Azure WebApps and CosmosDB in the Germany Central Region not showing - azure

Azure Germany Central shows that WebApps and CosmosDB are available in the Azure Germany Central region, but they're not showing in the Webplans or the individual items.

MCD (Microsoft Cloud Deutschland) is a completely separated cloud thats why you won't be able to see it at, you may want to start here:

Microsoft Cloud Deutschland does not exist any more, because Microsoft now has new Data Centers in Germany. (See
According to Microsoft, the Availability Zone "Germany West Central" (GermanyWestCentral) supports CosmosDb. Though I do not see it offered in the portal yet (May 2022).


Unable to create Azure function app in West Germany region - This region has quota of 0 instances

I want to create an Azure function app in West Germany region, however that fails with:
This region has quota of 0 instances for your subscription. Try
selecting different region or SKU. (Code:
I could create the Azure Function App in another region, but I want to understand why I am unable to create an Azure Function App in the West Germany region.
I already checked the quotas of my subscription, but there I can't find anything about Azure Functions:
I also checked Products available by region which confirms that Azure Functions are available in the West Germany region:
So, why can't I create an Azure Function App in the West Germany region?
One of the reasons and resolutions could be followed as #skin suggested:
It may be that all resources allocated to AF’s in that region are exhausted. Try again tomorrow.
Even the Microsoft documentation shows quota available for the products by region, they have certain limits for the Subscription level in terms of Azure Compute Units allocation because the Hardware Configuration of the Function App is not specified.
You can visit this MS Doc1 & Doc2 for the ACUs Quota allocation per instance and Hosting Plan based.
And also, Same issue registered in Microsoft Q&A Forum #878011 where #MayankBargali-MSFT explained the cause of the error you mentioned regarding why quota is limited on the location and subscription level.
Also, you can mail to by stating your business justification and details for quota increase request along with the Azure Subscription Id, Azure Resource Name and the Issue Time of occurrence in UTC.

Can see only 4 locations in my Azure Trial Subscription

Really puzzled why I am not seeing all locations - only 4 - US West, US East, Japan West and Japan East in my trial subscription. Is there any filtering I inadvertently setup?
Any pointers would be really helpful
I am giving many workshops for Azure and I see this behavior a lot for Azure Passes (also kind of trial accounts) but have not seen this for Azure Trials.
I noticed that I have more location options in the new Azure portal ( and less in the old management portal (
Also to consider, not all services are available at all locations. But the standard services like VMs or storage should be available everywhere. You can check via the service overview whether your desired service is available.

Azure Storage account doesn't have "Europe" Affinity / Location group?

I just created a web app on North EU Azure datacenter.
When I try to add an affinity group on the Settings on page I only see:
South & Central & East US, Southeast Asia, Japan West.
I see the same list when I am trying to create a Storage Account or trying to create a VM.
When creating a Mobile Service I see North EU, creating a Cloud Service the same previous list without EU and with Batch Service I see a long list of data centers.
But when I go to I was able to create a storage account in North EU. Then now I can't see this in the
I am really confused. Is this how it should be?
As Mike Wo mentioned, if you created an account using Resource Manager (instead of Classic), this will not show up in the old portal. If you can't see the option to create a North EU storage account in the old portal, you should create a support request ticket to figure out if your subscription has certain limitations.

I cannot create cloud service in Azure in North Central US region

At some point about a month ago we are not able to create Cloud Service (web/worker roles) in Azure in North Central US region in one of our subscriptions. Nothing is mentioned at official page here We can do it in our old MSDN subscription, but cannot do it in new Pay-As-Go one.
Old portal doesn't list North Central in the list of available regions. New portal allows to select it but then some general error happens when we try to create the service. Cannot find any official information about it.
Does anyone know what is going on?
We contacted Microsoft. Apparently, they try to unload North Central US datacenter as it is one of their oldest ones. We really wanted this particular, and they let us use it, just gave us access back.

Why can't I create an Azure Storage in a specific region?

My Azure Website is hosted in North Central US and when I try to create an Azure Storage in North Central US the subscription I want to use disappears (other subscriptions are still showing). Selecting East US allows me to select the right subscription.
See the 3rd paragraph on the Windows Azure service dashboard page at
North Central US and South Central US regions are no longer accepting Compute or Storage deployments for new customers. Existing customers as of June 24th (for North Central US) and May 23rd (for South Central US) are not impacted. All other services remain available for deployment in those two regions. Two new regions, "West US" and "East US", are now available to all customers with the full range of Windows Azure Services, except for the Caching service.
This is because when you perform the subscription of the site, the regions are those with available storage and processing. Once a host of subscription has not capacity, is not listed as available subscription region.
