Netsuite - mass update a field from a calculated field - netsuite

I have a custom field "views calculated" on an inventory item that is a calculated value. I cannot sort by calculated values so I need that value moved into a static field via a mass update. So once a day I want "views calculated" to move its value into "views"

I submitted a support case. I had to do it via a workflow based on another saved search. So you can do it and it is a suiteAnswer. I didn't catch the number or I'd post it here. As a side note: Be careful testing scheduled workflows in testing mode. It only processes the top 20 records. I spent a day troubleshooting before I figured that out. That nugget is suiteAnswer id 36738 "Testing Scheduled Workflows"


How to loop through all line items of a sales order and get the earliest term start date

We are building out the ARM module of Netsuite and our director of Accounting would like the Contract Start date on the header level to be populated with the earliest Term Start date from the line items on the sales order.
I'm just starting this project and am new to Suite Script. I'm hoping to get pointed in the right direction and work f rom there.
To filter earliest date from lines, you first need to fetch all the dates which can be done using record.getSublistValue which requires a set of parameters which you can find here. Once you have filtered out the date, you can set it on body field using record.setValue and you can find its documentation here.
To get the record, it depends on which script-type you are working on, like if you are sripting in User-Event, you will receive newRecord in its script parameter. Whereas if you are working on some scheduled/map-reduce script, you might have to load the record using record.load from N/record module.
You can also do this in the UI without SuiteScript.
Create a saved search with results as Term Start Date with a summary of Minimum.
Add any criteria that you may need (such as Term Start Date is not empty)
Add a filter of Internal Id.
Create the custom field, and under Validation and Defaulting select the previously created saved search. Make sure that stored value is checked off for the custom field!
Look into the article "Creating Custom Fields with Values Derived from Summary Search Results" in the help center for more information!

Formula for a Calculated Field in MS Sharepoint that provides a timestamp based on the Status field value

3 fields titled "Assigned Date", "Ready for Review Date", and
"Submitted Date".
When a user changes the Internal Status field to
"Assigned", the "Assigned Date" field should update with a timestamp.
When the same record's status is then later changed to "Ready for
Review", the "Ready for Review Date" is updated with a timestamp
while the "Assigned Date" timestamp remains un-changed.
Limitation: Unfortunately, I cannot create a customized workflow. Otherwise I wouldn't really be asking. My team is limited. We cannot access any other software / UI besides SharePoint online or InfoPath. There's no going around this. I know, it's redic.
My Attempts:
I tried using InfoPath where I added an Action Rule (Set Field's
Value). However, for me, this only worked when adding records. But
for existing records, when I change the status in the Datasheet View,
the timestamp fields did not update. Also, my team does not operate
in webforms. We create and update the list in the Database View.
I tried using a typical formula. See formula below. However, the
timestamp output from the formula changes when the status changes. I
need it to be a timestamp. See formula I used below:
=IF(Status="Sent to Client",TEXT(NOW(),"dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm"),IF(ISBLANK(Status),"","NULL"))
I'm thinking this request is kind of impossible without using a Workflow. But I'd thought I'd give it a try if there's a fancy formula that I can use for a Calculated Field or if I could use InfoPath.
Appreciate the help!
The only other option then is to use (serious) JS coding to program what the Workflow would have doen.
Usually allowing SharePoint Designer is cheaper than coding for a week

Sharepoint 2010 - Dynamically add new fields in edit or new forms

I'm looking to get some guidance with Sharepoint 2010. I am working on a project which requires a system that would inform concerned users of an outages with their applciation and provide regular updates via email (worflow).
I can accomplish most of the tasks with a simple custom list and workflow. Users would be able to input their start/end time of the outage, description and their update. With a workflow an email would be sent to the concerned users with all the details.
Where the problem starts is that, we have to provide hourly updates on an outage. So I would need to be able to add new update fields dynamically for every new updates and then be able to send all the updates via an email workflow.
At the moment I am just trying to figure out the best way to go about this. I tought that a simple custom list would be sufficient but looks like ill need to create a more complex system. Perhaps ill need to create 3 custom lists, 1 master list that would gather the details from list 1 (cotnains the description, start/end time) and the list 2 (contains updates) and some how link the together.
Would anyone have any advice about this?
I would create 2 lists: 1 main with all details and another one with updates and added multi lookup field to the first list.
OR even better -
added lookup field to the second list and when item is created - set lookup to the item in the list 1. Then you would be able to get all items from the list 2 (updates) by the item in the list 1.
Hope it makes sense.
I would consider having following 4 fields apart from whatever you need right now.
1. Update
2. Outage (choice yes/no)
3. Previous updates (hide it on Edit form)
4. latest update hidden (hide this on edit form)
I would use one list. Let the workflow run whenever a new item is created or an existing item is updated.
For new Outage items send the outage email.
For updates:
Every hour check for update on the item
If there is any update then copy the value to latest update and previous updates. Clear the value of update column.
Send email with latest update value.
Once outage is over user updates the update field and makes outage over to yes.
At this point of time the workflow is complete.

How to trigger Javascript in CRM VIew Refreshing?

I create one javascript function For calculate the No.Of Days from created Date and show in one Field.
And I add that script in Form Load and as well Form Save Actions.It was Working Fine.
Now My question is,I need to trigger that javascript function grid's(view) refresh.Or I need to calculate and show the No Of Days Field without opening Form.
Now the noofdays field affected when the form will getting open.
I need noofdays field automatically updated From the Created on date?How to do this...Thanks in Advance
Trigger an javaScript function without opening the from is not possible.
If i understood correctly, you want to display the time period between the creation and current date in days.
If so:
A Solution would be:
On creation of the record the noofdays field will always be 1 or 0. However you look at it.
So you can fill that field on creation per default to 1 per Plugin, JS, or simply per workflow.
Now you need to update this field each day via workflow.
The workflow must retrieve all records, calcualte and update the noofdays field.
I reccomend to run this workflow after midnight.
The other solution: (I do not reccomend)
Create an Plugin which is registerd to the message "retrieve" and "retrieve multiple".
If the message is triggered, check if you are in the right entity and fake the output of the noofdays field or update it.

SharePoint Nintex Workflow Run Multiple Conditions

I was hoping you could help me. I have a calendar in SharePoint 2010 that I want to run a Nintex Workflow when the following conditions are true:
A new item is created
The "Type of Leave" field equals "Vacation". This field I created as just a category for the types of requests.
The date that the item was created for already has an entry with the "Type of Leave" field equaling "Vacation."
The use of this will be that the first person to enter vacation on a day will be automatically granted. But if more than one person enters vacation on the day that another vacation day is on, it will go through an approval process through their manager.
Here's what I've tried/reviewed:
- Using a Condition within a workflow. I can't find an option that would complete this.
- I did try looking on line searching for different solutions. I've watched some tutorials but nothing with this kind of solution was present.
- One thought I did have was to have an additional calculated column that counted how many entries for the same day with "Vacation" and then use that in a condition if the column was greater than 1 but I couldn't figure out the syntax.
This is on SharePoint 2010.
Thank you!
have you considered using the rest interface to query the list from nintex:
You can call this service from nintext using the call web service action.
Apply the filters on the url as per documentation above and count the records returned you can then include that in the nintext condition.
I am not sure if Nintext supports calls to Restfull services (from memory i think it does).
If not, you can use the Soap web service, same principle as above just the parameters to call it are slightly more complicated:
I don't think there's an need for REST. Once your workflow starts, query the list for items matching the current item booking date and put the result in a collection. You can query the collection length, and if it's >0 you can use that condition to steer the logic of your workflow.
