How do you convert an instance of generic T into a concrete instance in Rust? - rust

I'm trying to implement this pattern:
use std::any::Any;
use std::fmt::Debug;
trait CommandHandler<TCommand> {
fn execute(&self, data: TCommand);
struct FooCommand {}
struct FooCommandHandler {}
impl CommandHandler<FooCommand> for FooCommandHandler {
fn execute(&self, data: FooCommand) {
struct BarCommand {}
struct BarCommandHandler {}
impl CommandHandler<BarCommand> for BarCommandHandler {
fn execute(&self, data: BarCommand) {
fn execute<T>(command: T)
T: Any + Debug,
println!("Command: {:?}", command);
match (&command as &Any).downcast_ref::<FooCommand>() {
Some(c) => (FooCommandHandler {}).execute(c),
None => {}
match (&command as &Any).downcast_ref::<BarCommand>() {
Some(c) => (BarCommandHandler {}).execute(c),
None => {}
fn main() {
(FooCommandHandler {}).execute(FooCommand {});
(BarCommandHandler {}).execute(BarCommand {});
execute(FooCommand {});
execute(BarCommand {});
This doesn't work:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
37 | Some(c) => (FooCommandHandler {}).execute(c),
| ^ expected struct `FooCommand`, found &FooCommand
= note: expected type `FooCommand`
found type `&FooCommand`
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
41 | Some(c) => (BarCommandHandler {}).execute(c),
| ^ expected struct `BarCommand`, found &BarCommand
= note: expected type `BarCommand`
found type `&BarCommand`
How can I implement the execute() method in a way that preserves the following requirements:
The type XCommand should be totally naive of the XCommandHandler's that execute it.
Multiple implementations of CommandHandler<X> may exist.
The command handler receives (and consumes) the concrete command instance, not a reference to it (making duplicate dispatch of commands impossible).
In essence, I have a generic function fn foo<T>(v: T) and a I wish to dispatch to a number of concrete functions fn foo1(v: Foo), fn foo2(v: Bar); how do I do that?
Is transmute the only option?
Note that this is distinct from what Any::downcast_ref does, which is return an &Foo, not Foo from the generic value v.

You need to go via Box, like so:
fn execute<T>(command: T)
T: Any + Debug,
println!("Command: {:?}", command);
let any: Box<Any> = Box::new(command);
let any = match any.downcast() {
Ok(c) => return (FooCommandHandler {}).execute(*c),
Err(any) => any,
let any = match any.downcast() {
Ok(c) => return (BarCommandHandler {}).execute(*c),
Err(any) => any,
let _ = any; // avoid unused variable error
panic!("could not downcast command");
"But I don't wanna use a Box!"
Just use Box.
"But it's an allocation! I've measured the above code and proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's a bottleneck!"
What? Really?
"You can't prove otherwise."
Oh fine. But I do not guarantee that this will work in all cases. This is treading into "blow yourself up" territory. Do not do this unless you know you need to:
fn execute<T>(command: T)
T: Any + Debug,
use std::any::TypeId;
use std::mem;
println!("Command: {:?}", command);
macro_rules! do_cast {
($t:ty, $h:expr) => {
if TypeId::of::<T>() == TypeId::of::<$t>() {
let casted: $t = mem::transmute_copy(&command);
mem::forget(command); // we CANNOT let command drop.
unsafe {
do_cast!(FooCommand, FooCommandHandler {});
do_cast!(BarCommand, BarCommandHandler {});
panic!("could not downcast command");

Just as a quick summary of the accepted answer:
Where &Any only has:
pub fn downcast_ref<T>(&self) -> Option<&T> where T: Any
Box<Any> implements:
pub fn downcast<T>(self) -> Result<Box<T>, Box<Any + 'static>> where T: Any
However, for complicated reasons, the documentation is on Box not on Any.


Which signature is most effective when using multiple conditions or Results? How to bubble errors correctly?

