Buildfire: How to use Webhooks - buildfire

I am wondering how I would be able to use Webhooks and allow Apple to verify the domain of an app or a plugin.
Alex Case


Connecting to customer's stripe account

Newbie to stripe here. I have seen this done on some apps but can't seem to be able to find documentation on stripe on how to do this:
On our website, we want to let our customers integrate our app with their Stripe account. So ideally I'd like to send the customers to stripe, they login and when they come back, our app has all the info we need from their stripe account (keys, ...?).
What is this flow called? Where can I find documentations for it?
Thank you in advance.
without knowing what you are planning on doing with your app it is difficult to know what you are exactly looking for. But I am guessing you’re looking for this guide right here: Build a Stripe Extension. If it doesn’t fit your use case, you may want to check out Stripe Connect.

Can I implement Stripe checkout in React without my own backend server?

I have a React frontend deployed on Netlify. I want to implement a simple payment system where user can enter the amount they want and pay using Stripe checkout or even PayPal. I wanted to know If this is possible without paying for a separate backend. Or is there any other self hosted payment gateway you can suggest?
thanks! :)
Technically, you can use client-only Stripe Checkout, however it's not the recommended path:
Client-only is not recommended because it lacks many of the features made possible with a client-server integration. Furthermore, the client-only integration is not currently (as of this post) receiving new features or upgrades.
If you don't want to do server-sided development, then Stripe Checkout (client-only integration) is the way to go. Everything you need can be done on Stripe dashboard.
Stripe now has a solution called Stripe Payment Links. It's a client-only solution... in fact it requires no code!
As you can see on Stripe docs The Stripe API uses API keys to authenticate requests. - so this means that you need a secure way to integrate with them, without exposing those keys.
So the best way would be to use some serverless backend (FaaS) for that, like Amazon Lambda, GCP Cloud Functions etc.
Here's a good article, how to integrate Stripe with, which should be pretty simple to use

How can i use stripe.redirectToCheckout in my webforms?

I want to redirect my users to stripe secure checkout option instead of getting their credit card details in my website using stripe gateway. How can i accomplish it using stripe.redirectToCheckout. Didn't found and proper example or documentation.

Enable webhooks in hangout chat room

I want to create a simple webhook to a chat room in I am unable to see menu option to configure webhooks. What do GSuite admins have to do to enable webhooks?
Read the documentation, specially the part about limitations.

How to configure Webhooks for QuickBooks by using API?

I have been working on QuickBooks Webhooks integration. According to QB's document, If I want to configure Webhooks, I have to log in to my account, go to Setting tab then and click Add Webhooks button. So, Can I do it manually? I mean that are there any APIs to do this? Thanks a lot!
I mean that are there any APIs to do this?
You have to do it manually.
