Best nodejs and docker deployment strategy [closed] - node.js

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Currently I’m doing DevOps for a NodeJS project. I’m using Pm2 as nodejs process manager to deploy the application, but I’m considering switch to Docker. In this direction I’m thinking in what is the best deployment strategy to deploy the application.
First I think in create a docker image for the application, and do the app update tasks within that image. That wouldn’t require to create another docker image everytime we update the app.
But, I think option number 1 conflicts directly with microservice philosophy. So I think follow microservice philosophy means that every app update requires a new microservice version, so we have to construct a new docker image version every time we update the app.
I would like to know what’s the best approach for you, why and what tools to use for automate new images building in the deployment process.

The way I tend to organise my Docker deployments are as follows:
Firstly create a base image Docker image, this includes any dependencies that are common to both build and runtime so that these layers are reused between the two Docker images:
# docker/base/Dockerfile
FROM node:9.5-alpine
RUN apk --no-cache add ...
From the base Docker image create a build Docker image containing the build-time specific tools and dependencies and the CMD triggers the build process:
# docker/build/Dockerfile
FROM app-base:1.0
RUN apk --no-cache add ...
VOLUME ["/var/workspace"]
WORKDIR /var/workspace
CMD ["npm", "install"]
Then your application can be built each time by running it in the app-build image. I normally output a tarball containing all of the built dependencies ready to run this way it is simple to inject the whole application into a new Docker image.
Finally package up the application in a docker image, this contains only the production dependencies and the users and groups set up for running the application and will pick up the tarball that was output from the build step, i.e.:
FROM app-base:1.0
ARG version=latest
ARG user=app
ARG uid=1000
ARG gid=1000
RUN apk --no-cache add ... && useradd ...
ADD app-${version}.tar.gz /usr/share/app
WORKDIR /usr/share/app
USER ${user}
CMD ["node", "/usr/share/app/index.js"]
I build it in a Docker image so that I don't introduce incompatibilities from building it directly from the host and I use a separate Docker image from the production image so that I don't have extra stuff in my production image, which helps reduce the size when transferring the Docker image and reduces the surface area for security. YMMV and this is just one way to do it.
I haven't yet looked into multi-stage builds yet but it looks like an interesting option.
Some of the teams I have been in started with single Docker image that has an entrypoint script that installs the app and its dependencies but eventually moved away because they were relying on resources on the network that happened to not be there (repositories down) when they needed to deploy critical changes.
However, some teams I've been in have continued that approach for the reason they didn't consider the Docker image the main artifact. Their image downloaded the packaged application, config and secrets and they made sure all dependencies were hosted on repositories within their network and their control.


Docker in Jenkins and private modules

I'm looking for a way to securely clone private npm modules from a proxy repository inside a Docker container that is spun up by a Jenkins that runs on Ubuntu. The Docker image will be thrown away, but it is supposed to compile the project and run the unit tests.
The Jenkinsfile used for the build looks, simplified, like this:
node('master') {
stage('Checkout from version control') {
checkout scm
stage('Build within Docker') {"intermediate-image", ".")
The Dockerfile at the moment:
FROM node:10-alpine
COPY package.json package-lock.json .npmrc ./
RUN npm ci && \
rm -f .npmrc
COPY . .
RUN npm run build && \
npm run test
The .npmrc file (anonymized):
The problem is that the COPY command creates a layer with the .npmrc file. Should I build outside of my own Jenkins server, the layer would be cached by the build provider.
Building manually, I could specify the token as a docker environment variable. Is there a way to set the environment variable on Ubuntu and have Jenkins pass it through to Docker?
(Maybe) I could inject environment variables into Jenkins and then into the pipeline? The user claims that the plugin is not fully compatible with the pipeline plugin though.
Should I use the fact that Docker and Jenkins run on the same machine and mount something into the container?
Or do I worry too much, considering that the image will not be published and the Jenkins is private too?
What I want to achieve is that a build can use an arbitrary node version that is independent of that of the build server's.
I have decided that, because the docker host is the same (virtual) machine as the Jenkins host, it is no problem if I bake the .npmrc file into a docker layer.
Anyone with access to the Docker host can, currently, steal the local .npmrc token anyway.
Furthermore, the group that has access to our private npm modules is a complete subgroup of people with access to the source control repository. Therefore, exposing the npm token to the build machine, Jenkins, Docker intermediate image, Docker image layer and/or repository poses no additional authentication problems as of now. Revoking access should then go hand in hand with rotating the npmrc token (so that removed developers do not use the build token), but that is a small attack surface, in any case waay smaller than people copying the code to a hard drive.
We will have to re-evaluate our options should this setup change. Hopefully, we will find a solution then, but it is not worth the trouble now. One possible solution could be requesting the token from a different docker container with the sole purpose of answering these (local) calls.

