Copy text without including formatting characters that are not actually present - vim

I have some formatting configured in vim for tabs, trailing spaces and line wrapping:
I have set mouse=v, I copy text by selecting it on the terminal and pasting it into another application. How can I configure vim so those formatting characters are not included into the copied text?

When you don't let Vim handle the mouse, it'll be the terminal that processes the text selection. For the terminal, any application is just driving the cursor and printing characters here and there. It doesn't have any semantic background for the terminal contents; it's just lines and columns of characters.
So, you cannot expect the terminal to be able to detect line wrapping inside Vim. Neither can the terminal discriminate between actual text characters and surrounding visual information (the same applies to statuslines, number and fold columns, etc.)
Therefore, if you want access to the actual text, do the copying through Vim; it has the registers * and + for the X selection and system clipboard, respectively. For these to work, certain preconditions need to be met. There are plenty of related questions here and elsewhere on the Internet (depending on your OS, terminal, and how and what version of Vim you've installed).
If you really can't get this to work, you can :write (parts of) the buffer to a temporary file, and do the copy from there. If you connect to a different host, use Samba, scp, or ftp to transfer the file. As a last resort, temporarily disable the visual embellishments inside Vim, copy from the terminal, and undo hard wraps in the target application after pasting.

I created a Vim plugin to toggle linenumbers, listchars, etc. using a mapping:
Ingo Karkat's answer to use the clipboard feature of Vim is an alternative. I decided against it since debian packages Vim without the feature (the vim-gtk package includes it) and I don't want to set up X11 forwarding everywhere, and I don't want to install X11 libraries on headless servers. Also just selecting text with the mouse is more convenient for me. That though can also work using the clipboard feature by setting set mouse=a and set clipboard=autoselect,autoselectplus, see :help 'clipboard'.


Copy in VIM, pasting to Word

I am copying specific lines in VIM using, 92GV145Gy, but I am then unable to paste into word. The correct lines are yanked. I have also tried copying the entire vim file and am still unable to paste. Is there a specific way to do this?
The yank (y) command only will yank to Vim's default register ". In order to copy to the system clipboard, you'll need to yank to either register * or + depending on what OS you are running. So for your example, it would be 92GV145G"*y or 92GV145G"+y.
And if that doesn't work, you'll need to verify whether the Vim you are using had clipboard capability compiled into it, or if you're using neovim, if a clipboard provider is properly configured (which you can check with :checkhealth).
Also view: Difference between “* and ”+ registers in +clipboard VIM?

Why does Vim cursor jump to selected text when bypassing visual mode?

Vim automatic visual mode can be annoying. It's switching into visual mode when ever you left click and select a text in it. Fortunately there is the possibility to bypass this behaviour by holding shift-key while selecting text in the terminal. This bypass is useful, quickly to use at hand without having to configure vim first.
However I recently noticed that, when the terminal detects something as a link (for instance /var/www/ directory in apache vhost configs), and I try to select it using mouse+shift-key combination, it doesn't let me copy the selected text but jumps to the next similar line in the text while enabling auto visual mode again.
Why does this happen and how can I bypass that?
PS: I know about :set mouse-=a in vimrc but as I am working on different servers I don't want to have to edit vimrc each time I am on a new server.
The only text-selection vim has is visual mode. So you tell vim with mouse=a that it should use the mouse to select text. What do you expect?
You could always copy the text without your mouse at all ("+yy if you have clipboard support).
I could not reproduce your behavior with the links. Is this also happening without plugins?
But anyway, if you don't want visual mode on your mouse, you have to modify the mouse setting and stop telling vim to use visual mode on your mouse.
If there's a specific setting that you want on your main machine, but not on other servers etc then you can use an if statement in your .vimrc to specify which system you want the setting to be active on. For instance:
"My Linux machine
if readf('/etc/machine-id') == ['your-machine-id']
set mouse=a
"Only on Macs
if system('uname') == "Darwin\n"
set mouse=a
Someone is setting mouse=a. You can find the guilty one by executing :verbose set mouse.
Then you either have to change that or you have to create a .vimrc for your user. As far as I understand that might not be easy in your situation.
Instead of set mouse-=a you could also use set mouse= to disable all mouse stuff. This is what I prefer and it saves two keystrokes :-).
This is how I handle this problem. It might or might not be doable for you.
I have one file called .rks, that I scp to every server I have to login.
The first command after login is always
. ./.rks
This sets up my shell environment (prompt, aliases, vi editing mode etc) and creates a file
called ~/.vimrc.rks (if it doesn't exist) containing my basic Vim setup
(e.g. set mouse=). Finally it exports the variable VIMINIT:
export VIMINIT="source $HOME/.vimrc.rks"
Now Vim sources ~/.vimrc.rks on startup and I get my setup.
This way I
only have to transfer one file to all machines. Other files (like
.vimrc.rks) are created when sourcing that file.
have my personal setup without changing any default files. Others might also log in with the same user name.
I just learned, that I could automate the transfer of my setup file using ssh LocalCommand configuration. See this answer on serverfault.

