Why is bodymovin exporting PNG's and not SVG's? - svg

I'm trying to use lottie to animate an SVG animation created in After Effects. I use the bodymovin extension to export the JSON data file. But, I also noticed the export includes some PNG images. I'm also getting console errors that said PNG's can not be found.
Why is it exporting PNGs as I'm using SVG (an AI file) in AE. Below is my code, and the error.
import * as lottie from 'lottie-web';
import * as header from './assets/header.json';
import './css/base.sss';
var animation = lottie.loadAnimation({
container: document.getElementById('header'),
animationData: header,
renderer: 'svg/canvas/html',
autoplay: true
But I'm getting the following errors that the images can't be found. Why is bodymovin exporting/looking for pngs? I require SVG's.
Chrome console errors (sorry can't embed until 10 rep)

I found the problem. I have to convert paths to shapes in AI as noted here.

In Adobe After effect, you can use Create Shapes from vector layer

Another way I found was to search the exported .json file for the .png extension and replace the found extensions with .svg. Making sure to add the .svg files to the same directory.
I used this bodymovin render option:
I did my search in the .json file in Dreamweaver like so:
I hope this helps someone!!!


How to generate svg images using python 'quantstat' library

using quantstat library's report.py module, I am able to successfully generate .html images when I call quanstat.reports.html function, and quanstat.reports.full function to generate .png images for the various graphs, charts, reports.
can someone help me at the earliest how to use the same 'report.py' module or other modules in this 'quantstat' library to generate images in .svg format so that they can be opened in any browser such as google-chrome.
Which files of this library need to be modified or enhanced with python code to successfully generate .svg files ?
following code is generating png images when I am passing file path to 'savefig' in my local. used VS Code as IDE
import quantstats as qs
stock1 = qs.utils.download_returns('XLE', period="1y")
stock2 = qs.utils.download_returns('SPY' , period="1y")
qs.reports.full(stock1, stock2)
how can I get images in .svg format using same qs.reports.full(stock1, stock2) ?

PySide6: fail to load "jpg" format in QPixmap

I'm trying to load "jpg" picture on the QLabel in PySide6. So I used this:
mypic = QPixmap()
However, I found there is empty in mylabel. When I debug in this program, I found that my pic is null (even after it loads the image file).
So I wonder if the jpg is not automatically supported in PySide6.
As I checked the documention of PySide6, it illustrates that the default supporting image formats include "jpg".
enter image description here
As I print the supportedImageFormats using:
It returns with this:
[PySide6.QtCore.QByteArray(b'bmp'), PySide6.QtCore.QByteArray(b'pbm'), PySide6.QtCore.QByteArray(b'pgm'), PySide6.QtCore.QByteArray(b'png'), PySide6.QtCore.QByteArray(b'ppm'), PySide6.QtCore.QByteArray(b'xbm'), PySide6.QtCore.QByteArray(b'xpm')]
I found it does not include the "jpg" format by default!
Then I searched a lot of solutions, I found that this can solve my problem: add one line of code to introduce the "imageformats" plugins in PySide6 folder.
app.addLibraryPath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(QtCore.__file__), "plugins"))
Here I printed the os.path.dirname(QtCore.__file__), and found it was my PySide6 folder.
I checked the plugins folder, and found the inner imageformats folder, and found these dlls:
enter image description here
It seems that the jpg format is supported here. So when I add the plugin path, it can solve my problem. But it still confuses me that why I should add the plugin path (The official documentation implies that this format is supported by default!).
I wonder if there is a more convincing solution because adding one line of code in my program every time seems clumsy. Or if I left out something. I sincerely want to get your help. Thank you!

Convert images to Icons is giving errors

I'm converting images to icons using this code:
import PIL.image
img = PIL.Image.open ("imagepath.png")
img.save ("iconpath.ico")
This is giving me an icon file as desired, but when I try to open it an error pops up:
Microsoft photos error:
When I try to open other icons with the same programs they work perfectly, but it doesn't with the ones I made. Does anyone know any other way or library for doing this?
Try this:
img.save('iconpath.ico',format = 'ICO', sizes=[(32,32)])
You can change size to 16,16
First time I was converting image with PIL I've used this tutorial:
Everything worked fine.
The image that is being converted has to have a 1:1 proportion, if not, when trying to open the generated icon it will cause errors.

Can I import svg into Gideros?

Ok I will admit to being a noob with Gideros. I am trying to import an svg file. I followed the same procedure as you would do for a png file, that is create a texture using:
myTexture = Texture.new("orangeSquare.svg")
orangeSquare = Bitmap.new(myTexture)
Unsurprisingly it doesn't work (output gives orangeSquare.svg: Error while reading image file. and program does not run) as it is not a bitmap file. Is there an alternative to import svg files? It is probably a very simple solution but I have been searching for some time without an answer. I am considering giving up on Gideros if I don't find an answer to what should be a simple problem.
You can not import the svg directly, you need to pass the svg data:
--Banana shape, SVG path format
local banana = "M8.64,223.948c0,0,143.468,3.431,185.777-181.808c2.673-11.702-1.23-20.154,1.316-33.146h16.287c0,0-3.14,17.248,1.095,30.848c21.392,68.692-4.179,242.343-204.227,196.59L8.64,223.948z"
p:setSvgPath(banana) --Set the path from a SVG path description
p:setLineThickness(5) -- Outline width
p:setFillColor(0xFFFF80,0.7) --Fill color
p:setLineColor(0x404000) --Line color
You can find more info on their wiki: https://wiki.giderosmobile.com/index.php?search=svg&title=Special%3ASearch&go=Go&fulltext=1
They also have it as a sample project when you open gideros studio.

spark-highcharts export to file (png or pdf)

I have been using spark-highcharts with zeppelin. Through simple examples like:
val chart = highcharts(dataFrame
.series("y" -> col("temperature")))
But I do not know how to export the SVG or PDF of the same plot directly through my code to a file. I remember there was an example of it but sadly I cannot find it anymore!
There is a function html is designed for this case. It will generate a html page which include interaction function. It can be send and share with other users.
chart.html(path, filename, open)
after get the html file, you can save or print as PDF file.
