Java program to find which string is replaced by which string? - string

String s1="Welcome To Java";
String s2="Wela To Java";
Write a Java program to get the output that come is replaced by a.

If you are sure that that is one char replacing multi chars, you can use this:
String s1="Welcome To Java";
String s2="Wela To Java";
for (int i = 1; i < s2.length()+1; i++){
char c = s2.charAt(i-1);
String part1= s2.substring (0,i-1);
String part2=s2.substring(i);
if (s1.contains(part1)&&(s1.contains(part2))){
int t1 = s1.lastIndexOf(part1)+part1.length();
int t2 = s1.indexOf(part2);
System.out.println("Found "+s1.substring(t1,t2)+ " is replaced by "+c);

Assuming your question is replace all instances of the word 'come' with 'a', you should read up pattern-matching and the .replace() method in Java. See the docs for this:,%20java.lang.CharSequence)
The above works nicely for either a specific string or more general patterns in the data you're working with.
P.S. Your question is unlikely to get a good answer because it's a pretty straightforward thing that requires just a quick search. I can tell you now that asking on Stack Overflow as a last resort is a good policy to follow.


Can we skip indexes when we search a string in another string?

Considering a search in a string for an exact match of another string. Is it safe to continue the search at the position where a partial match stopped to match, without getting wrong results?
In code:
int indexOf(string target, string search){
for(int i=0; i + search.length < target.length; i++){
int f=0;
for(; f < search.length && search[f] == target[i + f]; f++); //empty loop
if(f == search.length) return i;
i += f; //is it safe to do this without to worry about a missing match?
The thing to worry about is to miss an exact match starting in the partial match (somewhere between i and i + f in the code above). But in fact I couldn't think up any example case to proof the worry. Can you?
There are various string search algorithms here.
I think this is what you want which is know as KMP.
Yes, you need to worry about it, and an example of why you need to worry about it would be searching for the substring "ananas" in the string "anananas".

repeat string with LINQ/extensions methods [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is there an easy way to return a string repeated X number of times?
(21 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Just a curiosity I was investigating.
The matter: simply repeating (multiplying, someone would say) a string/character n times.
I know there is Enumerable.Repeat for this aim, but I was trying to do this without it.
LINQ in this case seems pretty useless, because in a query like
from X in "s" select X
the string "s" is being explored and so X is a char. The same is with extension methods, because for example "s".Aggregate(blablabla) would again work on just the character 's', not the string itself. For repeating the string something "external" would be needed, so I thought lambdas and delegates, but it can't be done without declaring a variable to assign the delegate/lambda expression to.
So something like defining a function and calling it inline:
( (a)=>{return " "+a;} )("a");
delegate(string a){return " "+a}(" ");
would give a "without name" error (and so no recursion, AFAIK, even by passing a possible lambda/delegate as a parameter), and in the end couldn't even be created by C# because of its limitations.
It could be that I'm watching this thing from the wrong perspective. Any ideas?
This is just an experiment, I don't care about performances, about memory use... Just that it is one line and sort of autonomous. Maybe one could do something with Copy/CopyTo, or casting it to some other collection, I don't know. Reflection is accepted too.
To repeat a character n-times you would not use Enumerable.Repeat but just this string constructor:
string str = new string('X', 10);
To repeat a string i don't know anything better than using string.Join and Enumerable.Repeat
string foo = "Foo";
string str = string.Join("", Enumerable.Repeat(foo, 10));
edit: you could use string.Concat instead if you need no separator:
string str = string.Concat( Enumerable.Repeat(foo, 10) );
If you're trying to repeat a string, rather than a character, a simple way would be to use the StringBuilder.Insert method, which takes an insertion index and a count for the number of repetitions to use:
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Insert(0, "hi!", 5);
Otherwise, to repeat a single character, use the string constructor as I've mentioned in the comments for the similar question here. For example:
string result = new String('-', 5); // -----
For the sake of completeness, it's worth noting that StringBuilder provides an overloaded Append method that can repeat a character, but has no such overload for strings (which is where the Insert method comes in). I would prefer the string constructor to the StringBuilder if that's all I was interested in doing. However, if I was already working with a StringBuilder, it might make sense to use the Append method to benefit from some chaining. Here's a contrived example to demonstrate:
var sb = new StringBuilder("This item is ");
sb.Insert(sb.Length, "very ", 2) // insert at the end to append
.Append('*', 3)
.Append('*', 3);
Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); // This item is very very ***special***

Is it possible to compare two characters in Processing?

