How to test a module in NestJs - nestjs

I'm adding tests on a project and improving coverage. I would like to know how can I test a module definition (mymodule.module.ts file) in NestJs.
In particular, I'm testing a main module that imports other modules, one of them inits a db connection, this means that I need to mock the service on the other module, to avoid a real db connection.
At this moment I have something like this:
beforeEach(async () => {
const instance: express.Application = express();
module = await NestFactory.create(MyModule, instance);
describe('module bootstrap', () => {
it('should initialize entities successfully', async () => {
controller = module.get(MyController);
expect(controller instanceof MyController).toBeTruthy();
This works, but I'm sure this can get improvements :)
The ideal thing would be something like overrideComponent method provided by Test.createTestingModule.
P.S: I'm using 4.5.2 version

Improved my tests based on #laurent-thiebault answer:
import { Test } from '#nestjs/testing';
import { ThingsModule } from './things.module';
import { ThingsResolver } from './things.resolver';
import { ThingsService } from './things.service';
describe('ThingsModule', () => {
it('should compile the module', async () => {
const module = await Test.createTestingModule({
imports: [ThingsModule],

You can now test your module (at least for code coverage) by building it that way:
describe('MyController', () => {
let myController: MyController;
beforeEach(async () => {
const module = await Test.createTestingModule({
imports: [MyModule],
myController = module.get<MyController>(MyController);
it('should the correct value', () => {

We usually didn't test .module.ts files directly.
we do this in e2e testing.
but I wonder why one should test the the module ! and you are trying to test if the module can initialize it's components , it should.
but i recommend you do this in e2e testing.
in my opinion, in unit testing you should focus on testing the services or other components behaviors not the modules.


Jest and NestJs how how to close the prisma connections

I have an issue, where my test suites are not closing connections to prisma when I use app.close or prisma.$disconnect. This means that I am running into the error when running my test suites.
Error querying the database: db error: FATAL: sorry, too many clients already
As well as
Jest did not exit one second after the test run has completed.
This usually means that there are asynchronous operations that weren't stopped in your tests. Consider running Jest with `--detectOpenHandles` to troubleshoot this issue.
This is the blueprint to what my typical test suite looks like:
import { Test, TestingModule } from '#nestjs/testing';
import { INestApplication } from '#nestjs/common';
import { AppModule } from '../../src/app.module';
import { PrismaService } from '../../src/prisma.service';
describe('Description', () => {
let app: INestApplication;
let prismaService: PrismaService;
beforeAll(async () => {
const moduleFixture: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
imports: [AppModule],
providers: [PrismaService],
app = moduleFixture.createNestApplication();
prismaService = moduleFixture.get(PrismaService);
await app.init();
afterAll(async () => {
await prismaService.$disconnect();
await app.close();
it('Should do something', async () => {
My implementation of Prisma Service
import { INestApplication, Injectable, OnModuleInit } from '#nestjs/common';
import { PrismaClient } from '#prisma/client';
export class PrismaService extends PrismaClient implements OnModuleInit {
async onModuleInit() {
await this.$connect();
async enableShutdownHooks(app: INestApplication) {
this.$on('beforeExit', async () => {
await app.close();
I was using TypeOrm previously, and app.close() sorted out this issue, however after moving to prisma I cannot for the life of me figure out how to overcome this.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
You can take a look at this issue which discusses connection issues in various contexts (including tests, serverless environments, etc).
One workaround (That worked for the original poster of this question) is to manually set the connection limit by appending ?connection_limit=1 to the connection string.
Updating to the latest major version of Prisma has sorted out this issue. In my case the exact version I am now using is 3.4.2.

jest.mock(..) not working in 'describe' (TypeError: moduleName.split is not a function)

