StackExchange.Redis issue in Azure Function (ResetNonConnected) - azure

I have an Azure Function called by a Logic App and the goal of this function is to read an Azure Redis Cache to find a particular key.
I use the StackExchange.Redis lib to read and write to the Redis cache.
The function can be called in parallel because multiple Logic App instances can be executed at the same time.
I have sometimes (but not rarely) a "ResetNonConnected" error while reading the content of the Redis Cache and when I start having this issue, I need to stop and start the Function App to make the function working again.
The code of my function is very simple: I read a key (StringGet), if it exists I compare it with a value I received as an input of my function. If the value received is greater than the one already in the cache of if the key is not in the cache, then I update the value in the cache (StringSet then KeyExpire).
Errors are not occurring during high load situation, I limited the number of instances of my Logic App to 10 in parallel, and I have this error.
Are there any known issues with this lib in an Azure function? What is the alternative to using a Redis Cache in an Azure function so to be sure that it will work just fine?

I won't help you with Redis error but
What is the alternative to using a Redis Cache in an Azure function so to be sure that it will work just fine?
For read-key/write-key operations the typical approach would be to use Azure Table Storage. It has similar key-based API but it also has native support in Azure Functions in form of Table Storage Binding. Most probably, you won't have to write any custom code to read/write values, but do everything directly with binding parameters.
Key lookups on Table Storage scale linearly to any load and cost almost nothing.

I found the root cause of my issue: this was due to the fact that my ConnectionMultiplexer was not declared static and was created each time I called the function.
By declaring it as static, as well documented (my bad), it works just fine.


CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync is slower than GetContainer?

I am using Azure cosmosDB SDK v3.As you know the SDK supports CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync which creates a container if there is no container matching provided container id. This is convenient.
But it pings Cosmos DB to know container exists or not whereas GetContainer doesn't as GetContainer assumes container exists. So CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync would need one more round trip to Cosmos DB for most of operations if my understanding is correct.
So my questions is would it better to avoid using CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync as much as possible in terms of API perspective? Api can have better latency and save bandwidth.
The different is explained in the Intellisense, GetContainer just returns a proxy object, one that simply gives you the ability to execute operations within that container, it performs no network requests. If, for example, you try to read an Item (ReadItemAsync) on that proxy and the container does not exist (which also makes the item non-existent) you will get a 404 response.
CreateContainerIfNotExists is also not recommended for hot path operations as it involves a metadata or management plane operation:
Retrieve the names of your databases and containers from configuration or cache them on start. Calls like ReadDatabaseAsync or ReadDocumentCollectionAsync and CreateDatabaseQuery or CreateDocumentCollectionQuery will result in metadata calls to the service, which consume from the system-reserved RU limit. CreateIfNotExist should also only be used once for setting up the database. Overall, these operations should be performed infrequently.
See for more details
Bottomline: Unless you expect the container to be deleted due to some logical pathway in your application, GetContainer is the right way, it gives you a proxy object that you can use to execute Item operations without any network requests.

Splitting up Azure Functions without creating new function app

Our existing system uses App Services with API controllers.
This is not a good setup because our scaling support is poor, its basically all or nothing
I am looking at changing over to use Azure Functions
So effectively each method in a controller would become a new function
Lets say that we have a taxi booking system
So we have the following
In the app service approach we would simply have a TaxiController and DriverController with the the methods as routes
How can I achieve the same thing with Azure Functions?
Ideally, I would have 2 function apps - Taxis and Drivers with functions inside for each
The problem with that approach is that 2 function apps means 2 config settings, and if that is expanded throughout the system its far too big a change to make right now
Some of our routes are already quite long so I cant really add the "controller" name to my function name because I will exceed the 32 character limit
Has anyone had similar issues migrating from App Services to Azure Functions>
The problem with that approach is that 2 function apps means 2 config
settings, and if that is expanded throughout the system its far too
big a change to make right now
This is why application setting is part of the release process. You should compile once, deploy as many times you want and to different environments using the same binaries from the compiling process. If you're not there yet, I strongly recommend you start by automating the CI/CD pipeline.
Now answering your question, the proper way (IMHO) is to decouple taxis and drivers. When requested a taxi, your controller should add a message to a Queue, which will have an Azure Function listening to it, and it get triggered automatically to dequeue / process what needs to be processed.
Your controller response time will get faster as it will pass the processing to another process
The more messages in the queue / more instances of the function to consume, so it will scale only when needed.
Http Requests (from one controller to another) is not reliable (unless you implement properly a circuit breaker and a retry policy. With the proposed architecture, if something goes wrong, the message will remain in the queue or it won't get completed by the Azure function and will return to the queue.