I'm learning rust and have been trying to find the right signature for using multiple Results in a single function and then returning either correct value, or exit the program with a message.
So far I have 2 different methods and I'm trying to combine them.
This is what I'm trying to achieve:
fn blur(image: DynamicImage, amount: &str) -> DynamicImage {
let amount = parse_between_or_error_out("blur", amount, 0.0, 10.0);
This is what I have working now, but would like to refactor.
fn blur(image: DynamicImage, amount: &str) -> DynamicImage {
match parse::<f32>(amount) {
Ok(amount) => {
verify_that_value_is_between("blur", amount, 0.0, 10.0);
_ => {
Combining these methods
Now here's the two working methods that I'm trying to combine, to achieve this.
fn parse<T: FromStr>(value: &str) -> Result<T, <T as FromStr>::Err> {
fn verify_that_value_is_between<T: PartialOrd + std::fmt::Display>(
name: &str,
amount: T,
minimum: T,
maximum: T,
) {
if amount > maximum || amount < minimum {
"Error: Expected {} amount to be between {} and {}",
name, minimum, maximum
println!("- Using {} of {:.1}/{}", name, amount, maximum);
Here's what I tried
I have tried the following. I realise I'm likely doing a range of things wrong. This is because I'm still learning Rust, and I'd like any feedback that helps me learn how to improve.
fn parse_between_or_error_out<T: PartialOrd + FromStr + std::fmt::Display>(
name: &str,
amount: &str,
minimum: T,
maximum: T,
) -> Result<T, <T as FromStr>::Err> {
fn error_and_exit() {
"Error: Expected {} amount to be between {} and {}",
name, minimum, maximum
match amount.parse::<T>() {
Ok(amount) => {
if amount > maximum || amount < minimum {
println!("- Using {} of {:.1}/{}", name, amount, maximum);
_ => {
Currently this looks quite messy, probably I'm using too many or the wrong types and the error needs to be in two places (hence the inlined function, which I know is not good practice).
Full reproducible example.
The question
How to best combine logic that is using a Result and another condition (or Result), exit with a message or give T as a result?
Comments on any of the mistakes are making are very welcome too.
You can use a crate such as anyhow to bubble your events up and handle them as needed.
Alternatively, you can write your own trait and implement it on Result.
trait PrintAndExit<T> {
fn or_print_and_exit(&self) -> T;
Then use it by calling the method on any type that implements it:
fn try_get_value() -> Result<bool, MyError> {
MyError { msg: "Something went wrong".to_string() }
let some_result: Result<bool, MyError> = try_get_value();
let value: bool = some_result.or_print_and_exit();
// Exits with message: "Error: Something went wrong"
Implementing this trait on Result could be done with:
struct MyError {
msg: String,
impl<T> PrintAndExit<T> for Result<T, MyError> {
fn or_print_and_exit(&self) -> T {
match self {
Ok(val) => val,
Err(e) => {
println!("Error: {}", e.msg);
Here are a few DRY tricks.
Convert other Errors into your unified error type(s) with impl From<ExxError> for MyError;
In any function that may result in an Error, use ? as much as you can. Return Result<???, MyError> (*). ? will utilize the implicit conversion.
(*) Only if MyError is an appropriate type for the function. Always create or use the most appropriate error types. (Kinda obvious, but people often treat error types as a second-class code, pun intended)
Recommendations are in the comments.
use std::error::Error;
use std::str::FromStr;
// Debug and Display are required by "impl Error" below.
enum ProcessingError {
NumberFormat{ message: String },
NumberRange{ message: String },
ProcessingError{ message: String },
// Display will be used when the error is printed.
// No need to litter the business logic with error
// formatting code.
impl Display for ProcessingError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
ProcessingError::NumberFormat { message } =>
write!(f, "Number format error: {}", message),
ProcessingError::NumberRange { message } =>
