How to install Node.js on a Raspberry Pi B+ - node.js

I'm having trouble installing it on my Raspberry Pi B+.
I tried this but it keeps saying
## You appear to be running on ARMv6 hardware. Unfortunately this is not currently supported by the NodeSource Linux distributions. Please use the 'linux-armv6l' binary tarballs available directly from for Node.js v4 and later.
and i can't find a proper tutorial. Please help

Find the appropriate download from here:
Yours looks like:


How to install ubuntu unity

How to install ubuntu unity with in ubuntu mate?
Tried installing via terminal sudo and was unsuccessful. Hardware is raspberry pi 3.
Unity does not support Linux. Only as a target platform. Editor platform is Windows.
They had an experimental version some time ago, but that is mostly dead. I also wanted to have that but it's Windows you need for Unity.
There were official releases, but this forum page is from the stoneage:

Xojo HTMLviewer Raspberry Pi3

I'm developing an app for Windows and raspberry pi using Xojo. I'm relying on the HTMLviewer heavily in places to render web driven content.
I have multiple Raspberry Pi 3s, reading the xojo documentation I can see that HTMLViewers are not supported on Jessie. However, I cannot run Wheezy as it will not run on the pi3 due to kernel support for ARMv8.
I have tried using Ubuntu mate on the Pi and using sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-1.0.0, however this does not work as Ubuntu has deprecated 1.0.
I'm looking for suggestions as to how I can get the HTMLviewers working on Raspberry Pi 3. I'm open to any suggestions OS versions etc. The PI will only be used for the custom app.
Many Thanks

Accessing Mainframe on Linux via an Emulator

Can anyone please provide a detailed process of installing an Emulator on Linux and accessing the Mainframe from it. I have gone through almost all on net and I am unable to get through it.
There are very few 3270 emulators for Linux, including vendor products. The most common one is x3270 which you can install using the standard package installers. For example, sudo apt-get install x3270 on an Ubuntu system.
Try the MVS turnkey system:
I also had issues trying to do it "from scratch" but turnkey sets it all up nicely.

installing headers for 3.5 kernel in debian wheezy?

Yesterday, I compiled the 3.5 kernel in debian wheezy (testing), in a thinkpad edge S430 (i5). I did it following this blog, with all the default options. It seems succesful, but then, I tried to install the proprietary nvidia driver with m-a auto-install nvidia-kernel. The install is not able to proceed until the correct headers are installed. However, I have tried both manually to install linux-headers-3.5.0-18 and the linux-headers-amd64 package, but module assistant is not able to see them, showing the following message:
Bad luck, the kernel headers for the target kernel version could not be found and you did not specify other valid kernel headers to use.
There are other ways to install the driver, but I think that the problem with headers is broader.
Although I have been a Debian user for some years, I am far from being an expert, and I am not clear with the problems that I might face when compiling a 3.5 kernel on a Debian testing, so any help and explanation will be much appreciated.
First run
sudo m-a prepare
Getting source for kernel version: 3.8.5-ck1
Kernel headers available in /usr/src/linux-headers-3.8.5-ck1
Creating symlink..
Then do
sudo m-a a-i nvidia
and it should work.
Note that I did this on 3.8.5-ck1, but I built and installed that kernel in a similar fashion to how I wrote up the 3.5 build that you followed.

BlueCove library bluecove not available - Error using Bluecove/Java

How do I install Bluecove in Ubuntu 11/Eclipse IDE?
As far as i was aware, all I had to do was add the bluecove.jar and bluecove-gpl.jar to the Build-Path of the project within Eclipse.
I'm using some sample Bluecove code found here:
When I compile it, I'm getting an error: Native Library bluecove_x64 not available
Exception in thread "main" javax.bluetooth.BluetoothStateException: BlueCove library bluecove not available
Obviously, my Bluetooth USB dongle is plugged in when I do this...
I definitely have BlueZ protocol stack installed.
What am I doing wrong? Is Bluecove supported by 64-bit Linux? I've also been trying to get it installed on a CentOS 5.5 machine as well, but with no luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you
I found an solutution to the problem.
for ubuntu version
sudo apt-get install libbluetooth-dev
for fedora version
yum install bluez-libs-devel
should do the trick
The package has a differant name in CentOS 5.5... it is
bluez-libs-devel-3.7-1.1.x86_64 <---64-bit
bluez-libs-devel-3.7-1.1.i386 <---32-bit
