How to interpret Python NLTK bigram likelihood ratios? - nlp

I'm trying to figure out how to properly interpret nltk's "likelihood ratio" given the below code (taken from this question).
import nltk.collocations
import nltk.corpus
import collections
bgm = nltk.collocations.BigramAssocMeasures()
finder = nltk.collocations.BigramCollocationFinder.from_words(nltk.corpus.brown.words())
scored = finder.score_ngrams(bgm.likelihood_ratio)
# Group bigrams by first word in bigram.
prefix_keys = collections.defaultdict(list)
for key, scores in scored:
prefix_keys[key[0]].append((key[1], scores))
for key in prefix_keys:
prefix_keys[key].sort(key = lambda x: -x[1])
With the following output:
[('game', 32.11075451975229),
('cap', 27.81891372457088),
('park', 23.509042621473505),
('games', 23.10503351305401),
("player's", 16.22787286342467),
('rightfully', 16.22787286342467),
Looking at the docs, it looks like the likelihood ratio printed next to each bigram is from
"Scores ngrams using likelihood ratios as in Manning and Schutze
Referring to this article, which states on pg. 22:
One advantage of likelihood ratios is that they have a clear intuitive
interpretation. For example, the bigram powerful computers is
e^(.5*82.96) = 1.3*10^18 times more likely under the hypothesis that
computers is more likely to follow powerful than its base rate of
occurrence would suggest. This number is easier to interpret than the
scores of the t test or the 2 test which we have to look up in a
What I'm confused about is what would be the "base rate of occurence" in the event that I'm using the nltk code noted above with my own data. Would it be safe to say, for example, that "game" is 32 times more likely to appear next to "baseball" in the current dataset than in the average use of the standard English language? Or is it that "game" is more likely to appear next to "baseball" than other words appearing next to "baseball" within the same set of data?
Any help/guidance towards a clearer interpretation or example is much appreciated!

nltk does not have a universal corpus of English language usage from which to model the probability of 'game' following 'baseball'.
using the corpus it does have available, the likelihood is calculated as the posterior probability of ‘baseball’ given the word before being ‘game’.
is a built in corpus, or set of observations, and the predictive power of any probability-based model is entirely defined by the observations used to construct or train it.
models raw frequency with t tests, not well suited to sparse data such as bigrams, thus the provision of the likelihood ratio.
The likelihood ratio as calculated by Manning and Schutze is not equivalent to frequency.
Section 5.3.4 describes their calculations in detail on how the calculation is done.
The likelihood can be infinitely large.
This chart may be helpful:
The likelihood is calculated as the leftmost column.


Confusion matrix for LDA

I’m trying to check the performance of my LDA model using a confusion matrix but I have no clue what to do. I’m hoping someone can maybe just point my in the right direction.
So I ran an LDA model on a corpus filled with short documents. I then calculated the average vector of each document and then proceeded with calculating cosine similarities.
How would I now get a confusion matrix? Please note that I am very new to the world of NLP. If there is some other/better way of checking the performance of this model please let me know.
What is your model supposed to be doing? And how is it testable?
In your question you haven't described your testable assessment of the model the results of which would be represented in a confusion matrix.
A confusion matrix helps you represent and explore the different types of "accuracy" of a predictive system such as a classifier. It requires your system to make a choice (e.g. yes/no, or multi-label classifier) and you must use known test data to be able to score it against how the system should have chosen. Then you count these results in the matrix as one of the combination of possibilities, e.g. for binary choices there's two wrong and two correct.
For example, if your cosine similarities are trying to predict if a document is in the same "category" as another, and you do know the real answers, then you can score them all as to whether they were predicted correctly or wrongly.
The four possibilities for a binary choice are:
Positive prediction vs. positive actual = True Positive (correct)
Negative prediction vs. negative actual = True Negative (correct)
Positive prediction vs. negative actual = False Positive (wrong)
Negative prediction vs. positive actual = False Negative (wrong)
It's more complicated in a multi-label system as there are more combinations, but the correct/wrong outcome is similar.
About "accuracy".
There are many kinds of ways to measure how well the system performs, so it's worth reading up on this before choosing the way to score the system. The term "accuracy" means something specific in this field, and is sometimes confused with the general usage of the word.
How you would use a confusion matrix.
The confusion matrix sums (of total TP, FP, TN, FN) can fed into some simple equations which give you, these performance ratings (which are referred to by different names in different fields):
sensitivity, d' (dee-prime), recall, hit rate, or true positive rate (TPR)
specificity, selectivity or true negative rate (TNR)
precision or positive predictive value (PPV)
negative predictive value (NPV)
miss rate or false negative rate (FNR)
fall-out or false positive rate (FPR)
false discovery rate (FDR)
false omission rate (FOR)
F Score
So you can see that Accuracy is a specific thing, but it may not be what you think of when you say "accuracy"! The last two are more complex combinations of measure. The F Score is perhaps the most robust of these, as it's tuneable to represent your requirements by combining a mix of other metrics.
I found this wikipedia article most useful and helped understand why sometimes is best to choose one metric over the other for your application (e.g. whether missing trues is worse than missing falses). There are a group of linked articles on the same topic, from different perspectives e.g. this one about search.
This is a simpler reference I found myself returning to:
This is about sensitivity, more from a science statistical view with links to ROC charts which are related to confusion matrices, and also useful for visualising and assessing performance:
This article is more specific to using these in machine learning, and goes into more detail:
So in summary confusion matrices are one of many tools to assess the performance of a system, but you need to define the right measure first.
Real world example
I worked through this process recently in a project I worked on where the point was to find all of few relevant documents from a large set (using cosine distances like yours). This was like a recommendation engine driven by manual labelling rather than an initial search query.
I drew up a list of goals with a stakeholder in their own terms from the project domain perspective, then tried to translate or map these goals into performance metrics and statistical terms. You can see it's not just a simple choice! The hugely imbalanced nature of our data set skewed the choice of metric as some assume balanced data or else they will give you misleading results.
Hopefully this example will help you move forward.

