How to dynamically change content in node project run through docker - node.js

I have an angularjs application, I'm running using docker.
The docker file looks like this:-
FROM node:6.2.2
RUN npm install --global gulp-cli && \
npm install --global bower
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package.json /usr/src/app/
COPY bower.json /usr/src/app/
RUN npm install && \
bower install -F --allow-root --config.interactive=false
COPY . /usr/src/app
ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "-c"]
Now when I make any changes in say any html file, It doesn't dynamically loads up on the web page. I have to stop the container, remove it, build the image again, remove the earlier image and then restart the container from new image. Do I have to do this every time? (I'm new to docker, and I guess this issue is coz my source code is not put into volume, but I don't know how to do it using docker file)

You are correct, you should use volumes for stuff like this. During development, give it the same volumes as the COPY directories. It'll override it with whatever is on your machine, no need to rebuild the image, or even restart the container. Perfect for development.
When actually baking your images for production, you remove the volumes, leave the COPY in, and you'll get a deterministic container. I would recommend you read through this article here:
In general, there are 3 ways to do volumes.
Define them in your dockerfile using VOLUME.
Personally, I've never done this. I don't really see the benefits of this against the other two methods. I believe it would be more common to do this when your volume is meant to act as a permanent data-store. Not so much when you're just trying to use your live dev environment.
Define them when calling docker run.
docker run ... -v $(pwd)/src:/usr/src/app ...
This is great, cause if your COPY in your dockerfile is ./src /usr/src/app then it temporarily overrides the directory while running the image, but it's still there for deployment when you don't use -v.
Use docker-compose.
My personal recommendation. Docker compose massively simplifies running containers. For sake of simplicity just calls docker run ... but automates the arguments based on a given docker-compose.yml config.
Create a dev service specifying the volumes you want to mount, other containers you want it linked to, etc. Then bring it up using docker-compose up ... or docker-compose run ... depending on what you need.
Smart use of volumes will DRAMATICALLY reduce your development cycle. Would really recommend looking into them.

Yes, you need to rebuild every time the files change, since you only modify the files that are outside of the container. In order to apply the changes to the files IN the container, you need to rebuild the container.
Depending on the use case, you could either make the Docker Container dynamically load the files from another repository, or you could mount an external volume to use in the container, but there are some pitfalls associated with either solution.

If you want to keep your container running as you add your files you could also use a variation.
Mount a volume to any other location e.g. /usr/src/staging.
While the container is running, if you need to copy new files into the container, copy them into the location of the mounted volume.
Run docker exec -it <container-name> bash to open a bash shell inside the running container.
Run a cp /usr/src/staging/* /usr/src/app command to copy all new files into the target folder.


is it necesary copy dependencies in Dockerfile when using containers for dev only?

I want to create a dev enviroment for a node app with Docker. I have seen examples of Dockerfile with similar configurations as the following:
FROM node:14-alpine
WORKDIR /express-api-server
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
CMD ["node", "index.js"]
I know that you can use volumes in docker-compose.yml to map host directories with directories of the containers using Volumes, thus you can make changes in your code and save data in a mongo database and preserve those changes locally when deleting or stopping container.
My question is: if I want to use the container for dev purposes only, there is any benefit on copying the package.json and package-lock.json, and installing dependencies?
I can use volumes to map the node_modules and the package files alonside with the code, so there's no need for me to take those action when building the image the first time.
correct. both work.
you just need to balance pros and cons.
the most obvious advantage is that having one dockerfile for dev and prod is easier and garanty that the environment is the same.
i personally have a single dockerfile for dev / test / prod for max coherence. and i mount volume with code and dependencies for dev.
when i do "npm install" i do it on the host. it instantly restarts the project without needing to rebuild. then when i want to publish to prod i do a docker build. it rebuils everything. ignoring mounts.
if you do like me, check that host nodejs version and docker's nodejs version is the same.

