Magento 2: Get store country full name in CMS pages - store

I want to show the store country full name in a CMS page.
When using:
{{config path="general/store_information/country_id"}}
It's only showing the 2 letter code. Like "FR".
But I want to show "France".
For phtml/php you can use this solution.
But how to solve this for CMS pages and Blocks?

Not the most elegant solution, but you could create a PHTML file from the solution you linked to, then call that from inside your page/static block with {{block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" template="Vendor_Module::myfiles/myfile.phtml"}}.


Views / edits current page xWiki

Is there a way to publish the amount of views/edits of a page in/on the page itself in xWiki?
I've used parts of this article to create an accessible form to see usages of different spaces. But I would also like to publish the views/edits on the pages itself.
Thanks in advance!
I would suggest you use an UIExtension point (see and the tutorial from the list of available ones ( to add the extra information to be displayed on each page.
I guess the most suitable UIXP would be the Content Footer one (
Inside the UIX you add, you can do a simple query to fetch the view/edit values from the statistics module (either with the API, if it exists) or with a HQL query, like in the example you've mentioned.

Adding a custom product listing CMS block in shopware 6

I try adding a custom CMS block for product listing in shopware 6.
I can create other blocks for example image,text,... for those i don't have any problem.
But about product listing i have problem.I do the steps correctly according to this document
But in admin panel i can't see My CMS block product listingi have only default product listing .
Also for test i change value hidden:true in sw-cms/blocks/commerce/product-listing-exam/index.js with this value my block appears.But doesn't work.i can use of my block in shop page layout type but i need use this in listing page layout
There is my source code : link
How did you created the image/text elements, did that work without problems? I created a cms block according to the documentation, but the block does not appear in the block list. There is a file in public/administration/js folder in the example plugin. Do you know what that does? Maybe the problem is because of that.

Drupal how to add a search filter to admin content page

I've never used Drupal before (development or managing content). I was asked to extend the admin content page to have a filter and simply don't know enough to get moving quickly.
Can anyone tell me if adding a search by text filter in the admin content area requires code or is there a CMS feature like adding a node for this task.
If code is required, is there something like a hook for this area? Not sure where to start. I will be investigating on my own but pointers to get me oriented to Drupal would help.
By default Drupal provides search mechanism ready to use. But there are also additional module which can improve search experience. You don't need any coding to use that search. You already have search form block ready to use.
Go to Structure -> Blocks and find block called "Search form". Now all you have to do is to put that block in some region and it will appear on front-end. Of course if it's not already styled by your theme it may be needed to put some extra CSS to make it look nice. There are also some template files which you can override and put some your HTML if you need.
There's also template file for search results page (which of course will work out of box also).
You may also need to create new block region if you want to place your form at some specific place, not covered by any existing region defined by your theme (easy thing to do!).
See, the "Admin Views" module lets you configure the search form as you like.

listing same content on diffrent pages in MODX

I am trying to add a small "3 box news segment". I wanted it, to be visible on multiple pages. Normally I would just use chunks but the thing is that I want to be able to modify "3 box segment" content and preferably with a ritch text. Any Ideas how to accomplish that?
You can use getResources to grab the content from 3 hidden resources this way you still keep your chunks for the segment layouts and your actual content is in the resources [which you can update with the rich text editor].
Instead of getResources you could also use getResourceField to get the value of a field or template variable on for example the homepage. This allows one place to manage it, and you can just reference it with getResourceField when you want it to show elsewhere.

How do I hide Drupal nodes that shouldn't be directly accessed from users and search engines?

I have seen many somewhat similar questions, but nothing quite what I'm looking for. So at the risk of being told this is a duplicate... here it goes.
I've found that there are times I have a node that simply contains content that will be displayed somewhere else, but shouldn't be viewed directly. That is, no one should ever go to node/1234, but the content in node 1234 should be displayed somewhere else.
For example, I create an about page with tabbed content using views. So there are "About Me", "About Us" and "About Them" pages. All of these are displayed in a single page with tabs using Views. So I don't want people to get directly to the "About Us" node because then they wouldn't see the tabs for the other pages. At the same time, I don't want Google giving people a direct link to this node, I want to limit access so users can only get to it through the View (i.e., the tab).
So I need to restrict access to the node, remove it from the Drupal search results, and make sure Google doesn't pick up on it. Any suggestions?
---- Note ----
I've accepted the answer from mingos (thanks btw) because even though it's not a full answer / solution, it gave me some good things to think about. Additional answers are still welcome.
In Drupal 7 you can use:
Description: Some content/nodes should never be viewed directly; only visible be through something else such as Views or Panels. This module denies access to node/[nid] URLs while allowing the content to stay published and otherwise viewable.
Full disclosure: I am the creator and co-maintainer of Internal Nodes. I found this question while searching to see how the module could be found on Google.
Tough one.
If you want to have many nodes like this and do the "displaying elsewhere" dynamically, I can't think of anything right now (at 2:20 AM I rarely can).
If there is onne such page (or very few), I'd restrict access to it by any available means (Permissions, Nodeaccess, Content Access, TAC, whatever) and then create special themes for the pages where the restricted content should be displayed. The themes would contain database queries, fetching content from the restricted nodes.
Other possibility might include creating a special theme for the hidden nodes in question (perhaps all belonging to the same content type?). Make full node display nothing (or a message saying the access is restricted) and add a ROBOTS meta tag asking Google not to index the page. Make the teaser view available though - you can display it freely inside a view, but since /node/1234 is the FULL view, the actual content will be unavailable here.
Dunno if this solves your problem, hope it helps at least a bit.
I found this page after running into this same problem.
What I found worked for me might be part of the answer you need:
Take a look at the Page Manager Redirect Module . I just started playing with it.
It uses the Page Manager module of CTools to redirect one page to another. What makes this most powerful is that Page Manager uses Contexts. So, if you want to redirect all pages of a particular content type, you can do so.
I just started to use it (instead of Taxonomy Redirect and Path Redirect) to redirect (301 response code) my taxonomy terms for a particular vocabulary to particular nodes.
In your instance, you should be able to use contexts to filter for specific pages.
Of course this doesn't solve the problem of these nodes coming up in search results.
There is also another module Rabbit Hole which has a similar functionality like Internal Nodes but works for all entities, not only nodes.
I am having the same problem, and are currently thinking of the following solution where all the content of a node is to be displayed to certain users (permission based):
- unpublish node
- create a new published checkbox
- create a view with fields that shows alle the content
Haven't tested it thoroughly yet, but it seems to work.
The node is to be displayed to the creator (only one in permission 1), some of it to permission 2 and all of it to permission 3.
Any comments on this solution.
I assume this will also exclude it from search, but permission 2 and 3 needs to be able to search it. Still haven't figured that one out.
I used Rules module with an "entity is of bundle" and the built-in "Page redirect" action.
There is a really easy way to do this if you only want to show a content type through a view.
create a content type as and make it unpublished.
create a view and on the filter option set the filter to "Content: Published (No)"
the view will give anon users access to the content through the view but they won't have access to the unpublished content at the direct link to the content.
