Is there a way to find out given instrumentation key belongs to which subscription?
First go to Azure Cloud Shell. It gives you bash and allows you to access all your azure resources.
Second create a file with the following content:
if [ -z "$ikeyToFind" ]; then
echo "specify the instrumentaiton key"
echo "search for instrumentation key $1"
# this function search for the instrumentation key in a given subscription
function findIKeyInSubscription {
echo "Switch to subscription $1"
az account set --subscription $1
# list all the Application Insights resources.
# for each of them take an instrumentation key
# and compare with one you looking for
az resource list \
--namespace microsoft.insights --resource-type components --query [*].[id] --out tsv \
| while \
read ID; \
do printf "$ID " && \
az resource show --id "$ID" --query properties.InstrumentationKey --o tsv; \
done \
| grep "$ikeyToFind"
# run the search in every subscription...
az account list --query [*].[id] --out tsv \
| while read OUT; do findIKeyInSubscription $OUT; done
Finally, run it: ./ provide key here
e.g. ./ e645a06e-d500-402e-ad4a-0bdcc4062dab
Test#Azure:~/Test$ ./ e645a06e-d500-402e-ad4a-0bdcc4062dab
search for instrumentation key e645a06e-d500-402e-ad4a-0bdcc4062dab
A few accounts are skipped as they don't have 'Enabled' state. Use '--all' to display them.
Switch to subscription
Switch to subscription
Final output will be like -
echo "Enter the names of the resource groups separated by spaces: "
read -a resource_groups
# Loop through each resource group and retrieve information about its Azure VMs
for resource_group in "${resource_groups[#]}"; do
echo "Getting information for resource group: $resource_group"
vm_info=$(az vm list --resource-group $resource_group --query "[].{Name: name, ResourceGroup: resourceGroup, ID: id}" -o table)
echo "Here is the information about the Azure VMs in resource group '$resource_group':"
echo "$vm_info"
echo ""
I need private ips of azure virtual machines but this bash script not fetching
use this:
az vm list -d --query "[].{ResourceGroup:resourceGroup, Name:name, PrivateIP:privateIps}" -o table
to filter by resource group:
az vm list -d --resource-group $resource_group --query "[].{ResourceGroup:resourceGroup, Name:name, PrivateIP:privateIps}" -o table
How do I create a secret to access Azure Blob storage if I am using SAS token authentication mode?
"account_name": "<value>",
"container_name": "<value>",
"container_uri": "<value>",
"region": "<value>",
"sas_token": "<value>"
I cannot find any information about this on the docs
You create a SAS from the protal or via az cli:
export AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING="$(az storage account show-connection-string \
--resource-group "$AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP" \
-o tsv)"
AZURE_STORAGE_SAS_TOKEN="$(az storage account generate-sas \
--services b \
--resource-types co \
--permissions dlpruwac \
--expiry "$(date -d '+7 days' '+%FT%H:%MZ')" \
-o tsv)"
Note the --services, --resource-types and --permissions flags. In the above example the token was generated for blob storage, on container & objects within the container with the permissions: delete, list, process, read, update, write, add & create.
--permissions [Required] : The permissions the SAS grants. Allowed values: (a)dd (c)reate
(d)elete (f)ilter_by_tags (i)set_immutability_policy (l)ist
(p)rocess (r)ead (t)ag (u)pdate (w)rite (x)delete_previous_version
(y)permanent_delete. Can be combined.
--resource-types [Required] : The resource types the SAS is applicable for. Allowed values:
(s)ervice (c)ontainer (o)bject. Can be combined.
--services [Required] : The storage services the SAS is applicable for. Allowed values:
(b)lob (f)ile (q)ueue (t)able. Can be combined.
See more info with az storage account generate-sas --help.
Once you have the token you can create the secret (Note, you need the variables from the previous code snippet).
jq -n \
--arg account_name "$AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT" \
--arg container_name "$AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CONTAINER" \
--arg container_uri "$(az storage account show -n "$AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT" -g "$AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP" --query primaryEndpoints.blob -o tsv)$AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CONTAINER" \
--arg region "$(az storage account show -n "$AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT" -g "$AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP" --query primaryLocation -o tsv)" \
--arg sas_token "$AZURE_STORAGE_SAS_TOKEN" '{
"account_name": $account_name,
"container_name": $container_name,
"container_uri": $container_uri,
"region": $region,
"sas_token": $sas_token
}' |
kubectl create secret generic storage-account --from-file=data.json=/dev/stdin
You can change the name of the secret and the file name within the secret by modifying the kubectl command.