write!(f, "Number range error: {}", message),
ProcessingError::ProcessingError { message } =>
write!(f, "Image processing error: {}", message),
impl Error for ProcessingError {}
// FromStr::Err will be implicitly converted into ProcessingError,
// when ProcessingError is needed. I guess this is what
// anyhow::Error does under the hood.
// Implement From<X> for ProcessingError for every X error type
// that your functions like process_image() may encounter.
impl From<FromStr::Err> for ProcessingError {
fn from(e: FromStr::Err) -> ProcessingError {
ProcessingError::NumberFormat { message: format!("{}", e) }
pub fn try_parse<T: FromStr>(value: &str) -> Result<T, ProcessingError> {
// Note ?. It will implicitly return
// Err(ProcessingError created from FromStr::Err)
Ok (
// Now, we can have each function only report/handle errors that
// are relevant to it. ? magically eliminates meaningless code like
// match x { ..., Err(e) => Err(e) }.
pub fn parse_between<T>(value: &str, min_amount: T, max_amount: T)
-> Result<T, ProcessingError>
T: FromStr + PartialOrd + std::fmt::Display,
let amount = try_parse::<T>(value)?;
if amount > max_amount || amount < min_amount {
Err(ProcessingError::NumberRange {
message: format!(
"Expected value to be between {} and {} but received {}",
} else {
use image::{DynamicImage};
use std::fmt::{Debug, Formatter, Display};
fn blur(image: DynamicImage, value: &str)
-> Result<DynamicImage, ProcessingError>
let min_amount = 0.0;
let max_amount = 10.0;
// Again, note ? in the end.
let amount = parse_between(value, min_amount, max_amount)?;
// All processing extracted into a function, whose Error
// then can be handled by main().
fn process_image(image: DynamicImage, value: &str)
-> Result<DynamicImage, ProcessingError>
println!("applying blur {:.1}/{:.1}...", amount, max_amount);
image = blur(image, value);
// save image ...
fn main() {
let mut image = DynamicImage::new(...);
image = match process_image(image, "1") {
Ok(image) => image,
// No need to reuse print-and-exit functionality. I doubt
// you want to reuse it a lot.
// If you do, and then change your mind, you will have to
// root it out of all corners of your code. Better return a
// Result and let the caller decide what to do with errors.
// Here's a single point to process errors and exit() or do
// something else.
Err(e) => {
println!("Error processing image: {:?}", e);
Sharing my results
I'll share my results/answer as well for other people who are new to Rust. This answer is based on that of #Acidic9's answer.
The types seem to be fine
anyhow looks to be the de facto standard in Rust.
I should have used a trait and implement that trait for the Error type.
I believe the below example is close to what it might look like in the wild.
use image::{DynamicImage};
use app::{parse_between, PrintAndExit};
fn main() {
// mut image = ...
image = blur(image, "1")
// save image
fn blur(image: DynamicImage, value: &str) -> DynamicImage {
let min_amount = 0.0;
let max_amount = 10.0;
match parse_between(value, min_amount, max_amount).context("Input error") {
Ok(amount) => {
println!("applying blur {:.1}/{:.1}...", amount, max_amount);
Err(error) => error.print_and_exit(),
And the implementation inside the apps library, using anyhow.
use anyhow::{anyhow, Error, Result};
use std::str::FromStr;
pub trait Exit {
fn print_and_exit(self) -> !;
impl Exit for Error {
fn print_and_exit(self) -> ! {
eprintln!("{:#}", self);
pub fn try_parse<T: FromStr>(value: &str) -> Result<T, Error> {
match value.parse::<T>() {
Ok(value) => Ok(value),
Err(_) => Err(anyhow!("\"{}\" is not a valid value.", value)),
pub fn parse_between<T>(value: &str, min_amount: T, max_amount: T) -> Result<T, Error>
T: FromStr + PartialOrd + std::fmt::Display,
match try_parse::<T>(value) {
Ok(amount) => {
if amount > max_amount || amount < min_amount {
return Err(anyhow!(
"Expected value to be between {} and {} but received {}",
Err(error) => Err(error),
Hopefully seeing this full implementation will help someone out there.
Source code.

