem by following this example

MvvmCross: Display a BTProgressHUD spinner immediately after ViewModel creation

I'm using the BTProgressHUD Xamarin component in an app that is built using MvvmCross. I'm currently working on the iOS version of the app. My ViewModels make several web service calls and expose an 'IsBusy' property, which the associated views are binding to, in order to show or hide the progress spinner. This is pretty much the way things are set up in the N=34 MvvmCross sample ( as well.
The problem is that in some cases a ViewModel must automatically call a service as soon as it is created. I tried to make the call in the Start() function of the ViewModel, but I noticed that the BTProgressHUD spinner does not show up on top of the view. I suspect that the problem is that BTProgressHUD must be displayed only after a view has been made visible, and probably this is not the case when ViewModel.Start() runs.
Has anyone encountered this before? Is there a simple way to run code in the ViewModel after the view has been made visible?
Is there a simple way to run code in the ViewModel after the view has been made visible?
The N=42 video - - introduces an IVisible interface that you can add to your ViewModel - it's your job to call this from your View - but this is easy to do on each platform. For example,, on iOS it is done using ViewDidAppear/ViewDidDisappear in
protected IVisible VisibleViewModel
get { return base.ViewModel as IVisible; }
public override void ViewDidAppear(bool animated)
public override void ViewDidDisappear(bool animated)

WebView underneath Andengine

I'm trying to put a joypad made with AndEngine on a WebView that will be the view of an ipCamera. How can I do? I've searched a lot about that, but still haven't found the solution. Thank you all very much
You didn't mention what version of AndEngine you are using.
If you are using GLES2 (same technique may work for the GLES1 branch but I have not verified that), look at the AndEngine TextBreakExample.
That example shows how to use the org.andengine.opengl.view.RenderSurfaceView in combination with another layout like a LinearLayout. The "other layout" can contain anything - this example uses an EditText, but you should be able to use a WebView using the same technique.
Be sure and check the res/layout/textbreakexample.xml file. Also note these extra methods in the file
protected int getLayoutID() {
return R.layout.textbreakexample;
protected int getRenderSurfaceViewID() {
Also might check out this layout file