How to select all text in vim normal mode?

Is there "keyboard-only" way to select an entire vim document in a way that is equivalent to a left-click and drag with a mouse in normal mode? Please do not confuse this with selecting all text in visual mode (ggVG). I want to be able to follow this up with a right-click paste into notepad++ (ggVG/ggVGy followed by a right-click paste in notepad++ does not copy the document). Thanks
Again, the "ggVG" commands are not working, nor are the "+y" commands (which I should have mentioned in my original post). Perhaps it is worth noting that I am working on a Windows local machine (where I have notepad++ open) and am generating the vim file on a linux virtual machine (slurm cluster). Under these working conditions, if I left-click drag over the vim doc and right-click paste in notepad++, the selected text copies over. However, the process is cumbersome for large files, hence my inquiry. Thanks again.
You should have mentioned that, of course, as it is not a meaningless detail at all.
Manual selection in a terminal can only select the text currently displayed in the viewport, which is obviously cumbersome for larger files. The only practical way to copy on the remote machine and paste on the local machine (and vice-versa) is to enable X-forwarding and build Vim on the remote machine against X libraries. This will give you what you want: a shared clipboard.
You won't be able to reach your goal in a practical way if you can't or don't want to install the necessary stuff on the remote machine.
As a lightweight alternative, you could simply scp the remote file to your local machine.
Just use (esc) :%y+. This will copy the entire document to your clipboard. Then you can go to notepad++, or whatever else you want to use, and paste it with a right click.
%: Tells vim the next command will be applied to all lines.
y: to all 'yank' lines
+: Copies all lines to clipboard, You can also use Ctrl + C instead. Note: + is sometimes bound as *. And sometimes both are equivalent.
Or you can also use the slightly longer way: ggVG+.
If you really want to be fancy you can remap Ctrl + A to ggVG or %y by adding this line to your .vimrc:
map <C-a> <esc>ggVG<CR>
Try to use Xshell remote login software. in there is a option called "To Text Editor".
Just open the file using "vi filename.c" it will displayed on the screen after that just made a left click on the work area and choose "To Text Editor--->all" . then these all text moved to a notepad file then u can simply copy and paste in notepad++.

How do you set up formatting in vim?

Earlier, when I used open .py files in vim on ubuntu, they would be well formatted, with separate colours for separate segments of the program. Now, when I am using VIM on ubuntu, all the text in the .py file appears black. How can I correct this?
Formating in Vim means text formatting; e.g. indenting lists and breaking long lines. You're concerned about syntax highlighting, which is purely about the visual appearance of code.
First, it needs to be turned on.
:syntax on
does that.
Second, you probably want Vim to automatically detect the used language (e.g. Python) and choose the correct syntax plugin for you.
:filetype on
does that, though you usually enable more via :filetype plugin indent on.
To make these settings persistent, put them into your ~/.vimrc configuration.
Check man vim. In a nutshell, find a copy of a vimrc file, one might be under /usr/share/vim/ subtree. It may be named vimrc_example.vim. Copy to your home directory and rename it as .vimrc.

