AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'text' python 2.7 - string

Ik there are many questions like this but the answers are all specific and can only fix the solution for the persons specific script.
I am currently trying to print a bunch of info from
from the uk website. This script can succsesfully print all the info I want from supreme us but when I added the proxy script I starte to get alot of errors.
I know the prxy script works becuase I tested it on a small scipt and It was able to pull info that was on supreme uk and didnt exist on supreme us
Here is my script.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
UK_Proxy1 = raw_input('UK http Proxy1: ')
UK_Proxy2 = raw_input('UK http Proxy2: ')
proxies = {
'http': 'http://' + UK_Proxy1 + '',
'https': 'http://' + UK_Proxy2 + '',
categorys = ['jackets','shirts','tops_sweaters','sweatshirts','pants','shorts','t- shirts','hats','hats','bags','accessories','shoes','skate']
catNumb = 0
altArray = []
nameArray = []
styleArray = []
for cat in categorys:
catStr = str(categorys[catNumb])
cUrl = '' + catStr
proxy_script = requests.get((cUrl.text), proxies=proxies)
bSoup = BeautifulSoup(proxy_script, 'lxml')
print('\n*******************"'+ catStr.upper() + '"*******************\n')
catNumb += 1
for item in bSoup.find_all('div', class_='inner-article'):
url = item.a['href']
alt = item.find('img')['alt']
req = requests.get('' + url)
item_soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'lxml')
name = item_soup.find('h1', itemprop='name').text
style = item_soup.find('p', itemprop='model').text
print alt +(' --- ')+ name +(' --- ')+ style
print altArray
print nameArray
print styleArray
I am getting this error when I execute the script
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'text' with the error pointing towards the
proxy_script = requests.get((cUrl.text), proxies=proxies)
i recently added this to the script which sorta fixed it... It was able to print the category's but no info between them. Which (I NEED) it just printed ****************jackets**************, ****shirts******, etc.... here is what I changed
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# make sure proxy is http and port 8080
UK_Proxy1 = raw_input('UK http Proxy1: ')
UK_Proxy2 = raw_input('UK http Proxy2: ')
proxies = {
'http': 'http://' + UK_Proxy1 + '',
'https': 'http://' + UK_Proxy2 + '',
categorys = ['jackets','shirts','tops_sweaters','sweatshirts','pants','shorts','t-shirts','hats','bags','accessories','shoes','skate']
catNumb = 0
altArray = []
nameArray = []
styleArray = []
for cat in categorys:
catStr = str(categorys[catNumb])
cUrl = '' + catStr
proxy_script = requests.get(cUrl, proxies=proxies).text
bSoup = BeautifulSoup(proxy_script, 'lxml')
print('\n*******************"'+ catStr.upper() + '"*******************\n')
catNumb += 1
for item in bSoup.find_all('div', class_='inner-article'):
url = item.a['href']
alt = item.find('img')['alt']
req = requests.get('' + url)
item_soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'lxml')
name = item_soup.find('h1', itemprop='name').text
style = item_soup.find('p', itemprop='model').text
print alt +(' --- ')+ name +(' --- ')+ style
print altArray
print nameArray
print styleArray
I put .text at the end and it worked sorta.... How do i fix it so it prints the info I want???

I think you miss smt. Your cUrl is a string type, not request type. I guess you want:
proxy_script = requests.get(cUrl, proxies=proxies).text


how to access bestbuy item price

I want to check the price of a item from bestbuy website, however, the access is denied. Does anyone have some advice how to access? Thanks!
My code:
import requests
import bs4 as bs
url = ""
url_get = requests.get(url)
soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(url_get.content, 'lxml')
with open('url_bestbuy.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f_out:
js_test = soup.find('span', id ='priceblock_ourprice')
if js_test is None:
js_test = soup.find('span', id ='div.price-block')
str = ""
for line in js_test.stripped_strings :
str = line
# convert to integer
str = str.replace(", ", "")
str = str.replace("$", "")
current_price = int(float(str))
your_price = 2000
if current_price < your_price :
print("I can afford it")
print("Price is high please wait for the best deal")
You don't have permission to access "" on this server.