Build Docker nodejs image from scratch

I'm pretty new to the whole docker thing,
I want to create a node-js image from scratch.
I searched the Internet a bit, but all I found is images are based on other node-js images.
I tried adding the node executables and editing the path accordingly, but still no luck. (Worked with java)
Sample dockerfile:
FROM scratch
ENV PATH="${PATH}:/node-v8.9.3-linux-x64/bin"
ADD "node-v8.9.3-linux-x64.tar.xz" "rootfs.tar.xz" /
ADD "prince.tar.gz" /
CMD ["node"]
Understand your goal is to build node-js image with minimum size, adding only node distribution might not work as underlying nodejs might need some other dependencies (if not available your OS).
You can quickly build image on top of alpine, the result image is around 60 MB only.
FROM alpine:latest
RUN apk update && apk add nodejs

Deploying NodeJS with MongoDB on Docker

I am building a NodeJS application using MongoDB as the database. I am thinking that it will make more sense in terms of portability across different platforms and also versioning and comparison to have the application deployed in Docker. Going through various recommendations on internet, here are my specific questions :
(a) Do I copy my application code (nodejs) within Docker? Or do I keep Source code on the host machine and have the code base available to Docker using Volumes? (Just for experimenting, I had docker file instruction pulling the code from repository within the image directly. It works, but is it a good practice, or should I pull the code outside the docker container and make it available to docker container using Volumes / copy the code)?
(b) When I install all my application dependencies, my node_module size explodes to almost 250 MB. So would you recommend that run npm install (for dependencies) as Docker step, which will increase the size of my image ? Or is there any other alternative that you can recommend?
(c) For connecting to the database, what will be the recommendation? Would you recommend, using another docker container with MongoDB image and define the dependency between the web and the db using docker? Along with that have configurable runtime property such that app in different environments (PROD, STAGE, DEV) can have the ability to connect to different database (mongodb).
Thoughts / suggestions greatly appreciated. I am sure, I may be asking questions which all of you may have run into at some point in time and have adopted different approaches, with pros and cons.
Do I copy my application code (nodejs) within Docker? Or do I keep
Source code on the host machine and have the code base available to
Docker using Volumes?
You should have the nodejs code inside the container. Keeping the source code on your machine will make your image not portable since if you switch to another machine, you need to copy the code there.
You can also pull the code directly into the container if you have git installed inside the container. But remember to remove the .git folder to have a smaller image.
When I install all my application dependencies, my node_module size
explodes to almost 250 MB. So would you recommend that run npm install
(for dependencies) as Docker step, which will increase the size of my
image ? Or is there any other alternative that you can recommend?
This is node pulling over all the internet. You have to install you dependencies. However, you should run npm cache clean --force after the install to do some clean up to have a smaller image
For connecting to the database, what will be the recommendation? Would
you recommend, using another docker container with MongoDB image and
define the dependency between the web and the db using docker? Along
with that have configurable runtime property such that app in
different environments (PROD, STAGE, DEV) can have the ability to
connect to different database (mongodb)
It is a good idea to create a new container for the database and connect your app to the database using docker networks. You can have multiple DB at the same time, but preferably keep one db container inside the network, and if you want to use another one, just remove the old one and add the new one to the network.
During development
Using a directory in the host is fast. You modify your code, relaunch the docker image and it will start your app quickly.
Docker image for production/deployement
It is good to pull the code from git. it's heavier to run, but easier to deploy.
During development
Don't run npm install inside docker, you can handle the dependencies manually.
Docker image for production/deployement
Make a single npm i in image building, because it's supposed to be static anyway.
More explanation
When you are developing, you change your code, use a new package, adapt your package.json, update packages ...
You basically need to control what happen with npm. It is easier to interact with it if you can directly execute commands lines and access the files (outside docker in local directory). You make your change, you relaunch your docker and it get started!
When you are deploying your app, you don't have the need to interact with npm modules. You want a packaged application with an appropriate version number and release date that do not move and that you can rely on.
Because npm is not 100% trustworthy, it happen that with exact same package.json some stuff you get as you npm i makes the application to crash. So I would not recommend to use npm i at every application relaunch or deployement, because imagine some package get fucked up, you gotta rush to find out a soluce. Moreover there is no need at all to reload packages that should be the exact same (they should!). It's not in deployement that you want to update the package! But in your developement environment where you can npm update safely and test everything up.
(Sorry about english!)
Use two docker image and connect them using a docker network. So you can deploy easily your app anywhere.
Some commands to help maybe about Docker networking! (i'm actually using it in my company)
// To create your own network with docker
sudo docker network create --subnet= docker-network
// Run the mondogb docker
sudo docker run -i -t --net docker-network --ip -v ~/DIRECTORY:/database mongodb-docker
// Run the app docker
sudo docker run -i -t --net docker-network --ip -v ~/DIRECTORY:/local-git backend-docker