Using Vim's tabs like buffers

I have looked at the ability to use tabs in Vim (with :tabe, :tabnew, etc.) as a replacement for my current practice of having many files open in the same window in hidden buffers.
I would like every distinct file that I have open to always be in its own tab. However, there are some things that get in the way of this. How do I fix these:
When commands like gf and ^] jump to a location in another file, the file opens in a new buffer in the current tab. Is there a way to have all of these sorts of commands open the file in a new tab, or switch to the existing tab with the file if it is already open?
When switching buffers I can use
:b <part of filename><tab>
and it will complete the names of files in existing buffers. <part of filename> can even be the middle of a filename instead of the beginning. Is there an equivalent for switching tabs?
Stop, stop, stop.
This is not how Vim's tabs are designed to be used. In fact, they're misnamed. A better name would be "viewport" or "layout", because that's what a tab is—it's a different layout of windows of all of your existing buffers.
Trying to beat Vim into 1 tab == 1 buffer is an exercise in futility. Vim doesn't know or care and it will not respect it on all commands—in particular, anything that uses the quickfix buffer (:make, :grep, and :helpgrep are the ones that spring to mind) will happily ignore tabs and there's nothing you can do to stop that.
:set hidden
If you don't have this set already, then do so. It makes vim work like every other multiple-file editor on the planet. You can have edited buffers that aren't visible in a window somewhere.
Use :bn, :bp, :b #, :b name, and ctrl-6 to switch between buffers. I like ctrl-6 myself (alone it switches to the previously used buffer, or #ctrl-6 switches to buffer number #).
Use :ls to list buffers, or a plugin like MiniBufExpl or BufExplorer.
Bit late to the party here but surprised I didn't see the following in this list:
:tab sball - this opens a new tab for each open buffer.
:help switchbuf - this controls buffer switching behaviour, try :set switchbuf=usetab,newtab. This should mean switching to the existing tab if the buffer is open, or creating a new one if not.
Vim :help window explains the confusion "tabs vs buffers" pretty well.
A buffer is the in-memory text of a file.
A window is a viewport
on a buffer.
A tab page is a collection of windows.
Opening multiple files is achieved in vim with buffers. In other editors (e.g. notepad++) this is done with tabs, so the name tab in vim maybe misleading.
Windows are for the purpose of splitting the workspace and displaying multiple files (buffers) together on one screen. In other editors this could be achieved by opening multiple GUI windows and rearranging them on the desktop.
Finally in this analogy vim's tab pages would correspond to multiple desktops, that is different rearrangements of windows.
As vim help: tab-page explains a tab page can be used, when one wants to temporarily edit a file, but does not want to change anything in the current layout of windows and buffers. In such a case another tab page can be used just for the purpose of editing that particular file.
Of course you have to remember that displaying the same file in many tab pages or windows would result in displaying the same working copy (buffer).
Contrary to some of the other answers here, I say that you can use tabs however you want. vim was designed to be versatile and customizable, rather than forcing you to work according to predefined parameters. We all know how us programmers love to impose our "ethics" on everyone else, so this achievement is certainly a primary feature.
<C-w>gf is the tab equivalent of buffers' gf command. <C-PageUp> and <C-PageDown> will switch between tabs. (In Byobu, these two commands never work for me, but they work outside of Byobu/tmux. Alternatives are gt and gT.) <C-w>T will move the current window to a new tab page.
If you'd prefer that vim use an existing tab if possible, rather than creating a duplicate tab, add :set switchbuf=usetab to your .vimrc file. You can add newtab to the list (:set switchbuf=usetab,newtab) to force QuickFix commands that display compile errors to open in separate tabs. I prefer split instead, which opens the compile errors in a split window.
If you have mouse support enabled with :set mouse=a, you can interact with the tabs by clicking on them. There's also a + button by default that will create a new tab.
For the documentation on tabs, type :help tab-page in normal mode. (After you do that, you can practice moving a window to a tab using <C-w>T.) There's a long list of commands. Some of the window commands have to do with tabs, so you might want to look at that documentation as well via :help windows.
Addition: 2013-12-19
To open multiple files in vim with each file in a separate tab, use vim -p file1 file2 .... If you're like me and always forget to add -p, you can add it at the end, as vim follows the normal command line option parsing rules. Alternatively, you can add a bash alias mapping vim to vim -p.
I ran into the same problem. I wanted tabs to work like buffers and I never quite manage to get them to. The solution that I finally settled on was to make buffers behave like tabs!
Check out the plugin called Mini Buffer Explorer, once installed and configured, you'll be able to work with buffers virtaully the same way as tabs without losing any functionality.
This is an answer for those not familiar with Vim and coming from other text editors (in my case Sublime Text).