Text Classification + NLP + Data-mining + Data Science: Should I do stop word removal and stemming before applying tf-idf?

I am working on a text classification problem. The problem is explained below:
I have a dataset of events which contains three columns - name of the event, description of the event, category of the event. There are about 32 categories in the dataset, such as, travel, sport, education, business etc. I have to classify each event to a category depending on its name and description.
What I understood is this particular task of classification is highly dependent on keywords, rather than, semantics. I am giving you two examples:
If the word 'football' is found either in the name or description or in both, it is highly likely that the event is about sport.
If the word 'trekking' is found either in the name or description or in both, it is highly likely that the event is about travel.
We are not considering multiple categories for an event(however, that's a plan for future !! )
I hope applying tf-idf before Multinomial Naive Bayes would lead to decent result for this problem. My question is:
Should I do stop word removal and stemming before applying tf-idf or should I apply tf-idf just on raw text? Here text means entries in name of event and description columns.
The question is too generic and you are not providing samples of the dataset, code, and not even indicating the language you are using. To this regard, I will presume that you are using English, since the two words that you are providing as an example are "football" and "trekking". The answer will however necessarily be generic.
Should I do stop word removal
Yes. Have a look at this to see the most frequent words in the English language. As you can see they have no semantic meaning, and thus would not contribute to solving the classification task that you have proposed. if stopwords is a list containing stopwords, the parameter stop_words=stopwords passed to the CountVectorizer or TfidfVectorizer constructor will automatically exclude the stopwords when invoking the .fit_transform() method.
Should I do stemming
It depends. Languages other than English, whose grammar rules allow for a big number of possible prefixes-suffixes, normally require stemming when performing classification task, in order to reach any useful result. The English language however has very poor grammar rules, and thus you can often get away without stemming/lemmatization. You should check the results obtained against the desired accuracy first, and if it is insufficient, try adding a stemming/lemmatization step in the preprocessing of your data. Stemming is a computationally expensive process for large corpora, and I personally use it only for languages that require it.
I hope applying tf-idf before Multinomial Naive Bayes would lead to decent result for this problem
Careful with this. While tf-idf in practice works with Naive Bayesian classifiers, this is not the way that specific classifier is meant to be used. From the documentation,
The multinomial distribution normally requires integer feature counts. However, in practice, fractional counts such as tf-idf may also work. It is in your best interest to tackle the classification task with CountVectorizer first and score it, and after you have a baseline accuracy for evaluating the TfidfVectorizer, check whether its results are better or worse than those of the CountVectorizer.
If you post some code and a sample of your dataset we can help you with that, otherwise this should be enough.

What's a good measure for classifying text documents?

