Azure function run code on startup for Node - node.js

I am developing Chatbot using Azure functions. I want to load the some of the conversations for Chatbot from a file. I am looking for a way to load these conversation data before the function app starts with some function callback. Is there a way load the conversation data only once when the function app is started?
This question is actually a duplicate of Azure Function run code on startup. But this question is asked for C# and I wanted a way to do the same thing in NodeJS

After like a week of messing around I got a working solution.
First some context:
The question at hand, running custom code # App Start for Node JS Azure Functions.
The issue is currently being discussed here and has been open for almost 5 years, and doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
As of now there is an Azure Functions "warmup" trigger feature, found here AZ Funcs Warm Up Trigger. However this trigger only runs on-scale. So the first, initial instance of your App won't run the "warmup" code.
I created a start.js file and put the following code in there
const ErrorHandler = require('./Classes/ErrorHandler');
const Validator = require('./Classes/Validator');
const delay = require('delay');
let flag = false;
module.exports = async () =>
console.log('Initializing Globals')
global.ErrorHandler = ErrorHandler;
global.Validator = Validator;
//this is just to test if it will work with async funcs
const wait = await delay(5000)
//add additional logic...
//await db.connect(); etc // initialize a db connection
console.log('Done Waiting')
To run this code I just have to do
in any of my functions. Just one function is fine. Since all of the function dependencies are loaded when you deploy your code, as long as this line is in one of the functions, start.js will run and initialize all of your global/singleton variables or whatever else you want it to do on func start. I made a literal function called "startWarmUp" and it is just a timer triggered function that runs once a day.
My use case is that almost every function relies on ErrorHandler and Validator class. And though generally making something a global variable is bad practice, in this case I didn't see any harm in making these 2 classes global so they're available in all of the functions.
Side Note: when developing locally you will have to include that function in your func start --functions <function requiring start.js> <other funcs> in order to have that startup code actually run.
Additionally there is a feature request for this functionality that can voted on open here: Azure Feedback

I have a similar use case that I am also stuck on.
Based on this resource I have found a good way to approach the structure of my code. It is simple enough: you just need to run your initialization code before you declare your module.exports.
I also read this thread, but it does not look like there is a recommended solution.
However, in my case I have an additional complication in that I need to use promises as I am waiting on external services to come back. These promises run within bot.initialise(). Initialise() only seems to run when the first call to the bot occurs. Which would be fine, but as it is running a promise, my code doesn't block - which means that when it calls 'listener(req, context.res)' it doesn't yet exist.
The next thing I will try is to restructure my code so that bot.initialise returns a promise, but the code would be much simpler if there was a initialisation webhook that guaranteed that the code within it was executed at startup before everything else.
Has anyone found a good workaround?
My code looks something like this:
var listener = null;
// If we are inside Azure Functions, export the standard handler.
listener = bot.initialise(true);
module.exports = function (context, req) {
context.log("Passing body", req.body);
listener(req, context.res);
} else {
// Local server for testing
listener = bot.initialise(false);

You can use global variable to load data before function execution.
var data = [1, 2, 3];
module.exports = function (context, req) {
data variable initialized only once and will be used within function calls.


What is the order of execution of the same-type hooks in fastify?

