How to disable any optional feature in jhipster? - jhipster

How to disable any optional feature in jhipster such as "Kafka" rather than regenerating another Jhipster app from scratch?

Edit the .yo-rc.json file in your project, commit it, delete src folder and run jhipster --with-entities.
Of course, if you already have added custom code, you may want to do this in a git branch and use adequate git merging strategy like git merge -s recursive -Xours <branch name> to keep your changes


Add existing NodeJs (node, Express, monodb,...) project to existing a NX monorepo (Angular)

Has anyone experienced how to add an existing NodeJS API to an existing (Angular) Nx Monrepo?
Unfortunately the manual doesn´t help me so much
The process of migrating a repo into your mono repo requires a few manual steps. I think there would not be a simpler way to do it.
Assuming your node project does not share files with your current monorepo, this should be the steps:
on your node repo, create a branch 'to-monorepo' and in it, move all the files to folders that match the nx folder structure and push the commits to it.
remove your package.json file (we will later merge it with the monorepo's one)
once the folders match the nx folder structure, time to merge into the monorepo. From the monorepo add the remote of the other repo
git remote add node-repo <your git repo's node url>
at the monorepo folder, checkout your master
run a pull to make the node repo branches be available in the monorepo
git pull
create a new branch 'merging-node-repo' on your monorepo.
merge the branch node-repo/to-monorepo into your merging-node-repo branch, preserving the history:
git merge node-repo/to-monorepo --allow-unrelated-histories
push your new branch (all the code and its history will now be listed in this new branch)
remove the remote node-repo from your local monorepo configs
git remote rm node-repo
manually merge all the node repo's original package.json file dependencies into the monorepo's one, and run npm install from the monorepo. This way your package-lock.json file is updated. Once you are done, create a commit and push it.
this last step is more tricky. You have now to manually update the monorepo's config files to allow nx to start managing it. This is where the link you had in your question might help. Once you are done, create a commit and push it.
With these steps you can then merge your merging-node-repo branch into master.
I recommend you to create a separated nx workspace with a nodejs project on it. This helps you with having a baseline for all the necessary nx configurations and dependencies.
You might want to make sure your project works via nx commands from this separated workspace; this way you will have a better chance of getting configurations of your monorepo right.
Hopefully this gets you started.
Here is a solution that I wrote and used to import multiple repos into a single monorepo, under whatever subdirectories are wanted, while maintaining commit history:
I've also found two other scripts that look like they might work, but I haven't tried them:

How do I prevent JHipster from automatically committing to my Git repo?

When I run jhipster import-jdl, it automatically commits to my Git repository. Is there a way to prevent this?
Use --skip-git option
See doc:

How to correctly push changes to Heroku

Currently whenever I make a change to some code I do the following in terminal:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Some changes"
git push heroku master
I am not 100% certain, but this seems like it is redeploying the entire project and installing all packages again. If this is the case is there a way to only push the changes made?
For example, if I change one line of code, I just want to push that one file with the change, not the entire project again.
It depends how you're packaging the app, e.g. with webpack.config. Typically you'd package and deploy the entire project to the server each time. This is the correct way to do it (rather than just trying to replace one file), so that you can do project-wide actions like minifying code, processing your CSS, etc. The server would not download/install external packages that are already there unless you specify a different version in your package.json file.
git init only be oncethen every time you make a change just run
git add. (add all changes)
git commit -m "commit"
git push origin master
It's because react has to do some of its magic before Heroku can deploy it properly. That magic includes installing the node modules, compiling all the source files, and then optimizing everything before outputting the build folder with everything in it. There's not a 1:1 relationship between the one line in one file you changed and the build output - react requires a re-build.

`git clone project2` in gitlab-ci.yml?

I'd like Gitlab CI to fetch source code of another project. Is there a better way than adding a read-only deploy key and setting it up in .gitlab-ci.yml?
You can also use GIT SUBMODULES within your project A to refer to project B and then add
to the gitlab-ci.yml file in project A.
This also enables you to specifically include a specific branch or commit from your subproject.

Should .gitignore also be added and commited to git?

.gitignore is used for ignoring the files which are not expected to be commited to git. It locates in the root directory of the project. So this file should also be added and commited as other files or?
Yes, it's a good practice to commit it, to avoid people in your team to commits temporary files, builds, and other stuffs that aren't project specific.
But if you want to have a modified one locally with a private or testing configuration, you can but if you want to apply changes you have to add it with git add .gitignore.