Create shared package cache folder for a Docker container

I wrote an ASP.NET Core application which should run in a container using docker. This works, but the hole build process is relatively slow. The main bottleneck seems to be nuget. A lot of packages are referenced, and it take time to load all of them from the internet. This is done on every build since docker alwas start a new container.
My idea is to create a persistent dictionary on the host, where the packages are stored. So they don't have to be fetched on every build. dotnet restore has a parameter --packages where I can define a cache directory. But for this its required to pass a shared dictionary to the docker build command.
I found out that docker run has a -v parameter where i can pass /host/path:/container/path to share a folder from the host to the container. But this only works for docker run, not docker build. Also the COPY command doesn't fit here since it let me only copy files from the host to the container. First I had to copy the other way round (container to host).
So how can I create a cache directory which doesn't got disposed together with the container?
I found similar issues like this. Its composer there, but the problem of a persistent cache directory is the same. They use the -v parameter on docker run. But I can't understand how this solve the problem: In my understanding of docker, the dockerfile should build the application. This includes installing dependencies like NuGet-Packages for ASP.NET Core, bower and similar. So this should happen in the dockerfile, not when running the container.
If you absolutely must restore packages within the container first then the best you can do is re-use intermediate or previously built docker images that already have the packages restored.
If you use the Visual Studio generated Dockerfile it already does the best it can to re-use the intermediate image that includes the package cache. This is accomplished by copying the .csproj file over first, restoring packages, and then copying over the source files. That way if you didn't change your package references (basically the only thing that changes in .csproj) then docker simply uses the intermediate image it created on the previous build after restoring packages.
You could also create a base image that has packages restored already and occasionally update it. Here's how you'd do that:
1. Build your Dockerfile: docker build .
2. Tag the intermediate container that has the package cache (the one created by dotnet restore): docker tag {intermediate image id} {your project name}:base-1
3. Update Dockerfile to use {your project name}:base-1 as the base image FROM {your project name}:base-1
4. If you're using a build system then publish the base image: docker publish {your project name}:base-1
5. Periodically update your base image, rolling the version number.

Run Grunt / Gulp inside Docker container or outside?

I'm trying to identify a good practice for the build process of a nodejs app using grunt/gulp to be deployed inside a docker container.
I'm pretty happy with the following sequence:
build using grunt (or gulp) outside container
add ./dist folder to container
run npm install (with --production flag) inside container
But in every example I find, I see a different approach:
add ./src folder to container
run npm install (with dev dependencies) inside container
run bower install (if required) inside container
run grunt (or gulp) inside container
IMO, the first approach generates a lighter and more efficient container, but all of the examples out there are using the second approach. Am I missing something?
I'd like to suggest a third approach that I have done for a static generated site, the separate build image.
In this approach, your main Dockerfile (the one in project root) becomes a build and development image, basically doing everything in the second approach. However, you override the CMD at run time, which is to tar up the built dist folder into a dist.tar or similar.
Then, you have another folder (something like image) that has a Dockerfile. The role of this image is only to serve up the dist.tar contents. So we do a docker cp <container_id_from_tar_run> /dist. Then the Dockerfile just installs our web server and has a ADD dist.tar /var/www.
The abstract is something like:
Build the builder Docker image (which gets you a working environment without webserver). At thist point, the application is built. We could run the container in development with grunt serve or whatever the command is to start our built in development server.
Instead of running the server, we override the default command to tar up our dist folder. Something like tar -cf /dist.tar /myapp/dist.
We now have a temporary container with a /dist.tar artifact. Copy it to your actual deployment Docker folder we called image using docker cp <container_id_from_tar_run> /dist.tar ./image/.
Now, we can build the small Docker image without all our development dependencies with docker build ./image.
I like this approach because it is still all Docker. All the commands in this approach are Docker commands and you can really slim down the actual image you end up deploying.
If you want to check out an image with this approach in action, check out which uses a builder image (in the builder folder) to build tar.gz files that then get copied to their respective Dockerfile folder.
The only difference I see is that you can reproduce a full grunt installation in the second approach.
With the first one, you depend on a local action which might be done differently, on different environments.
A container should be based in an image that can be reproduced easily instead of depending on an host folder which contains "what is needed" (not knowing how that part has been done)
If the build environment overhead which comes with the installation is too much for a grunt image, you can:
create an image "app.tar" dedicated for the installation (I did that for Apache, that I had to recompile, creating a deb package in a shared volume).
In your case, you can create an archive ('tar') of the app installed.
creating a container from a base image, using the volume from that first container
docker run --it --name=app.inst --volumes-from=app.tar ubuntu untar /shared/path/app.tar
docker commit app.inst app
Then end result is an image with the app present on its filesystem.
This is a mix between your approach 1 and 2.
A variation of the solution 1 is to have a "parent -> child" that makes the build of the project really fast.
I would have dockerfile like:
FROM node
RUN mkdir app
COPY dist/package.json app/package.json
RUN npm install
This will handle the installation of the node dependencies, and have another dockerfile that will handle the application "installation" like:
FROM image-with-dependencies:v1
COPY dist .
ENTRYPOINT ["npm", "start"]
with this you can continue your development and the "build" of the docker image is going to be faster of what it would be if you required to "re-install" the node dependencies. If you install new dependencies on node, just re-build the dependencies image.
I hope this helps someone.