jest.mock(..) does not seem to work at the 'describe' level for my tests.
If I have the following :
import React from 'react';
import {someFunction} from "./something/someFile";
describe('Overview Test', () => {
test(' snapshot', () => {
Then running the 'test' (ie. at the test level), works fine.
But if I run the 'describe' (ie. the describe level or suite level), then I get the following error :
TypeError: moduleName.split is not a function
at Resolver.resolveModuleFromDirIfExists (A:\frontend\node_modules\jest-resolve\build\index.js:224:30)
at Resolver.resolveModule (A:\frontend\node_modules\jest-resolve\build\index.js:252:12)
If I have this :
describe('Overview Test', () => {
test(' snapshot', () => {
Then both ways it does not work.
I have also tried this :
import React from 'react';
import {someFunction} from "./something/someFile";
describe('Overview Test', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
test(' snapshot', () => {
And it does not work.
I have also tried this and it does not work :
import React from 'react';
import {someFunction} from "./something/someFile";
describe('Overview Test', () => {
jest.mock('./something/someFile', () => {
return { someFunction: jest.fn(() => "futhissit")};
test(' snapshot', () => {
Jest mock is for mocking modules and the first argument is the moduleName which it has to be a valid module name (inside node_modules or a file path) and not a direct function/module:
jest.mock(moduleName, factory, options)
Mocks a module with an auto-mocked version when it is being required. factory and options are optional.
The error you're getting TypeError: moduleName.split is not a function is because resolveModuleFromDirIfExists tries to split the module name/path and you can see it inside jest-resolve/src/index.ts at line 207.
When you want to test an ES module, you pass the module location for the moduleName and you create a factory using __esModule: true and then create properties with exported functions being mocked using jest.fn():
someFile.js exports the someFunction:
module.exports.someFunction = () => 'Some function result!';
Mocking someFile.js module using jest.mock()
describe('Overview Test', () => {
// Mock the module and its functions
jest.mock('./someFile', () => ({
__esModule: true,
someFunction: jest.fn(() => 'Mocked someFunction!')
// Import the function from the mocked module
const { someFunction } = require('./someFile');
test('snapshot', () => {
// Execute the mocked function
const someResult = someFunction();
// Expect to return the mocked value
expect(someResult).toBe('Mocked someFunction!');
You have to import the mocked modules after the jest.mock module mocking. You can create a jest.setup.js and configure it using setupFilesAfterEnv that can have your mocks inside it and then just import the modules like normal at the top of the test files.

How to mock getMongoRepository in service nestjs

I write unit test for my service in nestjs. In my function delete i use getMongoRepository to delete. But i stuck in write the unit test
I've tried write the mock but it's not work
my service
async delete(systemId: string): Promise<DeleteWriteOpResultObject> {
const systemRepository = getMongoRepository(Systems);
return await systemRepository.deleteOne({ systemId });
my mock
import { Mock } from './mock.type';
import { Repository, getMongoRepository } from 'typeorm';
// #ts-ignore
export const mockRepositoryFactory: () => Mock<Repository<any>> = jest.fn(
() => ({
save: jest.fn(Systems => Systems),
delete: jest.fn(Systems => Systems),
deleteOne: jest.fn(Systems => Systems),
my test
import { ExternalSystemService } from '../external-system.service';
import { Systems } from '../entities/external-system.entity';
module = await Test.createTestingModule({
providers: [
provide: getRepositoryToken(Systems),
useFactory: mockRepositoryFactory,
service = module.get<ExternalSystemService>(ExternalSystemService);
mockRepository = module.get(getRepositoryToken(Systems));
describe('delete', () => {
it('should delete the system', async () => {
const deletedSystem = await service.delete(systemOne.systemId);
expect(mockRepository.delete).toBeCalledWith({ systemId: systemOne.systemId });
I got this error
ExternalSystemService › delete › should not delete the system
ConnectionNotFoundError: Connection "default" was not found.
at new ConnectionNotFoundError (error/ConnectionNotFoundError.ts:8:9)
at ConnectionManager.Object.<anonymous>.ConnectionManager.get (connection/ConnectionManager.ts:40:19)
at Object.getMongoRepository (index.ts:300:35)
at Object.<anonymous> (external-system/tests/external-system.service.spec.ts:176:33)
at external-system/tests/external-system.service.spec.ts:7:71
at Object.<anonymous>.__awaiter (external-system/tests/external-system.service.spec.ts:3:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (external-system/tests/external-system.service.spec.ts:175:51)
You should avoid using global functions and instead use the dependency injection system; this makes testing much easier and is one of the main features of nest.
The nest typeorm module already provides a convenient way of injecting a repository:
1) Inject the repository in your service's constructor:
private readonly systemsRepository: MongoRepository<Systems>,
) {}
2) Use the injected repository
async delete(systemId: string): Promise<DeleteWriteOpResultObject> {
return this.systemsRepository.deleteOne({ systemId });
Now your mocked repository will be used in your test.

nodejs/mocha/chai as promise : variables used in expected async function initialized outside

