Angular5 EC2 VPC deployment - node.js

I'm trying to deploy my application over Amazon EC2 instance, I couldn't reach my application over the public IP address. Such as
I've changed the security group and allowed TCP connection for port
Nodejs is working fine, I've install it.
Ng serve is working
My inbound rules :
80 tcp, ::/0
4100 tcp, ::/0
443 tcp, ::/0
22 tcp
Thanks in advance!

I think the culprit is in how you do your ng serve. If you just did that command as is it won't work because you aren't allowing connections from the outside. For production deployment I highly recommend you use a true server like nginx or apache to serve your bundles (run ng build --prod).
To address your current situation you should be able to hit your page if you run ng serve --host --port 80 which will allow connections on port 80 from most anywhere. Just be sure your server has said port open as well.


Unable to connect to EC2 + Elastic IP

I am setting up a Rest API on AWS EC2 and configuring the instance.
I have a problem and it is that despite being able to connect via ssh, I cannot make an API call on port 5000.
The VM has nothing configured, only Node and PM2.
Trying to enter through the public DNS I can't establish a connection either.
I have these security groups enabled.
5000 TCP
22 TCP
5000 TCP ::/0
443 TCP
443 TCP ::/0
80 TCP
80 TCP ::/0
Can someone help me with this? I don't understand what is happening.
What is the exact error is it timing out ?
If yes then the error is with the security group if not try doing ssh to your container and ping it locally using curl localhost command you might find that the pm2 server is not running the app properly

How do I make a NodeJs project publicly accessible on port 3000?

I have a NodeJs/Express project in Alibaba cloud based Ubuntu server.
When I run project and access with curl localhost:3000 and curl it works!
When I access with IP public, e.g. curl 192.x.x.x:3000 it doesn't work, even though I have edited config in Express project in some code to : server.listen(3000,"") OR server.listen("3000","192.x.x.x").
FYI I have Apache on this server. When I access on Internet with IP public no problem.
What can I do to solve this problem? Thanks beforehand.
PS: the 192.x.x.x is my IP public and it works access with Apache project
Issue the following command to open port 3000 for TCP traffic.
sudo ufw allow 3000/tcp
You have to configure your security ground and create a inbound rule to allow port 3000. Follow this guideline.
Make sure you allow TCP traffic or all traffic from all sources to the port 3000 as the inbound rule.
The fact that you can access your service locally - but not publicly could mean 2 possible configurations:
The server running your application has blocked the port 3000
You have not configured your server to map the port 80 of a specific route to the port 3000
It is highly possible that a most essential part of your server configuration has not been done.

Redirect Port via iptables on AWS EC2 Ubuntu instance

I have a running AWS EC2 instance on an Ubuntu machine running a Nodejs server.
Everything works fine then opening the website via its public ip on port 3000 likes this:
Now I want to redirect all requests from port 80 to this port 3000 via iptables like described in this video: via
sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3000.
Unfortunately I am getting this error: when opening the site like this: http://XX.XXX.XXX.XXX (without port 3000 specified)
P.S.: I'm not really sure if my approach is correct. I am open to other ways of achieving a redirect from port 80 (http) to port 3000
As #Vorsprung suggested I should use an Application Load Balancer. I did this but it's still not working. Here is my setup:
My Application Load Balancer Listener
The Target Group I'm forwarding to in my ALB
My hosted zone (I've added the alias for the ALB here)
Please let me know if something is missing
either use nginx see
you are on AWS! Use an ALB.. see

Run node app with SSL on 443 port (on 80 is working)

It's my first time when I try configure a server running on Amazon EC2.
I figured out how run my node app on 80 port but now I'm trying to run on 443 port with Letsencrypt SSL. Before to work on 80 port I added
sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3000
sudo iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3000
and everything worked fine. But now after install Letsencrypt I try to do same thing but with 433 port instead 80 and it's not working.
Letsencrypt config automatically for me all files so now redirect from http to https is working fine and when my iptable is empty on https:// I see ubuntu default website. When I run lines mentioned above with 443 port app is still not working (browser can't even load anything). It's only working with http:/...:3000
I've added 443 port to Security Groups on EC2.
What I can do? Thanks.
You need to check your security group Inbound/Outbound rules, you need to see if port 443 is assigned to which host. A valid but dangerous configuration, just for testing, is allow everything on Inbound and Outbound, to see if its a problem on your Security Group.
Beyond that, you need to be sure if the binding port is listening. Are you using Amazon Linux?

Meteor app running on instead of

I have my meteor app running on my production server. I have a reverse proxy setup on a different server.
A curl from my reverse proxy server to my app server gives me a Connection Refused.
My app is running on port 8080 and my firewall allows access to the port. I suspect the reason for the connection refused is that my app is running on instead of
On running sudo netstat -tapn I get a
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 14391/node
How do I get the app to run on If this is not the reason, what else could cause a connection refused? is the loopback IP it's usually the same as localhost (as defined in your hosts file). you should never be able to connect to that IP from the outside. binds to all IPs on the server, which is accessible from the outside.
