Creating multiple dataframes with a loop - python-3.x

This undoubtedly reflects lack of knowledge on my part, but I can't find anything online to help. I am very new to programming. I want to load 6 csvs and do a few things to them before combining them later. The following code iterates over each file but only creates one dataframe, called df.
files = ('data1.csv', 'data2.csv', 'data3.csv', 'data4.csv', 'data5.csv', 'data6.csv')
dfs = ('df1', 'df2', 'df3', 'df4', 'df5', 'df6')
for df, file in zip(dfs, files):
df = pd.read_csv(file)

Use dictionary to store you DataFrames and access them by name
files = ('data1.csv', 'data2.csv', 'data3.csv', 'data4.csv', 'data5.csv', 'data6.csv')
dfs_names = ('df1', 'df2', 'df3', 'df4', 'df5', 'df6')
dfs ={}
for dfn,file in zip(dfs_names, files):
dfs[dfn] = pd.read_csv(file)
Use list to store you DataFrames and access them by index
files = ('data1.csv', 'data2.csv', 'data3.csv', 'data4.csv', 'data5.csv', 'data6.csv')
dfs = []
for file in files:
dfs.append( pd.read_csv(file))
print (dfs[2])
Do not store intermediate DataFrame, just process them and add to resulting DataFrame.
files = ('data1.csv', 'data2.csv', 'data3.csv', 'data4.csv', 'data5.csv', 'data6.csv')
df = pd.DataFrame()
for file in files:
df_n = pd.read_csv(file)
# do you want to do
df = df.append(df_n)
print (df)
If you will process them differently, then you do not need a general structure to store them. Do it simply independent.
df = pd.DataFrame()
def do_general_stuff(d): #here we do common things with DataFrame
df1 = pd.read_csv("data1.csv")
# do you want to with df1
df = df.append(df1)
del df1
df2 = pd.read_csv("data2.csv")
# do you want to with df2
df = df.append(df2)
del df2
df3 = pd.read_csv("data3.csv")
# do you want to with df3
df = df.append(df3)
del df3
# ... and so on
And one geeky way, but don't ask how it works:)
from collections import namedtuple
files = ['data1.csv', 'data2.csv', 'data3.csv', 'data4.csv', 'data5.csv', 'data6.csv']
df = namedtuple('Cdfs',
['df1', 'df2', 'df3', 'df4', 'df5', 'df6']
)(*[pd.read_csv(file) for file in files])
for df_n in df._fields:
print(getattr(df, df_n).shape,getattr(df, df_n).dtypes)

I think you think your code is doing something that it is not actually doing.
Specifically, this line: df = pd.read_csv(file)
You might think that in each iteration through the for loop this line is being executed and modified with df being replaced with a string in dfs and file being replaced with a filename in files. While the latter is true, the former is not.
Each iteration through the for loop is reading a csv file and storing it in the variable df effectively overwriting the csv file that was read in during the previous for loop. In other words, df in your for loop is not being replaced with the variable names you defined in dfs.
The key takeaway here is that strings (e.g., 'df1', 'df2', etc.) cannot be substituted and used as variable names when executing code.
One way to achieve the result you want is store each csv file read by pd.read_csv() in a dictionary, where the key is name of the dataframe (e.g., 'df1', 'df2', etc.) and value is the dataframe returned by pd.read_csv().
list_of_dfs = {}
for df, file in zip(dfs, files):
list_of_dfs[df] = pd.read_csv(file)
You can then reference each of your dataframes like this:
You can learn more about dictionaries here:

A dictionary can store them too
import pandas as pd
from pprint import pprint
files = ('doms_stats201610051.csv', 'doms_stats201610052.csv')
dfsdic = {}
dfs = ('df1', 'df2')
for df, file in zip(dfs, files):
dfsdic[df] = pd.read_csv(file)


Reading multiple excel files into a pandas dataframe, but also storing the file name

