No Data in Mongo - node.js

Using Mongoose in NodeJS I'm able to create a database and insert data and find the data when using mongoose, however when I use the mongo shell with show dbs command it shows the database but the size of the database constantly remains at 0. Is there something I'm missing? Here's my code
mongoose = require('mongoose');
Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var UserSchema = new Schema({
first_name: String,
last_name: String
var users = mongoose.model('Users',UserSchema);
var new_user = new users({ first_name: "firstname",
last_name: "lastname" }); {
if(err) return;
else console.log("saved");
users.find({first_name:'firstname'}).exec(function(err,data) {

you might need to use the insert() method
"data" : {
"name" : "any_name",
"zipcode" : "10075",
After which you can use the find() method returns query results in a cursor, which is an iterable object that yields documents.
You can read more from Insert a Document and Find or Query Data with the mongo Shell


Mongoose findById returns null even with valid id

I have already seen the discussion about the following question with a similar title
mongoose 'findById' returns null with valid id
But my problem is not the database name since all my other connections with the same database in fact the queries on the same collection are working fine.
I am using mongoose 4.13.6, node js 6.11 and mongo 3.4.
It is a post request .
var query=req.body;
I am sending the search parameters as
var findFruit =
When I print my findFruit I get :
The controller function for this is :
if( _.isNull(err) ){
var response = genRes.generateResponse(true,"found successfully");
var response = genRes.generateResponse(false,"there occured some error : "+err);
I even tried find
if( _.isNull(err) ){
var response = genRes.generateResponse(true,"found successfully");
var response = genRes.generateResponse(false,"there occured some error : "+err);
The collection for sure has the entry under this id .
I went through this git issue as well
Unfortunately I cannot downgrade mongoose as it might affect multiple other working functions.
Edit :
I tried creating ObjectId like :
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID;
var objectId = new ObjectID();
// Convert the object id to a hex string
var originalHex = objectId.toHexString();
// Create a new ObjectID using the createFromHexString function
var newObjectId = new ObjectID.createFromHexString(query._id);
The model file :
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var ObjectId = Schema.ObjectId;
var FruitSchema = new Schema({
name : {type : String, unique : true},
color : {type : String}
module.exports = mongoose.model('Fruit', FruitSchema);
All my findById("id") calls returned null.
When looking at the collection with Compass I realized that all my _id elements were Strings. Note that the entire collection was imported.
I created a new element in Compass and the _id was created as ObjectId! and when I called findById("id") with that element's id it worked!
My conclusion is that there is obviously a bug with import. I have not found a way to convert the string _id fields to ObjectId's in the actual collection.
All my findById("id") calls returned null, when _id elements are Strings.
In the first place:
Check your mongodb database, if _id is stored as String, findById(id) can not find since it identifies ObjectId. If you've used import database by using mongoimport command and including _id in JSON:
Solution 1:
modify your JSON and for each document, change _id for instance:
_id: "5a68fde3f09ad7646ddec17e" to the following and run mongoimport again:
"_id": { "$oid": "5a68fde3f09ad7646ddec17e" }
Solution 2:
delete _id in the JSON file, drop collection and import again. Mongo will auto-create _id.
After any of solutions above, findById("id") will work.
Specifically in such cases where your _id elements are string, might be a better idea to use mongodb package: npm i mongodb
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
var url = "mongodb://localhost:27017/";
MongoClient.connect(url, function (err, db) {
if (err) throw err;
var dbo = db.db("your_db_name");
//.find({_id:'5a1cf77920701c1f0aafb85e'}, { projection: { _id: 0, name: 1, color: 1} }) // to select specific columns desired
.toArray(function (err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
The above simple code, assumed you manage error handling yourself, either through try-catch, or
sending 404 as status code, or redirect to error page template, depending on whether the code is embedded in the Express route handler or not.
Hope this helped .. :)
Still trying to figure out why findById didn't work for me but the following piece of code did it
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var newObjectId=new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(query._id);
var params={
Fruit.find(params).exec(function (err,fruit) {
if( _.isNull(err) ){
var response = genRes.generateResponse(true,"found successfully");
var response = genRes.generateResponse(false,"there occured some error : "+err);
#Shoom. Yes, worked for me, thanks. findById() expects ObjectID, not a String.
I did not have a constraint to create documents with a specific id, so I imported with no _id. The db had newly-assigned _id as ObjectID.
findById(id), (and updateOne({ _id: id }, ...), started working as expected.