In Fastify.js you have at least to ways to register hooks: globally (via fastify.addHook()) or as a property inside the route declaration. In the example below I'm trying to use fastfy-multer to handle file uploading but the maximum amount of files must be limited by a setting associated with a "room". As the app has many rooms, most of the requests contain a reference to a room, and every time the request is being augmented with room settings by the preHandler hook.
import fastify from 'fastify'
import multer from 'fastify-multer'
const server = fastify()
// For all requests containing the room ID, fetch the room options from the database
fastify.addHook('preHandler', async (request, reply) => {
if (request.body.roomID) {
const roomOptions = await getRoomOptions(request.body.roomID)
if (roomOptions) { = roomOptions
else {
// handle an error if the room doesn't exist
})'/post', {
// Limit the maximum amount of files to be uploaded based on room options
preHandler: upload.array(files,
In order for this setup to work, the global hook must always be executed before the file upload hook. How can I guarantee that?
Summary: As #Manuel Spigolon said:
How can I guarantee that? The framework does it
Now we can take Manuel's word for it (SPOILER ALERT: they are absolutely correct), or we can prove how this works by looking in the source code on GitHub.
The first thing to keep in mind is that arrays in JavaScript are remain ordered by the way objects are pushed into them, but don’t take my word for it. That is all explained here if you want to dive a little deeper into the evidence. If that was not true, everything below doesn't matter and you could just stop reading now.
How addHook works
Now that we have established that arrays maintain their order, let look at how the addHook code is executed. We can start by looking at the default export of fastify in the fastify.js file located in the root directory. In this object if scoll down you'll see the addHook property defined. When we look into the addHook function implementation we can see that in that add hook call we are calling this[kHooks].add.
When we go back to see what the kHooks property is we see that it is a new Hooks(). When we go to take a look at the add method on the Hooks object, we can see that it just validates the hook that is being add and then [pushes] it to the array property on the Hooks object with the matching hook name. This shows that hooks will always be in the order which add was called for them.
How fastify.route adds hooks
I hope you're following to this point because that only proves the order of the addHook calls in the respective array on the Hooks object. The next question is how these interact with the calls of fastify.(get | post | route | ...) functions. We can walk through the fastify.get function, but they are all pretty much the same (you can do the same exercise with any of them). Looking at the get function, we see that the implementation is just calling the router.prepareRoute function. When you look into the prepareRoute implementation, you see that this function returns a call to the route function. In the route function there is a section where the hooks are set up. It looks like this:
for (const hook of lifecycleHooks) {
const toSet = this[kHooks][hook]
.concat(opts[hook] || [])
.map(h => h.bind(this))
context[hook] = toSet.length ? toSet : null
What this does is go through every lifecycle hook and turn it into a set of all the hooks from the Fastify instance (this) and the hooks in the options (opts[hook]) for that given hook and binds them to the fastify instance (this). This shows that the hooks in the options for the routes are always added after the addHook handlers.
How Fastify executes hooks
This is not everything we need though. Now we know the order in which the hooks are stored. But how exactly are they executed? For that we can look at the hookRunner function in the hooks.js file. We see this function acts as a sort of recursive loop that continues running as long as the handlers do not error. It first creates a variable i to keep track of the handler function it is currently on and then tries to execute it and increments the function tracker (i).
If the handler fails (handleReject), it runs a callback function and does not call the next function to continue. If the handler succeeds (handleResolve), it just runs the next function to try the same process on the following handler (functions[i++]) in the functions set.
Why does this matter
This proves that the hook handlers are called in the order that they were pushed into the ordered collection. In other words:
How can I guarantee that? The framework does it

How to add continuous running code into nodejs postgresql client?

I'm stuck on a problem of wiring some logic into a nodejs pg client, the main logic has two part, the first one is connect to postgres server and getting some notification, it is as the following:
var rules = {} // a rules object we are monitoring...
const pg_cli = new Client({
pg_cli.query('LISTEN zone_rules') // listen to the zone_rules channel
pg_cli.on('notification', msg => {
rules = msg.payload
This part is easy and run without any issue, now what I'm trying to implement is to have another function keeps monitoring the rules, and when an object is received and put into the rules, the function start accumulating the time the object stays in the rules (which may be deleted with another notification from pg server), and the monitoring function would send alert to another server if the duration of the object passed a certain time. I tried to wrote the code in the following style:
function check() {
// watch and time accumulating code...
But I found the onevent code of getting notification then didn't have a chance to run! Does anybody have any idea about my problem. Or should I doing it in another way?
Well, I found change the nextTick to setImmediate solve the problem.

How to run a process before anything else in a Node.js app?

I want to decrypt several config items based on environment variables before anything else starts running in a Node.js app.
I'm starting my app using the standard node ./app.js. Then I call a simple method from the top of my app.js file:
function setConfig() {
var pass = process.env.pass;
var conf = Encrypt.decrypt(encryptedConfig, pass);
var configObj = JSON.parse(conf);
// do stuff with the configObj
This works fine, but since everything is async other processes, which need the config variables, are already running and throwing errors.
What I want is to run my setConfig() before anything else. Is this doable?
Apart from accepted answer, what might be useful in some situations (where you can't/don't want to modify the executed file) is NODE_OPTIONS environmental variable + --require (-r) param of node executable
NODE_OPTIONS='--require "./first.js"' node second.js
That way, first.js executes before second.js.
If a routine is synchronous, it can be executed before routines that depend on it. Executing it before anything else at the top of main module guarantees that there will be no race conditions:
If a routine is asynchronous, it should be treated as such in order to avoid race conditions. It's preferable for all asynchronous routines to return promises, so they could be chained with async function in main module:
(async () => {
await setConfigAsync();