I would like to read multiple excel files and store them into a single pandas dataframe, but I would like one of the columns in the dataframe to be the file name. This is because the file name contains the date (this is monthly data) and I need that information. I can't seem to get the filename, but I'm able to get the excel files into a dataframe. Please help.
import os
import pandas as pd
import fsspec
files = os.listdir("C://Users//6J2754897//Downloads//monthlydata")
paths = "C://Users//6J2754897//Downloads//monthlydata"
a = pd.DataFrame([2], index = None)
df = pd.DataFrame()
for file in range(len(files)):
if files[file].endswith('.xlsx'):
df = df.append(pd.read_excel(paths + "//" + files[file], sheet_name = "information", skiprows=7), ignore_index=True)
df['Month'] = str(files[file])
The order of operations here is incorrect. The line:
df['Month'] = str(files[file])
Is going to overwrite the entire column with the most recent value.
Instead we should only add the value to the current DataFrame:
import os
import pandas as pd
paths = "C://Users//6J2754897//Downloads//monthlydata"
files = os.listdir(paths)
df = pd.DataFrame()
for file in range(len(files)):
if files[file].endswith('.xlsx'):
# Read in File
file_df = pd.read_excel(paths + "//" + files[file],
# Add to just this DataFrame
file_df['Month'] = str(files[file])
# Update `df`
df = df.append(file_df, ignore_index=True)
Alternatively we can use DataFrame.assign to chain the column assignment:
import os
import pandas as pd
paths = "C://Users//6J2754897//Downloads//monthlydata"
files = os.listdir(paths)
df = pd.DataFrame()
for file in range(len(files)):
if files[file].endswith('.xlsx'):
# Read in File
df = df.append(
# Read in File
pd.read_excel(paths + "//" + files[file],
.assign(Month=str(files[file])), # Add to just this DataFrame
For general overall improvements we can use pd.concat with a list comprehension over files. This is done to avoid growing the DataFrame (which can be extremely slow). Pathlib.glob can also help with the ability to select the appropriate files:
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
paths = "C://Users//6J2754897//Downloads//monthlydata"
df = pd.concat([
.assign(Month=file.stem) # We may also want here
for file in Path(paths).glob('*.xlsx')
Some options for the Month Column are either:
file.stem will give "[t]he final path component, without its suffix".
'folder/folder/sample.xlsx' -> 'sample' will give "the final path component, excluding the drive and root".
'folder/folder/sample.xlsx' -> 'sample.xlsx'

Python - Creating a for loop to build a single csv file with multiple dataframes

I am new to python and trying various things to learn the fundamentals. One of the things that i'm currently stuck on is for loops. I have the following code and am positive it can be built out more efficiently using a loop but i'm not sure exactly how.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
url1 = ''
url2 = ''
url3 = ''
df1 = pd.read_html(url1)
df1[0].to_csv ('NFL_Receiving_Page1.csv', index=False) #index false gets rid of index listing that appears as the very first column in the csv
df2 = pd.read_html(url2)
df2[0].to_csv ('NFL_Receiving_Page2.csv', index=False) #index false gets rid of index listing that appears as the very first column in the csv
df3 = pd.read_html(url3)
df3[0].to_csv ('NFL_Receiving_Page3.csv', index=False) #index false gets rid of index listing that appears as the very first column in the csv
df_receiving_agg = pd.concat([df1[0], df2[0], df3[0]])
df_receiving_agg.to_csv('NFL_Receiving_Combined.csv', index=False) #index false gets rid of index listing that appears as the very first column in the csv
I'm ultimately trying to combine the data in the above URL's into a single table in a csv file.
You can try this:
urls = [url1,url2,url3]
df_receiving_agg = pd.DataFrame()
for url in urls:
df = pd.read_html(url)
df_receiving_agg = pd.concat([df_receiving_agg, df])
You can do this:
base_url = ''
dfs = []
for page in range(1, 4):
url = f'{base_url}{page}'
df = pd.read_html(url)
df.to_csv(f'NFL_Receiving_Page{page}.csv', index=False)
df_receiving_agg = pd.concat(dfs)
df_receiving_agg.to_csv('NFL_Receiving_Combined.csv', index=False)