You also need to check if you should append the container name to the container uri yourself or if the library using this data is doing it. Above, I have added the container name, you may want to remove it from the uri.
If you dont need to append the container name to the uri, you could simplify the json generation like this below. Using a query to get multiple fields from az cli.
az storage account show -n $AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT -g $AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP \
--query '{account_name:name,container_uri:primaryEndpoints.blob,region:primaryLocation}' |
jq --arg sas_token "$AZURE_STORAGE_SAS_TOKEN" --arg container_name "$AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CONTAINER" \
'. + { "sas_token": $sas_token, "container_name": $container_name}' |
kubectl create secret generic storage-account --from-file=data.json=/dev/stdin
My hello disapeared, so HELLO
Using the Azure CLI, I need to get the instances-id and private ip of my VMSS instances in one command.
I've already tried :
az vmss nic list-vm-nics : but I only have the private IP
az vmss list-instances : but I only have instance id
Do you know a cli command to get both of them ?
My need is to get instances that are unhealthy in my application gateway (the backend pool is my VMSS) and delete them.
I successfully got the unhealthy ip instances (with the command az network application-gateway show-backend-health), but I need to map these IP with an instance ID in order to use this command : az vmss delete-instances
And with all az vmss commands, I can't find a way to map a private IP with a instance id...
The goal is to run a job that automatically delete unhealthy instances.
Thanks for your help !
You could filter the virtual machine Id with a known private IP address like this,
az vmss nic list -g resourcegroupname --vmss-name vmssname --query "[?ipConfigurations[0].privateIpAddress == '']" -o tsv
I find what I was searching, and I used the query from Nancy, so I put my script here if it can help someone
set -e
set -o pipefail
az account set --subscription ${subscription}
# Get Actual Backend IPs
backend_ips=$(az network application-gateway show-backend-health --resource-group ${resource_group} --name ${appgw_name} | grep 'address')
backend_ips=$(sed 's/"//g;s/ //g;s/address://g' <<< ${backend_ips})
# Get Backend Health
backend_health=$(az network application-gateway show-backend-health --resource-group ${resource_group} --name ${appgw_name} | grep 'health\"')
backend_health=$(sed 's/"//g;s/ //g;s/health://g' <<< ${backend_health})
# Get Backend Count
backend_count=$(echo ${backend_ips} | awk -F "," '{print NF-1}')
# Put backend ips and health into tab
IFS=',' read -ra backend_ips <<< "${backend_ips}"
IFS=',' read -ra backend_health <<< "${backend_health}"
for (( i=0; i < ${backend_count}; i++))
echo -e "\n########\n# [IP] ${backend_ips[$i]}"
echo -e "# [Health] ${backend_health[$i]}\n########\n"
if [ "${backend_health[$i]}" == "Unhealthy" ]
echo -e " -> L'instance ${backend_ips[$i]} est à l'état Unhealthy."
unhealthy_instance_id=$(az vmss nic list -g ${resource_group} --vmss-name ${vmss_name} --query "[?ipConfigurations[0].privateIpAddress == '${backend_ips[$i]}']" -o tsv | cut -d "/" -f 11)
echo -e " -> Suppression de l'instance n°${unhealthy_instance_id}"
#az vmss delete-instances -g ${resource_group} -n ${vmss_name} --instance-ids ${unhealthy_instance_id}
exit 0
I'm using Microsoft Azure CLI and I could not find a way to list the blob object of a storage account.
I have the list displayed in Azure Web portal but I don't find any away to do it with the az storage command.
I've tried az storage blob list but it required a container name which I don't know how to find it (with az cli).
Do someone have an idea ?
Update: fetch the account key in cli:
Please try the code below, which can list all the blobs in all the containers of your storage account.
Note that there are no whitespaces aroud "=".
