why do I get Partition index must be integer in KNeighborsclassifier? - python-3.x

I am trying to use sciklearn to find the goodness of a KNeighborsClassifier on my data.
My code is below (X is a matrix with NUM_MATCHES rows and NUM_FEATURES columns, Y is a column vector with NUM_MATCHES rows). I keep getting the error
TypeError: Partition index must be integer
on this line of the code below
rad_prob = estimator.predict_proba(np.reshape(radiant_query,(1,-1)))[0][1]
I am new to sciklearn not sure what the issue is.
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn import cross_validation
import numpy as np
def score(estimator, X, y):
correct_predictions = 0
for i, radiant_query in enumerate(X):
dire_query = np.concatenate((radiant_query[NUM_HEROES:NUM_FEATURES], radiant_query[0:NUM_HEROES]))
rad_prob = estimator.predict_proba(np.reshape(radiant_query,(1,-1)))[0][1]
dire_prob = estimator.predict_proba(np.reshape(dire_query,(1,-1)))[0][0]
overall_prob = (rad_prob + dire_prob) / 2
prediction = 1 if (overall_prob > 0.5) else -1
result = 1 if prediction == y[i] else 0
correct_predictions += result
accuracy = float(correct_predictions) / len(X)
print ('Accuracy: %f' % accuracy)
return accuracy
preprocessed = np.load('train_9000.npz')
X = preprocessed['X']
Y = preprocessed['Y']
k_fold = cross_validation.KFold(n=NUM_MATCHES, n_folds=K, shuffle=True)
d_tries = [3, 4, 5]
d_accuracy_pairs = []
for d_index, d in enumerate(d_tries):
model = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=NUM_MATCHES/K,metric=my_distance,weights=poly_param(d))
model_accuracies = cross_validation.cross_val_score(model, X, Y, scoring=score, cv=k_fold)
model_accuracy = model_accuracies.mean()
d_accuracy_pairs.append((d, model_accuracy))


Discrete Laplacian on a non-regular mesh (python)

I have coded the laplacien function for a non-regular mesh (created with the scipy.spatial.Delaunay function).
I have not errors but the results are not correct : the eigenvectors are correct but the eigenvalues ​​are too high (in absolute value).
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import scipy.spatial
def rect_drum(L,H,U):
vals = []
val = 0
k = 1
l = 1
while val >= -U:
while val >= -U:
val = -np.pi**2*((k/L)**2+(l/H)**2)
if val >= -U:
l += 1
l = 1
k += 1
val = -np.pi**2*((k/L)**2+(l/H)**2)
return np.array(vals)
def count_vp(tab,U):
#count the n eigenvalues ​​greater than equal to -U in the array tab
return tab[tab>=-U]
def in_curve(f,fargs,shape,a):
points = [] # the points inside the curve
for j in range(shape[0]):
for i in range(shape[1]):
if f(i*a,j*a,*fargs) < 0:
return np.array(points)
def triang(points,a,f,fargs,bord):
tri_points = points.copy()
tri_points[:,1] *= np.sqrt(3)
tri_points2 = np.vstack((points,bord))
tri_points2[:,1] *= np.sqrt(3)
tri_points2[:,0] += a/2
tri_points2[:,1] += np.sqrt(3)/2*a
fin = np.vstack((tri_points,tri_points2))
i = 0
eps = 0.01
while i < len(fin):
if f(fin[i,0]+eps,fin[i,1]+eps,*fargs) > 0:
fin = np.delete(fin,i,0)
i -= 1
i += 1
return np.vstack((fin,bord)),len(fin),len(bord)
def tri_ang(points,ind,p0):
# sort the points in trigonometric order
values = []
dtype = [('val',float),('n',int)]
