fmap versus <$> - haskell

According to the documentation <$> is an synonym for fmap and they have the following types:
(<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
So it seems to me, from the signatures above, that they take the arguments in the same order, the only difference being that one is infix and the other is not. I have two pieces of code, one using fmap, and the other using <$>. Why is it that only the former runs correctly?
import Control.Applicative
main :: IO ()
main = do
[x, y] <- map read . words <$> getLine
putStrLn $ show (x + y)
This one won't compile:
import Control.Applicative
main :: IO ()
main = do
[x, y] <- map read . fmap words getLine
putStrLn $ show (x + y)

Precedence of operators is expressed as an integer between 0 and 9, while function application effectively has precedence 10 (higher than any operator).
(.) has very high precedence (9), while (<$>) has lower precedence (4), resulting in your first expression being parsed as
((map read) . words) <$> getLine
while your second expression is parsed as
(map read) . (fmap words getLine)
resulting in an attempt to compose an IO [String] value with a function of type [String] -> [a].

This is due to operator precedence. If we look at the source code, we see that:
infixl 4 <$>
infixr 9 .
So that means that if you write:
map read . words <$> getLine
Haskell sees this as:
(map read . words) <$> getLine
But if you write:
map read . fmap words getLine
Haskell sees this as:
(map read) . (fmap words getLine)
So the arguments of fmap are different.
If we however add brackets, the two will be equivalent:
import Control.Applicative
main :: IO ()
main = do
[x, y] <- map read . (words <$> getLine)
putStrLn $ show (x + y)


Why doesn't this simple composition work?

I was recently in need of putting head in between two monadic operations. Here's the SSCCE:
module Main where
f :: IO [Int]
f = return [1..5]
g :: Int -> IO ()
g = print
main = do
putStrLn "g <$> head <$> f"
g <$> head <$> f
putStrLn "g . head <$> f"
g . head <$> f
putStrLn "head <$> f >>= g"
head <$> f >>= g
This program is well-formed and compiles without warnings. However, only one version out of 3 above works1. Why is that?
And specifically, what would be the best way to link f and g together with head in the middle? I ended up using the 3rd one (in the form of do notation), but I don't really like it, since it should be a trivial one-liner2.
1 Spoiler alert: the 3rd one is the only one that prints 1; the other two are silent, both under runhaskell and repl.
2 I do realize that those are all one-liners, but the order of operations feels really confusing in the only one that works.
Probably the best way to write this is:
f >>= g . head
or in a more verbose form:
f >>= (g . head)
so we basically perform an fmap on the value for f (we thus take the head of the values wrapped in the IO monad), and then we pass then to g, like:
(head <$> f) >>= g
is semantically the same.
But now what happens if we use g <$> head <$> f? Let us first analyze the types:
f :: IO [Int]
g :: Int -> IO ()
(<$>) :: Functor m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
(I used m here to avoid confusion with the f function)
The canonical form of this is:
((<$>) ((<$>) g head) f)
The second (<$>) takes a g :: Int -> IO () and head :: [c] -> c as parameters, so that means that a ~ Int, b ~ IO (), and m ~ (->) [c]. So the result is:
(<$>) g head :: (->) [c] (IO ())
or less verbose:
g <$> head :: [c] -> IO ()
The first (<$>) function thus takes as parameters g <$> head :: [c] -> IO (), and IO [Int], so that means that m ~ IO, a ~ [Int], c ~ Int, b ~ IO (), and hence we obtain the type:
(<$>) (g <$> head) f :: IO (IO ())
We thus do not perform any real action: we fmap the [Int] list to an IO action (that is wrapped in the IO). You could see it as return (print 1): you do not "evaluate" the print 1, but you return that wrapped in an IO.
You can of course "absorb" the outer IO here, and then use the inner IO, like:
evalIO :: IO (IO f) -> IO f
evalIO res = do
f <- res
or shorter:
evalIO :: IO (IO f) -> IO f
evalIO res = res >>= id
(this can be generalized to all sorts of Monads, but this is irrelevant here).
The evalIO is also known as join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a.
The first and second are exactly the same, because <$> is left-associative and head is a function, and <$> is . in the function monad. Then,
g . head <$> f
= fmap (print . head) (return [1..5] :: IO [Int])
= do { x <- (return [1..5] :: IO [Int])
; return ( print (head x) ) }
= do { let x = [1..5]
; return ( print (head x) ) } :: IO _whatever
return ( print 1 ) :: IO (IO ())
We have one too many returns there. In fact,
= fmap (print . head) (return [1..5] :: IO [Int])
= return (print (head [1..5]))
= return (print 1)
is a shorter derivation.
The third one is
(head <$> f) >>= g
= (fmap head $ return [1..5]) >>= print
= (return (head [1..5])) >>= print
= (return 1) >>= print
which is obviously OK.