# list storage account names
az storage account list --query "[].{name:name}" --output tsv)"
# update with your storage account name
key="$(az storage account keys list -n ${storage_account_name} --query "[0].{value:value}" --output tsv)"
containers="$(az storage container list --account-name ${storage_account_name} --account-key $key --query "[].{name:name}" --output tsv)"
for c in $containers
echo "==== Blobs in Container $c ===="
az storage blob list --container-name $c \
--account-name ${storage_account_name} \
--account-key $key \
--query "[].{name:name}" --output tsv
Test results as below:
Command to get list of containers in a storage account on basis of storage ACCOUNT_NAME and ACCESS_KEY:
az storage container list --account-key ACCESS_KEY --account-name ACCOUNT_NAME
On basis of Container names received in its response, you can use az storage blob list command to get the list of objects within that container.
Thanks Ivan Yang for your answer!
The suggested edits queue was full for your answer, so I wanted to paste back this edited code:
accounts="$(az storage account list --query "[].{name:name}" --output tsv)"
for storage_account_name in $accounts
echo "==== Storage Account ${storage_account_name} ===="
key="$(az storage account keys list -n ${storage_account_name} --query "[0].{value:value}" --output tsv)"
containers="$(az storage container list --account-name ${storage_account_name} --account-key $key --query "[].{name:name}" --output tsv)"
for c in $containers
echo "==== Blobs in Container $c ===="
az storage blob list --container-name $c \
--account-name ${storage_account_name} \
--account-key $key \
--query "[].{name:name}" --output tsv
I ran mine in Azure Cloud CLI:
Launch Cloud Shell from the top navigation of the Azure portal. Choose Bash.
Save the script with Unix line endings. Drag the file onto the Azure CLI to upload it. If you get an error with ^r line endings, run dos2unix on the file to fix that.
chmod u+x to allow it to execute.
./ >> output.txt to run and output to text file.
You can then use the Azure CLI Upload/Download Button to retrieve your output.txt file.
If I understand correctly, the solution can be divided in 3 part
Get the list of storage accounts and copy the "desired" account name from output
az storage account list --query "[].{name:name}" --output tsv
Then get "first key" of "desired" account and copy the string (dont copy double quotes :) )
az storage account keys list --account-name WHATEVER_ACCOUNTNAME --query "[0].value"
3- Finally get the list of containers of your desired account (catch is here that "key" should be correctly copied from the output of second command)
az storage container list --account-name WHATEVER_ACCOUNTNAME --account-key YOUR-VERY-VERY-LONG-KEY --query "[].{name:name}" --output tsv
Note- Don't forget to login into azure account first of all :).
az login
Here is a simple script to list all your blob containers. As a bonus, list all your file shares too !
# List all the storage accounts under a subscription
for actname in $( az storage account list --query "[].name" --output tsv );
# Get the storage key
key1=`az storage account keys list --account-name $actname --query "[0].value" --output tsv 2>/dev/zero`
# Exclude the listing when you do not have permission to look into the storage account - like databricks managed storage for example
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo -e "\n === Here are the storage containers for your storage account $actname === \n"
# List of containers and file shares for the account
az storage container list --account-name $actname --account-key $key1 --query "[].name" --output tsv
echo -e "\n --- Here are the storage file shares for your storage account $actname ---\n"
az storage share list --account-name $actname --account-key $key1 --query "[].name" --output tsv
I'm starting to write a bash script to provision a VM in a new or existing resource group so that we can enforce naming convention and configuration.
In a bash script how can I check that a resource already exists so I don't try to create it again?