Use of moved value when pattern matching an enum with multiple values after downcasting

I can use pattern matching on an enum that has one String parameter:
extern crate robots;
use std::any::Any;
use robots::actors::{Actor, ActorCell};
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum ExampleMessage {
Msg { param_a: String },
pub struct Dummy {}
impl Actor for Dummy {
// Using `Any` is required for actors in RobotS
fn receive(&self, message: Box<Any>, _context: ActorCell) {
if let Ok(message) = Box::<Any>::downcast::<ExampleMessage>(message) {
match *message {
ExampleMessage::Msg { param_a } => println!("got message"),
And yet I am unable to perform pattern matching on an enum with 2 parameters:
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum ExampleMessage {
Msg { param_a: String, param_b: usize },
impl Actor for Dummy {
// Using `Any` is required for actors in RobotS
fn receive(&self, message: Box<Any>, _context: ActorCell) {
if let Ok(message) = Box::<Any>::downcast::<ExampleMessage>(message) {
match *message {
ExampleMessage::Msg { param_a, param_b } => println!("got message"),
This results in the error:
error[E0382]: use of moved value: `message`
--> src/
19 | ExampleMessage::Msg { param_a, param_b } => {
| ------- ^^^^^^^ value used here after move
| |
| value moved here
= note: move occurs because `message.param_a` has type `std::string::String`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
I tried pattern matching on the same enum without downcasting before, and this works fine but I am required to downcast.
This just seems like very strange behavior to me and I don't know how to circumvent this error.
I am using Rust 1.19.0-nightly (afa1240e5 2017-04-29)
I tried pattern matching on the same enum without downcasting before, and this works fine
This is a good attempt at reducing the problem. The issue is that you reduced too far. Downcasting a Box<T> to a Foo doesn't return a Foo, it returns a Box<Foo>:
fn downcast<T>(self) -> Result<Box<T>, Box<Any + 'static>>
You can reproduce the problem with:
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum ExampleMessage {
Msg { param_a: String, param_b: usize },
fn receive2(message: Box<ExampleMessage>) {
match *message {
ExampleMessage::Msg { param_a, param_b } => println!("got message"),
fn main() {}
The good news
This is a limitation of the current implementation of the borrow checker and your original code will work as-is when non-lexical lifetimes are enabled:
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum ExampleMessage {
Msg { param_a: String, param_b: usize },
fn receive2(message: Box<ExampleMessage>) {
match *message {
ExampleMessage::Msg { param_a, param_b } => println!("got message"),
fn main() {}
The current reality
Non-lexical lifetimes and the MIR-based borrow checker are not yet stable!
When you match against a dereferenced value, the value is not normally moved. This allows you to do something like:
enum Foo {
fn main() {
let f = &Foo::One;
match *f {
Foo::One => {}
Foo::Two => {}
In this case, you wish to take ownership of the thing inside the Box1 in order to take ownership of the fields when destructuring it in the match. You can accomplish this by moving the value out of the box before trying to match on it.
The long way to do this is:
fn receive2(message: Box<ExampleMessage>) {
let message = *message;
match message {
ExampleMessage::Msg { param_a, param_b } => println!("got message"),
But you can also force the move by using curly braces:
fn receive2(message: Box<ExampleMessage>) {
match {*message} {
ExampleMessage::Msg { param_a, param_b } => println!("got message"),
I don't fully understand why a single field would work; it's certainly inconsistent. My only guess is that the ownership of the Box is moved to the first param, the param is extracted, then the compiler tries to move it again to the next parameter.
1 — Moving the contained element out via * is a special power that only Box supports. For example, if you try to do this with a reference, you get the "cannot move out of borrowed content" error. You cannot implement the Deref trait to do this either; it's a hard-coded ability inside the compiler.

FnOnce inside Enum: cannot move out of borrowed content

I'm new to rust and still have some problems with ownership/borrowing. In this case, I want to store a FnOnce in an enum and then call it later on from another thread. I tried a lot of different variants but always get stuck somewhere. Here is a reduced variant of what I currently have:
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::boxed::{Box, FnBox};
enum Foo<T> {
CallFunction(Box<FnBox(&T) + Send>)
struct FooInMutex<T> {
foo: Arc<Mutex<Foo<T>>>
impl<T> FooInMutex<T> {
fn put_fn(&self, f: Box<FnBox(&T)+Send>) {
let mut foo =;
let mut new_foo : Foo<T>;
match *foo {
Foo::DoNothing =>
new_foo = Foo::CallFunction(f),
_ =>
new_foo = Foo::DoNothing
*foo = new_foo;
fn do_it(&self, t: T) {
let mut foo =;
let mut new_foo : Foo<T>;
match *foo {
Foo::CallFunction(ref mut f) => {
new_foo = Foo::DoNothing;
_ =>
*foo = new_foo;
fn it_works() {
let x = FooInMutex { foo: Arch::new(Mutex::new(Foo::DoNothing)) };
x.put_fn(Box::new(|| panic!("foo")));
I use "rustc 1.4.0-nightly (e35fd7481 2015-08-17)".
The error message:
src/ 35:18 error: cannot move out of borrowed content
src/ f.call_box((&t,));
As I understand it, f is owned by the enum in the mutex and I only borrow it via *foo. But for calling f, I need move it out. But how to do this? Or what else do I have to change to make this example work?
std::mem::replace is what you should use there, like this:
use std::mem;
fn do_it(&self, t: T) {
match mem::replace(, Foo::DoNothing) {
Foo::CallFunction(f) => {
_ => panic!("...")

