Malloc don't segmentation fault - malloc

I have this code:
char *test = malloc(sizeof(char) * 1);
test[0] = 't';
test[1] = 'e';
test[2] = 's';
test[3] = 't';
test[4] = '\0';
printf("%s", test);
I malloc my test with one sizeof char.
But when I run this program, my program don't segfault. Why ? ..
Thanks you !

In brief, malloc is not guaranteed to catch all memory misbehaviors of your program and throw a segmentation fault.
In fact, people would argue that this is just the best case scenario, where in the worst case you will be overwriting other data of your program.
See duplicate post for more detail.


Why my implementation of sbrk system call does not work?

I try to write a very simple os to better understand the basic principles. And I need to implement user-space malloc. So at first I want to implement and test it on my linux-machine.
At first I have implemented the sbrk() function by the following way
void* sbrk( int increment ) {
return ( void* )syscall(__NR_brk, increment );
But this code does not work. Instead, when I use sbrk given by os, this works fine.
I have tryed to use another implementation of the sbrk()
static void *sbrk(signed increment)
size_t newbrk;
static size_t oldbrk = 0;
static size_t curbrk = 0;
if (oldbrk == 0)
curbrk = oldbrk = brk(0);
if (increment == 0)
return (void *) curbrk;
newbrk = curbrk + increment;
if (brk(newbrk) == curbrk)
return (void *) -1;
oldbrk = curbrk;
curbrk = newbrk;
return (void *) oldbrk;
sbrk invoked from this function
static Header *morecore(unsigned nu)
char *cp;
Header *up;
if (nu < NALLOC)
nu = NALLOC;
cp = sbrk(nu * sizeof(Header));
if (cp == (char *) -1)
return NULL;
up = (Header *) cp;
up->s.size = nu; // ***Segmentation fault
free((void *)(up + 1));
return freep;
This code also does not work, on the line (***) I get segmentation fault.
Where is a problem ?
Thanks All. I have solved my problem using new implementation of the sbrk. The given code works fine.
void* __sbrk__(intptr_t increment)
void *new, *old = (void *)syscall(__NR_brk, 0);
new = (void *)syscall(__NR_brk, ((uintptr_t)old) + increment);
return (((uintptr_t)new) == (((uintptr_t)old) + increment)) ? old :
(void *)-1;
The first sbrk should probably have a long increment. And you forgot to handle errors (and set errno)
The second sbrk function does not change the address space (as sbrk does). You could use mmap to change it (but using mmap instead of sbrk won't update the kernel's view of data segment end as sbrk does). You could use cat /proc/1234/maps to query the address space of process of pid 1234). or even read (e.g. with fopen&fgets) the /proc/self/maps from inside your program.
BTW, sbrk is obsolete (most malloc implementations use mmap), and by definition every system call (listed in syscalls(2)) is executed by the kernel (for sbrk the kernel maintains the "data segment" limit!). So you cannot avoid the kernel, and I don't even understand why you want to emulate any system call. Almost by definition, you cannot emulate syscalls since they are the only way to interact with the kernel from a user application. From the user application, every syscall is an atomic elementary operation (done by a single SYSENTER machine instruction with appropriate contents in machine registers).
You could use strace(1) to understand the actual syscalls done by your running program.
BTW, the GNU libc is a free software. You could look into its source code. musl-libc is a simpler libc and its code is more readable.
At last compile with gcc -Wall -Wextra -g and use the gdb debugger (you can even query the registers, if you wanted to). Perhaps read the x86/64-ABI specification and the Linux Assembly HowTo.