for i in range(len(vec)):
values = np.sort(np.array(values,dtype),order='val')
new_points = []
new_ind = []
for tup in values:
return np.array(new_points),np.array(new_ind)
def M(points,tri,Nint):
indptr,ind = tri.vertex_neighbor_vertices
W = np.zeros((Nint,Nint)) # cotangents matrix
A = np.zeros((Nint,1)) # surfaces vertex array for each point i (A[i])
for i in range(Nint):
tot = 0
nhb_ind = ind[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]] # indices of the points close to the point of index k
nhb = points[nhb_ind] # their coordinates
nhb,nhb_ind = tri_ang(nhb,nhb_ind,points[i]) #the coordinates (nhb) and (nhb_ind) of each neighbor of i
for j in range(len(nhb_ind)):
vec = nhb[j]-points[i] # a vector connecting the point to his neighbor of index 0
vec_av = nhb[j-1]-points[i] # another vector but with the Vosin from before
if j+1 >= len(nhb_ind):
k = 0
k = j+1
vec_ap = nhb[k]-points[i] # another vector but with the next neighbor
# another vector but with the next neighbor
A[i] += 0.5/3*np.linalg.norm(np.cross(vec,vec_av))
if nhb_ind[j] < Nint:
# we use the vector and scalar product to calculate the cotangents: A.B/||AxB||
cotan_alpha = np.dot(vec_av,vec_av-vec)/np.linalg.norm(np.cross(vec_av,vec_av-vec))
cotan_beta = np.dot(vec_ap,vec_ap-vec)/np.linalg.norm(np.cross(vec_ap,vec_ap-vec))
# Wij value :
W[i,nhb_ind[j]] = -0.5*(cotan_alpha+cotan_beta)
tot += cotan_alpha+cotan_beta
W[i,i] = -0.5*tot # diagonal values
return (1/A)*W
def rect(x,y,L,H,x0=0,y0=0):
if 0<x-x0<L and 0<y-y0<H:
return -1
return 1
def rect_rim(L,H,a,x0=0,y0=0):
tab1 = np.arange(x0,L+x0,a)[:,np.newaxis]
h = np.hstack((tab1,H*np.ones((len(tab1),1))+y0))
b = np.hstack((tab1,np.zeros((len(tab1),1))+y0))
tab2 = np.arange(y0+a,H+y0,a)[:,np.newaxis]
g = np.hstack((np.zeros((len(tab2),1))+x0,tab2))
d = np.hstack((L*np.ones((len(tab2),1))+x0,tab2))
hp = np.array([[L+x0,H+y0]])
bp = np.array([[L+x0,0]])
return np.vstack((h,b,g,d,hp,bp))
# sample with a square 1*1
L = 1
H = 1
dl = 0.05
sol = in_curve(rect,[L,H],(100,100),dl)
sol_tri,Nint,Nbord = triang(sol,dl,rect,[L,H],rect_rim(L,H,dl))
# plt.plot(sol_tri[:,0],sol_tri[:,1],linestyle="",marker="+",label="tri")
# plt.plot(sol[:,0],sol[:,1],linestyle="",marker="x")
# plt.legend()
# plt.show()
# triangulation
tri = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(sol_tri)
# plt.triplot(sol_tri[:,0],sol_tri[:,1],tri.simplices)
# plt.show()
M = M(sol_tri,tri,Nint)
valp,vecp = np.linalg.eig(M) # eigenvalues and eigenvectors
vecp = np.real(vecp)
# comparison with the exact solution:
T = 1000
U = np.arange(0,T,1)
NUsim = np.array([len(count_vp(valp,u)) for u in U])
NU = np.array([len(rect_drum(L,H,u)) for u in U])
# 3D plot of an eigenvector
vecp_tot = np.vstack((vecp,np.zeros((Nbord,Nint))))
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
The laplacian is the function named "M".
The "in_curve function" return the points inside a curve defined by f(x,y,*fargs) < 0 (a square in the sample).
The "triang" function return points with added points (triangle meshs). The fonction uses an another function for the rim of the curve (for most precision), in the sample it is the "rect_rim" function.
