Count page visits in Bolt CMS - twig

I need to count webpage visits in Bolt CMS to make rating of pages. Something like in StackOverflow:
I have contenttype pages with field visits. I know that I need to add in page template some code, but I don't understand how to increment field visits of my current record. Is it possible via twig?
Or I have to add some custom query in template? But I don't know how to do this.
I will be grateful for any advice.

Ok, there's a quick and potentially incorrect way to do this, within your twig template you can increment and save the visits value:
{% record.setValue('visits', record.visits +1 ) %}
{% %}
This will be fine if you're working on a simple project but it does force a db query in every single pageview of your site (including from bots/automated scripts etc) so it isn't really ideal for a production medium/high traffic site.
If you want to tackle it in a more robust way then using the Google Analytics approach of an Async JS tracker is probably better, or you could even use the Google Analytics API to periodically update your visits based on the pageviews recorded by Google.

there is a little more to this I guess. stack overflow also checks unique people that visited. But for a basic solution I would create an table in the database with a simple int field. and set it to 0. (for every page)
Then create a PHP file where you would get this.
$pagid (Get url)
$result = mysql_query('Select count from counter WHERE pageid=$pagid');
$newcount = $result['count'] + 1;
mysql_query('UPDATE counter SET count=$newcount');
Then simply include this in every page and test if when you refresh the page the counter goes up. (The thing I declared in my code field above is a general rundown of what needs to happen so youll need to tweak it a bit)
When you get this to work you can go and try to add some checker if visitor is unique etc. But that is a problem of its own.
If u are ok with using PHP then add the PHP tag the sessions tag and the sql tag, others may give you an better explanation than I did here.
Also the reason you would need to do this using PHP or other script is becouse twig the 'PHP' templated doesnt allow you to modify the database data. It only allows you to GET it.
Hope some of my explanation(s) made sense and hope this helps you with your problem!


Kentico Smart Search for application with multiple sites

I am having quite the difficulty. on our company site I had set up the Smart Search functionality. setting up indexes for each of the sites with in the application
(i.e. https://arkansas.quitlogix.org
I even made sure to limit each site to the index meant for it. the problem is that the smart search results, either changes for each site, or if I include multipule indexes it gives me all the results for all the indexes, not just for the site I am working with. can some one help as to what I am doing wrong?
From your description, it sounds like you want each site's search to work independently so that - e.g. - Idaho results are not served on the Colorado search results.
To do this, you'll have (and sounds like you do) a SmartSearch index set up for each site with the allowed content in the index limited to the site in question.
What I would look at is the template your using for the search results. It looks very similar on the three sites you've listed, which makes me think that they are the same template. If that is the case and you're using a web part for the search results, you'll need a macro or some other logic to tell the page which index to look at.The template is effectively global, so each time you set the index on the Smart search results web part, it will override the previous value, even if you're switching between sites.
A way to do the switching can be to set the Indexes field to something like the following macro:
{% if (CurrentSite.CodeName == "QuitLogix_Arkansas") { "ArkansasSiteIndex" } else if(CurrentSite.CodeName == "QuitLogix_Colorado") { "ColoradoSiteIndex" } else {"IdahoSiteIndex"} #%}
If you've done all that or are using separate templates, you will not need that. Other options can include using multiple Smart search results web parts with their set the visibility based upon the current site or by having a different template for each sub-domain.

Searching Single Pages with Dynamic Content

I have a slight problem I have been trying to address for a client I have been working with. We have 4 sets of single pages that are loading content from a database using PHP based upon a get string that is provided. These pages that are generated are optimized well for SEO and have alt tags for images and Content that we need to be able to search using a search feature.
Now i had assumed (An everyone knows what assuming gets you) that these pages by default would be able to be searched by the concrete 5 built in search feature. But it doesn't work. If I search for a word that I know is definitely on one of these pages even multiple times no results are found.
How can I make Concrete5 search these pages. If its no do able by a default or by a plugin, then can someone please offer some advice on how to fix this. This is an important feature and must be completed.
EDIT: See my comment below. I still need some help or direction here as CSE inst much of an option.
EDIT2: It may be viable for me to install a crawler and a custom search engine to address my problems. I was thinking of spider. Any other suggestions on that or other options are much appreciated!
Unfortunately C5 doesn't provide a way to do this -- the only way to tap into the search index is with blocks. And even if you created a phony block just to pass content from the single_page through to the search index, there's no way to say that some content is from one URL while other content is from another URL (which you'd need to do since your single_page controller is handling many different URL's).
I don't know of a way to achieve what you want to do (and it appears that nobody else does either -- ), other than building your own internal search engine.
EDIT: I just did some digging, and thought that perhaps you could manually insert records into the PageSearchIndex table and specify the searchable content and the desired path there -- but this won't work because it relies on one cID (collection id, a.k.a. page id) per entry -- so you'd only be able to insert one record for the top-level single_page path.
I think the simplest solution here would be to create your own searching infrastructure for your single_pages (like some kind of function in the controller that would return an array of page paths and searchable content for each one), then override the search block and perform an additional search of your single_page -- then combine the results on the search results page there. Or just use google site search for your site, which will actually crawl the pages and hence find your various single_page urls:
Best of luck.
I have not tested this, but maybe you can put a function getSearchableContent() in the single pages controller like you do for blocks. This would return the string to be searched. Would look something like this:
function getSearchableContent() {
// ... compose searchstring depending on the queried content.
return $searchstring;
But I don't know if this works for dynamic content. If not, I'd look into C5's search index core classes and try to extend them for your project.

