We are using Datastax Graph database. We are creating a bean for graphtraversalSource like,
GraphTraversalSource graphTraversalSource() {
DseCluster.Builder dseBuilder = DseCluster.builder();
dseBuilder.withGraphOptions(new GraphOptions().setGraphName(dseGraph));
DseSession dseSession = dseBuilder.build().connect();
return DseGraph.traversal(dseSession);
The GraphTraversalSource is injected in our repository layer. DseSession is re-used for all our queries. we are seeing a performance impact, each query takes 2 seconds to execute.
We want to understand whether should we have to handle session connection and close ? or should we have to create GraphTraversalSource for each query?
is GraphTraversalSource stateless?
This YouTube video #27:20 talks about populating the cache with routing info to avoid latency during a cold start.
You can either try to get a document you know doesn't exist, or you can use CosmosClient.CreateAndInitializeAsync().
I already have this code set up:
private async Task<Container> CreateContainerAsync(string endpoint, string authKey)
var cosmosClientBuilder = new CosmosClientBuilder(
accountEndpoint: endpoint,
authKeyOrResourceToken: authKey)
.WithConnectionModeDirect(portReuseMode: PortReuseMode.PrivatePortPool, idleTcpConnectionTimeout: TimeSpan.FromHours(1))
.WithThrottlingRetryOptions(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(DatabaseMaxRetryWaitTimeInSeconds), DatabaseMaxRetryAttemptsOnThrottledRequests);
var client = cosmosClientBuilder.Build();
var databaseResponse = await CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(client).ConfigureAwait(false);
var containerResponse = await CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync(databaseResponse.Database).ConfigureAwait(false);
return containerResponse;
Is there any way to incorporate CosmosClient.CreateAndInitializeAsync() with it to populate the cache?
If not, is it ok to do this to populate the cache?
public class CosmosClientWrapper
public CosmosClientWrapper(IKeyVaultFacade keyVaultFacade)
var container = CreateContainerAsync(endpoint, authenticationKey).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
// Get a document that doesn't exist to populate the routing info:
container.ReadItemAsync<object>(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), PartitionKey.None).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
The point of CreateAndInitialize or BuildAndInitialize is to pre-establish the connections required to perform Data Plane operations to the desired containers (reference https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/nosql/sdk-connection-modes#routing).
If the containers do not exist, then it makes no sense to use CreateAndInitialize or BuildAndInitialize because there are no connections that can be pre-established/warmed up, because there are no target backend endpoints to connect to. That is why the container/database information is required, because the only benefit is warming up the connections to the backend machines that support that/those container/s.
Please see CosmosClientBuilder.BuildAndInitializeAsync which creates the cosmos client and initialize the provided containers. I believe this is what you are looking for.
I am evaluating Mikro-Orm for a future project. There are several questions I either could not find an answer in the docs or did not fully understand them.
Let me describe a minimal complex example (NestJS): I have an order processing system with two entities: Orders and Invoices as well as a counter table for sequential invoice numbers (legal requirement). It's important to mention, that the OrderService create method is not always called by a controller, but also via crobjob/queue system. My questions is about the use case of creating a new order:
class OrderService {
async createNewOrder(orderDto) {
const order = new Order();
order.customer = orderDto.customer;
order.items = orderDto.items;
const invoice = await this.InvoiceService.createInvoice(orderDto.items);
order.invoice = invoice;
await order.persistAndFlush();
return order
class InvoiceService {
async create(items): Invoice {
const invoice = new Invoice();
invoice.number = await this.InvoiceNumberService.getNextInSequence();
// the next two lines are external apis, if they throw, the whole transaction should roll back
const pdf = await this.PdfCreator.createPdf(invoice);
const upload = await s3Api.uplpad(pdf);
return invoice;
class InvoiceNumberService {
async getNextInSequence(): number {
return await db.collection("counter").findOneAndUpdate({ type: "INVOICE" }, { $inc: { value: 1 } });
The whole use case of creating a new order with all subsequent service calls should happen in one Mikro-Orm transaction. So if anything throws in OrderService.createNewOrder() or one one of the subsequently called methods, the whole transaction should be rolled back.
Mikro-Orm does not allow the atomic update-increment shown in InvoiceNumberService. I can fall back to the native mongo driver. But how do I ensure the call to collection.findOneAndUpdate() shares the same transaction as the entities managed by Mikro-Orm?
Mikro-Orm needs a unique request context. In the examples for NestJS, this unique context is created at the controller level. In the example above the service methods are not necessarily called by a controller. So I would need a new context for each call to OrderService.createNewOrder() that has a lifetime scoped to the function call, correct? How can I acheive this?
How can I share the same request context between services? In the example above InvoiceService and InvoiceNumberService would need the same context as OrderService for Mikro-Orm to work properly.
I will start with the bad news, mongodb transactions are not yet supported in MikroORM (athough they will land within weeks probably, already got the PoC implemented). You can subscribe here for updates: https://github.com/mikro-orm/mikro-orm/issues/34
But let me answer the rest as it will then apply:
You can use const collection = (em as EntityManager<MongoDriver>).getConnection().getCollection('counter'); to get the collection from the internal mongo connection instance. You can also use orm.em.getTransactionContext() to get the current trasaction context (currently implemented only in sql drivers, but in future this will probably return the session object in mongo).
Also note that in mongo driver, implicit transactions won't be enabled by default (it will be configurable though), so you will need to use explicit transaction demarcation via em.transactional(...).
The RequestContext helper works automatically. You just register it as a middleware (done automatically in the nestjs orm adapter) and then your request handler (route/endpoint/controller method) is ran inside a domain that shares the context. Thanks to this, all services in the DI can share singleton instances of repositories, but they will automatically pick the right context from the domain.
