Node JS persist promises upon restart (maybe with versioning) - node.js

Imagine building a bot, that handles dialogs as promise chains in nodejs
.then(answer => { ...someDataAndCode })
Now, upon deploying the new version, all the promises are gone, of course, and then you have hung dialogs where bot doesn't reply. The questions are:
Is there any npm package/approach that would persist promises between restarts?
In case logic of that persisted promise updates, is there package that would keep persisted promise old version, so that "old dialogs go the old way"?

I am not familiar with any persistent promise module, and I think it would be very difficult to keep the state of each chained promise....
But any way, I would follow another approach to your problem. I would not kill the previous server, but I would run the new updated version in a different port. Then I would configure the reverse proxy (I assume you use something like nginx to route the traffic to node) to send all the new users to the new version of the node server.
When the old node server has finished its work and even the last user has gone, then you can kill that server.
P.S All of this depends on the assumption that you are using a reverse-proxy, something you don't state in the question, so my solution could not fit in your project


Where should a mongodb process be started for a node application

I want my application server(Hapi/Express) to start the mongodb process before proceeding with server.start(). A good way to do this is via Promises so that the mongod return code can be captured in .then and checked for start success/failure.
I posted a similar question # Nodejs exec mongodb command in Bluebird Promise, that prompted me to ask this one here.
You seem to not understand the basics of processes.
so that the mongod return code can be captured in .then
mongod will not return any code until it exits (it's called "exit code" for a reason). I assume that you want your mongodb running, so this means no code for you.
Starting a database server from the application is absolutely the wrong way to do it. Database and application should be started separately (by OS' startup manager or whatever). If you install mongodb from a package, the auto-startup should be handled for you (via installing proper init script).
Application should only know a connection string (and if it can't connect to the database at this string, show some pretty error message).

Best practices to handle exception in SailsJS

I just started trying out SailsJS a few days ago.
I've realized that the Node is terminated whenever I have an uncaught exception.
I have a list of controllers and each of them calls a specific service JS file (Containing logics and DB calls) in services/.
Can I write a global error handler for all services so that any type of error that occurs from these services should be handled by it and appropriate error response has to be communicated to front-end.
I tried using process.on('uncaughtexception') or some of basic exceptions but it needs to be added to each service method.
Also can I have one common point for all service calls made from client to server through which all and io..socket.get() goes through
I would appreciate any pointer/article that would show me the common best practices for handling uncaught exceptions in SailsJS and using shorter code rather than writing redundant code in all services.
Best practice is using Domains in your controller. This will handle exceptions in async code, and its relatively straight forward.
You can use something like trycatch to simplify things a little, but domain based exceptions will be most effective. It'll insure that exceptions do not crash your application. Just create a new domain in your controller and run your controller methods inside of that domain.
Sailsjs being based on express you can use connect middleware, and you can seamlessly create a new domain from middleware. There such thing as express-domain-middleware. This might be the most aesthetic option, and most convenient.
As mention by Benjamin Gruenbaum, Domains are planned to become deprecated in v1 of node. Perhaps you should read through Joyents Error Handling Best Practices. Its agnostic to the framework you are using.
Additonally you can still use Domains, while there isn't a way to globally handle errors in node.js otherwise. Once deprecated you could always remove your dependence on Domains, relatively easily. That said, it may be best not to rely solely on domains.
Strongloop also provides a library inspired by domains called Zone. This is also an option.
Its OK to let node instance error out due to a programming error, else it may continue in an inconsistent state and mess-up business logic. In production environment the server can be restarted on crash, this will reset its state and keep it available, if the error is not frequent. And in all of it its very important to Log everything. This applies to most of Node setups, including SailsJS.
The following approach can be taken:
Use a Logger : A dedicated logger should be accessible to server components. Should be connected to a service that notifies the developer (email ?) of very serious errors.
Propagate per request errors to the end: Carefully forward errors from any step in request processing. In ExperssJs/ConnectJs/middle-ware based setup's, the next(err) can be used to pass an error to the middle-ware chain. An error catching middle-ware at the end of the chain will get this error, log it verbose, and send a 500 status back. You can use Domains or Zones or Promises or async or whatever you like to process request and catch errors.
Shutdown on process.on('uncaughtexception'): Log the erorr, do necessary clean-up, and throw the same error again to shutdown process.
User PM2/Forever or Upstart/init.d on linux : Now when the process shuts down due to the bad exception, these tools will restart it and track how many time server has been crashing. If the server is crashing way too many time, its good to stop it and take immediate action.
I have not tried this, but I believe you should be able to set a catch-all exception handler in bootstrap.js using process.on('uncaughtexception').
Personally, I use promises via the bluebird library, and put a catch statement that passes all errors to a global error handling function.