Friendly URLs when using a Record ID for dynamic content

I've read a bit on the matter of friendly urls and I'm a little unsure as to what is better.
I currently have my website using a structure of
I am using the record id to determine the content of the page. My record id's are numeric and increment for new pages added. The content of existing pages can change completely over time. But, still use the same record id (this is a cms so the client may do this).
The way I understand it I have two options for friendly urls:
Now because I identify the content by the record id, I would assume the first option would make more sense.
My client seems to want option two.
After some reading I found two conflicting points.
As per Tim Berners-Lee (the architect of the WWW) he states that you want a URI which will have the potential to remain the same 2 months, 2 years, 200 years from now. So you DO NOT want to use a page title or something similar for your pages. If you change your pages content you are either forced to change the content and leave the URI alone, or change the URI and are stuck with dangling links. You can read his article here (
However, a number of other people on the internet (with no know authority to me) clearly state that you need to have a descriptive yet short URI for the best SEO value. From what I read, mostly for the purpose of backlinks and having keywords in the anchor text since people just use the link itself for the anchor text. So having keywords in the link itself helps search engines know what the link is about without a custom title.
It seems to me the difference has to do with long term VS short term.
Am I grasping this correctly?
If I am to use a slug style URI as defined by the user, do I have to just allow my user to type in whatever they want to a field and check against the current database to see if it exist? If so, am I supposed to anticipate static links by running a query for the know record id and then use the result to generate the url which would just be rewritten back to the format:
It seems to me that would be a lot of extra overhead.
I would suggest something in the middle of those two:
or without page:
You can still get page Id from the Url, and there is a title as well! And what even more important, you're still able to get correct content, even when page title change later.
So think about situation like that: User creates a page, it receives Id=4 and it's title is My great title. From that information Url is generated, and is e.g. After 2 months user changes the title to This title is better then the last one!. Url changes as well to However, there is still 3 within the Url, so you're able to show right content! You can also check, if the rest of Url is actual, and redirect (301 would be the best one) to new one to let search engines know, that Url changed.

Modx - Extend site_content - Add new table

Currently, we're running revolution 2.2. On site_content, we have some tags that are ran for crawling twitter. I want to start tracking the number of results for each tag as results come in, to determine which tags don't return that many results, etc.
So I was thinking that I should create a new table (twitter_data), and have a foreign key that will link it to the search tag ID, which is stored in site_content.
What is the best path to accomplish this? Should I create my table then run the reverse schema tool, outlined here?
I also found this, but not sure if this is what I should be looking into:
Probably not - if you can avoid modifying the core modx schema do so. an external table may be your best option, but requires a fair bit of work.
though if you can explain wht you mean by 'tags' a little better [html tags? snippets? content tags? not sure what you mean] there may be other options. for example. one of our clients wanted to count page hits [and didn't want to use google to do it] so all we did was to create a template variable bound to each page they wanted to count and then updated that appropriate variable by writing plugin to fire on the onpageload or onpagerender event. [I don't ermember exactly which or what it was called]
Basically, you may be able to do this by writng a plugin rather than trying to extend anything or add snippets/chunks.

TYPO3: How to count page impressions on every page with an extension

I need to count the page impressions of every page on a TYPO3 site into the db.
So I think I need an extension which is called on every page impression and increase a column 'impressions' in the db of the specific page.
I'm new to typo3 and new to extension development as well. Is there a way to include an extbase-extension on every page so some php-script get called?
I want to add more information:
I don't need a counter which counts all PIs. The counter needs to be page-related. So it make sense to extend the pages-table from Typo3. Another need is that the extension should be done with extbase.
I'm new to typo3 and new to extension development as well. Is there a way to include an extbase-extension on every page so some php-script get called?
Once your plugin is configured you can include it with page.1234 < plugin.tx_yourextension_pi1 on any page. 1234 determines the position on your page.
The script should be USER_INT, so it's not being cached (mind you, this will cost loads of performance as previously stated by #norwebian)
As you don't want to output anything, make sure the controller stays empty as well.
Did you do a quick search in the extension repository? Trying a search for "page counter" reveals four relevant extensions.
"Sys_stat" is the closest thing to an "official" solution, it is really just enabling a few settings already existent. It has been reported to fill up the database with too much data, though.
"Generic Visitor Counter" would be my favourite, I believe (if I was going for a page counter at all), it is recently updated and seems simple enough.
You should really consider a proper stats extension, though. Both ics_awstats and ke_stats have been in my toolset.
YMMV. Be aware that if your site is popular, stats gathering quickly gets out of hand. On the other hand, if you go for a simple counter, including uncached extensions will cost performance.
I am not sure if I really understood what you want and need. After all, page impressions are not the same as page views. I wouldn't know the difference "onpage" right now though. So am I right in assuming that you mean page views?
If yes: I would take the following approach:
A separate, autonomous extension with a JavaScript for asynchronous calling of an API and a table for storing page views / page impressions.
Each page globally binds a JavaScript that initializes itself.
Once the DOM is ready, it sends a call to an AJAX API endpoint with the URL of the page as a parameter.
The endpoint takes only the URL.
For each unique URL, a record including counter is created or updated.
Extending the table for the pages doesn't make sense to me. What are you doing with a website that consists of news overviews, news details, press and blog sections, a dealer search and a store with product pages?
I would keep the statistics table standalone.
If you expand the table a bit and add date and time - no simple increment of hits - you can even identify the hottest pages of the week, the month, etc.
My approach won't increase/delay page load time much, if at all, and will have little noticeable impact even on heavily requested websites.
With the AJAX endpoint, it's then up to you how you deploy it and how much of the CMS framework you want to load.