Store NodeJS script outside of Docker container, so it can be modified

I'm interested in running a NodeJS script inside a Docker container, because that seems to be the easiest way to run stuff in unRAID (small scripts at least).
My current Dockerfile looks like this:
FROM node:12.9.1
COPY app.js /home/node/
COPY package*.json /home/node/
RUN mkdir /home/node/saves
WORKDIR /home/node
RUN npm install
CMD ["node", "app.js"]
Not perfect, but works well enough. What my script does, is that it scrapes certain websites for data, then places it in a folder called saves.
But because I do COPY app.js /home/node/, every time I want to make a tiny change to my app.js file, I need to rebuild the whole image, delete the container, and start a new one. Kind of irritating, but it has worked for me.. for now.
When I start my container, I want that volume to stay persistent, so I do this:
docker run --net=bridge -h scraper --name scraper -d -v /mnt/user/scripts/scraper/saves:/home/node/saves scraper
This works, but as I said, if I want to change my app.js (like add a new site to scrape), I have to rebuild the image and run the above command again. Every single time.
What's a better approach than this? I could solve this by not copying the files, but instead run npm install and then node app.js every time, but this script runs every 3 minutes, so that would be a huge waste of resources.
I could also store the appropriate data inside my /saves/ folder, then read that in the NodeJS script every time, but I feel like that's kind of a hack.
Use Environment variables.
If the type of changes to app.js file already known, you could
use environment variables to supply such changes to docker run, and
an entrypoint script file to make such modification using
environment variable.
The content of entrypoint script will depend on what you want to do.
# Add to your Dockerfile
RUN chmod +x /
# Run docker with
Entry Point script may looks like
# Modify app.js
# Assuming changing the line SCRAP_URL="someurl"
sed -i -e "s#SCRAP_URL=\"someurl\"#SCRAP_URL=\"${SITE_TO_SCRAP}\"#" /home/node/app.js
# This will execute the CMD
exec "$#"
Make node cache folder persistent
To run npm install do it in entry point script not in docker file. make node.js cache folder persistent by mounting -v host/path/to/cache:/root/.npm. this way node install use cached files whenever possible. use docker run --rm node:{version} npm config get cache to get container cache directory.
Manually mount modified files.
# To your docker run command add required file/directory mount(s)
-v /path/to/modified/app.js:/home/node/app.js

Syncing local code inside docker container without having container service running

I have created a docker image which has an executable node js app.
I have multiple modules which are independent of themselves. These modules are created as a package inside docker using npm link command hence can be required in my node js index file.
The directory structure is as
While building the image I have created npm link for every independent module in the root node_modules. This creates a node_modules folder inside every independent module, which is not present in local. This is only created inside the container.
I require these modules in src/app/index.js and proceed with my task.
This docker image does not use a server to keep the container running, hence the container stops when the process ends.
I build the image using
docker build -t demoapp
To run the index.js in the dev environment I need to mount the local src directory to docker src directory to reflect the changes without rebuilding the image.
For mounting and running I use the command
docker run -v $(pwd)/src:/src demoapp node src/index.js
The problem here is, in local, there is no dependencies installed i.e no node_modules folder is present. Hence while mounting local directory into docker, it replaces it with an empty one, hence the dependencies installed inside docker in node_modules vanish out.
I tried using .dockerignore to not mount the node_modules folder but it didn't work. Also, keeping empty node_modules in local also doesn't work.
I also tried using docker-compose to keep volumes synced and hide out node_modules from it, but I think this only syncs when the docker is running with any server i.e docker container keeps running.
This is the docker-compose.yml I used
# docker-compose.yml
version: "2"
build: .
image: demoapp
- "./src:/src"
- "/src/independent_modules/some_independent_task/node_modules"
- "/src/independent_modules/some_other_independent_task/node_modules"
container_name: demoapp_container
command: echo 'ready'
- NODE_ENV=development
I read this here that using this it will skip the `node_modules from syncing.
But this also doen't works for me.
I need to execute this index.js every time within a stopped docker container with the local code synced to the docker workdir and skipping the dependencies folder i.e node_modules.
One more thing if it could happen will be somewhat helpful. Every time I do docker-compose up or docker-compose run it prints ready. Can I have something, where I can override the command in docker-compose with the command passed from CLI.
Something like docker-compose run | {some command}.
You've defined a docker-compose file but you're not actually using it.
Since you use docker run, this is the command you should try:
docker run \
-v $(pwd)/src:/src \
-v "/src/independent_modules/some_independent_task/node_modules"
-v "/src/independent_modules/some_other_independent_task/node_modules"
demoapp \
node src/index.js
If you want to use the docker-compose, you should change command to be node src/index.js. Then you can use docker-compose up instead of the whole docker run ....