I am a novice programmer and I am trying to compare two characters from different strings, such that I can give an arbitrary index from each string and check to see if they match. From the processing website it seems that you can compare two strings, which I have done, but when I try to do so with characters it seems that the arguments (char,char) are not applicable. Can someone tell me where I am going wrong? Thanks.
You can use String's charAt() method/function to get character from each string at the desired index, then simply compare:
String s1 = ":)";
String s2 = ";)";
void setup(){
boolean CompareCharAt(String str1,String str2,int index){
return s1.charAt(index) == s2.charAt(index);
Note that when you're comparing strings == doesn't help, you need to use String's equal()
String s1 = ":)";
String s2 = ";)";
Also, if data comes from external sources, it's usually a good idea to compare both strings at using the same case:
maybe you can pass the argument after converting(typecasting) the char to string.
Yep. Just use == as it gets interpreted as a char datatype.
This is assuming you've split the char from the String...
char a = 'a';
char b = 'a';
if(a == b) {
// etc
As mentioned above, use .equals() for String comparison.
String a = "a";
String b = "a";
if(a.equals(b)) {
// etc
Also, the proper way to cast a char as a String is str() not string()

Convert a string to number without using any java conversion functions/utility classes

I was asked in a Java interview to write a program that would convert a string for example "123" into number 123 without using any of java's conversion functions/utility classes.
I am still confused if that would be possible. Any ideas ?
Break the string into individual characters, map each to its numeric value, and combine by multiplying each by its place value.
I should have made my comment an answer so I can get the answer credit :)
"what counts as a utility class? Could you have a map of strings to numbers, iterate over the string, look up the number by the string, and construct the number?"
in pseudocode:
Map<String, Integer> = {
... etc }
int number = 0;
for(i=string.length-1; i>=0; i--){
String substr = string.substring(i, i+1);
int digit = map.get(substr);
number += 10^(string.length-i)*digit;
return number

Looping in a String to find Unicode characters is taking too much time

I am creating a custom field where I want to replace some unicode caracters by pictures. Its like doing emoticons for blackberry device. Well I have a problem looping the caracters in the edit field and replacing the unicode caracters by images. When the text becomes too long, the loop takes too much time.
My code is as follows:
String aabb = "";
char[] chara = this.getText().toCharArray();
for (int i = loc; i < chara.length; i ++) {
Character cc = new Character(chara[i]);
aabb += cc.toString();
if (unicodeCaracter) {
//Get the location
//draw the image in the appropriate X and Y
Well this works fine, and the images are getting in the right place. But the problem is when the text becomes large, the looping is taking too much time, and the input of the text on the device becomes non friendly.
How to find the unicode caracters in a text without having to loop each time for them? Is their another way than this that I missed?
I need help with this issue. Thanks in advance
Well you're creating a new Character and a new String in each iteration of the loop, and converting the string to a character array to start with. You're also using string concatenation in a loop rather than using a StringBuffer. All of these will be hurting performance.
It's not obvious what you mean by "Unicode characters" here - all characters in Java are Unicode characters. I suspect you really want something like:
String text = this.getText();
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(text.length());
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
char c = text.charAt(i);
if (c > 127) { // Or whatever
// Take some action
I'm assuming the "take some action" will be changing the buffer in some respect, otherwise the buffer is pointless of course... but fundamentally that's likely to be the sort of change you want.
The string concatenation in a loop is a particularly bad idea - see my article on it for more details.
What takes time is the string concatenation.
Strings are immutable in Java. Each time you do
aabb += cc.toString();
you create a new String object containing all the chars of the previous one, which must be garbage collected, plus the new ones. Use a StringBuilder to build your string:
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(this.getText().length() + 100); // size estimation
char[] chara = this.getText().toCharArray();
for (int i = loc; i < chara.length; i++) {
if (unicodeCaracter) {
//Get the location
//draw the image in the appropriate X and Y
String aabb = builder.toString();
Well, besides speeding up your loop, you could also try and minimize the work load.
If the user is appending text you could store the last position you scanned previously time and start from there..
On inserts/deletes you'd need to get the caret position and scan the deleted/inserted part and maybe surrounding characters (if you have character groups instead of single characters that get replaced).
However, fixing loop performance is likely to give you a better improvement in your case, as I doubt you'll have that long strings to make that algorithmic change worthwhile.
The most important performance enhancements have already been stated but looping backwards will also help in BlackBerry apps.
Programming Tips: General Coding Tips