I used the formula given at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrete_Laplace_operator ("mesh laplacians").
I have solve my problem : it's a sign and a rim problems.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import scipy.spatial
def rect_drum(L,H,U):
vals = []
val = 0
k = 1
l = 1
while val >= -U:
while val >= -U:
val = -np.pi**2*((k/L)**2+(l/H)**2)
if val >= -U:
l += 1
l = 1
k += 1
val = -np.pi**2*((k/L)**2+(l/H)**2)
return np.array(vals)
def count_vp(tab,U):
#count the n eigenvalues ​​greater than equal to -U in the array tab
return tab[tab>=-U]
def in_curve(f,fargs,shape,a):
points = [] # the points inside the curve
for j in range(shape[0]):
for i in range(shape[1]):
if f(i*a,j*a,*fargs) < 0:
return np.array(points)
def triang(points,a,f,fargs,bord):
tri_points = points.copy()
tri_points[:,1] *= np.sqrt(3)
tri_points2 = np.vstack((points,bord))
tri_points2[:,1] *= np.sqrt(3)
tri_points2[:,0] += a/2
tri_points2[:,1] += np.sqrt(3)/2*a
fin = np.vstack((tri_points,tri_points2))
i = 0
eps = 0.01
while i < len(fin):
if f(fin[i,0]+eps,fin[i,1]+eps,*fargs) > 0:
fin = np.delete(fin,i,0)
i -= 1
i += 1
return np.vstack((fin,bord)),len(fin),len(bord)
def tri_ang(points,ind,p0):
# sort the points in trigonometric order
values = []
dtype = [('val',float),('n',int)]
for i in range(len(vec)):
values = np.sort(np.array(values,dtype),order='val')
new_points = []
new_ind = []
for tup in values:
return np.array(new_points),np.array(new_ind)
def Laplacian(points,tri,Nint):
indptr,ind = tri.vertex_neighbor_vertices
W = np.zeros((Nint,Nint)) # cotangents matrix
A = np.zeros((Nint,1)) # surfacesvertex aray of point i (A[i])
for i in range(Nint):
tot = 0
nhb_ind = ind[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]] # indices of the points close to the point of index k
nhb = points[nhb_ind] # their coordinates
nhb,nhb_ind = tri_ang(nhb,nhb_ind,points[i]) #the coordinates (nhb) and (nhb_ind) of each neighbor of i
for j in range(len(nhb_ind)):
vec = nhb[j]-points[i] # a vector connecting the point to his neighbor of index 0
vec_av = nhb[j-1]-points[i] # another vector but with the Vosin from before
if j+1 >= len(nhb_ind):
k = 0
k = j+1
vec_ap = nhb[k]-points[i] # another vector but with the next neighbor
# we use the cross product to calculate the areas of the triangles: ||AxB||/2:
A[i] += 0.5/3*np.linalg.norm(np.cross(vec,vec_av))
# we use the cross product and scalar product to calculate the cotangents: A.B/||AxB||
cotan_alpha = np.dot(vec_av,vec_av-vec)/np.linalg.norm(np.cross(vec_av,vec_av-vec))
cotan_beta = np.dot(vec_ap,vec_ap-vec)/np.linalg.norm(np.cross(vec_ap,vec_ap-vec))
tot += cotan_alpha+cotan_beta
if nhb_ind[j] < Nint:
W[i,nhb_ind[j]] = 0.5*(cotan_alpha+cotan_beta)
W[i,i] = -0.5*tot # diagonal values
return (1/A)*W
def rect(x,y,L,H,x0=0,y0=0):
if 0<x-x0<L and 0<y-y0<H:
return -1
return 1
def rect_rim(L,H,a,x0=0,y0=0):
tab1 = np.arange(x0,L+x0,a)[:,np.newaxis]
h = np.hstack((tab1,H*np.ones((len(tab1),1))+y0))
b = np.hstack((tab1,np.zeros((len(tab1),1))+y0))