Use cases for functor/applicative/monad instances for functions

Haskell has Functor, Applicative and Monad instances defined for functions (specifically the partially applied type (->) a) in the standard library, built around function composition.
Understanding these instances is a nice mind-bender exercise, but my question here is about the practical uses of these instances. I'd be happy to hear about realistic scenarios where folks used these for some practical code.
A common pattern that involves Functor and Applicative instances of functions is for example (+) <$> (*2) <*> (subtract 1). This is particularly useful when you have to feed a series of function with a single value. In this case the above is equivalent to \x -> (x * 2) + (x - 1). While this is very close to LiftA2 you may extend this pattern indefinitely. If you have an f function to take 5 parameters like a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> b you may do like f <$> (+2) <*> (*2) <*> (+1) <*> (subtract 3) <*> (/2) and feed it with a single value. Just like in below case ;
Prelude> (,,,,) <$> (+2) <*> (*2) <*> (+1) <*> (subtract 3) <*> (/2) $ 10
Edit: Credit for a re-comment of #Will Ness for a comment of mine under another topic, here comes a beautiful usage of applicative over functions;
Prelude> let isAscending = and . (zipWith (<=) <*> drop 1)
Prelude> isAscending [1,2,3,4]
Prelude> isAscending [1,2,5,4]
Sometimes you want to treat functions of the form a -> m b (where m is an Applicative) as Applicatives themselves. This often happens when writing validators, or parsers.
One way to do this is to use Data.Functor.Compose, which piggybacks on the Applicative instances of (->) a and m to give an Applicative instance for the composition:
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Functor.Compose
type Star m a b = Compose ((->) a) m b
readPrompt :: Star IO String Int
readPrompt = Compose $ \prompt -> do
putStrLn $ prompt ++ ":"
main :: IO ()
main = do
r <- getCompose (liftA2 (,) readPrompt readPrompt) "write number"
print r
There are other ways, like creating your own newtype, or using ready-made newtypes from base or other libraries.
here an application of the bind function that I used for solving the Diamond Kata. Take a simple function that mirrors its input discarding the last element
mirror :: [a] -> [a]
mirror xs = xs ++ (reverse . init) xs
let's rewrite it a bit
mirror xs = (++) xs ((reverse . init) xs)
mirror xs = flip (++) ((reverse . init) xs) xs
mirror xs = (reverse . init >>= flip (++)) xs
mirror = reverse . init >>= flip (++)
Here is my complete implementation of this Kata:

Using a pure function in a Haskell monad / left-lifting?

Consider the following function:
foo =
[1,2,3] >>=
return . (*2) . (+1)
For better readability and logic, I would like to move my pure functions (*2) and (+1) to the left of the return. I could achieve this like this:
infixr 9 <.
(<.) :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> c)
(<.) f g = g . f
bar =
[1,2,3] >>=
(+1) <.
(*2) <.
However, I don't like the right-associativity of (<.).
Let's introduce a function leftLift:
leftLift :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> a -> m b
leftLift f = return . f
baz =
[1,2,3] >>=
leftLift (+1) >>=
leftLift (*2) >>=
I quite like this. Another possibility would be to define a variant of bind:
infixl 1 >>$
(>>$) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> b) -> m b
(>>$) m f = m >>= return . f
qux =
[1,2,3] >>$
(+1) >>$
(*2) >>=
I am not sure whether that is a good idea, since it would not allow me to use do notation should I want that. leftLift I can use with do:
bazDo = do
x <- [1,2,3]
y <- leftLift (+1) x
z <- leftLift (*2) y
return z
I didn't find a function on Hoogle with the signature of leftLift. Does such a function exist, and, if, what is it called? If not, what should I call it? And what would be the most idiomatic way of doing what I am trying to do?
Edit: Here's a version inspired by #dunlop's answer below:
infixl 4 <&>
(<&>) :: Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
(<&>) = flip fmap
blah =
[1,2,3] <&>
(+1) <&>
(*2) >>=
I should also add that I was after a bind-variant, because I wanted to write my code in point-free style. For do-notation, I guess I don't need to "pretend" that I'm doing anything monadic, so I can use lets.
Every Monad is a Functor (and an Applicative too). Your (>>$) is (flipped) fmap.
GHCi> :t fmap
fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
GHCi> :t (<$>) -- Infix synonym for 'fmap'
(<$>) -- Infix synonym for 'fmap'
:: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
GHCi> fmap ((*2) . (+1)) [1,2,3]
GHCi> (*2) . (+1) <$> ([1,2,3] >>= \x -> [1..x])
(By the way, a common name for flipped fmap is (<&>). That is, for instance, what lens calls it.)
If you are using do-notation, there is little reason to use any variant of fmap explicitly for this kind of transformation. Just switch your <- monadic bindings for let-bindings:
bazDo = do
x <- [1,2,3]
let y = (+1) x
z = (*2) y
return z
bazDo = do
x <- [1,2,3]
let y = (+1) x
return ((*2) z)
For better readability...
That's going to be subjective as people disagree on what constitutes readable.
That being said, I agree that sometimes it's easier to understand data transformations when they are written left to right. I think your >>$ is overkill, though. The & operator in Data.Function does the job:
import Data.Function
foo = [1,2,3] & fmap (+1) & fmap (*2)
I like that this says exactly what to start with and exactly what to do at each step from left to right. And unlike >>$, you aren't forced to remain in the monad:
bar = [1,2,3] & fmap (+1) & fmap (*2) & sum & negate
Or you can just assemble your transformation beforehand and map it over your monad:
import Control.Category
f = (+1) >>> (*2)
quuz = fmap f [1,2,3]