Azure Functions app not giving any kind of output & eventually giving error

When I try to run my nodejs based Azure Function, I'm experiencing an issue where it doesn't generate any feedback and in some cases, I end up getting the following message:
2017-04-05T00:18:15.969 Exception while executing function: Functions.AddAuthor. Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script: Thread was being aborted.
All my function code is publicly available, you can see it here. The library it's using works locally. I'm at a bit of a loss as to why it doesn't want to work in Azure Functions.
I originally posted this over at the Azure Functions github repo, but it was suggested that I maybe ask here.
Additionally, it seems like even a simple context.log won't even work.
One thing I notice - context does not exist in this scope:
If I set up a similar function I see:
2017-04-12T17:06:55.433 Exception while executing function:
Functions.ManualJS. mscorlib: ReferenceError: context is not defined
at Object. (D:\home\site\wwwroot\ManualJS\test.js:1:63)
Also, 'anecdoteService' is not defined in this scope.
.then(function () { anecdoteService.close()})
.then(function () { context.log("End of line")})
Does the function work with the azure-functions-cli?
Looking at the gist you provided, did you provide a function?
// index.js
module.exports = function(context) {
//there needs to be a context.done or your function will not finish
or was it simply
// index.js
context.log('hello'); // there's no context object, no function, etc

Webworker-threads: is it OK to use "require" inside worker?

(Using Sails.js)
I am testing webworker-threads ( ) for long running processes on Node and the following example looks good:
var Worker = require('webworker-threads').Worker;
var fibo = new Worker(function() {
function fibo (n) {
return n > 1 ? fibo(n - 1) + fibo(n - 2) : 1;
this.onmessage = function (event) {
}catch (e){
fibo.onmessage = function (event) {
//my return callback
But as soon as I add any code to query Mongodb, it throws an exception:
(not using the Sails model in the query, just to make sure the code could run on its own -- db has no password)
var Worker = require('webworker-threads').Worker;
var fibo = new Worker(function() {
function fibo (n) {
return n > 1 ? fibo(n - 1) + fibo(n - 2) : 1;
function callDb(event){
var db = require('monk')('localhost/mydb');
var users = db.get('users');
users.find({ "firstName" : "John"}, function (err, docs){
return fibo(;
this.onmessage = function (event) {
postMessage(callDb(; // calling db function now
}catch (e){
fibo.onmessage = function (event) {
//my return callback
Since the DB code works perfectly fine outside the Worker, I think it has something to do with the require. I've tried something that also works outside the Worker, like
var moment = require("moment");
var deadline = moment().add(30, "s");
And the code also throws an exception. Unfortunately, console.log only shows this for all types of errors:
So, the questions are: is there any restriction or guideline for using require inside a Worker? What could I be doing wrong here?
it seems Threads will not allow external modules
TL:DR I think that if you need to require, you should use a node's
cluster or child process. If you want to offload some cpu busy work,
you should use tagg and the load function to grab any helpers you
Upon reading this thread, I see that this question is similar to this one:
Load Nodejs Module into A Web Worker
To which Audreyt, the webworker-threads author answered:
author of webworker-threads here. Thank you for using the module!
There is a default native_fs_ object with the readFileSync you can use
to read files.
Beyond that, I've mostly relied on onejs to compile all required
modules in package.json into a single JS file for importScripts to
use, just like one would do when deploying to a client-side web worker
environment. (There are also many alternatives to onejs -- browserify,
Hope this helps!
So it seems importScripts is the way to go. But at this point, it might be too hacky for what I want to do, so probably KUE is a more mature solution.
I'm a collaborator on the node-webworker-threads project.
You can't require in node-webworker-threads
You are correct in your update: node-webworker-threads does not (currently) support requireing external modules.
It has limited support for some of the built-ins, including file system calls and a version of console.log. As you've found, the version of console.log implemented in node-webworker-threads is not identical to the built-in console.log in Node.js; it does not, for example, automatically make nice string representations of the components of an Object.
In some cases you can use external modules, as outlined by audreyt in her response. Clearly this is not ideal, and I view the incomplete require as the primary "dealbreaker" of node-webworker-threads. I'm hoping to work on it this summer.
When to use node-webworker-threads
node-webworker-threads allows you to code against the WebWorker API and run the same code in the client (browser) and the server (Node.js). This is why you would use node-webworker-threads over node-threads-a-gogo.
node-webworker-threads is great if you want the most lightweight possible JavaScript-based workers, to do something CPU-bound. Examples: prime numbers, Fibonacci, a Monte Carlo simulation, offloading built-in but potentially-expensive operations like regular expression matching.
When not to use node-webworker-threads
node-webworker-threads emphasizes portability over convenience. For a Node.js-only solution, this means that node-webworker-threads is not the way to go.
If you're willing to compromise on full-stack portability, there are two ways to go: speed and convenience.
For speed, try a C++ add-on. Use NaN. I recommend Scott Frees's C++ and Node.js Integration book to learn how to do this, it'll save you a lot of time. You'll pay for it in needing to brush up on your C++ skills, and if you want to work with MongoDB then this probably isn't a good idea.
For convenience, use a Child Process-based worker pool like fork-pool. In this case, each worker is a full-fledged Node.js instance. You can then require to your heart's content. You'll pay for it in a larger application footprint and in higher communication costs compared to node-webworker-threads or a C++ add-on.