tab2 = np.arange(y0+a,H+y0,a)[:,np.newaxis]
g = np.hstack((np.zeros((len(tab2),1))+x0,tab2))
d = np.hstack((L*np.ones((len(tab2),1))+x0,tab2))
hp = np.array([[L+x0,H+y0]])
bp = np.array([[L+x0,0]])
return np.vstack((h,b,g,d,hp,bp))
# sample with a square 1*1
L = 1
H = 1
dl = 0.04
sol = in_curve(rect,[L,H],(100,100),dl)
sol_tri,Nint,Nbord = triang(sol,dl,rect,[L,H],rect_rim(L,H,dl))
# triangulation
tri = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(sol_tri)
M = Laplacian(sol_tri,tri,Nint)
valp,vecp = np.linalg.eig(M) # eigenvalues and eigenvectors
vecp = np.real(vecp)
# comparison with the exact solution:
T = 1000
U = np.arange(0,T,1)
NUsim = np.array([len(count_vp(valp,u)) for u in U])
NU = np.array([len(rect_drum(L,H,u)) for u in U])
# 3D plot of an eigenvector
mode = 0 # change this for an another mode
vecp_tot = np.vstack((vecp,np.zeros((Nbord,Nint))))
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
Notes :
1- The hight eigenvalues are false : it's an effect of discretisation.
2- If dl is too small, we have false eigenvectors and eigenvalues (at the top of valp and firsts vectors of vecp), it's probably due to the quality of the meshing.

Numpy implementation for regression using NN

I am implementing my own Neural Network model for regression using only NumPy, and I'm getting really weird results when I'm testing my model on m > 1 samples (for m=1 it works fine).. It seems like the model collapses and predicts only specific values for the whole batch:
X [[ 7.62316802 -6.12433912]
[ 1.11048966 4.97509421]]
Expected Output:
Y [[16.47952332 12.50288412]]
Model Output
y_hat [[10.42446234 10.42446234]]
Any idea what might cause this issue?
My code:
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# np.seterr(all=None, divide=None, over=None, under=None, invalid=None)
data_x = np.random.uniform(0, 10, size=(2, 1))
data_y = (2 * data_x).sum(axis=0, keepdims=True)
# data_y = data_x[0, :] ** 2 + data_x[1, :] ** 2
# data_y = data_y.reshape((1, -1))
# # fig = plt.figure()
# # ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# # ax.scatter(data_x[0, :], data_x[1, :], data_y)
# # plt.show()
memory = dict()
nn_architecture = [
{"input_dim": 2, "output_dim": 6, "activation": "sigmoid", "bias": True},
{"input_dim": 6, "output_dim": 4, "activation": "sigmoid", "bias": True},
{"input_dim": 4, "output_dim": 1, "activation": "relu", "bias": True}
def init_network_parameters(nn_architecture):
parameters = []
for idx, layer in enumerate(nn_architecture):
layer_params = {}
input_dim, output_dim, activation, bias = layer.values()
W = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (output_dim, input_dim))
B = np.zeros((output_dim, 1))
if bias:
B = np.ones((output_dim, 1))
activation_func = identity
backward_activation_func = identity_backward
if activation is 'sigmoid':
activation_func = sigmoid
backward_activation_func = sigmoid_backward
elif activation is 'relu':
activation_func = relu
backward_activation_func = relu_backward
print(f"Activation function set to identity for layer {idx}")