Partial Function Application in Haskell

I'm just starting to learn Haskell from this wikibook and I had a little trouble with one of the exercises.
Specifically, the following doesn't work as I expect
parseNumber :: Parser LispVal
parseNumber = (many1 digit) >>= (return $ Number . read)
unless I change it slightly
parseNumber :: Parser LispVal
parseNumber = (many1 digit) >>= (\n -> return $ Number . read $ n)
I was hoping someone could explain why return $ Number . read doesn't evaluate to the same lambda function that I explicitly created in the second definition, since I thought that this is exactly what partial function evaluation does when it's used in point free style code (obviously not!)
Thanks for any help, hopefully it's not another beginner’s monad problem...
This is just an issue of how $ associates. Fundamentally, $ is just an operator for writing fewer parentheses; it's the same as adding parentheses wrapping to the end of the expression.
Using this idea, we can rewrite your second example:
parseNumber = (many1 digit) >>= (\n -> return (Number . read ( n)))
For reference, the original expression with parentheses looks like this:
parseNumber = (many1 digit) >>= (return (Number . read))
So the equivalent of the partial application is actually:
parseNumber = (many1 digit) >>= (\n -> (return (Number . read)) n)
Basically, combining multiple $ associates differently than what you expected.
Go to the definitions --
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
($) = id
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
(.) f g x = f (g x)
Now you have
return $ Number . read = ($) return (Number . read) -- (.) has higher precedence
= return (Number . read)
and the monad you're in is the Parser monad, so this is trying to bind a parsed value to a function that returns a parser for another function (many layers of abstraction!)
Instead, what you want is
return . Number . read
which is equivalent to what you wrote, as you can see by doing
\n -> return $ Number . read $ n = \n -> return . Number . read $ n -- definition of (.)
= return . Number . read -- eta reduction
Finally, note that when you see the pattern
x >>= return . f
this can always be replaced with
fmap f x -- or liftM f x
i.e. it shows that you're not really using the Monad instance at all, but instead the weaker (and more general) Functor instance.
It looks like you want:
parseNumber = (many1 digit) >>= (return . Number . read)
or alteratively
parseNumber = (many1 digit) `fmap` (Number . read)
Number . read is a function String -> LispVal so the type of return $ Number . read is Parser (String -> LispVal), while you need the function to have type String -> Parser LispVal

How do i write the following function with the >>= operator

How do I write this function using the >>= operator?
parseNumber2 :: Parser LispVal
parseNumber2 = do x <- many1 digit
return $ (Number . read) x
A straightforward desugaring of the do-notation gives
parseNumber2 :: Parser LispVal
parseNumber2 = many1 digit >>= (return . Number . read)
but the more idiomatic way is to use fmap or the equivalent <$> operator from Control.Applicative
parseNumber2 = Number . read <$> many1 digit
To desugar do-notation:
Flip any <- bindings over to the right side and add >>= and a lambda abstraction
do x <- a
y <- b
a >>= \x ->
b >>= \y ->
For any non-binding forms, add a >> on the right:
do a
a >>
b >>
Leave the last expression alone.
do a
Applying these rules to your code, we get
parseNumber2 =
many1 digit >>= \x ->
return $ (Number . read) x
Do some simplifications
parseNumber2 = many1 digit >>= \x -> (return . Number . read) x
parsenumber2 = many1 digit >>= (return . Number . read)
Now, for any monad, fmap or <$> can be defined as
f <$> x = x >>= (return . f)
Use this to get the idiomatic form
parseNumber2 = Number . read <$> many1 digit
