pip3 cannot be found after installing python3 and pip3 on a mac - python-3.x

python2 is installed on every mac and I installed python3 and used it a lot with the standard libraries. Now I wanted to use pip3 as I did with pip and it says:
-bash: pip3: command not found
I downloaded get-pip.pyfound in StackOverflow's answers and with installing it I got:
Requirement already up-to-date: pip in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages
In addition to that I tested with which pip3 and there was no output, just the new line with the normal shell. And with which pip there is the location output like I expected:
I installed python3 with the package and last month I installed brew. Maybe this created the conflict because I think I had use pip3for some libraries my installation of python3.
(What possibility do I have to use python3 without having to uninstall python2 and python3 because I need both of them and got the answer that it's no problem to install both of them?)
Thanks #phd for linking to another question. With
alias pip3='python3 -m pip'
in ~/.bash_profile I can use pip3 as used.
But I do want to know if there is still a place where pip3 is located in python3 and how I can find it?
Thanks a lot.
macOS 10.12.6 / python 2.7.10 and 3.6.4
which python>> /usr/bin/python
which python3>> /usr/local/bin/python3


Installed python package with `pip3`, but when I call it I get "No module named X"

I installed a module like this:
> pip3.8 install mssql-cli
but when I run it I get:
> 3002 ~$ mssql-cli -S -d test-db
/usr/bin/python: No module named mssqlcli
I think mssql-cli is defaulting to the system--default python (2.x). How do I tell it to use python3.8?
Yes, I'm on a Mac. Python 3.8 is installed via Homebrew.
Answering questions from comments:
What does pip3.8 --version say?
3044 ~$ pip3.8 --version
pip 20.1.1 from /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip (python 3.8)
And check that which python3.8 points to /usr/local/lib/python3.8/python?
Not exactly. Is that bad?
3048 ~$ ll `which python3.8`
lrwxr-xr-x 1 grantb admin 40 Jul 24 10:57 /usr/local/bin/python3.8# -> ../Cellar/python#3.8/3.8.5/bin/python3.8
The issue is that if you look at the actual mssql-cli file it runs it using the python command. This (on my Mac) defaults to the 2.7 python. There are three solutions:
Add a line in your .bashrc or .bash_profile that says alias python='python3.8'. Note that this will override your python2.7 (which is obsolete anyway).
Edit the last line of the file that comes up with which mssql-cli to say python3.8 -m mssqlcli.main "$#". This has the disadvantage that you aren't really supposed to edit this, and that you'd need to do it every time you update this package, but it does work.
Run each mssql-cli command with the equivalent python3.8 -m mssqlcli.main.
Yet another brave soul caught up in the tangled web of installing Python on a Mac.
Your problem is that homebrew installed a version of Python in /usr/local/Cellar/python#3.8/3.8.5/bin/python3.8. Pip3.8, on the other hand, thinks Python is at /usr/local/lib/python3.8/python, so it installs its packages in that python's site-packages directory.
If you already had python with pip installed when you installed it from the Homebrew bottle, it won't overwrite the links you already had. One solution is to reinstall pip through the correct python.
python3.8 -m pip install -U --force-reinstall pip
This should force a reinstall of pip, and since python3.8 points to Homebrew's Python, it should install pip and pip3 as pointing to that python.

Pip install installs libraries into different locations

I have just started using python and I have set up python3 to be installed in C:\Python37 dir. I have added python3 path to environment variables. When I run python3 -m pip install [package_name] it installs it in C:\Python37\Lib\site-packages. But when I try to install pylint with python3 -m pip install pylint it prints:
Requirement already satisfied: pylint in c:\users\radio\appdata\roaming\python\python37\site-packages (2.3.1)
It's installing it in above mentioned completely different location, and then VS Code complains how pylint is not installed. Why doesn't pip install it in C:\Python37\Lib\site-packages where it installs all the other packages?
It seems you might have multiple python installations on the computer or you are not running CMD with administrator priviledges when using pip.
I would refer you to this thread: windows pip installing libraries in wrong directory which seems to deal with a problem similar to the one you are having.
I would also try checking the environment variables to see the path set for Python if that doesn't work.

How to install xlrd in python3 library

I am trying to install xlrd to read Excel files in python.
I have tried this: pip install -U pip setuptools. My macOS Mojave 10.4.3 has Python 2.7 which is where the default install goes to. But I have also installed Python3.7. How do I get pip install to my 3.7 directory?
I am on Mac machine(Catalina -version 10.15.5) and below pip3 command worked for me.
pip3 install xlrd
python version : 3.7.6
OS : Mac-Catalina(10.15.5)
Thanks to #Tapan Hegde, pip3 install xlrd worked from me, after installing the pip3, like this:
sudo apt update
apt install python3-pip
pip3 install xlrd
I reckon the easiest/cleanest solution would be to use a tool that isolates your python environment, such as virtualenv
Once installed, create a virtual env by specifying which version of python you want to use:
$> virtualenv -p python3 env
Note: puttin python3 directly works only for mac, with linux, you must specify the absolute path or your python binary.
And then 'activate' your environment:
$> source env/bin/activate
From here, any python or pip command you use will use python3.
$> pip install xlrd
Virtualenv has the advantage of not 'polluting' your local python installation, your can manage your pip modules installed more easily.
If you want more detail on how it works and the other alternatives, check this post
When pip install xlrd not work and in computer is still old version, then try do it with current version, for example pip install xlrd==2.0.1.
The current versions are here

Use or install different versions of python3 pip

I'm trying to install packages for my python 3.5.0 versus my python 3.4.3
I can run both by typing either python3.4 or python3.5
I have pip2 and pip3. I also ran the script sudo easy_install3 pip, which made me be able to use pip3.4 But I am still having trouble installing modules for python3.5. pip3 just installs for python3.4
I am looking to install termcolor for python3.5 and I am having no success. Can anyone help?
I am on Windows, and you appear not to be, but maybe the following will help.
If pip is in your system's equivalent of python35/Lib/site-packages, then python3.5 -m pip should run pip so that it installs into the 3.5 site-packages.
If you do not have pip in the 3.5 site-packages, copy its directory, along with its dependencies (pip....dist-info/, setuptools/, setuptools....dist-info/, and easyinstall.py) from the 3.4 site_packages.
Or, if pip3 or even pip3.4 is in python35/Scripts, run it with its full path name so you are not running the 3.4 version.

Pip won't install into python 3 when using homebrew python?

So I've got a virtualenv I've created using pyvenv-3.3, which I thought set up pip to install things into the virtualenv's path. However, I get the following outputs after I've activated by virtualenv:
$ pip --version
pip 1.4.1 from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip-1.4.1-py2.7.egg (python 2.7)
pip-3.3 --version
pip 1.4.1 from /usr/local/lib/python3.3/site-packages/pip-1.4.1-py3.3.egg (python 3.3)
This is all fine and good, but then my sys.path is this:
Most notably, the whole site-packages directory is outright missing. Furthermore, this output indicates to me that I'm probably using a python that installed through homebrew at some point. Most infuriatingly, none of the directories in my sys.path are compatible with pip.
Any thoughts on remedies? I won't manually edit my sys.path, but maybe there's some configuration with pip I can do?
Install virtualenvwrapper (makes using virtualenv so much easier):
pip install virtualenvwrapper
.. and then try this:
mkvirtualenv <your_env> -p /usr/local/bin/python3
Where homebrew sticks python is different from where your system has it. You can run the following to see what I'm talking about:
which python
which python3