I have written an application that measures text importance. It takes a text article, splits it into words, drops stopwords, performs stemming, and counts word-frequency and document-frequency. Word-frequency is a measure that counts how many times the given word appeared in all documents, and document-frequency is a measure that counts how many documents the given word appeared.
Here's an example with two text articles:
Article I) "A fox jumps over another fox."
Article II) "A hunter saw a fox."
Article I gets split into words (afters stemming and dropping stopwords):
["fox", "jump", "another", "fox"].
Article II gets split into words:
["hunter", "see", "fox"].
These two articles produce the following word-frequency and document-frequency counters:
fox (word-frequency: 3, document-frequency: 2)
jump (word-frequency: 1, document-frequency: 1)
another (word-frequency: 1, document-frequency: 1)
hunter (word-frequency: 1, document-frequency: 1)
see (word-frequency: 1, document-frequency: 1)
Given a new text article, how do I measure how similar this article is to previous articles?
I've read about df-idf measure but it doesn't apply here as I'm dropping stopwords, so words like "a" and "the" don't appear in the counters.
For example, I have a new text article that says "hunters love foxes", how do I come up with a measure that says this article is pretty similar to ones previously seen?
Another example, I have a new text article that says "deer are funny", then this one is a totally new article and similarity should be 0.
I imagine I somehow need to sum word-frequency and document-frequency counter values but what's a good formula to use?
A standard solution is to apply the Naive Bayes classifier which estimates the posterior probability of a class C given a document D, denoted as P(C=k|D) (for a binary classification problem, k=0 and 1).
This is estimated by computing the priors from a training set of class labeled documents, where given a document D we know its class C.
P(C|D) = P(D|C) * P(D) (1)
Naive Bayes assumes that terms are independent, in which case you can write P(D|C) as
P(D|C) = \prod_{t \in D} P(t|C) (2)
P(t|C) can simply be computed by counting how many times does a term occur in a given class, e.g. you expect that the word football will occur a large number of times in documents belonging to the class (category) sports.
When it comes to the other factor P(D), you can estimate it by counting how many labeled documents are given from each class, may be you have more sports articles than finance ones, which makes you believe that there is a higher likelihood of an unseen document to be classified into the sports category.
It is very easy to incorporate factors, such as term importance (idf), or term dependence into Equation (1). For idf, you add it as a term sampling event from the collection (irrespective of the class).
For term dependence, you have to plugin probabilities of the form P(u|C)*P(u|t), which means that you sample a different term u and change (transform) it to t.
Standard implementations of Naive Bayes classifier can be found in the Stanford NLP package, Weka and Scipy among many others.
It seems that you are trying to answer several related questions:
How to measure similarity between documents A and B? (Metric learning)
How to measure how unusual document C is, compared to some collection of documents? (Anomaly detection)
How to split a collection of documents into groups of similar ones? (Clustering)
How to predict to which class a document belongs? (Classification)
All of these problems are normally solved in 2 steps:
Extract the features: Document --> Representation (usually a numeric vector)
Apply the model: Representation --> Result (usually a single number)
There are lots of options for both feature engineering and modeling. Here are just a few.
Feature extraction
Bag of words: Document --> number of occurences of each individual word (that is, term frequencies). This is the basic option, but not the only one.
Bag of n-grams (on word-level or character-level): co-occurence of several tokens is taken into account.
Bag of words + grammatic features (e.g. POS tags)
Bag of word embeddings (learned by an external model, e.g. word2vec). You can use embedding as a sequence or take their weighted average.
Whatever you can invent (e.g. rules based on dictionary lookup)...
Features may be preprocessed in order to decrease relative amount of noise in them. Some options for preprocessing are:
dividing by IDF, if you don't have a hard list of stop words or believe that words might be more or less "stoppy"
normalizing each column (e.g. word count) to have zero mean and unit variance
taking logs of word counts to reduce noise
normalizing each row to have L2 norm equal to 1
You cannot know in advance which option(s) is(are) best for your specific application - you have to do experiments.
Now you can build the ML model. Each of 4 problems has its own good solutions.
For classification, the best studied problem, you can use multiple kinds of models, including Naive Bayes, k-nearest-neighbors, logistic regression, SVM, decision trees and neural networks. Again, you cannot know in advance which would perform best.
Most of these models can use almost any kind of features. However, KNN and kernel-based SVM require your features to have special structure: representations of documents of one class should be close to each other in sense of Euclidean distance metric. This sometimes can be achieved by simple linear and/or logarithmic normalization (see above). More difficult cases require non-linear transformations, which in principle may be learned by neural networks. Learning of these transformations is something people call metric learning, and in general it is an problem which is not yet solved.
