How to write opal library? - opalrb

I want to write opal library to provide nicer interface to some native javascript I have to use. However, I have no idea where to start. I have some of the stuff wrapped in my current code, but dunno how to make it into separate "module" or what term doesn't opal use.
What is common blueprint to start such a thing? Or should I just dig through opal-browser and figure it out from there?

Key seems to be to use Opal.append_path to add dir with opal code to the search path.
Following code borrowed from seems to illustrate it nicely:
if RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal'
require 'opal/jquery/window'
require 'opal/jquery/document'
require 'opal/jquery/element'
require 'opal/jquery/event'
require 'opal/jquery/http'
require 'opal/jquery/kernel'
require 'opal'
require 'opal/jquery/version'
Opal.append_path File.expand_path('../..', __FILE__).untaint


How can I include additional modules in a NodeJS custom binary?

I am building a custom binary of NodeJS from the latest code base for an embedded system. I have a couple modules that I would like to ship as standard with the binary - or even run a custom script the is compiled into the binary and can be invoked through a command line option.
So two questions:
1) I vaguely remember that node allowed to include custom modules during build time but I went through the latest 5.9.0 configure script and I can't see anything related - or maybe I am missing it.
2) Did someone already do something similar? If yes, what were the best practices you came up with?
I am not looking for something like Electron or other binary bundlers but actually building into the node binary.
So I guess I figure it out much faster that I thought.
For anyone else, you can add any NPM module to it and just add the actual source files to the node.gyp configuration file.
Compile it and run the custom binary. It's all in there now.
> var cmu = require("cmu");
> cmu
{ version: [Function] }
> cmu.version()
'It worked!'
> `
After studying this for quite a while, I have to say that the flyandi's answer is not quite true. You cannot add any NPM module just by adding it to the node.gyp.
You can only add pure JavaScript modules this way. To be able to embed a C++ module (I deliberately don't use the word "native", because that one is quite ambiguous in nodeJS terminology - just look at the sources).
To summarize this:
To embed a JS module to your custom nodejs, just add it in the library_files section of the node.gyp file. Also note that it should be placed within the lib folder, otherwise you'll have troubles requiring the module. That's because the name/path listed in node.gyp / library_files is used to encode the id of the module in the intermediate file which is then used when searching for the built-in modules.
To embed a native module is much more difficult. The best way I have found so far is to build the module as a static library instead of dynamic, which for cmake(-js) based module you can achieve by changing the SHARED parameter to STATIC like this:
add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} STATIC ${SRC})
instead of:
add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED ${SRC})
And also changing the suffix:
SUFFIX ".lib") /* instead of .node */
Then you can link it from node.gyp by adding this section:
'link_settings': {
'libraries' : [
#...add other static dependencies
(how to do this with node-gyp based project should be quite ease to google)
This allows you to build the module, but you won't be able to require it, because require() function in node can only be used to load built-in JS modules, external JS modules or external dynamic node modules. But now we have a built-in C++ module. Well, lot of node integrated modules are C++, but they always have a JS wrapper in /lib, and those wrappers they use process.binding() to load the C++ module. That is, process.binding() is sort of a require() function for integrated C++ modules.
That said, we also need to call require.binding() instead of require to load our integrated module. To be able to do that, we have to make our module "built-in" first.
We can do that by replacing
NODE_MODULE(mymodule, InitAll)
int the module definition with
which will register it as internal module and from now on we can process.binding() it.
Note that NODE_BUILTIN_MODULE_CONTEXT_AWARE is not defined in node.h as NODE_MODULE but in node_internals.h so you either have to include that one, or copy the macro definition over to your cpp file (the first one is of course better because the nodejs API tends to change quite often...).
The last thing we need to do is to list our newly integrated module among the others so that the node knows to initialize them (that is include them within the list of modules used when searching for the modules loaded with process.binding()). In node_internals.h there is this macro:
V(async_wrap) \
V(buffer) \
V(cares_wrap) \
So just add the your module to the list the same way as the others V(mymodule).
I might have forgotten some step, so ask in the comments if you think I have missed something.
If you wonder why would anyone even want to do this... You can come up with several reasons, but here's one most important to me: Those package managers used to pack your project within one executable (like pkg or nexe) work only with node-gyp based modules. If you, like me, need to use cmake based module, the final executable won't work...

