RStudio Pro server + library not loading - linux

I'm not sure if there's a way to make this work in RStudio Pro server (in Centos 7), but the following in regular R loads the library without error(s):
% xvfb-run R --no-save
> library(MODIStsp)
In RStudio Pro server (web version) this happens:
> library(MODIStsp)
R session is headless; GTK+ not initialized.
(R:3641): Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_disable_setlocale() must be called before gtk_init()
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘MODIStsp’:
.onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'cairoDevice', details:
call: fun(libname, pkgname)
error: GDK display not found - please make sure X11 is running
Any suggestions or ideas most appreciated!


Qt error using PyQt6/PySide6 on Fedora 37

I am trying to run a simple Qt application on Fedora 37 using Pycharm with PyQt6 and PySide6. The GUI works fine but I'm getting following errors on my console:
Failed to create wl_display (No such file or directory)
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in "" even though it was found.
Gtk-Message: 23:40:32.685: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Gtk-Message: 23:40:32.685: Failed to load module "pk-gtk-module"
Gtk-Message: 23:40:32.686: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Gtk-Message: 23:40:32.686: Failed to load module "pk-gtk-module"
As I said the GUI is behaving just fine but I don't get why am I getting those errors.
I am new into Fedora and would be thankful for any help.
I have tried this but it didn't work.

why do i get error when running Vitis 2021.2

My OS - RHEL 7.7
I installed Vitis 2021.2.
I source the file.
When I run ./vitis I get the following error:
Native code library failed to load.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /tools/Xilinx/Vitis/2021.2/lib/lnx64.o/ dlopen: cannot load any more object with static TLS
What is the problem and do I solve it?
Please help, I'm really stuck.

vscode on Ubuntu is unable to open windows

I'm having issues with vscode on Ubuntu running particular Python code (that seemingly relies on porting or connecting to an external application). The same code will run fine if I execute it directly from an Ubuntu terminal with the same env on the same machine.
Here's a couple of examples.
When I try to initiate vedo.plotter.Plotter() when running from vscode, I get this error:
ERROR: In /work/standalone-x64-build/VTK-source/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx, line 1223
vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x5587f7b42cf0): bad X server connection. DISPLAY=Aborted (core dumped)
If I run the same code directly in terminal, it runs fine, so this is an issue with the way vscode is configured, but I can't find any answers online. I've played with a few settings in vscode but with no success.
This seems to be an issue on all vscode installations I have running on Ubuntu (in this case 20.04). Here's the vscode info:
Version: 1.51.0
Commit: fcac248b077b55bae4ba5bab613fd6e9156c2f0c
Date: 2020-11-05T18:16:10.374Z
Electron: 9.3.3
Chrome: 83.0.4103.122
Node.js: 12.14.1
OS: Linux x64 5.4.0-52-generic snap
Similarly, I'm unable to open up browser windows from vscode (for example plotly and selenium driver = webdriver.Chrome(chromedriver) won't open browser windows. I get the following error with selenium:
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: Chrome failed to start: exited abnormally.
(unknown error: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist)
Again, this works fine direct from the terminal and everything works fine if run from a Windows or Mac installed vscode, so this is specific to this Ubuntu install.
I'd really appreciate any help!

Iceweasel crashes after loading in linux on android

I installed Kali Linux via Linux Deploy on my rooted G2x running CM 7 and everything is fine, however I installed Iceweasel and now it begins loading a webpage then crashes, the term output is
$ iceweasel
Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".
(iceweasel:5847): Gdk-WARNING **: shmget failed: error 38 (Function not implemented)
Segmentation fault
any ideas?

error installing TSA package for R on RStudio

so I've been struggling with this issue for a while now, and I cannot seem to find this issue anywhere else on the internet.
I am running:
Linux Mint 12(based on Ubuntu 11.10)
The latest version of R(2.15.1)
Both R and RStudio are the latest versions, so my issues with installing TSA are not based on an outdated version of R.
Here is the error message I am getting when I try to install TSA through RStudio(I installed PerformanceAnalytics and xts without any issues):
installing source package ‘TSA’ ...
** Creating default NAMESPACE file
** R
** data
** preparing package for lazy loading
Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'Matrix', details:
call: assignInNamespace("", base::as.matrix, ns = "base")
error: locked binding of ‘’ cannot be changed
Error : package ‘mgcv’ could not be loaded
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘TSA’
removing ‘/home/client/R/i686-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.15/TSA’
Warning in install.packages :
installation of package ‘TSA’ had non-zero exit status
I have checked my version of mgcv and it is the latest(I checked on my Software Manager and it is installed as well as the latest version).
I really have no idea of what to do now. I contemplated installing TSA manually onto my system itself, but I couldn't find a reliable website that explains how to install packages directly to R itself.
All assistance with this issue will be greatly appreciated.
Per the (clear) error message Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'Matrix', details:, you need a new Matrix package.
You could try if your Mint system mixes with Ubuntu. Else compile Matrix from source.