The most conventional distance metric is indeed Euclidean. However, other distance metrics are possible (e.g. manhattan distance), or different approaches, not based on vector representations of texts. For example, you can try to calculate Levenstein distance between texts, based on count of number of operations needed to transform one text to another. Or you can calculate "word mover distance" - the sum of distances of word pairs with closest embeddings.
For clustering, basic options are K-means and DBScan. Both these models require your feature space have this Euclidean property.
For anomaly detection you can use density estimations, which are produced by various probabilistic algorithms: classification (e.g. naive Bayes or neural networks), clustering (e.g. mixture of gaussian models), or other unsupervised methods (e.g. probabilistic PCA). For texts, you can exploit the sequential language structure, estimating probabilitiy of each word conditional on the previous words (using n-grams or convolutional/recurrent neural nets) - this is called language models, and it is usually more efficient than bag-of-word assumption of Naive Bayes, which ignores word order. Several language models (one for each class) may be combined into one classifier.
Whatever problem you solve, it is strongly recommended to have a good test set with the known "ground truth": which documents are close to each other, or belong to the same class, or are (un)usual. With this set, you can evaluate different approaches to feature engineering and modelling, and choose the best one.
If you don't have resourses or willingness to do multiple experiments, I would recommend to choose one of the following approaches to evaluate similarity between texts:
word counts + idf normalization + L2 normalization (equivalent to the solution of #mcoav) + Euclidean distance
mean word2vec embedding over all words in text (the embedding dictionary may be googled up and downloaded) + Euclidean distance
Based on one of these representations, you can build models for the other problems - e.g. KNN for classifications or k-means for clustering.
I would suggest tf-idf and cosine similarity.
You can still use tf-idf if you drop out stop-words. It is even probable that whether you include stop-words or not would not make such a difference: the Inverse Document Frequency measure automatically downweighs stop-words since they are very frequent and appear in most documents.
If your new document is entirely made of unknown terms, the cosine similarity will be 0 with every known document.
When I search on df-idf I find nothing.
tf-idf with cosine similarity is very accepted and common practice
Filtering out stop words does not break it. For common words idf gives them low weight anyway.
tf-idf is used by Lucene.
Don't get why you want to reinvent the wheel here.
Don't get why you think the sum of df idf is a similarity measure.
For classification do you have some predefined classes and sample documents to learn from? If so can use Naive Bayes. With tf-idf.
If you don't have predefined classes you can use k means clustering. With tf-idf.
It depend a lot on your knowledge of the corpus and classification objective. In like litigation support documents produced to you, you have and no knowledge of. In Enron they used names of raptors for a lot of the bad stuff and no way you would know that up front. k means lets the documents find their own clusters.
Stemming does not always yield better classification. If you later want to highlight the hits it makes that very complex and the stem will not be the length of the word.
Have you evaluated sent2vec or doc2vec approaches? You can play around with the vectors to see how close the sentences are. Just an idea. Not a verified solution to your question.
While in English a word alone may be enough, it isn't the case in some other more complex languages.
A word has many meanings, and many different uses cases. One text can talk about the same things while using fews to none matching words.
You need to find the most important words in a text. Then you need to catch their possible synonyms.
For that, the following api can help. It is doable to create something similar with some dictionaries.
function synonyms(me){
var url = '' + me;
fetch(url).then(v => v.json()).then((function(v){
syn = JSON.stringify(v)
syn = JSON.parse(syn)
for(var k in syn){
document.body.innerHTML += "<span>"+syn[k].word+"</span> "
From there comparing arrays will give much more accuracy, much less false positive.
A sufficient solution, in a possibly similar task:
Use of a binary bag-of-word (BOW) approach for the vector representation (frequent words aren't higher weighted than seldom words), rather than a real TF approach
The embedding "word2vec" approach, is sensitive to sequence and distances effects. It might make - depending on your hyper-parameters - a difference between 'a hunter saw a fox' and 'a fox saw a jumping hunter' ... so you have to decide, if this means adding noise to your task - or, alternatively, to use it as an averaged vector only, over all of your text
Extract high within-sentence-correlation words ( e.g., by using variables- mean-normalized- cosine-similaritities )
Second Step: Use this list of high-correlated words, as a positive list, i.e. as new vocab for an new binary vectorizer
This isolated meaningful words for the 2nd step cosine comparisons - in my case, even for rather small amounts of training texts