Create docker container with Node.js/NPM preinstalled but no package.json

I am looking for a Docker image that is just some *nix flavor with NPM and Node.js installed.
This image
requires that a package.json file is present, and the Docker build uses COPY to copy the package.json file over, and it also looks for a Node.js script to start when the build is run.
...I just need a container to run a shell script using this technique:
docker exec mycontainer /path/to/
Which I discovered via:
Running a script inside a docker container using shell script
I don't need a package.json file or a Node.js start script, all I want is
a container image
Node.js and NPM installed
Does anyone know if there is an a Docker image for Node.js / NPM that does not require a package.json file? Perhaps I should just use a plain old container image and just add the code to install Node myself?
Alright, I tried to make this a simple question, unfortunately nobody could provide a simple answer...until now!
Instead of using this base image:
FROM node:5-onbuild
We use this instead:
FROM node:5
I read about onbuild and could not figure out what it's about, but it adds more than I needed for my use case.
the below code is in our Dockerfile
# 1. start with this image as a base
FROM node:5
# 2. copy the script from real-life into the container (magic)
COPY /usr/src/app/
# 3. define container entry point which will run our script
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "/usr/src/app/"]
you build the docker image like so:
docker build -t foo .
then you run the image like so, which will "run the entrypoint":
docker run -it --rm foo
The container stdout should stream to the terminal where you ran docker run which is good (am I asking too much?).

How should I Accomplish a Better Docker Workflow?

Everytime I change a file in the nodejs app I have to rebuild the docker image.
This feels redundant and slows my workflow. Is there a proper way to sync the nodejs app files without rebuilding the whole image again, or is this a normal usage?
It sounds like you want to speed up the development process. In that case I would recommend to mount your directory in your container using the docker run -v option:
Once you are done developing your program build the image and now start docker without the -v option.
What I ended up doing was:
1) Using volumes with the docker run command - so I could change the code without rebuilding the docker image every time.
2) I had an issue with node_modules being overwritten because a volume acts like a mount - fixed it with node's PATH traversal.
FROM node:5.2
# Create our app directories
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
RUN npm install -g nodemon
# This will cache npm install
# And presist the node_modules
# Even after we are using the volume (overwrites)
COPY package.json /usr/src/
RUN cd /usr/src && npm install
#Expose node's port
# Run the app
CMD nodemon server.js
to build:
docker build -t web-image
to run:
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app -p 3000:3000 --name web web-image
You could have also done something like change the instruction and it says look in the directory specified by the build context argument of docker build and find the package.json file and then copy that into the current working directory of the container and then RUN npm install and afterwards we will COPY over everything else like so:
# Specify base image
FROM node:alpine
WORKDIR /usr/app
# Install some dependencies
COPY ./package.json ./
RUN npm install
# Setup default command
CMD ["npm", "start"]
You can make as many changes as you want and it will not invalidate the cache for any of these steps here.
The only time that npm install will be executed again is if we make a change to that step or any step above it.
So unless you make a change to the package.json file, the npm install will not be executed again.
So we can test this by running the docker build -t <tagname>/<project-name> .
Now I have made a change to the Dockerfile so you will see some steps re run and eventually our successfully tagged and built image.
Docker detected the change to the step and every step after it, but not the npm install step.
The lesson here is that yes it does make a difference the order in which all these instructions are placed in a Dockerfile.
Its nice to segment out these operations to ensure you are only copying the bare minimum.