Python & BS4 pagination loop

I'm new to web scraping and I'm trying to do it on this page
The idea is to extract all the information. So far I have been able to do it with only one page but I do not know how to do it with pagination. Is there any way to do it based on the code I already have?
from urllib.request import urlopen as uReq
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
# opening up connection, grabbing html
my_url = ''
uClient = uReq(my_url)
page_html =
# html parser
page_soup = soup(page_html, "html.parser")
# grabs each product
containers = page_soup.findAll("div",{"class":"detail_wrap"})
filename = "metrocuadrado.csv"
f = open(filename, "w")
headers= "propertytype, businestype, cityname, neighborhood, description, price, area\n"
for container in containers:
property_type = container[propertytype]
busines_type = container[businestype]
city_name = container[cityname]
neighborhood_location = container[neighborhood]
description = container.div.a.img["alt"]
price_container = container.findAll("span",{"itemprop":"price"})
price = price_container[0].text
area_container = container.findAll("div",{"class":"m2"})
area = area_container[0].p.span.text
print("property_type: " + property_type)
print("busines_type: " + busines_type)
print("city_name: " + city_name)
print("neighborhood_location: " + neighborhood_location)
print("description: " + description)
print("price: " + price)
print("area: " + area)
f.write(property_type + "," + busines_type + "," + city_name + "," + neighborhood_location + "," + description.replace(",", "|") + "," + price + "," + area + "\n")
You are going to need to scrape each page (likely in a loop), do this by figuring out what the call is to get page 2, page 3 etc. You can try to figure that out by looking at the page source code or using developer tools from your browser and looking at the network calls.

Python 3 code stops at HTTP error and I can't figure out how to handle it

I'm trying to scrape links from the website Initially, the code broke at the 30th link, so I tried to handle the exception error with urllib HTTPError. Now, the script just stops running at the 30th link. I checked that specific url and it is a bad link. I just want to move past it in the loop, but I'm having trouble with the work around. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
from splinter import Browser
import pandas as pd
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from urllib.error import HTTPError
executable_path = {"executable_path": "chromedriver"}
browser = Browser("chrome", **executable_path, headless=True)
url = ''
zipcode_input = 'CT_Main_0$txtLocation'
search_button = '//*[#id="CT_Main_0_btnSearch"]'
dropdown = '//*[#id="CT_Main_0_drpMiles"]/option[5]'
zip_codes = [64015]
team_df = pd.DataFrame()
for x in zip_codes:
url = ''
browser.fill(zipcode_input, x)
html = browser.html
soup = bs(html, 'html.parser')
dallas_urls = soup.find_all(class_="more")
counter = 1
for url in dallas_urls:
print(f'Link {counter} of {len((dallas_urls))}')
counter += 1
back_url = url['href']
front_url = ''
total_url = front_url + back_url
my_html = pd.read_html(total_url)
details_pd = pd.DataFrame(my_html[0])
details_pd.columns = ['Cols', 'Vals']
df = details_pd.T
df.columns = df.iloc[0]
df.drop('Cols', inplace = True)
contacts_pd = pd.DataFrame(my_html[1])
if len(contacts_pd.index) == 1:
df['Contact_Title'] = contacts_pd.iloc[0,0]
df['Contact_Name'] = contacts_pd.iloc[0, 1]
df['Contact_Email'] = contacts_pd.iloc[0, 2]
elif len(contacts_pd.index) == 2:
df['Contact_Title'] = contacts_pd.iloc[0,0]
df['Contact_Name'] = contacts_pd.iloc[0, 1]
df['Contact_Email'] = contacts_pd.iloc[0, 2]
df['Contact_Title2'] = contacts_pd.iloc[1,0]
df['Contact_Name2'] = contacts_pd.iloc[1, 1]
df['Contact_Email2'] = contacts_pd.iloc[1, 2]
elif len(contacts_pd.index) == 3:
df['Contact_Title'] = contacts_pd.iloc[0,0]
df['Contact_Name'] = contacts_pd.iloc[0, 1]
df['Contact_Email'] = contacts_pd.iloc[0, 2]
df['Contact_Title2'] = contacts_pd.iloc[1,0]
df['Contact_Name2'] = contacts_pd.iloc[1, 1]
df['Contact_Email2'] = contacts_pd.iloc[1, 2]
df['Contact_Title3'] = contacts_pd.iloc[2,0]
df['Contact_Name3'] = contacts_pd.iloc[2, 1]
df['Contact_Email3'] = contacts_pd.iloc[2, 2]
team_df = pd.concat([team_df, df])
except HTTPError as err:
Put your try statement inside of the nested for loop. Right now it looks like if you have a HTTP Error it is stopping the entire for loop - instead of continuing through the for loop.
for url in dallas_urls:
print(f'Link {counter} of {len((dallas_urls))}')
counter += 1
back_url = url['href']
front_url = ''
total_url = front_url + back_url
except urllib.error.HTTPError:
print ('Error')