ttyACM0 only reads 64 bytes

I'm bit of a newbie but I have an legacy app that reads 64 bytes of AES encrypted data from a device using ttyACM0. I now need to read 128 bytes. Sounded simple; increase the sizes of buffers etc. But no matter what I try, I still can only read 64 bytes. After that it just hangs. I verified the communications in Windows with a terminal and cdc-acm driver. Device does not use flow control. I cant upload code because its proprietary but below are some snippets:
The Intialization:
int iRet = 1;
struct termios dev_settings;
if(( m_fdRefdev = open("/dev/ttyACM0", O_RDWR))<0)
g_dbg->debug("CACS_RefID::Failed to open device\n");
return 0;
g_dbg->debug("CACS_RefID::Initialse completed\n");
// Configure the port
tcgetattr(m_fdRefdev, &dev_settings);
//tcflush(m_fdRefdev, TCIOFLUSH);
tcsetattr(m_fdRefdev, TCSANOW, &dev_settings);
return iRet;
The implementation:
int CACS_RefID::Readport_Refid(int ilen, char* buf)
int ierr=0, iret = 0, ictr=0;
fd_set fdrefid;
struct timeval porttime_refrd;
porttime_refrd.tv_sec = 1;
porttime_refrd.tv_usec = 0; //10 Seconds wait time for read port
iret = select(m_fdRefdev + 1, &fdrefid, NULL, NULL, &porttime_refrd);
g_dbg->debug("Refid portread: Select timeout:readlen=%d \n",ilen);
ierr = -1;
g_dbg->debug("Refid portread: Select error:readlen=%d \n",ilen);
ierr = -1;
iret = read(m_fdRefdev, buf, ilen);
g_dbg->debug("Refid portread: Read len(%d):%d\n",ilen,iret);
}while((ierr == 0) && (iret<ilen) );
//Flush terminal content at Input and Output after every read completion
// tcflush(m_fdRefdev, TCIOFLUSH);
return ierr;
If I initialize every time that I before running the implementation, I get 128 bytes but the data is corrupt after 64 bytes. Even before working on it, I get a lot of READ_ERRORs. Looks like the original author expected the device to block with select() but it doesn't.
Is there some type of limitation on ttyACM0 buffer size in the system? Does baud rate matter with the ttyACM driver? Does read() stop reading after all bytes are read (thinking the first 64 are available, then empty, then more data)?
Pouring thru man pages but I'm stymied. ANY help would be greatly appreciated.
Heres my latest:
int CACS_RefID::Get_GasTest_Result(int ilen)
int ierr=0, iret = 0, ictr=0, iread=0;
fd_set fdrefid;
struct timeval porttime_refrd;
porttime_refrd.tv_sec = 5;
porttime_refrd.tv_usec = 0; //10 Seconds wait time for read port
if (Get_GasTest_FirstPass == 0)
memset(strresult, 0, sizeof(strresult)); //SLY clear out result buffer
Get_GasTest_FirstPass = 1;
iread = strlen(strresult);
iret = select(m_fdRefdev + 1, &fdrefid, NULL, NULL, &porttime_refrd);
case READ_TIMEOUT: //0
g_dbg->debug("Get_GasTest_Result: Select timeout\n");
ierr = -1;
case READ_ERROR: //-1
g_dbg->debug("Get_GasTest_Result: Select error=%d %s \n", errno,strerror(errno)) ;
ierr = -1;
iret = read(m_fdRefdev, (&strresult[0] + iread), (ilen-iread));
g_dbg->debug("Get_GasTest_Result: ilen=%d,iret=%d,iread=%d \n",ilen,iret,iread);
}while((ierr == 0) && (iread<ilen) );
return ierr;
Note: I am now reading data regardless of select errors and STILL only getting 64bytes. I've contacted my device mfg. Must be something odd going on.
Here is one possible problem with your code; this may not be the one that is causing you to only get 64 bytes but it could explain what you are seeing. Assume that you invoke the function Readport_Refid() with a buffer of 128 bytes. In other words, your invocation was something like:
char buffer[128];
Readport_Refid(128, buffer);
Assume for whatever reason that the first call to select() gets you a return value of 1 (since one bit is set). Your code is only setting one bit so you go off and you read()
iret = read(m_fdRefdev, buf, ilen);
g_dbg->debug("Refid portread: Read len(%d):%d\n",ilen,iret);
iret returns 64 (which means 64 bytes are read) and your program prints a nice message and since ierr is still 0 and iret (64) is less than ilen (128) you go round again and call select().
Assume that you get more data and select() returns 1 again. Then you will go read again on the same buffer with the same ilen and overwrite the first 64 bytes that were read.
At the very least, you should do the following. I have only shown below the changed lines. First add an iread variable and make sure you use it to preserve data that you've already read. Then use iread to determine whether you've read enough or not.
int CACS_RefID::Readport_Refid(int ilen, char* buf)
int ierr=0, iret = 0, ictr=0, iread = 0;
iret = read(m_fdRefdev, buf + iread, ilen - iread);
if (iret > 0)
iread += iret;
g_dbg->debug("Refid portread: Read len(%d):%d\n",ilen,iret);
}while((ierr == 0) && (iread<ilen) );
**** EDITED 2013-08-19 ****
I want to reiterate a comment made by #wildplasser
You should really also be setting FD_SET on each trip around the loop. Great catch.
With respect to your new code, does it work or do you still have a problem?
**** EDITED again 2013-08-19 ****
Getting EINTR is nothing to be worried about. You should just plan on resetting FD_SET and trying again.
I can't say I know why but the fix was to call the initialization code at the beginning of the implementation even though it is called previously. If I call it again, I can read in 128 bytes. If I don't, I can only read up to 64 bytes.

