How to work on two npm packages at the same time? - node.js

I'm trying to write an npm package that will be published and used as a framework in other projects. The problem is -- I can't figure out a solid workflow for working on it at the same time as working on projects that depend on it.
I know this seems super basic and that npm link solves the issue, but this is a bigger one than just being able to import one local package from another.
I have my framework package scaffolded out; let's call it gumby, It exports a function that does console.log('hello from gumby'). That's all that matters for right now.
Now I'm ready to create a project that will use gumby. Let's call this one client. I set that up too and npm link gumby so client can import from it, etc. OK cool, it's working as expected.
So now it's time to publish gumby. I run npm publish and it goes out to npm as version 0.0.1.
At this point, how do I get the published, npm-hosted version of gumby into the package.json for client? I mean, I could just delete the symlinked copy from my node_modules and then yarn add gumby, but what if I want to go back and work on it locally again? And then run it against the npm version again? And then work on it some more? And then...
You get the point, I imagine. There's no obvious way to switch between the npm copy of a package that you're working on, and the local one. There's the additional problem of how to do that without messing with your package.json too much, e.g. what if I accidentally commit to it version control with some weird file:// dependency path. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

For local development, having the package symlinked is definitely the way to go, the idea of constantly publishing / re-installing the package sounds like a total pain.
The real issue sounds more like you’re concerned about committing a dev configuration to prod - you could address that problem with something as simple as a pre-commit hook on your VCS e.g. block if it detects any local file references in the package.json.


How can I preserve local changes made to an NPM module?

I've pulled down a node module using NPM, and added it to package.json. However there was a need to change some of the module's code as it didn't meet my requirements 100%.
Typically when I'm working with node and git I would ignore the node_modules directory and use npm install when deploying to a server.
I'm wondering what best practise would be in my scenario, is there a way of defining a module in package.json that should be ignored if it already exists locally when running npm install? Is this already the default behaviour for all modules? How would that work if someone ran npm update? I would assume the latest version of that module would be pulled down and would overwrite my changes?
Alternatively I've thought about forking the original git repo for the module, republishing my fork to NPM and then using that instead.
Tips and ideas would be greatly appreciated :)
Alternatively I've thought about forking the original git repo for the module, republishing my fork to NPM and then using that instead.
You have the right idea here. Under NPM, you definitely don't want to split your concerns between hosted and version control-tracked resources. Fork the repo, and then answer this question: if you add the functionality to the existing module, is the pull request likely to be merged and published to NPM soon enough for you?
If the answer is no because the functionality doesn't meet the intentions of the original module, you're better off creating your own, making sure to note your fork in the README.
If you're waiting on the PR, you have an option in the interim. NPM lets you link directly to your fork's .git file.

How can I switch between a linked npm dependency (in development) and an installed dependency (in staging/prod)?

I have a custom npm module that I am working on, and it has a GitHub repo. I'm also working on a project that uses the custom module. When working on the larger project, it is nice to use npm link so I can make changes to the module and see them right away in the main project.
To deploy to staging or production, I use shrinkwrap and shrinkpack so I can do an npm install after every deploy (some of the dependencies need binaries, and dev systems aren't the same as production systems, so they do need to be installed and not just kept in source control). Edit: I'm crossing this out as the answer below technically solves my issue, even though it doesn't solve for this particular point, but that wasn't as important as the rest of it.
Of course, since the module is linked to my main project and not listed in package.json, a deploy and install misses it entirely. I can go ahead and list it in package.json and have it point to the appropriate GitHub repo, but then every time I need to test a change in the main project I would have to commit and push those changes, then update the main project, kill and restart the app...that would get tiresome pretty quickly.
I guess I need something like the opposite of "devDependencies"; something where I can have it not install the module on dev, but do install it from GitHub when doing npm install on staging or production. Other than remembering to manually change package.json every time I need to go back and forth, is there a better way to do this?
you can specify a github repository as your package to install, in your package.json file:
dependencies: {
"my-library": "githubusername/my-library"
this will work in your production environment.
in your development environment, use "npm link".
from within the "my-library" folder, run npm link directly. that will tell npm on your local box that "my-library" is avaialable as a link.
now, in your project that uses "my-library", run npm link my-library. this will create a symlink to your local development version of "my-library", allowing you to change code in that repository and have it work in your other project that needs it.
once you are ready to push to production, push "my-library" to your github repository, and then you can npm install on your servers, like normal.