layer_params[f"W"] = W
layer_params[f"B"] = B
layer_params[f"activation"] = activation_func
layer_params[f"backward_activation"] = backward_activation_func
layer_params[f"bias"] = bias
return parameters
def identity(z):
return z
def sigmoid(z):
return np.clip(1 / (1 + np.exp(-z)), -100, 100)
def relu(z):
output = np.array(z, copy=True)
output[z <= 0] = 0
return output
def identity_backward(z, dA):
return dA
def sigmoid_backward(z, dA):
return np.clip(z * (1-z) * dA, -100, 100)
def relu_backward(z, dA):
output = np.ones(z.shape)
output[z <= 0] = 0
return output * dA
def forward_single_layer(prev_A, parameters, idx):
W = parameters[f"W"]
B = parameters[f"B"]
activation = parameters[f"activation"]
if parameters["bias"]:
curr_Z = W.dot(prev_A) + B
curr_Z = W.dot(prev_A)
curr_A = activation(curr_Z)
memory[f"Z{idx+1}"] = curr_Z
memory[f"A{idx+1}"] = curr_A
return curr_Z, curr_A
def forward(X, parameters):
prev_A = X
memory["A0"] = prev_A
for idx, layer_params in enumerate(parameters):
curr_Z, prev_A = forward_single_layer(prev_A=prev_A, parameters=layer_params, idx=idx)
return prev_A
def criteria(y_hat, y):
assert y_hat.shape == y.shape
n = y_hat.shape[0]
m = y_hat.shape[1]
loss = np.sum(y_hat - y, axis=1) / m
dA = (y_hat - y) / m
return loss, dA
def backward_single_layer(prev_A, dA, curr_W, curr_Z, backward_activation, idx):
m = prev_A.shape[1]
dZ = backward_activation(z=curr_Z, dA=dA)
dW = np.dot(dZ, prev_A.T) / m
dB = np.sum(dZ, axis=1, keepdims=True) / m
dA = np.dot(curr_W.T, dZ)
return dA, dW, dB
def backpropagation(parameters, dA):
grads = {}
for idx in reversed(range(len(parameters))):
layer = parameters[idx]
prev_A = memory[f"A{idx}"]
curr_Z = memory[f"Z{idx+1}"]
curr_W = layer["W"]
backward_activation = layer["backward_activation"]
dA, dW, dB = backward_single_layer(prev_A, dA, curr_W, curr_Z, backward_activation, idx)
grads[f"W{idx}"] = dW
grads[f"B{idx}"] = dB
return grads
def update_params(parameters, grads, lr=0.001):
new_params = []
for idx, layer in enumerate(parameters):
layer["W"] -= lr*grads[f"W{idx}"]
layer["B"] -= lr*grads[f"B{idx}"]
return new_params
X = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, (2, 2))
Y = 2*X[0, :] + X[1, :] ** 2
Y = Y.reshape((1, X.shape[1]))
parameters = init_network_parameters(nn_architecture)
n_epochs = 1000
lr = 0.01
loss_history = []
for i in range(n_epochs):
y_hat = forward(X, parameters)
loss, dA = criteria(y_hat, Y)
grads = backpropagation(parameters, dA)
parameters = update_params(parameters, grads, lr)
if not i % 10:
print(f"Epoch {i}/{n_epochs} loss={loss}")
print("X", X)
print("Y", Y)
print("y_hat", y_hat)
There wasn't a problem with my implementation, just overfitting.
More information can be found here.

TypeError: Cannot cast array data from dtype('O') to dtype('int64') according to the rule 'safe'

When I run code below, I get:
TypeError: Cannot cast array data from dtype('O') to dtype('int64') according to the rule 'safe'
But I don't know where is dtype('O') and dtype('int64'). Does anyone know where is to parse?
