cant convert existing website to phonegap using url - phonegap-plugins

i have a responsive mobile view website.
i need to convert the website into phonegap application with url - just to load the site into the app.
I done many researches on this topic and couldnt find any good answer.
I tried to load the URL throught cordova.js and from config.xml
Is there any way to load the website into phonegap without download the entire files? this site is really big and have connection to users and database.

This isn't how Phonegap is intended to used. That said, if you really want to do this you would use the content element in your config.xml:
<content src="" />
and also whitelist it:
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" />
<allow-navigation href="*" />
As mentioned this isn't a good use of Phonegap. If you're just going to open a url of the internet, the user may as well open your site in their mobile browser.
Package your web assets locally into the app and give your users a good experience.


I want to build a web project that consist both mobile and web ui versions

I have noticed in many websites they have both web and mobile version separatly with the same domain name but with different subdomains. For example, and I am aware of using media queries in css for showing different ui with the help of css, but how its made on the url. How does the browser finds what type of device it is, like mobile or desktop. If anyone knows please help me.

How to download/mirror my website built using Iweb on mac when i have no access to hosting?

I created a site using Iweb in mac few years ago. But now I don't have the domain.sites file to edit the site. Also, I don't have access to the hosting account since it has been long I have been active on it. I used httrack website copier and dozens of other tools on windows to clone the site, but i am not getting good results. Some resources are not loading on offline version. How can i mirror the site ?
I also tried the python Wpull and linux wget but no good results.
My site is:
One way is to manually get all HTML, CSS and JS files via the Chrome 'Inspect' mode imho.
Use the 'Elements' tab for all the HTML and the sources-tab for all JS, CSS etc.

Hosting website through coding in C#

We already have some .aspx pages that comprise a website. We can browse these pages in the browser once we host that website in IIS. But now our requirement is to host these pages in the standalone C# application. Is there any way to do this?
You can create custom browser in your C# application using below links
You can try this.
Link for create browser
another link for create browser

How to lock website download?

I need to lock website for downloading via some windows tools and wget.
The site consists of js, html and php files.
I googled about security resource sharing, but it did not helpful for me.
Thank you.
As long as at the same time you need to have your website online available for everybody, this is not possible. If someone visits your site, the browser needs to access all files, in other words download them. You might be able to apply a few hacks to make it more difficult, but you can not prevent it completely.
If you want to restrict it to a defined audience, you can implement a login using for example HTTP Auth. How this can be achieved depends on your hosting. It might be doable using an .htaccess file in your web root or maybe through the admin interface of your hoster.
Your PHP file should be safe by the way, the above said applies to the public parts of your site (HTML/CSS/JavaScript/Images/...).

Native Mobile App Secure Bridge to Hosted Content

I would greatly appreciate some help with the following problem.
I am attempting to build an app with HTML/CSS/JQM that I plan to wrap with PhoneGap to package as a native app for deployment on Android & iOS Platforms.
The app will be basically a form for users to input information which upon submit will be posted to an email using PHP on our web server. It is of the utmost importance that the information is encrypted between the user device and our web server.
I have planned to do this by having a single terms & conditions page packaged with the native app, with the 'accept' button loading the 'form' page on the web server.
I would like to make it impossible to access the hosted 'form' page via a web browser (i.e. the only way to access the page is via the native app).
What I would like to do is to have the native app automatically log in to the web server, so that the user does not have to go through a registration process.
I have considered using Wordpress, Drupal or Joomla as a solution but as there will only ever be a single html page, jquery, jqm and php form submission scripts on the server - this seems overcomplicated.
It is very important that the hosted files are unable to be hacked as the user information being submitted is of a sensitive nature (e.g. financial information). Also the connection between the native app and the host server must be SSL.
Would a .htaccess / .htpasswd restriction be the best way to go about this?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