mongoose#populate returns null in nested object inside array

I have a mongoDB database which is generated using a script that uses only the node.js mongoDB driver without mongoose. Later on, in the application, I want to use mongoose to load a document and have a reference be populated automatically; however, this only ever returns null.
Imagine a task which contains sub-items which each have a title and an assigned person. The assigned person, in this case, is the reference I want to have populated, so the reference lives in an object inside an array in the task schema.
The following code (requiring npm install mongodb mongoose) reproduces the problem (watch out, it destroys a local database named test if you have one already):
const mongodb = require('mongodb');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
(async () => {
// Step 1: Insert data. This is done using the mongodb driver without mongoose.
const db = await mongodb.MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost/test');
await db.dropDatabase();
await db.collection('persons').insertOne({ name: 'Joe' });
const joe = await db.collection('persons').findOne({ name: 'Joe' });
await db.collection('tasks').insertOne({ items: [{ title: 'Test', person: joe._id }] });
await db.close();
// ================
// Step 2: Create the schemas and models.
const PersonSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
const Person = mongoose.model('Person', PersonSchema);
const TaskSchema = new Schema({
items: [{
title: String,
person: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Person' },
const Task = mongoose.model('Task', TaskSchema);
// ================
// Step 3: Try to query the task and have it populated.
mongoose.Promise = Promise;
const myTask = await Task.findOne({}).populate('items.person');
// :-( Unfortunately this prints only
// { _id: "594283a5957e327d4896d135", items: [ { title: 'Test', person: null } ] }
console.log(JSON.stringify(myTask, null, 4));
The expected output would be
{ _id: "594283a5957e327d4896d135", items: [ { title: 'Test', person: { _id: "594283a5957e327d4896d134", name: "Joe" } } ] }
I have verified that the two _ids actually match using mongo shell:
> db.persons.find({})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("594283a5957e327d4896d134"), "name" : "Joe" }
> db.tasks.find({})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("594283a5957e327d4896d135"), "items" : [ { "title" : "Test", "person" : ObjectId("594283a5957e327d4896d134") } ] }
What am I doing wrong when attempting to populate person? I am using mongoose 4.10.6 and mongodb 2.2.28.
The answer to this problem lies in the fact that the collection name mongoose automatically infers from the model Person is people and not persons.
The problem can be solved either by writing to the people collection in the first part or by forcing mongoose to use the collection name persons:
const Person = mongoose.model('Person', PersonSchema, 'persons');
mongoose plans to remove pluralization in the collection name anyway, see #1350 on Github.

Mongoose returns empty while the same query in mongodb shell works fine

I know maybe this question has been asked quite many times here, I've went through several solutions people came with to similar questions but none of them seemed to help in my case.
I have two collections called users and posts and models for them look like this:
var mongoose = require('mongoose').set('debug', true);
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var usersSchema = new Schema({
name: {type: String, required: true}
var User = mongoose.model('user', usersSchema, 'users');
module.exports = User;
var mongoose = require('mongoose').set('debug', true);
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var postsSchema = new Schema({
content: String,
user: {
type: Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'users',
required: true
var Post = mongoose.model('post', postsSchema, 'posts');
module.exports = Post;
I'm trying to get the posts of a user using this code:
var Post = require('../models/posts');
router.get('/posts/user/:userId', function (req, res, next) {
Post.find({user: req.params.userId}, function (err, posts) {
Post.populate(posts, {path: 'user'}, function(err, posts) {
Mongoose debug mode reports that the following query is executed during the request:
posts.find({ user: ObjectId("592e65765ba8a1f70c1eb0bd") }, { fields: {} })
which works perfectly fine in mongodb shell (I'm using Mongoclient) but with Mongoose this query returns an empty array.
The query I run in mongodb shell:
db.posts.find({ user: "592e65765ba8a1f70c1eb0bd" })
The results I get:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("592e66b48f60c03c1ee06445"), "content" : "Test post 3", "user" : "592e65765ba8a1f70c1eb0bd" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("592e66b98f60c03c1ee06446"), "content" : "Test post 4", "user" : "592e65765ba8a1f70c1eb0bd" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("592e66bb8f60c03c1ee06447"), "content" : "Test post 5", "user" : "592e65765ba8a1f70c1eb0bd" }
I'm at the very beginning on learning Node.JS and MongoDB, so maybe I've missed something.
Thank you in advance!
As Neil Lunn suggested, I checked the user field type and it was indeed of type String instead of ObjectId so there was a mismatch of types between the data stored in collection and the field type from the query.
I used this code to convert the user field type from String to ObjectId in my collection:
db.getCollection('posts').find().forEach(function (post) {
db.getCollection('posts').remove({ _id : post._id});
tempUserId = new ObjectId(post.user);
post.user = tempUserId;
Now everything works as expected.

Mongoose returning empty array of ObectID, which isn't

I am using the following Mongoose Schema :
var userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
sentFriendsRequests: [{
type : ObjectId,
I am adding some ObjectIds to the sentFriendsRequests
User.update({ _id: userId },
{ $push: { sentFriendsRequests: targetId }},
{safe: true, upsert: true}, function(err, result) {
if (err || !result) {
This seems to be working properly, because as I am using Mongolab to host my Database, when displaying documents on screen I can see that the ObjectIds are added to the array with success :
"receivedFriendsRequests": [
The weird thing is that when querying this array, Mongoose always return an empty one...
User.find({ _id: userId}, function(err, res) {
// prints []
Have confusion of mongodb with mongoose.
Mongoose need define Schema but mongodb is nope.
To define new ObjectId in mongodb:
var ObjectId = require('mongodb').ObjectID
var objectId = new ObjectID();
in Mongoose:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var objectId = new mongoose.Types.ObjectId;
I finally found that using var ObjectId = require('mongodb').ObjectID; makes Mongoose to return empty array, whereas using mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId works properly. I don't know how to explain this.

express mongoose router query

Am trying to return all item with store name ,using the conditional query method ,but the it return all items insteads ,i tried the maybe my logic is wrong
because what am trying to achieve it return all data that where store name is ,is say max mart
Discount.find({}, function(err, discount){
if (err)
so i called api/discount/store ,but this return all the data ,does not make any queries
schema model
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var DiscountSchema = new Schema({
store: String,
location : String,
discount : Number,
module.exports = mongoose.model('Bear', DiscountSchema);
You made a wrong query. You have a route to /discounts/:discount_id and you query for, and a doesn't exists, just a discount_id
