How do I find my GitHub repository git:// protocol? - protocols

How do I turn this https protocol Git Repo external Link
https protocol<br>
Into something like this git protocol Git Repo external Link
git protocol<br>


How to add Gitlab-token to sourcetree?

I try to commit a file to a gitlab repo, but I receive
git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false
--no-optional-locks push -v --tags origin main:main remote: You are not allowed to push code to this project. fatal: unable to access
'': The requested URL
returned error: 403 Pushing to Mit Fehlern
abgeschlossen, siehe oben.
Therefore, I got a personal access token from my gitlab operator like:
How do I use this PAT? How to enable this in sourcetree git desktop tool?
Your local repository is configured to use HTTPS instead of git over ssh. The output of git remote -v should verify this. You will see something similar to:
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
Follow the instructions to create and add your SSH key to your GitLab account.
Then, use a SSH remote repository for origin.
$ git remote rename origin https-origin
$ git remote add origin
Then, try your git command.

Cannot push to my github private repository

As I'm learning git, I have set up a private repository on GitHub. I have created ssh key and store it to my GitHub account and edited .ssh/config file on my local Linux machine:
## github
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github.key
I can successfully connect to my GitHub account:
$ ssh -T github
Hi <UserName>! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
I have initialized a git repository on my local machine, set up user and added a remote repository:
$ git init
$ git config "UserName"
$ git config "UserEmail"
$ git remote add origin ssh://github:<UserName?/<repositoryName>.git
I have created a file, added it to git and commited it:
$ git add
$ git commit -m "First commit."
Now everytime I try to push, I get this error:
$ git push origin master
ERROR: Repository not found.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Cloning the repository works, however that is the only thing I can do.
Why can't I push to my private repository? What am I doing wrong?
Try instead the scp syntax, to make sure your ~/.ssh/config file is used:
git remote set-url origin github:<username>/<repo>
Then try and push again.
Git itself uses an OpenSSH version (at least the one packages with Git for Windows)
> ssh -V
OpenSSH_7.5p1, OpenSSL 1.0.2k 26 Jan 2017
As explained in "Why doesn't the ssh command follow RFC on URI?", there is a difference between:
Only the latter syntax user#host.xz: uses the ssh config file.
When SSH was originally developed, it was developed as a more secure, drop-in replacement for the earlier RSH/rlogin suite of tools.
See "History of the SSH protocol".
OpenSSH (1999) predates URI (finalized in RFC 3986, published in January 2005)
If the host portion was allowed to be on the form host:port, this would create a potential ambiguity: does refer to ~jdoe/2222 on when connecting on the standard port, or does it refer to no file at all (or worse, ~jdoe) on when connecting over port 2222?

How do i add and sync my local git on server? What is bare repo?

I am using git from a long time but never set it up on server. Refereeing to this Git: move existing repository from PC to server, clone from server
I have initiate a bare repo on server but while adding origin in local
"git remote add origin server:path/to/repo" i have no idea what to add here. My site is and user is getwamld
Origin is the name of a remote which is typically created automatically when you clone a repo from another repo. The origin reference in the cloned repo will be created to point back to the repo that was cloned from.
In your case, where the bare repo was actually created later from your working repo, you will create origin in your working repo to point back to your new bare repo.
This is done with:
git remote add origin /barerepo/fullname
If your bare repo is going to line on a different machine, then you need the URL to reach the repo instead of just a file path.
For instance, you might have myuser#myserver:path/to/repo
Bare repository in Git is a repository which only contains version control information only in fact this will not have .git sub-directory or any working files.
This kind of repository is helpful when you need to share or divide your work between few people for example in work environment you and your team mates are working on same project and you all need to see changes and all needs to do push to repository in this case this repository is more useful.
You can add the remote repository to local git repo
$ git remote add origin ssh://
pushing to remote repository:
to push our local master branch to the origin's master branch. You can do that using the git push <target> <local> command.
$ git push origin master
click here for more information on how this works

Add bitbucket repository to heroku project

I set-up a heroku Node project. Everything works fine but I would like to be able to push also on my bibucket repository. Git is set-up for Herokuy but when I try to add the bitbucket repository with the command:
cd /path/to/my/repo
git remote add origin
I get the following error:
fatal: remote origin already exists.
So I tried to run the command
git push origin master
And I get the response:
Username for '':
How can I push both in heroku and on my bitbucket repository?
You already have an origin repo defined (as github) so if you have the git project in bitbucket so you just need to reference as a new repo
git remote add bitbucket
then you will be able to run
git push bitbucket master (or any branch you have defined)
If you do not want to use github anymore and replace your origin repo with bitbucket, do
git remote set-url origin
and then
git push origin master
will push to your bitbucket repo - make sure to follow heroku instructions to add the heroku repo and push your files there to be deployed
Deendayal Garg gave me the right hint: with:
git remote -v
I could see that I had the original repository as origin remote. I deleted that, I unshallowed it (because the original repository was cloned with the -depth option) and I finally could add my personal bitbuket remote!

How does Git know which repository to push to?

I'm a complete noob when it comes to version control, but I recently started using GitHub to host some of my projects. I blindly use the command git push origin master to push changes to either of the two repositories. I don't understand how Git knows which repository to push to. I use the same command to push to each. Does the directory I'm in have anything to do with it?
Thanks for clearing this up for me.
A word of advice, "blindly use"ing anything is a bad idea.
git has a system of remotes which allows to specify URLs and transports to repositories other than the one where you're working. git push origin master pushes the current branch to the remote called origin as the branch master. You have a remote called origin. This is created by default when you clone a repository from a URL.
git remote add origin tells git the url that remote 'origin' points to.
When you use git push origin master, you aren't pushing to two repositories - you are pushing to the master branch in your repository who's name (alias) is origin.
Think of it like this:
I'm pushing my stuff to origin which is my repository address. What am I pushing there? My master branch.
If you are new and set git up yourself through git init, you probably aren't pushing to two repositories. Run this command to see what your remotes are:
git remote -v
This will return something like (assuming you have a git hosting service like github):
blahblah (fetch)
blahblah (push) is your repository address. Some addresses are prefixed by https:// .
Git repositories contain a .git directory that contains metadata about the repository. That's what Git uses to determine where to push your changes.
