Does Amazon Lightsail have remote desktop (GUI) with their Linux offering? - amazon

Lightsail allows RDP on their Windows instances, can I do the same with the Linux variant? Would like to run Selenium etc.

You need to install X or xrdp to gain access.


how docker executes windows container?

As i understand, docker use linux VM even i install it on windows OS.
So i agree that windows docker can execute linux container.
But then, how windows docker executes windows container?
Can i make container with other OS?
In other words, can i make container(having windows & windows app) and run it on linux docker?
As i know, docker does not support other OS in image, but it looks like some people is saying it is possible that make windows container and run it on linux.
Docker container shares just one kernel, is it possible?
To answer your questions:
That first statement is incorrect. Docker uses the underlying OS feature (container) to run its stack/daemon. The OS is responsible for instantiating the container itself. That means a Linux OS will instantiate a Linux container and Windows host will instantiate a Windows container. So, if you install Docker on Windows you don't have a Linux VM. Instead, you have the ability to instantiate Windows containers directly without the need to run Linux at all. To answer the question itself: The process is pretty much the same as Linux. You pull images with docker pull and then run them with docker run. You can also build images with docker build and everything else.
Windows containers can only run on Windows hosts (either Windows 10/11 or Windows Server). For Linux containers, that's not so strict. You can run Linux containers on Windows for development purposes, by leveraging the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
There's much more details on these on the Microsoft documentation page:

Running linux container on docker windows

I installed Docker for windows on a windows 10 box. It required me to enable the HyperV feature on it. Everything installed correctly and is running fine.
Although one thing took me by surprise. I am actually able to run a linux container on docker windows. I thought cross-containerization is not possible conceptually. Can anyone please help me understand how does this work?
HyperV is used to spin up a Linux VM to run containers. Docker is still running Linux containers under the covers, the native Windows containers are still being developed.
Basically, you are running a Linux Container on a Linux Machine rather than Windows. Windows runs a VM in Hyper-V when you download the Docker for Windows. You can open Hyper-V Manager and see a Linux VM will be running. Currently Docker for Windows is in beta which supports the Docker natively which needs Windows 10 build no. greater than 14393.222 or a Windows Server 2016.

Accessing VPS linux hosting like RDP in Windows

Sorry but I'm a newbie in Linux. I have a VPS hosting of CentOS 6. Can I access it like Remote Desktop on windows to see the GUI?
With a hosted Linux machine chances are that id doesn't even have "the GUI" (an X11 server and some GUI environment like KDE or Gnome) installed at all but only supports command line access via ssh.
If you really need GUI instead of command line access then the "classic" option would be VNC. There is a HowTo for this for CentOS at
or at
for example ...

Amazon Linux AMI ec2 GUI / Remote Desktop

I know GUI is for the weak but unfortunately strictly using the terminal isn't an option for me. I have an instance of the Amazon Linux AMI and I have it all set up but I can't find a guide on how to get a GUI on Amazon and how to remote desktop/ VNC into it. I have seen stuff on how to do this for the Ubuntu instance but that is different from Amazon Linux AMI and I don't want to mess up my system or something like that.
So if anyone could point me to where I can find how to do this or tell me how I'd appreciate it
No, you can't. Amazon Linux does not have a Repo for X-server packages. Also, It was meant to be used for Server side roles and hence all he X related stuff is not available.
Consider using Ubuntu OR RHEL ami where you can configure X environment manually by following this and this.
You can set up VNC server for your EC2 Linux boxes. There are tutorials for ubuntu (xrdp) and RHEL (VNC server) in the following websites.
Hope it helps!
You can install a GUI just using one command
sudo amazon-linux-extras install mate-desktop1.x
I'm using a Remmina VNC as a client on my Ubuntu.
If you need a Windows client - then you have a plenty of options - RealVNC, TightVNC, TigerVNC, UltraVNC

Can vmWare Server be installed in a X-less host?

I am planning to move my vmWare's Virtual Machines from a Windows host to a Linux host (Ubuntu). It is possible to run vmWare Server in a Linux host that does not have the graphical environment (does not have X)?
I just wonder how the graphical setup of Windows/Linux guest work in this case.
Thanks in advance for your time.
Victor Marquez
Just install it on Ubuntu Server and install it via apt-get. Here's a good walkthrough
I did this on my development server and connect to it using the graphical client on my Windows machine. I have no gui installed.
the X libraries are required during the compilation and installation of VMware Server on Linux.
virtualbox has some command line tools that you can use and I don't believe it requires an x installation. You should compare the features and make sure that's what you want though.