# 1. If a new resource group is desired, create it now. Microsoft Docs
az group create --name $RESOURCEGROUPNAME --location $LOCATION
# 2. Create a virtual network and subnet if one has not already been created. Microsoft Docs
# Consider a separate VNet for each resource group.
# az network vnet list -output table
az network vnet create \
--resource-group $RESOURCEGROUPNAME \
--address-prefix 10.0.x.0/24 \
--subnet-name default \
--subnet-prefix 10.0.x.0/24
# x is the next available 3rd octet value
# 3. Create a public IP Address. Microsoft Docs
az network public-ip create \
--resource-group $RESOURCEGROUPNAME \
--name $VMNAME-ip \
--dns-name $DNSNAME
# 4. Create a network security group. Microsoft Docs
az network nsg create \
--resource-group $RESOURCEGROUPNAME \
--name $VMNAME-nsg
# 5. Create a rule to allow SSH to the machine. Microsoft Docs
az network nsg rule create \
--resource-group $RESOURCEGROUPNAME \
--nsg-name $VMNAME-nsg \
--name allow-ssh \
--protocol tcp \
--priority 1000 \
--destination-port-range 22 \
--access allow
# 6. Create a virtual NIC. Microsoft Docs
az network nic create \
--resource-group $RESOURCEGROUPNAME \
--name $VMNAME-nic \
--vnet-name $RESOURCEGROUPNAME-vnet \
--subnet default \
--public-ip-address $VMNAME-ip \
--network-security-group $VMNAME-nsg
# 7. Create an availability set, if redundancy is required. Microsoft Docs
az vm availability-set create \
--resource-group $RESOURCEGROUPNAME \
--name $AVSETNAME-as
# 8. Create the VM. Microsoft Docs
az vm create \
--resource-group $RESOURCEGROUPNAME \
--location $LOCATION \
--name $VMNAME \
--image UbuntuLTS \
--size $VMSIZE \
--availability-set $AVSETNAME-as \
--nics $VMNAME-nic \
--admin-username $ADMINUSERNAME \
--authentication-type ssh
--ssh-key-value #$SSHPUBLICKEYFILE \
--os-disk-name $VMNAME-osdisk
This should work in bash script:
if [ $(az group exists --name $RESOURCEGROUPNAME) = false ]; then
az group create --name $RESOURCEGROUPNAME --location $LOCATION
In a bash script how can I check that a resource already exists so I
don't try to create it again?
We can use CLI 2.0 command az group exists to test the resource group exist or not, like this:
C:\Users\user>az group exists -n jasontest
In this way, before we create it, we can test the name available or not. In new resource group, we can create new Vnet and other resources.
For now, there is no CLI 2.0 command to test other resource exist or not. If you want to create resource in an existing resource group, maybe we should use CLI 2.0 command to list the resources, and use bash to make sure the resource exist or not.
You can use JMESPath queries to do this. All resource types support this, AFAIK.
For example, for VMs:
az vm list --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUPNAME --query "[?name=='$VMNAME'] | length(#)"
This will output the number of matching VMs - either 1 or 0.
You can use this to create if/else logic in bash as follows.
if [[ $(az vm list --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUPNAME --query "[?name=='$VMNAME'] | length(#)") > 0 ]]
echo "VM exists"
echo "VM doesn't exist"
If a resource show command returns an empty string and a success status code (0), then the resource does not exist.
Edit: ChrisWue pointed out that this is no longer true. It must have changed since I left the Azure CLI team (it used to be a requirement that all commands worked like this). Or it may be that there is a bug for the key vault commands he mentioned below.
this work for my batch commands
call az webapp show --subscription <yoursubs> --resource-group <yourrg> --name <yourappname> -query name
if %errorlevel% == 1 (
az webapp create ...
As mentioned in another answer - there is no generic "exists" command. One line of reasoning I've found was that "create" is meant to be idem potent - therefor if you have a script that creates resources (for example as part of a build pipeline) it doesn't matter how often you execute it since "it will do the right thing".
If you still need to do this you can do it in shell like this (the example is for keyvault but it should work for all resource types that have a show command)
if az keyvault show -n my-keyvault -o none; then
echo "keyvault exists"
echo "keyvault doesn't exist"
It should be noted that az will output an error message to stderr if the resource doesn't exists - this doesn't affect the check but if it bothers you then you can redirect stderr to /dev/null
In our case we needed this because we don't run the infra scripts if the setup hasn't changed (cuts our build time in half). We dectect this by creating a hash of the infra-scripts and store it in a keyvault. When the script runs it creates the keyvault (to make sure it exists) and then tries to check the secret that contains the hash. If the hash is still the same then don't run the rest of the script.
Catch is that keyvault create nukes the access policies which also includes the web-app managed identity access policy which won't get added if the rest of the script doesn't run ... so the fix is to check if the keyvault exists first and to not create it if it does.