Manipulating strings within structs C

So I have a struct named task that initializes a few things.
typedef struct _task{
char *task_name;
int priority; // higher numbers have higher priority
char date_entered[11];
char date_completed[11]; // not used yet
} task;
I'm trying to write a function named task *makeTask that takes in (char *name, char *date, and char *priority)
I need to allocate memory for the new task, the name within the new task, and I think the date. So far, I've reached a segmentation fault using this:
task *makeTask(char *name, char *date, char *priority)
int i;
int j;
int k;
task *newtask = malloc(sizeof(task));
for(i=0; name[i] != '\0'; i++){
if(name[i] == '\n')
name[i] = '\0';
newtask->task_name = malloc(sizeof(char *)*(strlen(name)+1));
strcpy(newtask->task_name, name);
newtask->priority = atoi(priority);
for(j=0; date[j] != '\0'; j++){
if(date[j] == '\n')
date[j] == '\0';
return newtask;// FILE THIS IN
I think I don't have a really solid understanding of strings and how to manipulate them. Why is my code here giving me a segmentation fault? Is it the loops or the way I've allocated memory for the struct? Any help would be appreciated.
I haven't found anything yet that would guarantee a segmentation fault, but here are some issues.
your loops,
for(i=0; name[i] != '\0'; i++){
if(name[i] == '\n')
name[i] = '\0';
aside from being somewhat bizarre, You're presuming that name has been properly initialized. If it hasn't been, then that loop will throw a segmentation fault. the same goes for your date loop
the following line:
newtask->task_name = malloc(sizeof(char )(strlen(name)+1));
sizeof(char *), is a little odd, because you're initializing an array of characters, rather than an array of character pointers(an array of arrays). I don't know if that really makes too much of a difference, but it is odd.

