what is use of router and model in loopback - node.js

hello guys i m new to loopback so can anyone help me with this basic. i had created a some code but don't know how this flow (from route to model)
here is route.js code for login
var path = require('path');
module.exports = function(app) {
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
app.post('/login', function(req, res) {
//from here i should go to login model
here is my login.ejs
<form action="/login" method="post">
<input type="text" name="username" placeholder="username">
<input type="password" name="password" placeholder="password">
<input type="submit" name="" value="Submit">
now my question is that how i can use login model from route.js (url is like "login") i know i can use this type as describe below in route.js but i want that first it go to router and from then i go to login model more description eg it go through "/login" route from there it go to login model where i want to add insert login after that if it response success then it go to "/home" else it go to "/"
"var User = app.models.user;"
i what something like this in user.js (model)
module.exports = function(User) {
//here i want to accept login form method and insert it into dataabase
or this is not possible or it is incorrect way i don't know much so please help
what is different between if i use business login in router and model i m new so please help.

First go to the loopBack documentation and read it carefully how to create models and its control flow , surely you will get clear picture


Check whether or not a user is admin

I'm trying to make it so that when a user has admin he should have access to the router. But unfortunately, it does not work, I'm getting an error that isAdmin is not defined, but I have it in the database.
function isAdminLogged(req, res, next) {
if (req.User.isAdmin==="true") return next();
app.get('/admin', isAdminLogged, (req, res) => {
res.render("admin", { title: "Admin Area" });
Also, I would love to make it when a user is an admin he can see a div in an index.hbs
<div class="home">
{{#if user.isAdmin}}
<h1>Hello Guys</h1>
I'm new to express and I'm trying my best to understand, thank you in advance!
I have built authentication, and using mongodb but EJS template instead of Handlebars. I think if you go through it then that will help you a lot.
Here is the link to my repo CAMP.
The information that you have provided may be not sufficient to solve your issue from my side.

How to create a custom path in URL using nodeJS/expressJS

I'd like to be able to create a custom path. for example, if a user clicks a button [create room], the browser redirects the user to: http://www.example.com/[room_id]/index.html
Is there anyway to implement this? The user would be submitting a form, with a button. something along those lines.
basically here is what i have
<form method='POST' name='path_id' id='clickedButtom'>
<input id="pickName" class="center-align" type='text'>
<input id='rea2dy' value=" Ready >" type='submit'>
app.get('path_id', function(req, res) {
//I was the path_id to be a random string of letters and numbers basically
For all the URLs you're talking about, you can define a single Express route in advance like this that will have code inside the route to look at the room id and act accordingly:
app.post('/createRoom, (req, res) => {
// do whatever you do here to create the room data structure on the server
// and assign it an ID
let roomID = ...;
app.get('/:roomID/index.html', (req, res) => {
let roomID = req.params.roomID;
// now render whatever you want the user to see for this particular room

Cannot POST /addfriend error using Express

I am trying to create a simple form handler using express. Here is a similar question but I can't related it with my problem. I have written all of my file Here anyone can check it by using all of my file. For better understanding I copy my code here:
app.js code:
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
res.send('This is root dir');
var friends=['sakib','emon','rayhan'];
res.send('ADD friend page launch!!!!!');
console.log("server has started on port 3000!!!");
ejs(friends.ejs) code:
<h1>Here is list of your Friend:</h1>
<form action="/addfriend" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="friend" placeholder="name">
When I type any name in the input box and clicked Submit it didn't post to /addfriend. I didn't understand where is my problem. Please goto input box(link) after started the server.
For better understand what's my actual problem is then please use goorm IDE(shared file) where I uploaded everything.
You are using get request instead of post for addfriend.
console.log("I'm called wohoo!");
res.send('ADD friend page launch!!!!!');

Req.file object is always undefined, HTTP file upload

I'm trying to upload a file in meteor using HTTP POST method and enctype="multipart/form-data"
WebApp.connectHandlers.use("/api/v1/upload", function(req, res, next) {
console.log(req.files); //undefined
console.log(req.file); //undefined
I tried with WebApp but getting undefined file property under request object
I also tried with multer and Picker but no luck.
const _multerInstanceConfig = { dest: '/tmp' }; // Temp dir for multer
const _multerInstance = multer(_multerInstanceConfig);
Picker.route('/api/v1/upload', function(params, req, res, next) {
console.log(req.files); //undefined
console.log(req.file); //undefined
This is simplest form I'm trying to upload is
<form action="http://localhost:3000/api/v1/upload" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="file" />
<input type="submit" value="Upload File" />
Am I missing something here? not sure.
Also, I don't want to upload files using base64 data string via DDP as it very slow.
I've check couple of link also with no luck
multer - req.file always undefined
PS: I need to upload images via native Android/iOS clients.
Thanks, everyone, who has spent their time on my question, I got the solution for the problem from git issue, I raised.
I'm posting here my solution if someone else also faces the similar problem.
It was because of the name of this input field
<input type="file" name="file" />
which doesn't match with
changing either of them to will make it work perfectly.

What am i missing for the file upload using multipart form data ?

Hi for whatever reason i cannot use packages e.g. multer to upload file to node server. So i found example online, if just upload file in the form, it works fine.
Now i want to send another field "password" together with the file during submit, just cannot make it a work.
I do know there're plenty modules out there, for now just want to this example to work.
<form style="height: 100%;padding-bottom:63px;">
<input type="file" class="FirmwareFile"
name="myUpload" file-model="upload.newFwFile">
<input type="password" name="password" id="password"
httpSvc.uploadToUrl(myFile, myPd, myServerIPAddress, myRoute) {...}
factory.uploadToUrl = function (fwFile, pd, myServerIp, myRoute) {
var fd = new FormData();
//fd.append('passwd', pd); // cannot pass password to server side ?
fd.append('file', fwFile); // only this works
var deferred = $q.defer();
var completeUrl = ......
$http.post(completeUrl, fd, {
transformRequest: angular.identity,
headers: {'Content-Type': undefined}
}).success(function (data) {
}).error(function () {
return deferred.promise;
in server side, where to extract the password info please ?
var UploadImage = function(req, res, callback){
var destFile = fs.createWriteStream(uploadDest + "mytest");
var fileSize = req.headers['content-length'];
req.pipe(destFile); //why not sth. like req.body.file.pipe() ?
Your form does not have
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="..." method="...">
You will be better off using node-formidable. The example works straight out of the box. You might also want to look into angularJS specific form upload directives that have been made. No sense in reinventing the wheel.