Node (memory leak, v8 snapshot) - is it bad practice to use a connection promise?

I didn't want DB requests to run accidentally before connection, so the connect method returns a promise and every single DB method uses connectPromise.then().
It seems like my app is leaking memory, so I'm wondering if that could be the cause. The top offender in the v8 heap memory snapshot is titled sql and contains a lot of stuff from bluebird promises and domains. I don't really know what to make of it, but that one single connect promise came to mind.
EDIT: I have confirmed that the source of the problem is indeed my practice of keeping around a promise from sequelize. For the sake of testing, I tried refreshing that promise every 30 seconds and my application stopped gathering more and more memory.
I have opened a issue in sequelize
Assuming you are writing a server, why not make DB connections before listening on a port?
I am not saying the issue with Sequelize is not real, but I think it would be a good idea not call connect().then() every time you make a db request.
There are places for this type of pattern and this is not one of them, I think.
It looks like Bluebird is not working well with domains, and that is where the memory leak is occurring. Bluebird is the only promise library that I know of that makes an attempt to properly propagate domains in Node.js.

How are webapps truly asynchronous?

I have a good old-style LAMP webapp. A week ago I needed to add a push notification mechanism to it.
Therefore, what I did was to add on the server and poll the MySQL database every 10 seconds using node.js to check whether there were new items: if so, I would have sent them to the client(s) with
I was pretty happy with the result, even if that is not a proper realtime notification (as there is a lag of up to 10 secs).
Now, I am about to build a new webapp which will need push notifications, too. I am wondering whether to go with the same approach as the first one (that I believe is more stable and mature) or to go totally Node.js, without PHP and Apache. As for the database, I have already decided to go for MongoDB.
Finally, my question is: if I go for will I get a truly near-real-time webapp? I mean, as soon as a new record is inserted into MongoDB, will there be some sort of event triggered that I can catch via node.js, do some checking on it and, if relevant, send the notification to the client? Or will there be anyway some sort of polling on the db server-side and lag, as with my first LAMP webapp?
A related question: can you build a realtime webapp on MySQL without doing any polling as I did with my first app. Or do you need MongoDB (or Redis)?
I hope this question is not too silly - sorry, I am just starting with Node.js and co.
I understand your problem because I switched to node.js from php/apache/mysql too.
Generally node.js is stable, modules and your scripts are the main reasons for errors
Real-time has nothing to do with database, it's all about client and server, you can query as many data as you want in your requests and push it to the other client.
Choosing node.js is very wise but it's harder to implement.
When you insert a new record to your db, the event is the request itself, you will make a push event along with the database query something like:
// Please note this is not real code, just an example of the idea
app.get('/query', function(request, response){
// Query your database
db.query('SELECT * FROM users', function(rows){
// Push notification to dan
socket.emit('database_query_executed', 'to_dan', rows);
// End request
Of course you can use MySQL! And any database you want, as I said real-time has nothing to do with databases because the database is in the middle of the process and it's totally optional.
If you want to use node.js for push notifications and php/apache for mysql then you will need to create 2 requests for each server something like:
// this is javascript
ajax('', node_options)
ajax('', php_options)
or if you want just one request, or you want to use a form, you can call your php and inside php you can create an http or net request to node.js from php, something like:
// this is php
new HttpRequest('', HttpRequest::METH_GET);
A regular MongoDB Collection as the Store,
A MongoDB Capped Collection with Tailable Cursors as the Queue,
A Node worker with Socket.IO watching the Queue as the Worker,
A Node server to serve the page with the Socket.IO client, and to receive POSTed data (or however else the data gets added) as the Server
It goes like:
The new data gets sent to the Server,
The Server puts the data in the Store,
The Server adds the data's ObjectID to the Queue,
The Queue will send the newly arrived ObjectID to the open Tailable Cursor on the Worker,
The Worker goes and gets the actual data in the ObjectID from the Store,
The Worker emits the data through the socket,
The client receives the data from the socket.
This is 'push' from the initial addition of the data all the way to receipt at the client - no polling, so as real-time as you can get given the processing time at each step.
Re: triggers in MongoDB - please see this answer:
There are much more convenient triggers in MySQL, but to call Node.js from them would require a bit of work with MySQL UDFs (user-defined functions), for instance pushing data through a Unix socket. Please note that this is necessary only when other applications (besides your Node.js process) are updating the database, and be sure to choose InnoDB as storage in this case (row- vs. table-level locking).
Can see no big problem with your technology choice of, even if client-side web sockets aren't supported, you'll fall back (gracefully, I hope) to polling.
Finally, your question is not silly at all, since push technology is definitely superior to the flood of polling requests - it scales better. EDIT: However, would not describe either technology as real-time.
Another EDIT: for a quite well-known and successful setup of this kind please read this:
Have you discovered Chole? It works separately from your web sever and interfaces with it by using HTTP POSTs. That way you can code your web app any which way you want.
Actually Using Push Technology like Socket.IO helps you to use
the server's resource efficiently and also helps you to leverage old browsers to modern browsers making websocket or websocket-like connection.
10 sec polling is a HTTP request which is expensive especially when a lot of users present.
Unlike polling technology, push technology is relatively cheap. Users' client is opening a dedicated socket(ie. websocket) to listen to the server's push notification.
And usually your client-side JavaScript do some actions when the push notification is received.
Using your LAMP stack and Socket.IO with different port (other than 80) will be good enough to implement what you need.
But using Node.js + MongoDB + Socket.IO actually helps you to manage your server's resource much efficiently.
Because those three have non-blocking nature.
If you understand non-blocking concept correctly and implement your app appropriately,
your identical app, an app with same feature but with different language and different database, would be able to handle a lot more requests than general LAMP stack.
Above picture is a famous chart of comparing Non-blocking vs Thread way to handle concurrency
Apache(Thread) vs Nginx(Non-blocking)
MySQL is a great database. I believe you won't need join and transactions for realtime notification.
MongoDB does not have those two features unless you implement similar features by yourself.
Because of not having those two and some characteristics of its own, MongoDB can store and fetch data much faster than traditional SQL databases.
Switching from MySQL to MongoDB will decrease the time taking to insert and fetch data.
with JS you can open a socket to your server (not old browser), the server will have a ah-hoc program (on an ad-hoc port, so you need the permission to open door and run program on your server) that will send data (almost) realtime from and to the client, and without the HTTP's protocol overhead.old browser will just fall-back to polling mechanism.
I can't see other way to do this (probably there are already "coocked" framework that do this)