Understanding npm and Node.js install location for modules

I've been using Node.js and npm for a few weeks with great success and have started to question the best practice for installing local modules. I understand the Global vs Local argument, however, my question has more to do with where to place a local install. Let's say that I have a project located at ~/ProjectA/ which is version controlled and worked on by multiple developers. When initially playing with Node.js and npm I wasn't aware of the default local installation paths and just simply installed the necessary modules in a default terminal which resulted in a installation path of ~/node_modules. What this ended up doing is requiring all the other developers working on the project to install the modules on their own machines in order to run the application. Having seen where some of the developers ran npm install I'm still really surprised that it worked on their machines at all (I guess it relates to how Node.js and require() looks for modules), but needless to say, it worked.
Now that the project is getting past the "toying around" stage, I would like to setup the project folder correctly. So, my question is, should the modules be installed at ~/ProjectA/node_modules and therefore be part of the version controlled project files, or should it continue to be located at a developer-machine specific location...or does it not really matter at all?
I'm just looking for a little "best-practice" guidance on this one and what others do when setting up your projects.
I think that the "best practice" here is to keep the dependencies within the project folder.
Almostly all Node projects I've seen so far (I'm a Node developer has about 8 months now) do that.
You don't need to version control the dependencies. That's how I manage my Node projects:
Keep the versions locked in the package.json file, so everyone gets the same working version, or use the npm shrinkwrap command in your project root.
Add the node_modules folder to your VCS ignore file (I use git, so mine is .gitignore)
Be happy, you're done!

Check in node_modules vs. shrinkwrap

Checking in node_module was the community standard but now we also have an option to use shrinkwrap. The latter makes more sense to me but there is always the chance that someone did "force publish" and introduced a bug. Are there any additional drawbacks?
My favorite post/philosophy on this subject goes all the way back (a long time in node.js land) to 2011:
To quote directly:
If you have an application, that you deploy, check in all your dependencies in to node_modules. If you use npm do deploy, only define bundleDependencies for those modules. If you have dependencies that need to be compiled you should still check in the code and just run $ npm rebuild on deploy.
Everyone I’ve told this too tells me I’m an idiot and then a few weeks later tells me I was right and checking node_modules in to git has been a blessing to deployment and development. It’s objectively better, but here are some of the questions/complaints I seem to get.
I think this is still the best advice.
The force-publish scenario is rare and npm shrinkwrap would probably work for most people. But if you're deploying to a production environment, nothing gives you the peace-of-mind like checking in the entire node_modules directory.
Alternately, if you really, really don't want to check in the node_modules directory but want a better guarantee there hasn't been a forced push, I'd follow the advice in npm help shrinkwrap:
If you want to avoid any risk that a byzantine author replaces a package you're using with code that breaks your application, you could modify the shrinkwrap file to use git URL references rather than version numbers so that npm always fetches all packages from git.
Of course, someone could run a weird git rebase or something and modify a git commit hash... but now we're just getting crazy.
npm FAQ directly answers this:
Check node_modules into git for things you deploy, such as websites
and apps.
Do not check node_modules into git for libraries and modules
intended to be reused.
Use npm to manage dependencies in your dev
environment, but not in your deployment scripts.
cited from npm FAQ

How do I use npm link with Heroku?

I'm using npm link as described here
Locally everything works perfectly. When I deploy to Heroku I get the error message
Error: Cannot find module '...'
How can I get this working with Heroku?
I wish there were an elegant solution to this (it would make my life a hell of a lot easier). Your custom package is symlinked into node_modules by npm link, but git doesn't follow symbolic links nowadays. So when you git push to Heroku, there's no way to make your custom packages go along for the ride.
Note, however, that from my experiments, Heroku will honor any node_modules you do push in, instead of trying to install them from the network. It just runs npm install --production, essentially. Perhaps a hard link directly to the development source of your package would do the trick, but I'm not sure whether Git would play nicely with that. Use at your own risk!
EDIT: If you want to know exactly what Heroku does, it's all open source.
The ideal situation would be to get the packages, if they're open source, onto NPM itself. Which is pretty painless and automatic.
If you are hosting your private module on GitHub (or BitBucket), you can add the git repo as a dependency in your package.json.
"dependencies": {
// ... all your deps
"my_private_module": "git+ssh://"
You will, however, need to grant privileges to Heroku to read your repo (assuming it's private -- which is the crux of the issue). Check out this answer for a detailed set of instructions showing how to do so with Github. This might help for Bitbucket.
I've found that the build time increases when doing this. Worth it for my needs.