I'm stumped at looping through a returned list of URLs

My first python project, I'm trying to scrape restaurant inspection. One site has summaries that offer keys to the detailed reports that I want to scrape. I'm stumped at looping through the keyed list of urls to get the details.
import pandas as pd
import bs4
import datetime
import re
import lxml
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.error import HTTPError
insp = pd.read_csv("",
except IOError:
print("The file is not accessible.")
insp.columns = ["CountyName", "InspectDate",
"NumHighVio", "LicenseID", "VisitID"]
# filter for alachua county restaurants
alachua = insp[insp.CountyName == 'Alachua']
# filter for restaurants that had at least one serious violation
alachua = alachua[alachua.NumHighVio > 0]
# change date string to date object
alachua['InspectDate'] = pd.to_datetime(alachua['InspectDate'])
# sort most recent
alachua = alachua.sort_values('InspectDate', ascending=False)
# prefer to have user set timedelta below:
today = pd.to_datetime('today')
startDay = - datetime.timedelta(days=30)
alachua = alachua[(alachua['InspectDate'] > startDay) &
(alachua['InspectDate'] < today)]
# takes LicenseID and VisitID, passes it into the urls for detailed reports
for index, rows in alachua.iterrows():
visitID = rows['VisitID']
licID = rows['LicenseID']
urls = "
%s &licid= %s" % (visitID, licID)
urls = urls.replace(' ', '')
## here's my problem:
for url in urls:
def get_inspect_detail():
html = urlopen(url)
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(, 'lxml')
details = soup.find_all('font', {'face':'verdana'})[10:]
for detail in details:
siteName = details[0].text
licNum = details[2].text
siteRank = details[4].text
expDate = details[6].text
primeStatus = details[8].text
secStatus = details[10].text
siteAddress = details[12].text
inspectResult = details[20].text
observed1 = details[34].get_text
observed2 = details[36].text
observed3 = details[38].text
observed4 = details[40].text
observed5 = details[42].text
observed6 = details[44].text
observed7 = details[46].text
observed8 = details[48].text
observed9 = details[50].text
observed10 = details[52].text
detailsLib = {
'Restaurant': siteName,
'License': licNum,
'Rank': siteRank,
'Expires': expDate,
'Primary': primeStatus,
'Secondary': secStatus,
'Address': siteAddress,
'Result': inspectResult,
'Observed1': observed1,
'Observed2': observed2,
'Observed3': observed3,
'Observed4': observed4,
'Observed5': observed5,
'Observed6': observed6,
'Observed7': observed7,
'Observed8': observed8,
'Observed9': observed9,
'Observed10': observed10
Probably an obvious mistake or lack of knowledge, but I can get the unscrubbed data for one url, but not for all.
I dont see a reason to define your function inside the loop. You would end up with a lot of redundant definitions this way. Second, you could just define a result list and accumulate the detailsLib objects inside it.
def get_inspect_detail(url):
html = urlopen(url)
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(, 'lxml')
details = soup.find_all('font', {'face': 'verdana'})[10:]
result = []
for detail in details:
siteName = details[0].text
licNum = details[2].text
siteRank = details[4].text
expDate = details[6].text
primeStatus = details[8].text
secStatus = details[10].text
siteAddress = details[12].text
inspectResult = details[20].text
observed1 = details[34].get_text
observed2 = details[36].text
observed3 = details[38].text
observed4 = details[40].text
observed5 = details[42].text
observed6 = details[44].text
observed7 = details[46].text
observed8 = details[48].text
observed9 = details[50].text
observed10 = details[52].text
detailsLib = {
'Restaurant': siteName,
'License': licNum,
'Rank': siteRank,
'Expires': expDate,
'Primary': primeStatus,
'Secondary': secStatus,
'Address': siteAddress,
'Result': inspectResult,
'Observed1': observed1,
'Observed2': observed2,
'Observed3': observed3,
'Observed4': observed4,
'Observed5': observed5,
'Observed6': observed6,
'Observed7': observed7,
'Observed8': observed8,
'Observed9': observed9,
'Observed10': observed10
return result
for url in urls:

how can I convert these outputted coordinates to standard looking ones?

I have this code that outputs coordinates for a port:
import urllib
import urllib.request as request
import re
a = input("What country is your port in?: ")
b = input("What is the name of the port?: ")
url = ""
country = ["united-kingdom","greece"]
ports = ["port-of-eleusis","portsmouth-continental-ferry-port","poole-harbour"]
totalurl = "" + a + "/" + b + "/"
htmlfile = urllib.request.urlopen(totalurl)
htmltext =
regex = '<strong>Coordinates:</strong>(.*?)</span>'
pattern = re.compile(regex)
with urllib.request.urlopen(totalurl) as response:
html = htmltext.decode()
num = re.findall(pattern, html)
The output is correct and readable but I need the coordinates to something like this format: 39°09'24.6''N 175°37'55.8''W instead of :
>>> [' 50°48′41.04″N 1°5′31.31″W']
Your error is caused because HTML internally uses these codes to display specific unicode characters, while python does not. To fix this, replace print(num) with print(list(i.replace('°', "°").replace('′',"′").replace('″',"″") for i in num))
This essentially replaces ° with °, ′ with ′, and ″ with ″.
>>> print(list(i.replace('°', "°").replace('′',"′").replace('″',"″") for i in num))
[" 50°48′41.04″N 1°5′31.31″W"]