NodeJS - Child node process?

I'm using NodeJS to run a socket server (using When a client connects, I want am opening and running a module which does a bunch of stuff. Even though I am careful to try and catch as much as possible, when this module throws an error, it obviously takes down the entire socket server with it.
Is there a way I can separate the two so if the connected clients module script fails, it doesn't necessarily take down the entire server?
I'm assuming this is what child process is for, but the documentation doesn't mention starting other node instances.
I'd obviously need to kill the process if the client disconnected too.
I'm assuming these modules you're talking about are JS code. If so, you might want to try the vm module. This lets you run code in a separate context, and also gives you the ability to do a try / catch around execution of the specific code.
You can run node as a separate process and watch the data go by using spawn, then watch the stderr/stdout/exit events to track any progress. Then kill can be used to kill the process if the client disconnects. You're going to have to map clients and spawned processes though so their disconnect event will trigger the process close properly.
Finally the uncaughtException event can be used as a "catch-all" for any missed exceptions, making it so that the server doesn't get completely killed (signals are a bit of an exception of course).
As the other poster noted, you could leverage the 'vm' module, but as you might be able to tell from the rest of the response, doing so adds significant complexity.
Also, from the 'vm' doc:
Note that running untrusted code is a tricky business requiring great care.
To prevent accidental global variable leakage, vm.runInNewContext is quite
useful, but safely running untrusted code requires a separate process.
While I'm sure you could run a new nodejs instance in a child process, the best practice here is to understand where your application can and will fail, and then program defensively to handle all possible error conditions.
If some part of your code "take(s) down the entire ... server", then you really to understand why this occurred and solve that problem rather than rely on another process to shield you from the work required to design and build a production-quality service.