import collections
import numpy as np
import math
import pandas as pd
def pre_prob(y):
y_dict = collections.Counter(y)
pre_probab = np.ones(2)
for i in range(0, 2):
pre_probab[i] = y_dict[i]/y.shape[0]
return pre_probab
def mean_var(X, y):
n_features = X.shape[1]
m = np.ones((2, n_features))
v = np.ones((2, n_features))
n_0 = np.bincount(y)[np.nonzero(np.bincount(y))[0]][0]
x0 = np.ones((n_0, n_features))
x1 = np.ones((X.shape[0] - n_0, n_features))
k = 0
for i in range(0, X.shape[0]):
if y[i] == 0:
x0[k] = X[i]
k = k + 1
k = 0
for i in range(0, X.shape[0]):
if y[i] == 1:
x1[k] = X[i]
k = k + 1
for j in range(0, n_features):
m[0][j] = np.mean(x0.T[j])
v[0][j] = np.var(x0.T[j])*(n_0/(n_0 - 1))
m[1][j] = np.mean(x1.T[j])
v[1][j] = np.var(x1.T[j])*((X.shape[0]-n_0)/((X.shape[0]- n_0) - 1))
return m, v # mean and variance
def prob_feature_class(m, v, x):
n_features = m.shape[1]
pfc = np.ones(2)
for i in range(0, 2):
product = 1
for j in range(0, n_features):
product = product * (1/math.sqrt(2*3.14*v[i][j])) * math.exp(-0.5* pow((x[j] - m[i][j]),2)/v[i][j])
pfc[i] = product
return pfc
def GNB(X, y, x):
m, v = mean_var(X, y)
pfc = prob_feature_class(m, v, x)
pre_probab = pre_prob(y)
pcf = np.ones(2)
total_prob = 0
for i in range(0, 2):
total_prob = total_prob + (pfc[i] * pre_probab[i])
for i in range(0, 2):
pcf[i] = (pfc[i] * pre_probab[i])/total_prob
prediction = int(pcf.argmax())
return m, v, pre_probab, pfc, pcf, prediction

Weights are not getting updated while training logistic regression by using iris dataset

Python code:
I have used the Python code as below. Here, machine is trained by using Logistic Regression algorithm and wine dataset. Here, problem is that weights are not getting updated. I don't understand where is the problem.
from sklearn import datasets
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
dataset = datasets.load_wine()
x = dataset.data
y = dataset.target
y = y.reshape(178,1)
x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(x,y,test_size=0.15,shuffle=True)
class log_reg():
def __init__(self):
def sigmoid(self,x):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
def train(self,x,y,w1,w2,alpha,iterations):
cost_history = [0] * iterations
Y_train = np.zeros([y.shape[0],3])
for i in range(Y_train.shape[0]):
for j in range(Y_train.shape[1]):
if(y[i] == j):
Y_train[i,j] = 1
for iteration in range(iterations):
z1 = x.dot(w1)
a1 = self.sigmoid(z1)
z2 = a1.dot(w2)
a2 = self.sigmoid(z2)
sig_sum = np.sum(np.exp(a2),axis=1)
sig_sum = sig_sum.reshape(a2.shape[0],1)
op = np.exp(a2) / sig_sum
loss = (Y_train * np.log(op))
dl = (op-Y_train)
dz1 = ((dl*(self.sigmoid(z2))*(1-self.sigmoid(z2))).dot(w2.T))*(self.sigmoid(z1))*(1-self.sigmoid(z1))
dz2 = (dl * (self.sigmoid(z2))*(1-self.sigmoid(z2)))
dw1 = x.T.dot(dz1)
dw2 = a1.T.dot(dz2)
w1 += alpha * dw1
w2 += alpha * dw2
cost_history[iteration] = (np.sum(loss)/len(loss))
return w1,w2,cost_history
def predict(self,x,y,w1,w2):
z1 = x.dot(w1)
a1 = self.sigmoid(z1)
z2 = a1.dot(w2)
a2 = self.sigmoid(z2)
sig_sum = np.sum(np.exp(a2),axis=1)
sig_sum = sig_sum.reshape(a2.shape[0],1)
op = np.exp(a2) / sig_sum
y_preds = np.argmax(op,axis=1)
acc = self.accuracy(y_preds,y)
return y_preds,acc
def accuracy(self,y_preds,y):
y_preds = y_preds.reshape(len(y_preds),1)
correct = (y_preds == y)
accuracy = (np.sum(correct) / len(y)) * 100
return (accuracy)
if __name__ == "__main__":
network = log_reg()
w1 = np.random.randn(14,4) * 0.01
w2 = np.random.randn(4,3) * 0.01
X_train = np.ones([x_train.shape[0],x_train.shape[1]+1])
X_train[:,:-1] = x_train
X_test = np.ones([x_test.shape[0],x_test.shape[1]+1])
X_test[:,:-1] = x_test
new_w1,new_w2,cost = network.train(X_train,y_train,w1,w2,0.0045,10000)
y_preds,accuracy = network.predict(X_test,y_test,new_w1,new_w2)
In the above code, parameters are mentioned as below
x--training set,
w1--weights for first layer,
w2--weights for second layer,
I used logistic regression with 2 hidden layers.