Creating probability matrix from a DocumentTermMatrix

I'm an economist and now I'm analysing some qualitative and text data. This is new for me.
I want to create a Markov Model for text predicton based on my interviews corpora. I have analyzed a corpora with tm package and after creating a DocumentTermMatrix and the TermDocumentMatrix (is equivalent) with bigrams (pairs of words), I want to compute the probability matrix for each pair of words in order to use it for further Markov Chain prediction. So, I have tried this piece from
probabilityMatrix <-function(docMatrix)
# Sum up the term frequencies
# Add one
# Calculate the probabilties
# Calculate the natural log of the probabilities
# Add pretty names to the columns
But I'm sure that this is not a correct approach to my problem because this code compute the frequency of each pair, but not consider the transition probability from a word to another. I have also seen that there are some implementations of text prediction algorithms in phyton, also in Java (see github), but I'm not able to translate it to R. Some people has a piece of code to perform this kind of analysis in R or know a package that performs it directly?
Thanks in advance

Unsupervised HMM training in NLTK

I am just trying to do very simple unsupervised HMM training in nltk.
import nltk
trainer = nltk.tag.hmm.HiddenMarkovModelTrainer()
from nltk.corpus import gutenberg
emma = gutenberg.words('austen-emma.txt')
m = trainer.train_unsupervised(emma)
ValueError: A Uniform probability distribution must have at least one sample.
Can I find an example of using nltk.tag.hmm.HiddenMarkovModelTrainer.train_unsupervised?
Apparently, nltk requires us to manually specify the set of observed symbols and states, and also requires the unlabeled sequences to be in the form of [ [(symb,tag),(symb,tag),...], [(symb,tag),(symb,tag),...], ...].
So we have
s = """"Your humble writer knows a little bit about a lot of things, but despite writing a fair amount about text processing (a book, for example), linguistic processing is a relatively novel area for me. Forgive me if I stumble through my explanations of the quite remarkable Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), a wonderful tool for teaching, and working in, computational linguistics using Python. Computational linguistics, moreover, is closely related to the fields of artificial intelligence, language/speech recognition, translation, and grammar checking.\nWhat NLTK includes\nIt is natural to think of NLTK as a stacked series of layers that build on each other. Readers familiar with lexing and parsing of artificial languages (like, say, Python) will not have too much of a leap to understand the similar -- but deeper -- layers involved in natural language modeling.\nGlossary of terms\nCorpora: Collections of related texts. For example, the works of Shakespeare might, collectively, by called a corpus; the works of several authors, corpora.\nHistogram: The statistic distribution of the frequency of different words, letters, or other items within a data set.\nSyntagmatic: The study of syntagma; namely, the statistical relations in the contiguous occurrence of letters, words, or phrases in corpora.\nContext-free grammar: Type-2 in Noam Chomsky's hierarchy of the four types of formal grammars. See Resources for a thorough description.\nWhile NLTK comes with a number of corpora that have been pre-processed (often manually) to various degrees, conceptually each layer relies on the processing in the adjacent lower layer. Tokenization comes first; then words are tagged; then groups of words are parsed into grammatical elements, like noun phrases or sentences (according to one of several techniques, each with advantages and drawbacks); and finally sentences or other grammatical units can be classified. Along the way, NLTK gives you the ability to generate statistics about occurrences of various elements, and draw graphs that represent either the processing itself, or statistical aggregates in results.\nIn this article, you'll see some relatively fleshed-out examples from the lower-level capabilities, but most of the higher-level capabilities will be simply described abstractly. Let's now take the first steps past text processing, narrowly construed. """
sentences = s.split('.')[:-1]
seq = [map(lambda x:(x,''), ss.split(' ')) for ss in sentences]
symbols = list(set([ss[0] for sss in seq for ss in sss]))
states = range(5)
trainer = nltk.tag.hmm.HiddenMarkovModelTrainer(states=states,symbols=symbols)
m = trainer.train_unsupervised(seq)
I thought that this was this bug in NLTK:
However the error message "A Uniform probability distribution must have at least one sample." is different from the one you get from the bug.
