Conditional ui:include vs conditionally rendered include - jsf

I am wondering which is more effective/readable etc for jsf, conditionally including or deciding inside the include whether to render the content.
e.g. conditional include
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{entitiy.condition}">
<ui:include src="included.xml">
<ui:param name="entity" value="#{entity}" />
vs always include
<ui:include src="included.xml" />
<ui:param name="entity" value="#{entity}" />
and then inside included.xml:
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{entity.condition}">
<h:outputText value="#{}" />

IMHO conditional include feels more natural:
if condition then
do something
I am not sure if this is really better but use c:if for the check as this would totally remove the code evaluation. See JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense?
h:panelGroup adds a span while c:if is pure render logic.


<c:choose><c:when> in JSF page does not work, seems to always evaluate false

In my JSF page I use <c:choose><c:when> tag to conditionally display content. However, it does not work as it seems to always evaluate false.
<h:outputText value="#{} -" />
<c:when test="#{}">
<h:outputText value="Active" />
<h:outputText value="Deactive" />
There are for sure a few items with active=true, which is confirmed by <h:outputText>, but it just prints Deactive for all items. You can see the actual output in the following picture:
How is this caused and how can I solve it?
The symptoms and the screenshot suggests that the #{pollInfo} represents the currently iterated item of an iterating UI component such as <ui:repeat>, <h:dataTable>, <p:tabView>, <p:dataTable>, etc.
JSTL tags run during view build time, that moment when JSF component tree is built based on XHTML source code. The var attribute of such an iterating UI component is only available during view render time, that moment when HTML output is produced based on JSF component tree.
In other words, they don't run "in sync". The #{pollInfo} is always null during view build time.
In this particular case, you need the JSF component's rendered attribute instead.
<h:outputText value="Active" rendered="#{}" />
<h:outputText value="Deactive" rendered="#{not}" />
Or if you intend to conditionally render larger pieces of code, wrap all in a <ui:fragment>:
<ui:fragment rendered="#{}">
<h:outputText value="Active" />
<!-- Some more components here if necessary. -->
<ui:fragment rendered="#{not}">
<h:outputText value="Deactive" />
<!-- Some more components here if necessary. -->
Again another alternative, given that you've a pure if-else, is using the conditional operator in EL:
<h:outputText value="#{ ? 'Active' : 'Deactive'}" />
Additional bonus is, you end up with much less code.
See also:
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense?

How to stop recursive composite component from including itself recursively

Is it possible to have a JSF component that has ui:repeat and inside the repeat call the same component? It's because I'm building tree of question:
<cc:attribute name="questions" required="true" />
<cc:attribute name="renderQuestions" required="true" default="true" />
<c:if test="#{cc.attrs.renderQuestions}">
<ui:repeat value="#{cc.attrs.questions}" var="q">
<p:panelGrid columns="2">
<h:outputLabel value="#{q.question}"></h:outputLabel>
<p:selectBooleanButton onLabel="#{messages['commons.yes']}"
offLabel="#{messages['']}" onIcon="ui-icon-check"
offIcon="ui-icon-close" value="#{q.ok}">
<p:ajax update="#all"></p:ajax>
<cf:question renderQuestions="#{q.ok}" questions="#{q.children}" />
Currently I'm having stackoverflow?
Use a view build time tag to stop the recursion instead of a view render time tag. The component tree is built during view build time. The rendered attribute isn't evaluated during view build time, but instead during view render time. So your construct basically keeps including itself in an infinite loop. You should already know that StackOverflowError is caused by a recursion so deep that the memory stack can't handle it anymore (usually around ~1000 iterations).
Replace <h:panelGroup rendered> by a <c:if test> and it'll work as expected. The renderQuestions can by the way be simplified by omitting the check on children. The <ui:repeat> won't render anything anyway if there are no children.
If you happen to use view scoped beans in this construct and you're using Mojarra implementation, then make sure that you upgrade to at least 2.1.18, because binding a view build time tag attribute to a view scoped bean property would in older versions break the view scope.
See also:
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense? - explains "view build time" versus "view render time"
Based on the answer of BalusC I created a solution like this.
<composite:attribute name="level" required="true" default="0"/>
<c:if test="#{cc.attrs.level == 0}">
<a4j:repeat value="#{cc.attrs.list}" var="subList" rendered="#{cc.attrs.list != null}">
<xx:recursiveComponent list="#{subList}" id="subComponent" level="1"/>
The level attribute is used at build time to avoid endless recursion and the renered attribute of the a4j:repeat (or ui:repeat in your case) will be evaluated at render time.

Jsf 2.0-<ui:include>xhtml included always even if rendered is false

I have a home page xhtml where i am including 3 child xhtml based on conditions.
The issue i am facing is , whatever be the scenario,Book.xhtml always gets invoked.
I changed the rendered condition to false or move out to another condition, but the file always gets invoked Due to which its backing bean also is invoked causing unwanted overhead.
Please provide me a solution
<ui:composition template="/xhtml/baseLayout.xhtml">
<ui:define name="browserTitle">
<h:outputText value="HOME PAGE" />
<ui:define name="header">
<ui:include src="/xhtml/header.xhtml" />
<ui:define name="bodyContent">
<h:panelGrid width="100%"
rendered="#{pogcore:isRoleAuthorized(BUNDLE.SUPER)}" >
<ui:include src="/xhtml/SuperUser.xhtml" />
<h:panelGrid width="100%"
rendered="#{pogcore:isRoleAuthorized(BUNDLE.MAINTENANCE)}" >
<ui:include src="/xhtml/Maintenance.xhtml" />
<h:panelGrid width="100%"
<ui:include src="/xhtml/Book.xhtml" />
This is happening due to lifecycle of jsf. JSF UIComponents are evaluated during view render time where as jstl tags are evaluated at build time.
So when you use rendered attribute of h:panelGrid it is too late to not invoke managed beans under the included page. To resolve this try having conditions using jstl tag, the following should work for you.
<c:if test="#{bean.yourCondition}">
<h:panelGrid width="100%">
<h:outputText value="#{bean.yourCondition}"/> <!--if this is not getting printed there is smtg wrong with your condition, ensure the syntax, the method signature is correct-->
<ui:include src="/xhtml/Book.xhtml" />
<c:if test="#{!bean.yourCondition}">
<h:outputText value="#{bean.yourCondition}"/> <!--This should print false-->
The document below describes the details of jstl and jsf lifecycle.
Check the following document to see another way to solve this without using jstl tags.
Do this:
Always include the sub pages
Put the panelGrid (with the rendered) inside the page that you always include
Why ? Because the inclusion is performed before the rendered is evaluated.

Conditionally render ui:define

How do I conditionally render a <ui:define>?
The data in the template depends on a required <f:viewParam>.
But if an invalid view parameter is provided, then the <ui:define> should not be rendered since the default content of the template should be used.
I tried using <c:if> but it is not working.
It's not possible to conditionally render/build an <ui:define>. You can only do for its contents. Anything outside <ui:define> is ignored in templates.
Better is to conditionally build the <ui:insert> instead. The <ui:insert> runs during view build time, so it's not possible to conditionally render it by a property which is set via <f:viewParam>. You can only conditionally build it (the <ui:insert> tag itself) using a conditional view build time tag such as JSTL <c:if> which in turn checks the raw request parameter directly (and thus not the <f:viewParam> property).
In the master template, it would look like this, assuming that just the sole presence of the request parameter is sufficient (if you need to perform validation, you'd need to do it inside the EL expression, or in a managed bean wherein the property is preinitialized via #ManagedProperty("#{}").
E.g., in the master template:
<c:if test="#{not empty}">
<ui:insert name="content" />
<c:if test="#{empty}">
<p>Default content</p>
or, more clear but more verbose
<c:when test="#{not empty}">
<ui:insert name="content" />
<p>Default content</p>
See also:
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense?
Use <ui:fragment> instead.
<ui:define name="description">
<ui:fragment rendered="false">
<meta name="description" content="do not render" />
Duplicate of ui:define with rendered="false" attribute still rendering

How to use ui:include with parameters?

Have JSF 1.2 two pages(one.xhtml and other.xhtml), that are included to the current page by following rule:
<c:if test="#{flowScope.Bean.param1}">
<ui:include src="one.xhtml"/>
<c:if test="#{!flowScope.Bean.param1}">
<ui:include src="other.xhtml"/>
As far one.xhtml differs from other.xhtml only by action parameters:
one.xhtml:<h:commandLink action="actionOne">
other.xhtml:<h:commandLink action="actionTwo">
Is it possible to use some general xhtml? Instead of one.xhtml and other.xhtml,something like this:
<c:if test="#{flowScope.Bean.param1}">
<ui:include src="general.xhtml" param="actionOne"/>
<c:if test="#{!flowScope.Bean.param1}">
<ui:include src="general.xhtml" param="actionTwo"/>
thank you for help.
You need to nest <ui:param> inside <ui:include> to pass parameters to the included file.
<ui:include src="general.xhtml">
<ui:param name="action" value="actionOne" />
and in the include:
<h:commandButton action="#{action}" />
Note that this only supports strings, not action methods. For the latter you would need to upgrade to JSF 2.0 and use composite components.
In addition to BalusC's answer:
Note that this only supports strings,
not action methods. For the latter you
would need to upgrade to JSF 2.0 and
use composite components.
There is a way to do this with JSF 1.2, though it's somewhat ugly:
<ui:include src="general.xhtml">
<ui:param name="actionBean" value="#{myBackingBean}" />
<ui:param name="actionMethod" value="edit" />
<h:commandButton action="#{actionBean[actionMethod]}" />