create dataframe of liste

I want to create dataframe form existing lists( each row of file will be written in row dataframe.
with open(filename, mode='r', encoding='cp1252') as f:
liste1 = str(lines[0])
df1 = pd.DataFrame(liste1)
who can help me please?
below the 3 first rows of file f1.
[‘x1’, ‘major’, ’1198’, ‘TCP’]
[‘x1’, ‘minor’, ‘1198’, ‘UDP’]
[‘x2’, ‘major’, ’1198’, ‘UDP’]
If I understand this properly, want each row in the DataFrame to be a string you read from a line in the file?
Note that liste in your case is a string so I am not sure what you are going for.
This approach should work anyways.
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame()
with open(filename, mode='r', encoding='cp1252') as f:
liste1 = str(lines[0])
df1 = df1.append(pd.Series(liste1), ignore_index=True)
So if liste1 has form
> "This is a string"
then your DataFrame will look like this
0 This is a string
if liste1 has form
> ["This", "is", "a", "list"]
then your DataFrame will look like this
0 1 2 3
0 This is a list
You can then call this append() routine as many times as you want inside a loop.
However, I suspect that there is a function, such as pd.read_table(), that can do this all for you automatically (as #jezrael suggested in the comments to your question).

How to merge big data of csv files column wise into a single csv file using Pandas?

I have lots of big data csv files in terms of countries and I want to merge their column in a single csv file, furthermore, each file has 'Year' as an index and having same in terms of length and numbers. You can see below is a given example of a Japan.csv file.
If anyone can help me please let me know. Thank you!!
Try using:
import pandas as pd
import glob
l = []
path = 'path/to/directory/'
csvs = glob.glob(path + "/*.csv")
for i in csvs:
df = pd.read_csv(i, index_col=None, header=0)
df = pd.concat(l, ignore_index=True)
This should work. It goes over each file name, reads it and combines everything into one df. You can export this df to csv or do whatever with it. gl.
import pandas as pd
def combine_csvs_into_one_df(names_of_files):
one_big_df = pd.DataFrame()
for file in names_of_files:
content = pd.read_csv(file)
except PermissionError:
print (file,"was not found")
one_big_df = pd.concat([one_big_df,content])
print (file," added!")
print ("------")
print ("Finished")
return one_big_df

Python pandas read_csv for specfic records in columns

I am trying to import data from a large csv file 15GB+. I have to select few columns with specific values (there are over 50 columns) but as an example. I have used
df=pd.read_csv('filename.csv', nrows=10000, usecols=['ID', State'])
Is there a way where I can specify something like that:
df=pd.read_csv('filename.csv', nrows=10000, usecols=['ID', 'State'='abc'])
Can't find any option to do that
There's no option to filter rows like that while reading csv files.
What you can do is create an iterator then apply your filter to each chunk then concat the chunks. It would look something like:
iterable = pd.read_csv('filename.csv', usecols=['ID', 'State'], iterator=True, chunksize=10000)
df = pd.concat([chunk[chunk['State'] == 'abc'] for chunk in iterable])
Assuming that the resulting DataFrame for a selection where 'State' == 'abc' is small enough to be accommodated in RAM, you could extract those from the csv as follows. df is the resultant DataFrame.
import pandas as pd
inPath = 'filename.csv'
chunkSize = 10000 #size of chunks relies on your available memory
tmpDf = pd.read_csv(inPath,chunksize=chunkSize,
usecols=['ID', 'State'])
for chunk in tmpDf:
except NameError:
df = tmpDf[tmpDf['State'] == 'abc']
df = pd.concat([df, tmpDf[tmpDf['State'] == 'abc']])