You basically have this automatic request context, and then you can create new (nested) contexts manually via em.transactional(...).
I have an IMap, with Journal enabled.
Using a client (Hazelcast, or Jet), I would like to get the full map, and get all the subsequent updates to enrich the Map.
How could I achieve this?
If do a .getMap(), and then call getJournalMap() or .addEntryListener(), I am concerned with the possibility of missing updates in between the getMap() and addEntryListener() call.
Is there are more intuitive way to get full map+updates?
What you are looking for is Continues Query Cache feature of Hazelcast. Please see https://docs.hazelcast.org/docs/3.11/manual/html-single/index.html#continuous-query-cache
Below is a sample usage from client
HazelcastInstance instance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
QueryCacheConfig queryCacheConfig = new QueryCacheConfig("cache");
PredicateConfig predicateConfig = new PredicateConfig().setImplementation((Predicate) entry -> true);
ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
clientConfig.addQueryCacheConfig("map", queryCacheConfig);
HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(clientConfig);
IMap<Object, Object> map = client.getMap("map");
QueryCache<Object, Object> cache = map.getQueryCache("cache");
Currently the event journal does not expose a public API for reading the event journal in Hazelcast IMDG. The event journal can be used to stream event data to Hazelcast Jet, so it should be used in conjunction with Hazelcast Jet. You can see some examples here: https://github.com/hazelcast/hazelcast-jet-code-samples/tree/0.7-maintenance/event-journal
As stated in Docs: http://docs.hazelcast.org/docs/latest-development/manual/html/Distributed_Events/Event_Listeners_for_Clients.html
Client does not supports the Distributed Object Events. Is there any way to detect the Events for a given Map on server and Refresh the delta using the Client Instance. I have Centralized HZ Distributed Cache. Each time something changes on server side; I want the client notification to fecth the changes/delta.
Client supports http://docs.hazelcast.org/docs/latest-development/manual/html/Distributed_Events/Cluster_Events/Listening_for_Distributed_Object_Events.html
I want to know if it can Supports MAp/Distributed Map events
You can use MapListeners on client side, there are several types of events you can observe:
Look into MapListener JavaDoc for more details.
Usage is simple:
HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient();
client.getMap("test").addEntryListener(new EntryAddedListener<String, String>() {
public void entryAdded(EntryEvent<String, String> event) {
System.out.println("Added: " + event.getKey() + "=" + event.getValue());
}, true);
I created a Spring Boot (1.4.2) REST application. One of the #RestController methods needs to invoke a 3rd party API REST operation (RestOp1) which returns, say between 100-250 records. For each of those records returned by RestOp1, within the same method, another REST operation of the same 3rd party API (RestOp2) must be invoked. My first attempt involved using a Controller class level ExecutorService based on a Fixed Thread Pool of size 100, and a Callable returning a record corresponding to the response of RestOp2:
// Executor thread pool - declared and initialized at class level
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(100);
// Get records from RestOp1
ResponseEntity<RestOp1ResObj[]> restOp1ResObjList
= this.restTemplate.exchange(url1, HttpMethod.GET, httpEntity, RestOp1ResObj[].class);
RestOp1ResObj[] records = restOp1ResObjList.getBody();
// Instantiate a list of futures (to call RestOp2 for each record)
List<Future<RestOp2ResObj>> futureList = new ArrayList<>();
// Iterate through the array of records and call RestOp2 in a concurrent manner, using Callables.
for (int count=0; count<records.length; count++) {
Future<RestOp2ResObj> future = this.executorService.submit(new Callable<RestOp2ResObj>() {
public RestOp2ResObj call() throws Exception {
return this.restTemplate.exchange(url2, HttpMethod.GET, httpEntity, RestOp2Obj.class);
// Iterate list of futures and fetch response from RestOp2 for each
// record. Build a final response and send back to the client.
for (int count=0; count<futureList.size(); count++) {
RestOp2ResObj response = futureList.get(count).get();
// use above response to build a final response for all the records.
The performance of the above code is abysmal to say the least. The response time for a RestOp1 call (invoked only once) is around 2.5 seconds and that for a RestOp2 call (invoked for each record) is about 1.5 seconds. But the code execution time is between 20-30 seconds, as opposed to an expected range of 5-6 seconds! Am I missing something fundamental here?
Is the service you are calling fast enough to handle that many requests per second?
There is an async version of RestService is available called AsyncRestService. Why are you not using that?
I would probably go like this:
AsyncRestTemplate asyncRestTemplate = new AsyncRestTemplate(new ConcurrentTaskExecutor(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(100)));
asyncRestTemplate.exchange("http://www.example.com/myurl", HttpMethod.GET, new HttpEntity<>("message"), String.class)
.addCallback(new ListenableFutureCallback<ResponseEntity<String>>() {
public void onSuccess(ResponseEntity<String> result) {
//TODO: Add real response handling
public void onFailure(Throwable ex) {
//TODO: Add real logging solution
Your question involves two parts :
multiple API callbacks asynchronously
handle timeouts (fallback)
both parts are related as you've to handle the timeout of each call.
you may consider use Spring Cloud (based on spring boot) and use some out of the box solution based on OSS Netflix stacks.
The first (timeouts) on should be a circuit breaker hystrix based on feign client
The second (multiple requests) this is an architecture issue, using native Executors isn't a good idea as it will not scale and has a huge maintenance costs. You may relay on Spring Asynchrounous Methods you'll have better results and fully spring compliant.
Hope this will help.