Struct method type inference

Given the following:
use std::old_io::{BufferedReader, File};
struct Journal<T> where T: Buffer {
file: T,
impl<T: Buffer> Iterator for Journal<T> {
type Item = String;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<String> {
match self.file.read_line() {
Ok(line) => Some(line.to_string()),
Err(_) => None,
fn main() {
let path = Path::new("/tmp/allocator-journal.txt");
let mut file = BufferedReader::new(File::open(&path));
let journal = Journal {file: file};
for line in journal {
print!("{}", line);
I would like to move the file opening logic into a new method on Journal. The following fails to compile due to unable to infer enough type information about '_'; type annotations required [E0282]:
use std::old_io::{BufferedReader, File, IoResult};
struct Journal<T> where T: Buffer {
file: T,
impl<T: Buffer> Journal<T> {
fn new() -> Journal<BufferedReader<IoResult<File>>> {
let path = Path::new("/tmp/allocator-journal.txt");
let mut file = BufferedReader::new(File::open(&path));
Journal {file: file}
impl<T: Buffer> Iterator for Journal<T> {
type Item = String;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<String> {
match self.file.read_line() {
Ok(line) => Some(line.to_string()),
Err(_) => None,
fn main() {
let journal = Journal::new();
for line in journal {
print!("{}", line);
Neither adding type hints to the variable binding or the method call (Journal::new::<Journal<BufferedReader<etc..>>>) fix the problem.
Why can the type not be infered? The signature of Journal::new is explicit, right?
As an aside, why can't the return type of Journal::new() be Journal<T> where T = Buffer?
You are mixing the worlds of generics and not-generics (specifics?). Here's the fix:
impl Journal<BufferedReader<IoResult<File>>> {
fn new() -> Journal<BufferedReader<IoResult<File>>> {
let path = Path::new("/tmp/allocator-journal.txt");
let mut file = BufferedReader::new(File::open(&path));
Journal {file: file}
Note the lack of T here. The whole point is that you are deciding what type T must be (BufferedReader<IoResult<File>>), so there's no need for the type variable.
By having the type variable, the compiler is attempting to figure out what T should be. However, you don't use T anywhere, so it has nothing to connect the dots with, and you get an error stating as much.
This brings up the question: why have generics at all? You aren't actually using them for anything, so you might as well just replace T with BufferedReader<IoResult<File>> everywhere.