Avoiding require(../../../..) relative paths with grunt mocha

When unit testing, I tend to have a directory called test at the top of my project structure, with the directory structure mimicking the source code that is to be tested. However, these directories can get quite deep, for example
with perhaps a test in
Now, when I want to include the User.js module, I use require('../../../../../app/src/js/models/Users.js') which is very cumbersome.
Ideally, I would like to use require('/app/src/js/models/User.js') or perhaps even require('User.js').
Is this possible? I am using grunt-mocha-test, but I think the question is a more general one.
There are multiple options you could use. Your best bet would probably be to use some npm module, for example this one. Search the npm registory for require, there are tons of options so choose whichever suits your needs.
Alternatively, you could write some helper function that does something similar.
If you were looking for some native way (built-in to Node.js) to achieve this, sadly there are none. You will have to use either a custom function or an npm module to do this in some nice, reusable way.

erlang -import not working

I have an erlang program, compiled with rebar, after the new debian release, it won't compile anymore, complaining about this:
bad import declaration
I don't know erlang, I am just trying to compile this thing.
Apparently something bad happened to -import recently
Is there an easy way to fix this?
Well, -import(). is working but it does NOT do what you are expecting it to do. It does NOT "import" the module into your module, nor does it go out, find the module and get all the exported functions and allow you to use them without the module name. You use -import like this:
-import(lists, [map/2,foldl/3,foldr/3]).
Then you can call the explicitly imported functions without module name and the compiler syntactically transforms the call by adding the module name. So the compiler will transform:
map(MyFun, List) ===> lists:map(MyFun, List)
Note that this is ALL it does. There are no checks for whether the module exists or if the function is exported, it is a pure naive syntactic transformation. All it gives you is slightly shorter code. For this reason it is seldom used most people advise not to use it.
Note also that the unit of code for all operations is the module so the compiler does not do any inter-module checking or optimisation at all. Everything between modules like checking a modules existence or which functions it exports is done at run-time when you call a function in the other module.
No, there is no easy way to fix this. The source code has to be updated, and every reference to imported functions prefixed with the module in question. For example, every call to format should be replaced with io_lib:format, though you'd have to know which function was imported from which module.
You could start by removing the -import directives. The compilation should then fail, complaining about undefined functions. That is where you need to provide the correct module name. Look at the documentation pages for io_lib, erl_scan and erl_parse to see which functions are in which module.
Your problem is that you were using the experimental -import(Mod) directive which is part of parameterized modules. These are gone in R16B and onwards.
I often advise against using import. It hurts quick searches and unique naming of foreign calls. Get an editor which can quickly expand names.
Start by looking at what is stored in the location $ERL_LIBS, typically this points to /usr/lib/erlang/lib.

alternative for module.exports

I've got a question that might sound strange.
We are using node.js, but the way we are writing javascript code is in a functional style. We have a lint tool that reports illegal use of the assignment expression. We can eleminate them all except for the 'module.exports = xxx' statement.
Is there an other way to load modules in node.js?
for example; the following statement would be fine as a solution as it is not an assignment expression but a variable declaration:
var exports = xxx;
if there is a way that nodejs would pick up this 'exports' variable, then we're done.
the following did the trick for me:
Looks like changing lint tool is the best way. :)
However you can use different module loader (there are some AMD implementations for node.js out there) that's pure functional.

require() in large, multi-file Node projects

I'm working on a large Node project. Naturally, I want to break this into multiple source files. There are many modules from the standard lib that I use in a majority of my source files, and there are also quite a few of my own files that I want to use almost everywhere.
I've been making this work by including a huge require block at the beginning of each source file, but this feels awfully redundant. Is there a better way to do this? Or is this an intended consequence of Node's admirable module system?
You can use a container module to load a series of modules. For example, given the following project structure:
You can have index.js import the other modules in the library.
# index.js
module.exports.module1 = require('./module1');
module.exports.module2 = require('./module2');
Then main.js need only import a single module:
# main.js
var lib = require('./lib');
This technique can be expanded, reducing redundant imports.
I'd say generally that a require block is better practice than using global in Node.
You need to remember that requires are cached so when you put them in all of your code modules, you will always get the same instance not a new one each time.
Doing it this way ensures that you get the appropriate code with the expected name spaces exactly where you want it whereas using global will include things you don't need. Doing it the Node way with require will also tend to make your code slightly more portable.
Well, a couple of things, here.
First, if so many of your files are requiring the same libraries over and over again, you might want to step back and determine if you're really breaking your code up in the proper way. Perhaps there's a better organization where certain libraries are only needed by subsets of your source files?
Second, remember that the global object is shared between all of your required files in your Node.js app. Your "root" source file, say index.js, can do things like global.fs = require('fs'); and then it's accessible from all of your various files. This would eliminate the need to require a file full of requires. (In Node.js, you have to explicitly state that you're accessing a global variable by prepending global., unlike in the browser.)
This can be a good idea for CRUD-type Express apps where you have lots of code for controllers that are all almost the same but have to be slightly different for each view and you just want to split them apart not for any particular organization structure, but just to make it easier to debug (error in this file, not that file). If the structure of the app is more complex than that, take the usual warnings against global variables to heart before using that trick.
Require more than one file without absolute path through require-file-directory.
1- Can require more than one file in single statement.
2- Can require files with only their name.
Visit for solution:
