Obtain the desired value from the output of a method Python - python-3.x

i use a method in telethon python3 library:
this return :
ChannelMessages(pts=41065, count=0, messages=[Message(out=False, mentioned=False,
media_unread=False, silent=False, post=False, id=20465, from_id=111104071,
to_id=PeerChannel(channel_id=1111111111), fwd_from=None, via_bot_id=None,
reply_to_msg_id=None, date=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1517325331),
message=' test message test', media=None, reply_markup=None,
entities=[], views=None, edit_date=None, post_author=None, grouped_id=None)],
i only need text of message ------> test message test
how can get that alone?
the telethon team say:
"This is not related to the library. You just need more Python knowledge so ask somewhere else"

Assuming you have saved the return value in some variable, say, result = client(...), you can access members of any instance through the dot operator:
result = client(...)
message = result.messages[0]
The [0] is a way to access the first element of a list (see the documentation for __getitem__). Since you want the text...:
text = message.message
Should do the trick.


How to make the translations work with the Python 3 "format" built-in method in Odoo?

Since Python v3, format is the primary API method to make variable substitutions and value formatting. However, Odoo is still using the Python 2 approach with the %s wildcard.
message = _('Scheduled meeting with %s') % invitee.name
# VS
message = 'Scheduled meeting with {}'.format(invitee.name) # this is not translated
I have seen some parts of the Odoo code where they have used some workaround, isolating strings.
exc = MissingError(
_("Record does not exist or has been deleted.")
+ '\n\n({} {}, {} {})'.format(_('Records:'), (self - existing).ids[:6], _('User:'), self._uid)
But, does anybody know if there is a more convenient way to use the format method and make it work with translations?
_ return a string, so you can call format on it directly.
_("{} Sequence").format(sec.code)
or like this:
_("{code} Sequence").format(code=invitee.code)
when you export the translation in PO file you should see this for the second example:
# for FR translation you should not translate the special format expression
msgid "{code} Sequence"
msgstr "{code} Séquence"
and this for the first example:
msgid "{} Sequence"
msgstr "{} Séquence"
If you don't see this then Odoo must be checking that _() must not be followed by . so you can work around this by doing this for example by surrounding the expression by parentheses :
# I think + "" is not needed
( _("{} Séquence") + "").format(sec.code)
Because In python "this {}".format("expression") is the same as this ("this {}").format("expression")

Elastic Search via python gives wrong count

I’m new to python and I need to get connected to “Kibana” via python. we’re using Kibana 7.4.1. The requirement is to get them just the count (hits).
Due to some restrictions, I need to use Python 3.6 only. I’ve added the “ElasticSearch” & “ElasticSearch-dsl” library.
I’m able to get connected to the Kibana via the client, but I’m getting the wrong hits count.
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_dsl import MultiSearch, Search
from elasticsearch_dsl.query import QueryString, Range, SimpleQueryString
es = Elasticsearch(['host2', 'host2'], http_auth=('usr', 'pass'), port=9200)
s = Search(using=es, index='c*')
s.filter(SimpleQueryString(query="tags:prod AND severity:INFO AND service: finder AND msg:* is processed"))
s.filter(Range(** {'#timestamp': {'gte': 'now-5m', 'lt': 'now'}}))
response = s.execute()
print("Got %d Hits:" % response['hits']['total']['value']) # Always coming as 1000 so this is wrong
Can I get some help with this, please?
First of all a little clarification. You are connecting to Elasticsearch and not Kibana (Kibana is a client, like the program you are writing).
You are receiving always 10000 as result, because your index has more than 10000 hits. It is a documented feature. Indeed, since the count computation is expensive in the general case it is performed only when needed. In order to obtain the right number of results you have two possibilities
to set the query parameter track_total_hits to true
use the count API.
You can add this extra parameter to the search object as reported here as follows:
s = Search(using=es, index='c*')
s = s.extra(track_total_hits=True)
<the-rest of your code>
Count API approach
Instead of invoking the execute() function, you can simply use the count() function:
s = Search(using=es, index='c*')
s.filter(SimpleQueryString(query="tags:prod AND severity:INFO AND service: finder AND msg:* is processed"))
s.filter(Range(** {'#timestamp': {'gte': 'now-5m', 'lt': 'now'}}))
response = s.cpunt()
print("Got %d Hits:" % response)
Kind regards

How to return pointer string with ctypes in python 2.7

I am working on implementation of new fiscal device. And it is using OPOS / UPOS library for communication. I am very new to ctypes and have no experience with C at all. However, I have managed to make it work, mostly.
But I am having issues with returning a string from generalist method DirectIO. documentation says: "This command should be used immediately after EndFiscalReceipt() to retrieve unique ID of latest receipt"
" Parameters:
– Data [in]
– Obj [in/out]
Value to be read."
And adds .NET example under it:
int iData = 0;
string strReferenceID = "";
fiscalPrinter.DirectIO(CMD_EKASA_RECEIPT_ID, ref iData, ref strReferenceID);
// strReferenceID will contain latest receipt ID, e.g. "O−7DBCDA8A56EE426DBCDA8A56EE426D1A"
the first parameter (CMD_EKASA_RECEIPT_ID) is the command executed, thats why its not listed above.
However, python is not .NET and I have never been working with .NET.
I have been following instructions in ctypes doku (https://docs.python.org/2.7/library/ctypes.html), defiend this methods arguments and return in init:
self.libc.DirectIO.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int32, ctypes.c_int32, ctypes.c_char_p]
self.libc.DirectIO.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
Than tried different ways to retrieve reply string, but neither of these does work in my case:
s = ""
c_s = ctypes.c_char_p(s)
result = self.send_command(CMD_EKASA_RECEIPT_ID, 0, c_s)
p = ctypes.create_string_buffer(40)
poin = ctypes.pointer(p)
result = self.send_command(CMD_EKASA_RECEIPT_ID, 0, poin)
p = ctypes.create_string_buffer(40)
result = self.send_command(CMD_EKASA_RECEIPT_ID, 0, p)
s = ctypes.create_string_buffer('\000' * 32)
result = self.send_command(CMD_EKASA_RECEIPT_ID, 0, s)
the string object I have created is allways empty, a.k.a. "" after caling the Cmethod, just like I have created it.
However, there is one more thing, that does not make sense to me. My colleague showed me, how you can see method arguments and return in header file. For this one, there is this:
int DirectIO(int iCommand, int* piData, const char* pccString);
Which means, it returns integer? If I am not mistaken.
so, what I am thinking is, that I have to pass to the method some pointer to a string, created in python, and C will change it, into what I should read. Thus, I think my way of thinking about solution is right.
I have also tried this approach, but that does not work for me either How to pass pointer back in ctypes?
and I am starting to feel desperate. Not sure if I understand the problem correctly and looking for a solution is right place.
I have solved my problem. The whole thing was, in allocating of memory. Every example on the net that I have readed did create empty string, like s = "". But, that is not correct!
When allocated empty string "" C library have had no memory where to write result.
this was almost correct approach,
self.libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(LIB_PATH)
self.libc.DirectIO.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int32, ctypes.c_int32, ctypes.c_char_p]
result_s = ctypes.c_char_p("")
log.info('S address: %s | S.value: "%s"' % (result_s, result_s.value))
self.libc.DirectIO(CMD_EKASA_RECEIPT_ID, 0, result_s)
log.info('S address: %s | S.value: "%s"' % (result_s, result_s.value))
S address: c_char_p(140192115373700) | S.value: ""
S address: c_char_p(140192115373700) | S.value: ""
it needed just a small modification:
self.libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(LIB_PATH)
self.libc.DirectIO.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int32, ctypes.c_int32, ctypes.c_char_p]
result_s = ctypes.c_char_p(" " * 10)
log.info('S address: %s | S.value: %s' % (result_s, result_s.value))
self.libc.DirectIO(CMD_EKASA_RECEIPT_ID, 0, result_s)
log.info('S address: %s | S.value: %s' % (result_s, result_s.value))
now, printing result_s after calling self.libc.DirectIO does return different string, than it was before call.
S address: c_char_p(140532072777764) | S.value: " "
S address: c_char_p(140532072777764) | S.value: "0-C12A22F5"
There is linux in the tag, but OPOS does not work on linux.
Or are you working in an emulation environment such as Wine?
In any case, if you don't have the right environment, you can get into trouble with a little bit of nothing.
First, work in a Windows 32-bit environment, create something that works there, and then port it to another environment.
Since OPOS uses OLE/COM technology, the first package to use is win32com or comtypes.
UnifiedPOS is a conceptual specification and there are no actual software components.
There are three types of software that actually run: OPOS, JavaPOS, and POS for.NET.
OPOS and POS for.NET only work in a Windows 32-bit environment.
Only JavaPOS can work in a Linux environment, and it is usually only available from Java.
If you want to make something in Python, you need to create a Wrapper (or glue) library that calls Java from Python.
If the C interface UnifiedPOS(OPOS) is running on Linux without using the Windows emulator or the Wrapper for Java, it may be an original library/component created by the printer vendor with reference to UnifiedPOS.
In that case, I think that the detailed specification can only be heard from the vendor who created it.
To explain, DirectIO method and DirectIOEvent are defined as method/event that vendors can freely define and use.
Therefore, only method/event names and parameters are defined in the UnifiedPOS document.
It is necessary to ask the vendor who provides the DirectIO method/DirectIOEvent what function the specific vendor's service object has, and it is up to the vendor to determine what the parameter means is.
The OPOS specification was absorbed by UnifiedPOS from the middle, but until then it existed as a single specification.
The rest of the name is here. MCS: OPOS Releases
This is the root of the return value of the method of your library being integer.
By the way, this is the latest UnifiedPOS specification for now.
Document -- retail/17-07-32 (UnifiedPOS Retail Peripheral Architecture, Version 1.14.1)

Get user fields from ALM OTA using python

I am trying to export test cases from ALM to some remote server and following is the working code I have. I have few user defined fields (for example, IsAutomated) in test cases and I am wondering how I can get this value using ota-api.
def get_test_case_recursively(node):
if node.Count <= 0:
tests = node.FindTests('')
if not tests:
tests = []
for test in tests:
print (test.ID, test.Name)
designStepFactory = test.DesignStepFactory
for ds in designStepFactory.NewList(''):
print (description, '\n', expectedResult)
elif node.Count > 0:
for child in node.NewList():
if child:
You can get them by using test.Field('TS_USER_01'), replace TS_USER_01 with a field system name that you need.
You can find system name by calling ITDConnection6.Fields() method
Edit: adjusted method name - use capital F instead of f

Recursively getting body of email with Pyzmail module

I'm trying to create an app that needs to recursively check an email address for new emails and then do some other stuff; I'm having some problems with the getting the body of the emails, though. I'm using the pyzmail module alongside imapclient, and the Automate the Boring Stuff for guidance (with python 3.6). Here's my code:
mail = imapclient.IMAPClient('imap.gmail.com', ssl=True)
mail.login('email', 'password')
mail.select_folder('INBOX', readonly=False)
uid = mail.gmail_search('NC')
for i in uid:
message = mail.fetch(i, ['BODY[]'], 'FLAGS')
msg = pyzmail.PyzMessage.factory(message[i][b'BODY[]'])
But it's not working. I've basically tried different forms of this code but to no avail and there's really not that many examples that can help me along. I'm a bit of a python newbie. Can anybody help?
I realized where I made a mistake and fixed a bit of the code:
server = imapclient.IMAPClient('imap.gmail.com', ssl=True)
server.login('p.imagery.serv#gmail.com', 'rabbitrun88ve')
server.select_folder('INBOX', readonly=True)
uids = server.gmail_search('NC')
for i in uids:
messages = server.fetch(i, ['BODY[]'])
msg = pyzmail.PyzMessage.factory(messages[b'BODY[]'])
The problem I'm having is with the last line, which I dont know how to fed using the variables that is created with the iterator. It throws out this message:
ValueError: input must be a string a bytes, a file or a Message
I'm not sure if you still have this problem but for those who might have similar issues in future.
I noticed a little omission in the last line which might be the culprit.
msg = pyzmail.PyzMessage.factory(messages[b'BODY[]'])
You omitted the 'i' variable of the for loop
msg = pyzmail.PyzMessage.factory(messages[i][b'BODY[]'])
I'd like to do next to get body text of searched messages:
server = imapclient.IMAPClient('imap.gmail.com', ssl=True)
server.login('p.imagery.serv#gmail.com', 'rabbitrun88ve')
server.select_folder('INBOX', readonly=True)
uids = server.gmail_search('NC')
rawmessage = server.fetch(uids, ['BODY[]'])
for i in rawmessage:
msg = pyzmail.PyzMessage.factory(rawmessage[i][b'BODY[]'])
In this case, you get iteration over fetched emails with body text. I checked similar example but I used text_part.get_payload() instead html regarding features of my server.