Can I cache a single value in Azure Functions without any negative effects?

I have an Azure Function on a timer that activates every minute, which calls an API which returns an integer value. I store this value in SQL.
I then have another Azure Function that can be queried by the user to retrieve the integer value. This query could in theory be as high as hundreds or thousands of times per second.
Rather than have the second Azure Function query SQL every single time it gets a request, I would like it to cache the value in memory. If the cache were perfect there would be no need for SQL at all, but because Functions can scale up and also seem to lose their cache periodically there has to be some persistent storage.
Is it just a case of a static variable within the function to cache the value, and another with the last date retrieved? Or is there another type of caching that I can use within the function?
I understand there are solutions such as Redis but they seem pretty overkill to spin up just for a single integer value. I'm also not even sure if Azure SQL itself would cache the value when it's requested.
My question is, would a static variable work (if it's null/reset then we'd just do a quick SQL query to get the value) and actually persist? Or does an alternative like redis or similar exist that wouldn't be overkill for this application? And finally, is there actually any harm (performance problems) in hammering SQL over and over to retrieve a single value (i.e. is it clever enough to cache already so there's not a significant performance hit vs. querying a variable in memory)?
Really depends. If you understand the limitations of using in-memory cache in an azure function, and your business case is fine with those limitations, you should use it.
The main thing is you can't invalidate cache.
So for example, if your number changes, it can be not usable for you. You will have cases where a container for your azure is spinning, and it has an old value. The same user could get different values on each request because who knows which instance he will hit, and what that instance is caching.
If you number is something that is set only once and doesn't change, you don't have this issue.
And another important thing is that you still make quite a few requests just to cache it. Every new container will have to cache it for itself, while centralized cache would do it only once. This can be fine for something smaller, but if the thing you're caching really takes significant amount of time, or if the resources of the service are super limited, you would be a lot more efficient with centralized cache.
No matter what, caching in Azure Function level still reduces the load, and there's no reason to make requests when you don't have to.
To answer your sql question, yes, most likely the SQL server will cache it too, but your azure function still needs to establish a connection to sql server, make the request and kill the connection.
Azure functions best practices states that functions should be stateless and your state information should be with data. I think Redis is still the better option that SQL.

How to persist state in Azure Function (the cheap way)?

How can I persist a small amount of data between Azure Function executions? Like in a global variable? The function runs on a Timer Trigger.
I need to store the result of one Azure Function execution and use this as input of the next execution of the same function. What is the cheapest (not necessarily simplest) way of storing data between function executions?
(Currently I'm using the free amount of Azure Functions that everyone gets and now I'd like to save state in a similar free or cheap way.)
There are a couple options - I'd recommend that you store your state in a blob.
You could use a blob input binding to read global state for every execution, and a blob output binding to update that state.
You could also remove the timer trigger and use queues, with the state stored in the queue message and a visibility timeout on the message to set the schedule (i.e next execution time).
Finally, you could use a file on the file system, as it is shared across the function app.
If you can accept the possibility of data loss and only care at the instance level, you can:
maintain a static data structure
write to instance local storage
Durable entities are now available to handle persistence of state.
This is old thread but worth sharing the new way to handle state in Azure function.
Now we have the durable function approach from Microsoft itself where we can maintain the function state very easily and effectively. Please refer the below documentation from MS.

How should I replicate Firebase Queue data properties in Cloud Functions for Firebase?

Firebase Queue uses the following properties to track processing:
_state _state_changed _owner _progress _error_details _id
I am migrating some of my Firebase Queue code to Cloud Functions for firebase. How would I obtain an equivalent data property for the _owner property?
Alternatively, considering this property is primarily to alleviate issues with concurrency, does Cloud Functions already resolve this issue in another way making my implementation unnecessary?
The semantics are a little different between the two systems. The primary reason for the _owner property in Firebase Queue is that it can't kill user code once the lease for an operation expires, and so we have to guard any side-effects of the processing function with a check. Cloud Functions controls the execution environment and can kill user code if needed, so we can assume if it's writing, then it still has the lease.
In order to emulate the behavior, it would be possible to generate a v4 UUID at the start of every Cloud Function execution, write that back to the database somewhere with a timestamp so you can timeout leases (guarded by a transaction so you don't clobber other owners), then compare those with the current UUID and time in a transaction every time you write back to the database in your function.
The _state and _state_changed properties should be more than adequate to resolve concurrency issues (specifically, race-conditions) within Google Cloud Functions for Firebase (I'm still investigating how Google resolves this internally).
However, having an _owner property would be additionally helpful in instances where there was multi-platform task workers.