Arena Allocator Allocation Method & Violation Writing Issue

Basically I'm trying to create an Arena Allocator without using structs, classes, or the new operator to manually manage memory. I have a defined size, a character pool, an allocation method and a freeMemory display method.
Note that pool[0] is my index which will keep track of where the memory has last been filled.
const int size = 50000;
char pool[size];
void start() {
pool[0] = 1;
int freeMemory(void) {
int freemem = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if(pool[i] == NULL) {
return freemem;
void* allocate(int aSize)
if(freeMemory() == 0)
char* p = NULL;
int pos = pool[0];
pool[pos] = (char) a;
p = &pool[pos];
pool[0] += a;
return((void*) &pool[pos]);
In the main.cpp:
long* test1 = (long *) allocate(sizeof(long));
cout << freeMemory() << endl; //Returns 49999
*test1 = 0x8BADF00D; //Breaks here
cout << freeMemory() << endl;
It breaks when I try to use 0x8BADF00D and I believe I'm having issues initializing some of these variables too.
Unhandled exception at 0x000515f7 in MemoryManagerC.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00000004 on 0x8BADF00D
The code below has numerous bugs.
char* pointer;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
*pointer = pool[i];
if(pointer != NULL)
pointer = (char*) a;
return((void*) i); //return the pointer
This line copies a character to an unknown memory location. Since pointer has never been initialized, we can only guess where it's pointing
*pointer = pool[i];
You probably meant to copy a pointer.
pointer = &pool[i];
Although if you did mean to copy a pointer from the pool array, this will always be true. None of the elements in that array reside at address NULL.
if(pointer != NULL)
Now this code changes pointer to point to...more invalid addresses. When a is sizeof(long), that size is reinterpreted to be a memory address. Memory address 0x00000004 most likely.
pointer = (char*) a;
And then this will return the address 0x00000000, in your case. Because i is 0.
return((void*) i); //return the pointer
There are some problems with allocate:
char* pointer = NULL;
int pos = pool[0];
pool[0] is a char. It's not big enough to store indexes to all members of the array.
pool[pos] = (char) a;
I'm not sure what you're storing here, or why. You seem to be storing the size of the allocation in the space that you're allocating.
pointer = &pool[pos + a];
I think you're constructing a pointer to the memory after the allocated portion. Is that right?
pool[0] += a;
And here you're incrementing the offset that shows how much of the pool is allocated, except that a single char isn't going to be big enough for more than a tiny quantity of allocations.
return((void*) &pointer);
And now you're returning the address of the pointer variable. That's going to be an address on the stack, and unsafe to use. Even if you just the contents of pointer instead of its address, I think it would point after the region you just allocated in your pool.
There are also problems with freeMemory. It compares the contents of the pool (char elements) with NULL. This suggests you think it contains pointers, but they are just chars. It's not clear why unallocated parts of the pool would be 0. Do you even allow deallocation within the pool?
Perhaps you could explain how you intend the allocator to work? There's obviously a gap between what you think it should do and what it actually does, but it's not clear what you think it should do, so it's hard to give advice. How do you apportion space in the array? Do you allow deallocation? What information is supposed to be encoded where?
I just realised that allocate uses the undefined variable a. Is that supposed to be the same thing as the parameter aSize? That's what I assume here.
a possible problem with your code might be here.
char* pointer;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
*pointer = pool[i];
The thing here is this might work on some compilers (it shouldn't in my opinion).
pointer here is not pointing to anything allocated. So when you do
*pointer = pool[i];
Where should pool[i] be copied to?
For example let's say we delclared pointer like this.
char* pointer = NULL;
now it is clear that
*pointer = pool[i];
is wrong.
g++ (I have noticed) initializes pointers to NULL. So your code will segfault. VC++ might work because it didn't NULL initialize pointer. But you are writing to a memory location that's not yours.

Zero bytes lost in Valgrind

What does it mean when Valgrind reports o bytes lost, like here:
==27752== 0 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 2 of 1,532
I suspect it is just an artifact from creative use of malloc, but it is good to be sure (-;
EDIT: Of course the real question is whether it can be ignored or it is an effective leak that should be fixed by freeing those buffers.
Yes, this is a real leak, and it should be fixed.
When you malloc(0), malloc may either give you NULL, or an address that is guaranteed to be different from that of any other object.
Since you are likely on Linux, you get the second. There is no space wasted for the allocated buffer itself, but libc has to do some housekeeping, and that does waste space, so you can't go on doing malloc(0) indefinitely.
You can observe it with:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
unsigned long i;
for (i = 0; i < (size_t)-1; ++i) {
void *p = malloc(0);
if (p == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Ran out of memory on %ld iteration\n", i);
return 0;
gcc t.c && bash -c 'ulimit -v 10240 && ./a.out'
Ran out of memory on 202751 iteration
It looks like you allocated a block with 0 size and then didn't subsequently free it.