I am brand new to mocha/chai and I spent 2 days trying to solve the following issue without any success (please note that the code below is just to present the concept, it is not the real one).
I have got a JS file called "api.js" in which some variables such as SERVER_URL are initialized at the top of the file through dotenv framework.
api.js :
const SERVER_URL = process.env.SERVER_URL;
async function startAPI () {
return new Promise ( (resolve, reject) => {
exports = {startAPI};
Now I have got "test.js" file in which :
it('the test', async () => {
return await expect(api.startAPI());
The problem is that SERVER_URL is undefined during the test and I cannot modify the api.js (as I am not the owner), just the test.js.
How can I run the test with the SERVER_URL variable set correctly (to process.env.SERVER_URL value from api.js) ?
Is there a solution without any refactoring ?
And if not what is the best solution ?
Experts, thanks in advance for your precious help
A way to improve testability is to use process.env.SERVER_URL instead of SERVER_URL where possible - or getServerUrl():
const getServerUrl = () => process.env.SERVER_URL;
This way process.env.SERVER_URL can be mocked at any point.
An alternative is to import module after process.env.SERVER_URL was mocked. This should involve decaching if there's more than one test that uses this module, because it won't be re-evaluated otherwise.
const decache = require('decache');
let originalServerUrl;
beforeEach(() => {
originalServerUrl = process.env.SERVER_URL;
beforeEach(() => {
process.env.SERVER_URL = originalServerUrl;
it('the test', async () => {
process.env.SERVER_URL = '...';
const api = require('../api');
await expect(api.startAPI());
If it's expected that there's no SERVER_URL in tests, it can be just discarded after it was mocked:
The easiest way would be just to set these variables when you run your test from CLI:
e.g. in npm scripts:
"scripts": {
"test": "SERVER_URL='' mocha"
or directly from terminal:
$ SERVER_URL='' npm test
But better solution would be mock environment variables in your tests with little refactoring. And need proxyquire to be installed. And actually async/await is not needed here.
const proxyquire = require('proxyquire').noPreserveCache() // noPreserveCache is important to always have refreshed script with new process.env.SERVER_URL in each test
describe('example', () => {
let initialServerUrl
let api
beforeEach(() => {
initialServerUrl= process.env
afterEach(() => {
process.env = initialServerUrl
it('fulfilled', () => {
api = proxyquire('../api', {})
return expect(api.startAPI())
it('rejected', () => {
process.env.USE_OTHER_CODE_PATH = ''
api = proxyquire('../api', {})
return expect(api.startAPI())
You can set .env variables with mocha using the following line:
env SERVER_URL=htt:// mocha test
This way mocha knows what to expect from your process.env.SERVER_URL

Mock.mockImplementation() not working

I have a service class
class Service {
export default new Service();
And I am trying to provide a mock implementation for this. If I use something like this:
jest.mock('./Service', () => { ... my mock stuff });
It works fine, however I'm not able to access any variables declared outside of the mock, which is a bit limiting as I'd like to reconfigure what the mock returns, etc.
I tried this (inspired by this other StackOverflow article: Service mocked with Jest causes "The module factory of jest.mock() is not allowed to reference any out-of-scope variables" error)
import service from './Service';
jest.mock('./Service', () => jest.fn);
service.mockImplementation(() => {
return { ... mock stuff }
Unfortunately when I am trying to run this, I get the below error:
TypeError: _Service2.default.mockImplementation is not a function
I had same problem as #Janos, the other answers didn't help either. You could do two things :
If you need to mock only a function from Service, in your test file:
import service from './Service';
jest.mock('./Service', () => jest.fn());
service.yourFunction = jest.fn(() => { /*your mock*/ })
If you need to mock the entire Module:
Say your service.js is in javascript/utils, create a javascript/utils/_mocks_ and inside it create a service.js file, you can then mock the entire class in this file, eg:
const myObj = {foo: "bar"}
const myFunction1 = jest.fn(() => { return Promise.resolve(myObj) })
const myFunction2 = ...
module.exports = {
then in your test file you just add:
...functions exported from the mockfile will be then hit through your test file execution.
The mock is equal to jest.fn. You need to call jest.fn to create a mocked function.
So this:
jest.mock('./Service', () => jest.fn);
Should be:
jest.mock('./Service', () => jest.fn());
ran into similar issues and resolved it by using .mockImplementationOnce
jest.mock('./Service', () => jest.fn()
.mockImplementationOnce(() => {
return { ... mock stuff }
.mockImplementationOnce(() => {
return { ... mock other stuff }
now when you run another test it will return the second mock object.
You need to store your mocked component in a variable with a name prefixed by "mock" and make sure you return an object with a default property as you import your Service from the default in your "main.js" file.
// Service.js
class Service {
export default new Service();
// main.test.js (main.js contains "import Service from './Service';")
const mockService = () => jest.fn();
jest.mock('./Service', () => {
return {
default: mockService
I had similar problem, and the cause was that ".spec.js" file had an
import jest from "jest-mock";
After removing this line, it worked.
My mistake was that I was resetting the mock before each test. If you do that, be sure to reconfigure the mock implementation.
For example, change this:
let value;
let onPropertyChange: OnPropertyChangeCallback = jest.fn((changes: any) => {
value = changes["testValue"];
const user = userEvent.setup();
beforeEach(() => {
to this:
let value;
let onPropertyChange: OnPropertyChangeCallback;
const user = userEvent.setup();
beforeEach(() => {
onPropertyChange = jest.fn((changes: any) => {
value = changes["testValue"];