I am trying to train dataset wine from sklearn.I don't know where the problem is, but weights are not updating. Any help would be appreciated.
Your weights are updating , but I think you cant see them changing because you are printing them after execution. Python has a object reference method for numpy arrays so when you passed w1 , its values change values too so new_w1 and w1 become the same .
Take this example
import numpy as np
def change(x):
return x
if you see the output it comes out as
[1 2 3 4]
[4 5 6 7]
I recommend that you add a bias and fix your accuracy function as I get my accuracy as 1000.
My execution when i run the code
the w1 and w2 values are indeed changing .
the only thing i changed was the main code and enabled the original data set , please do the same and tell if your weights are still not updating
if __name__ == "__main__":
network = log_reg()
w1 = np.random.randn(13,4) * 0.01
w2 = np.random.randn(4,3) * 0.01
print(" ")
print(" ")
new_w1,new_w2,cost = network.train(x_train,y_train,w1,w2,0.0045,10000)
print(" ")
print(" ")
y_preds,accuracy = network.predict(x_test,y_test,new_w1,new_w2)

How to get different predation values every year for my simulation?

I am trying to run this model of seed predation and population dynamics but I am new to coding and I am only getting one predation value that gets repeated over different generations. How can I get different predation values for different year?
Also, Is there an issue with the normalizing method used?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def is_odd(year):
return ((year % 2) == 1)
def reproduction(p_iter, year, dead):
if is_odd(year):
predation = dead
seedsProd = p_iter*s_oddd
seedsPred = K*predation*200*(seedsProd/np.sum(seedsProd))
return (seedsProd - seedsPred) + np.array([0,0,p_iter[2]])
predation = dead
seedsProd = p_iter*s_even
seedsPred = K*predation*200*(seedsProd/np.sum(seedsProd))
return (seedsProd - seedsPred) +np.array([0,p_iter[1],0])
def normalize(p_iter):
if is_odd(year):
x = np.copy(p_iter)
x[2] = 0
x = (K-p_iter[2]) * x / sum(x)
x[2] = p_iter[2]
return x
x = np.copy(p_iter)
x[1] = 0
x = (K-p_iter[1]) * x / sum(x)
x[1] = p_iter[1]
return x
Predation is defined here:
def predation():
return (np.array(np.round(np.random.uniform(0.4,0.6),2)))
Y = 100
#carrying capacity
K = 1000
#initial populaton
p_1, p_2, p_3 = 998., 1., 1.
#seed released per plant
s_1, s_2, s_3 = 200, 260, 260
p_init = np.array([p_1, p_2, p_3],dtype=float)
s_oddd = np.array([s_1, s_2, 0.0])
s_even = np.array([s_1, 0.0, s_3])
n = len(p_init)
m = np.append(p_init,s_oddd)
p_iter = p_init
dead = 0
norm = 0
for year in range(1,Y+1):
dead = predation()
seeds = reproduction(p_iter, year, dead)
p_iter = np.maximum(seeds,np.zeros(p_iter.shape))
p_iter = normalize(p_iter)
m = np.vstack((m, [*p_iter]+[*seeds] ))