I read through all these answers and it still wasn't clear. If you read through them enough things begin to make sense, but it took me hours of going back and forth between questions.
The first thing is, as others have explained:
Tab Pages, sound a lot like tabs, they act like tabs and look a lot like tabs in most other GUI editors, but they're not. I think it's an a bad mental model that was built on in Vim, which unfortunately clouds the extra power that you have within a tab page.
The first description that I understood was from #crenate's answer is that they are the equivalent to multiple desktops. When seen in that regard you'd only ever have a couple of desktops open but have lots of GUI windows open within each one.
I would say they are similar to in other editors/browsers:
Tab groupings
Sublime Text workspaces (i.e. a list of the open files that you have in a project)
When you see them like that you realise the power of them that you can easily group sets of files (buffers) together e.g. your CSS files, your HTML files and your JS files in different tab pages. Which is actually pretty awesome.
Other descriptions that I find confusing
This makes no sense to me. A viewport which although it does have a defined dictionary term, I've only heard referring to Vim windows in the :help window doc. Viewport is not a term I've ever heard with regards to editors like Sublime Text, Visual Studio, Atom, Notepad++. In fact I'd never heard about it for Vim until I started to try using tab pages.
If you view tab pages like multiple desktops, then referring to a desktop as a single window seems odd.
This possibly makes more sense, the dictionary definition is:
A memory storage facility for temporary use.
So it's like a place where you store a group of buffers.
I didn't initially sound like Sublime Text's concept of a workspace which is a list of all the files that you have open in your project:
the sublime-workspace file, which contains user specific data, such as the open files and the modifications to each.
However thinking about it more, this does actually agree. If you regard a Vim tab page like a Sublime Text project, then it would seem odd to have just one file open in each project and keep switching between projects. Hence why using a tab page to have open only one file is odd.
Collection of windows
The :help window refers to tab pages this way. Plus numerous other answers use the same concept. However until you get your head around what a vim window is, then that's not much use, like building a castle on sand.
As I referred to above, a vim window is the same as a viewport and quiet excellently explained in this article:
A really useful feature in Vim is the ability to split the viewable area between one or more files, or just to split the window to view two bits of the same file more easily. The Vim documentation refers to this as a viewport or window, interchangeably.
You may already be familiar with this feature if you've ever used Vim's help feature by using :help topic or pressing the F1 key. When you enter help, Vim splits the viewport and opens the help documentation in the top viewport, leaving your document open in the bottom viewport.
I find it odd that a tab page is referred to as a collection of windows instead of a collection of buffers. But I guess you can have two separate tab pages open each with multiple windows all pointing at the same buffer, at least that's what I understand so far.
You can map commands that normally manipulate buffers to manipulate tabs, as I've done with gf in my .vimrc:
map gf :tabe <cfile><CR>
I'm sure you can do the same with [^
I don't think vim supports this for tabs (yet). I use gt and gT to move to the next and previous tabs, respectively. You can also use Ngt, where N is the tab number. One peeve I have is that, by default, the tab number is not displayed in the tab line. To fix this, I put a couple functions at the end of my .vimrc file (I didn't paste here because it's long and didn't format correctly).
I use buffers like tabs, using the BufExplorer plugin and a few macros:
" CTRL+b opens the buffer list
map <C-b> <esc>:BufExplorer<cr>
" gz in command mode closes the current buffer
map gz :bdelete<cr>
" g[bB] in command mode switch to the next/prev. buffer
map gb :bnext<cr>
map gB :bprev<cr>
With BufExplorer you don't have a tab bar at the top, but on the other hand it saves space on your screen, plus you can have an infinite number of files/buffers open and the buffer list is searchable...
Looking at
:help tabs
it doesn't look like vim wants to work the way you do...
Buffers are shared across tabs, so it doesn't seem possible to lock a given buffer to appear only on a certain tab.
It's a good idea, though.
You could probably get the effect you want by using a terminal that supports tabs, like multi-gnome-terminal, then running vim instances in each terminal tab. Not perfect, though...
If you want buffers to work like tabs, check out the tabline plugin.
That uses a single window, and adds a line on the top to simulate the tabs (just showing the list of buffers). This came out a long time ago when tabs were only supported in GVim but not in the command line vim. Since it is only operating with buffers, everything integrates well with the rest of vim.
Vim: can global marks switch tabs instead of the file in the current tab?
maybe useful to solve a little part of OP's problem:
nno \ <Cmd>call To_global_mark()<cr>
fun! To_global_mark()
-tab drop /tmp/
exe 'normal! `' .. toupper(input("To global mark: "))