"Registering" trait implementations + factory method for trait objects

Say we want to have objects implementations switched at runtime, we'd do something like this:
pub trait Methods {
fn func(&self);
pub struct Methods_0;
impl Methods for Methods_0 {
fn func(&self) {
pub struct Methods_1;
impl Methods for Methods_1 {
fn func(&self) {
pub struct Object<'a> { //'
methods: &'a (Methods + 'a),
fn main() {
let methods: [&Methods; 2] = [&Methods_0, &Methods_1];
let mut obj = Object { methods: methods[0] };
obj.methods = methods[1];
Now, what if there are hundreds of such implementations? E.g. imagine implementations of cards for collectible card game where every card does something completely different and is hard to generalize; or imagine implementations for opcodes for a huge state machine. Sure you can argue that a different design pattern can be used -- but that's not the point of this question...
Wonder if there is any way for these Impl structs to somehow "register" themselves so they can be looked up later by a factory method? I would be happy to end up with a magical macro or even a plugin to accomplish that.
Say, in D you can use templates to register the implementations -- and if you can't for some reason, you can always inspect modules at compile-time and generate new code via mixins; there are also user-defined attributes that can help in this. In Python, you would normally use a metaclass so that every time a new child class is created, a ref to it is stored in the metaclass's registry which allows you to look up implementations by name or parameter; this can also be done via decorators if implementations are simple functions.
Ideally, in the example above you would be able to create Object as
where the value 0 is only known at runtime and it would magically return you an Object { methods: &Methods_0 }, and the body of new() would not have the implementations hard-coded like so "methods: [&Methods; 2] = [&Methods_0, &Methods_1]", instead it should be somehow inferred automatically.
So, this is probably extremely buggy, but it works as a proof of concept.
It is possible to use Cargo's code generation support to make the introspection at compile-time, by parsing (not exactly parsing in this case, but you get the idea) the present implementations, and generating the boilerplate necessary to make Object::new() work.
The code is pretty convoluted and has no error handling whatsoever, but works.
Tested on rustc 1.0.0-dev (2c0535421 2015-02-05 15:22:48 +0000)
(See on github)
pub mod implementations;
mod generated_glue {
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
use generated_glue::Object;
pub trait Methods {
fn func(&self);
pub struct Methods_2;
impl Methods for Methods_2 {
fn func(&self) {
fn main() {
use super::Methods;
pub struct Methods_0;
impl Methods for Methods_0 {
fn func(&self) {
pub struct Methods_1;
impl Methods for Methods_1 {
fn func(&self) {
#![feature(core, unicode, path, io, env)]
use std::env;
use std::old_io::{fs, File, BufferedReader};
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() {
let target_dir = Path::new(env::var_string("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
let mut target_file = File::create(&target_dir.join("")).unwrap();
let source_code_path = Path::new(file!()).join_many(&["..", "src/"]);
let source_files = fs::readdir(&source_code_path).unwrap().into_iter()
.filter(|path| {
match path.str_components().last() {
Some(Some(filename)) => filename.split('.').last() == Some("rs"),
_ => false
let mut implementations = HashMap::new();
for source_file_path in source_files {
let relative_path = source_file_path.path_relative_from(&source_code_path).unwrap();
let source_file_name = relative_path.as_str().unwrap();
implementations.insert(source_file_name.to_string(), vec![]);
let mut file_implementations = &mut implementations[*source_file_name];
let mut source_file = BufferedReader::new(File::open(&source_file_path).unwrap());
for line in source_file.lines() {
let line_str = match line {
Ok(line_str) => line_str,
Err(_) => break,
if line_str.starts_with("impl Methods for Methods_") {
const PREFIX_LEN: usize = 25;
let number_len = line_str[PREFIX_LEN..].chars().take_while(|chr| {
let number: i32 = line_str[PREFIX_LEN..(PREFIX_LEN + number_len)].parse().unwrap();
writeln!(&mut target_file, "use super::Methods;").unwrap();
for (source_file_name, impls) in &implementations {
let module_name = match source_file_name.split('.').next() {
Some("main") => "super",
Some(name) => name,
None => panic!(),
for impl_number in impls {
writeln!(&mut target_file, "use {}::Methods_{};", module_name, impl_number).unwrap();
let all_impls = implementations.values().flat_map(|impls| impls.iter());
writeln!(&mut target_file, "
pub struct Object;
impl Object {{
pub fn new(impl_number: i32) -> Box<Methods + 'static> {{
match impl_number {{
for impl_number in all_impls {
writeln!(&mut target_file,
" {} => Box::new(Methods_{}),", impl_number, impl_number).unwrap();
writeln!(&mut target_file, "
_ => panic!(\"Unknown impl number: {{}}\", impl_number),
The generated code:
use super::Methods;
use super::Methods_2;
use implementations::Methods_0;
use implementations::Methods_1;
pub struct Object;
impl Object {
pub fn new(impl_number: i32) -> Box<Methods + 'static> {
match impl_number {
2 => Box::new(Methods_2),
0 => Box::new(Methods_0),
1 => Box::new(Methods_1),
_ => panic!("Unknown impl number: {}", impl_number),
